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5445 lines (4404 loc) · 295 KB

File metadata and controls

5445 lines (4404 loc) · 295 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


Migration steps

  • Due to a bug in the PUT /rules/<name> endpoint, the rule records in PostgreSQL may be out of sync with records in DynamoDB. In order to bring the records into sync, re-run the previously deployed data-migration1 Lambda with a payload of {"forceRulesMigration": true}:
aws lambda invoke --function-name $PREFIX-data-migration1 \
  --payload $(echo '{"forceRulesMigration": true}' | base64) $OUTFILE


  • CUMULUS-2846
    • Added @cumulus/db/translate/rule.translateApiRuleToPostgresRuleRaw to translate API rule to PostgreSQL rules and keep undefined fields


  • CUMULUS-2845
    • Updated rules model to decouple createRuleTrigger from create.
    • Updated rules POST endpoint to call rulesModel.createRuleTrigger directly to create rule trigger.
    • Updated rules PUT endpoints to call rulesModel.createRuleTrigger if update fails and reversion needs to occur.
  • CUMULUS-2846
    • Updated version of localstack/localstack used in local unit testing to 0.11.5


  • Upgraded lodash to version 4.17.21 to fix vulnerability
  • CUMULUS-2845
    • Fixed bug in POST /rules endpoint causing rule records to be created inconsistently in DynamoDB and PostgreSQL
  • CUMULUS-2846
    • Fixed logic for PUT /rules/<name> endpoint causing rules to be saved inconsistently between DynamoDB and PostgreSQL

v10.1.0 2022-02-23


  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Added a configurable parameter group for the RDS serverless database cluster deployed by tf-modules/rds-cluster-tf. The allowed parameters for the parameter group can be found in the AWS documentation of allowed parameters for an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster. By default, the following parameters are specified:
      • shared_preload_libraries: pg_stat_statements,auto_explain
      • log_min_duration_statement: 250
      • auto_explain.log_min_duration: 250
  • CUMULUS-2781
    • Add api_config secret to hold API/Private API lambda configuration values
  • CUMULUS-2840
    • Added an index on granule_cumulus_id to the RDS files table.


    • Adds logging to ecs/async-operation Docker conatiner that launches async tasks on ECS. Sets default async_operation_image_version to 39.
  • CUMULUS-2492
    • Modify collectionId logic to accomodate trailing underscores in collection short names. e.g. shortName____
  • CUMULUS-2847
    • Move DyanmoDb table name into API keystore and initialize only on lambda cold start
  • CUMULUS-2833
    • Updates provider model schema titles to display on the dashboard.
  • CUMULUS-2837
    • Update process-s3-dead-letter-archive to unpack SQS events in addition to Cumulus Messages
    • Update process-s3-dead-letter-archive to look up execution status using getCumulusMessageFromExecutionEvent (common method with sfEventSqsToDbRecords)
    • Move methods in api/lib/cwSfExecutionEventUtils to @cumulus/message/StepFunctions
  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Changed the timeout_action to ForceApplyCapacityChange by default for the RDS serverless database cluster tf-modules/rds-cluster-tf
  • CUMULUS-2781
    • Update API lambda to utilize api_config secret for initial environment variables


  • Fixed IAM permissions issue with <prefix>-postgres-migration-async-operation Lambda which prevented it from running a Fargate task for data migration.
  • CUMULUS-2853
    • Move OAUTH_PROVIDER to lambda env variables to address regression in CUMULUS-2781
    • Add logging output to api app router
  • Added Cloudwatch permissions to <prefix>-steprole in tf-modules/ingest/ to address the Error: error creating Step Function State Machine (xxx): AccessDeniedException: 'arn:aws:iam::XXX:role/xxx-steprole' is not authorized to create managed-rule error in non-NGAP accounts:
    • events:PutTargets
    • events:PutRule
    • events:DescribeRule

v10.0.1 2022-02-03

Please note changes in 10.0.1 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 10.0.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.


