Attendance: Banteg, Bull, Doggie, Facu, Graham, Klim, Lehnberg, Luciano, Trach
- Partnerships week: Adding to last week's PICKLE, a few more co-operation announcements were made with CREAM, COVER, AKRO, and SUSHI.
- $CORNICHON, Pickle's IOU token created + distribution snapshot
- yGift launched, distributions made for October, with November coming soon
- Vault Ape Guestlist, first version finished and shipped, with added functionality like having one guest list for all the vaults
- Governance swaps released, waiting for test results
- ERC20 DCA released, super simple mvp for testing, not yet integrated with keep3r
- Mixbytes vault audit, one final bug patched, only one major finding, everything fixed.
- Docs repo: House-keeping
- Yearn familia tree in progress, mapping out the relationships between projects
- Dev docs, stalled last week, picking up again
- Security work, ongoing effort
- Meeting with wallet app developers, planned Thursday
- nTrump Ape UI about to launch, with konami bribing code
- Videos by big badaboom
- Feeltheyearn new themes and continous improvements
- Chief mu-sig officer to be broken out and open source in standalone repo
- yGift2, work underway for version 2
- Quarterly financial report, almost ready for release with liability disclaimer
- Grant payments, october processed, november underway
- Governance, Aragon proposal for a new gov system on the table
- Bancor, looks like YFI is likely to be added to their liquidity mining program next
- CREAM v1 assessment, work underway to shortlist assets for v2
- Vault audit #2, progressing slowly
- Vault audit #3, looking for a third auditor
- Vaults 0.2.2 release inbound
- Vault registry, experimenting with a vault factory to manage deployments and allowing a single reference source for all Vaults. Work in progress, partially ready for review, needs more testing.
- Yearn family integrations Improving team onboarding and collaboration.
- Permit function for gasless interaction with other contracts for better ux.
Also see 1.2
- Audit 1: $250k-$1m
- Audit 2: $1m-$10m
- Audit 3: #10m+
Questions about whether vaults could keep accurate tabs of TVLs
WETH or WBTC potentially, tbc
New treasury contract is a potential blocker -> Luciano taking it on to deliver.
- TUSD is live
- USDC in signing process
- USDT and GUSD around the corner
Integrations of projects:
- lots of stuff happening,
- slow and steady
- no immediate extra actions needed at this moment