  • CUMULUS-2854

    • Fixed queue granules behavior where the task was not accounting for granules that already had createdAt set. Workflows downstream in this scenario should no longer fail to write their granules due to order-of-db-writes constraints in the database update logic.
  • Fixed IAM permissions issue with <prefix>-postgres-migration-async-operation Lambda which prevented it from running a Fargate task for data migration.

v10.0.0 2022-02-01

Migration steps


  • NDCUM-624
    • Functions in @cumulus/cmrjs renamed for consistency with isCMRFilename and isCMRFile
      • isECHO10File -> isECHO10Filename
      • isUMMGFile -> isUMMGFilename
      • isISOFile -> isCMRISOFilename
  • CUMULUS-2388
    • In order to standardize task messaging formats, please note the updated input, output and config schemas for the following Cumulus workflow tasks:
      • add-missing-file-checksums
      • files-to-granules
      • hyrax-metadata-updates
      • lzards-backup
      • move-granules
      • post-to-cmr
      • sync-granule
      • update-cmr-access-constraints
      • update-granules-cmr-metadata-file-links The primary focus of the schema updates was to standardize the format of granules, and particularly their files data. The granule files object now matches the file schema in the Cumulus database and thus also matches the files object produced by the API with use cases like applyWorkflow. This includes removal of name and filename in favor of bucket and key, removal of certain properties such as etag and duplicate_found and outputting them as separate objects stored in meta.
    • Checksum values calculated by @cumulus/checksum are now converted to string to standardize checksum formatting across the Cumulus library.

Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-2718
    • The sync-granule task has been updated to support an optional configuration parameter workflowStartTime. The output payload of sync-granule now includes a createdAt time for each granule which is set to the provided workflowStartTime or falls back to if not provided. Workflows using sync-granule may be updated to include this parameter with the value of {$.cumulus_meta.workflow_start_time} in the task_config.
  • Updated version of @cumulus/cumulus-message-adapter-js from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 for all Cumulus workflow tasks
  • CUMULUS-2783
    • A bug in the ECS cluster autoscaling configuration has been resolved. ECS clusters should now correctly autoscale by adding new cluster instances according to the policy configuration.
    • Async operations that are started by these endpoints will be run as ECS tasks with a launch type of Fargate, not EC2:
      • POST /deadLetterArchive/recoverCumulusMessages
      • POST /elasticsearch/index-from-database
      • POST /granules/bulk
      • POST /granules/bulkDelete
      • POST /granules/bulkReingest
      • POST /migrationCounts
      • POST /reconciliationReports
      • POST /replays
      • POST /replays/sqs


  • Upgraded version of dependencies on knex package from 0.95.11 to 0.95.15
  • Added Terraform data sources to example/cumulus-tf module to retrieve default VPC and subnets in NGAP accounts
    • Added vpc_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up a VPC. Defaults to VPC tag name used in NGAP accounts
    • Added subnets_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up VPC subnets. Defaults to a subnet tag name used in NGAP accounts
  • Added Terraform data sources to example/data-persistence-tf module to retrieve default VPC and subnets in NGAP accounts
    • Added vpc_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up a VPC. Defaults to VPC tag name used in NGAP accounts
    • Added subnets_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up VPC subnets. Defaults to a subnet tag name used in NGAP accounts
  • Added Terraform data sources to example/rds-cluster-tf module to retrieve default VPC and subnets in NGAP accounts
    • Added vpc_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up a VPC. Defaults to VPC tag name used in NGAP accounts
    • Added subnets_tag_name variable which defines the tags used to look up VPC subnets. Defaults to tag names used in subnets in for NGAP accounts
  • CUMULUS-2299
    • Added support for SHA checksum types with hyphens (e.g. SHA-256 vs SHA256) to tasks that calculate checksums.
  • CUMULUS-2439
    • Added CMR search client setting to the CreateReconciliationReport lambda function.
    • Added cmr_search_client_config tfvars to the archive and cumulus terraform modules.
    • Updated CreateReconciliationReport lambda to search CMR collections with CMRSearchConceptQueue.
  • CUMULUS-2441
    • Added support for 'PROD' CMR environment.
  • CUMULUS-2456
    • Updated api lambdas to query ORCA Private API
    • Updated example/cumulus-tf/ to the ORCA release v4.0.0-Beta3
  • CUMULUS-2638
    • Adds documentation to clarify bucket config object use.
  • CUMULUS-2684
    • Added optional collection level parameter s3MultipartChunksizeMb to collection's meta field
    • Updated move-granules task to take in an optional config parameter s3MultipartChunksizeMb
  • CUMULUS-2747
    • Updated data management type doc to include additional fields for provider configurations
  • CUMULUS-2773
    • Added a document to the workflow-tasks docs describing deployment, configuration and usage of the LZARDS backup task.


  • Made vpc_id variable optional for example/cumulus-tf module
  • Made vpc_id and subnet_ids variables optional for example/data-persistence-tf module
  • Made vpc_id and subnets variables optional for example/rds-cluster-tf module
  • Changes audit script to handle integration test failure when USE\_CACHED\_BOOTSTRAP is disabled.
  • Increases wait time for CMR to return online resources in integration tests
  • CUMULUS-1823
    • Updates to Cumulus rule/provider schemas to improve field titles and descriptions.
  • CUMULUS-2638
    • Transparent to users, remove typescript type BucketType.
  • CUMULUS-2718
    • Updated config for SyncGranules to support optional workflowStartTime
    • Updated SyncGranules to provide createdAt on output based on workflowStartTime if provided, falling back to if not provided.
    • Updated task_config of SyncGranule in example workflows
  • CUMULUS-2735
    • Updated reconciliation reports to write formatted JSON to S3 to improve readability for large reports
    • Updated TEA version from 102 to 121 to address TEA deployment issue with the max size of a policy role being exceeded
  • CUMULUS-2743
    • Updated bamboo Dockerfile to upgrade pip as part of the image creation process
  • CUMULUS-2744
    • GET executions/status returns associated granules for executions retrieved from the Step Function API
  • CUMULUS-2751
    • Upgraded all Cumulus (node.js) workflow tasks to use @cumulus/cumulus-message-adapter-js version 2.0.3, which includes an update cma-js to better expose CMA stderr stream output on lambda timeouts as well as minor logging enhancements.
  • CUMULUS-2752
    • Add new mappings for execution records to prevent dynamic field expansion from exceeding Elasticsearch field limits
      • Nested objects under finalPayload.* will not dynamically add new fields to mapping
      • Nested objects under originalPayload.* will not dynamically add new fields to mapping
      • Nested keys under tasks will not dynamically add new fields to mapping
  • CUMULUS-2753
    • Updated example/cumulus-tf/ to the latest ORCA release v4.0.0-Beta2 which is compatible with granule.files file schema
    • Updated /orca/recovery to call new lambdas request_status_for_granule and request_status_for_job.
    • Updated orca integration test
  • PR #2569
    • Fixed TypeError thrown by @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.getGranuleTemporalInfo when a granule's associated UMM-G JSON metadata file does not contain a ProviderDates element that has a Type of either "Update" or "Insert". If neither are present, the granule's last update date falls back to the "Create" type provider date, or undefined, if none is present.
  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Changed @cumulus/api-client/invokeApi() to accept a single accepted status code or an array of accepted status codes via expectedStatusCodes
  • PR #2611
    • Changed @cumulus/launchpad-auth/LaunchpadToken.requestToken and validateToken to use the HTTPS request option https.pfx instead of the deprecated pfx option for providing the certificate.
  • CUMULUS-2836
    • Updates cmr-utils/getGranuleTemporalInfo to search for a SingleDateTime element, when beginningDateTime value is not found in the metadata file. The granule's temporal information is returned so that both beginningDateTime and endingDateTime are set to the discovered singleDateTimeValue.
  • CUMULUS-2756
    • Updated _writeGranule() in write-granules.js to catch failed granule writes due to schema validation, log the failure and then attempt to set the status of the granule to failed if it already exists to prevent a failure from allowing the granule to get "stuck" in a non-failed status.


  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Updated @cumulus/api-client to not log an error for 201 response from updateGranule
  • CUMULUS-2783
    • Added missing lower bound on scale out policy for ECS cluster to ensure that the cluster will autoscale correctly.
  • CUMULUS-2835
    • Updated hyrax-metadata-updates task to support reading the DatasetId from ECHO10 XML, and the EntryTitle from UMM-G JSON; these are both valid alternatives to the shortname and version ID.

v9.9.3 2021-02-17 [BACKPORT]

Please note changes in 9.9.3 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.9.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.

  • CUMULUS-2853
    • Move OAUTH_PROVIDER to lambda env variables to address regression in 9.9.2/CUMULUS-2275
    • Add logging output to api app router

v9.9.2 2021-02-10 [BACKPORT]

Please note changes in 9.9.2 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.9.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.### Added

  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Added a configurable parameter group for the RDS serverless database cluster deployed by tf-modules/rds-cluster-tf. The allowed parameters for the parameter group can be found in the AWS documentation of allowed parameters for an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster. By default, the following parameters are specified:
      • shared_preload_libraries: pg_stat_statements,auto_explain
      • log_min_duration_statement: 250
      • auto_explain.log_min_duration: 250
  • CUMULUS-2840
    • Added an index on granule_cumulus_id to the RDS files table.


  • CUMULUS-2847
    • Move DyanmoDb table name into API keystore and initialize only on lambda cold start
  • CUMULUS-2781
    • Add api_config secret to hold API/Private API lambda configuration values
  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Changed the timeout_action to ForceApplyCapacityChange by default for the RDS serverless database cluster tf-modules/rds-cluster-tf

v9.9.1 2021-02-10 [BACKPORT]

Please note changes in 9.9.1 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.9.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.


  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Updated @cumulus/api-client to not log an error for 201 response from updateGranule


  • Updated version of @cumulus/cumulus-message-adapter-js from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 for all Cumulus workflow tasks
  • CUMULUS-2775
    • Changed @cumulus/api-client/invokeApi() to accept a single accepted status code or an array of accepted status codes via expectedStatusCodes
  • CUMULUS-2837
    • Update process-s3-dead-letter-archive to unpack SQS events in addition to Cumulus Messages
    • Update process-s3-dead-letter-archive to look up execution status using getCumulusMessageFromExecutionEvent (common method with sfEventSqsToDbRecords)
    • Move methods in api/lib/cwSfExecutionEventUtils to @cumulus/message/StepFunctions

v9.9.0 2021-11-03


  • NDCUM-624: Add support for ISO metadata files for the MoveGranules step
    • Add function isISOFile to check if a given file object is an ISO file
    • granuleToCmrFileObject and granulesToCmrFileObjects now take a filterFunc argument
      • filterFunc's default value is isCMRFile, so the previous behavior is maintained if no value is given for this argument
      • MoveGranules passes a custom filter function to granulesToCmrFileObjects to check for isISOFile in addition to isCMRFile, so that metadata from .iso.xml files can be used in the urlPathTemplate
  • PR #2535
    • NSIDC and other cumulus users had desire for returning formatted dates for the 'url_path' date extraction utilities. Added 'dateFormat' function as an option for extracting and formating the entire date. See docs/workflow/ for more information.
  • PR #2548
    • Updated webpack configuration for html-loader v2
  • CUMULUS-2640
    • Added Elasticsearch client scroll setting to the CreateReconciliationReport lambda function.
    • Added elasticsearch_client_config tfvars to the archive and cumulus terraform modules.
  • CUMULUS-2683
    • Added default_s3_multipart_chunksize_mb setting to the move-granules lambda function.
    • Added default_s3_multipart_chunksize_mb tfvars to the cumulus and ingest terraform modules.
    • Added optional parameter chunkSize to @cumulus/aws-client/S3.moveObject and @cumulus/aws-client/S3.multipartCopyObject to set the chunk size of the S3 multipart uploads.
    • Renamed optional parameter maxChunkSize to chunkSize in @cumulus/aws-client/lib/S3MultipartUploads.createMultipartChunks.


  • Upgraded all Cumulus workflow tasks to use @cumulus/cumulus-message-adapter-js version 2.0.1
  • CUMULUS-2725
    • Updated providers endpoint to return encrypted password
    • Updated providers model to try decrypting credentials before encryption to allow for better handling of updating providers
  • CUMULUS-2734
    • Updated @cumulus/api/launchpadSaml.launchpadPublicCertificate to correctly retrieve certificate from launchpad IdP metadata with and without namespace prefix.

v9.8.0 2021-10-19

Notable changes


  • Added @cumulus/db/createRejectableTransaction() to handle creating a Knex transaction that will throw an error if the transaction rolls back. As of Knex 0.95+, promise rejection on transaction rollback is no longer the default behavior.

  • CUMULUS-2639

    • Increases logging on reconciliation reports.
  • CUMULUS-2670

    • Updated lambda_timeouts string map variable for cumulus module to accept a update_granules_cmr_metadata_file_links_task_timeout property
  • CUMULUS-2598

    • Add unit and integration tests to describe queued granules as ignored when duplicate handling is 'skip'


  • Updated knex version from 0.23.11 to 0.95.11 to address security vulnerabilities

  • Updated default version of async operations Docker image to cumuluss/async-operation:36

  • CUMULUS-2590

    • Granule applyWorkflow, Reingest actions and Bulk operation now update granule status to queued when scheduling the granule.
  • CUMULUS-2643

    • relocates system file buckets.json out of the s3://internal-bucket/workflows directory into s3://internal-bucket/buckets.

v9.7.1 2021-12-08 [Backport]

Please note changes in 9.7.0 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.7.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases. Fixed

  • CUMULUS-2751
    • Update all tasks to update to use cumulus-message-adapter-js version 2.0.4

v9.7.0 2021-10-01

Notable Changes

  • CUMULUS-2583
    • The queue-granules task now updates granule status to queued when a granule is queued. In order to prevent issues with the private API endpoint and Lambda API request and concurrency limits, this functionality runs with limited concurrency, which may increase the task's overall runtime when large numbers of granules are being queued. If you are facing Lambda timeout errors with this task, we recommend converting your queue-granules task to an ECS activity. This concurrency is configurable via the task config's concurrency value.
  • CUMULUS-2676
    • The discover-granules task has been updated to limit concurrency on checks to identify and skip already ingested granules in order to prevent issues with the private API endpoint and Lambda API request and concurrency limits. This may increase the task's overall runtime when large numbers of granules are discovered. If you are facing Lambda timeout errors with this task, we recommend converting your discover-granules task to an ECS activity. This concurrency is configurable via the task config's concurrency value.
  • Updated memory of <prefix>-sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda to 1024MB


  • CUMULUS-2000
    • Updated @cumulus/queue-granules to respect a new config parameter: preferredQueueBatchSize. Queue-granules will respect this batchsize as best as it can to batch granules into workflow payloads. As workflows generally rely on information such as collection and provider expected to be shared across all granules in a workflow, queue-granules will break batches up by collection, as well as provider if there is a provider field on the granule. This may result in batches that are smaller than the preferred size, but never larger ones. The default value is 1, which preserves current behavior of queueing 1 granule per workflow.
  • CUMULUS-2630
    • Adds a new workflow DiscoverGranulesToThrottledQueue that discovers and writes granules to a throttled background queue. This allows discovery and ingest of larger numbers of granules without running into limits with lambda concurrency.


  • CUMULUS-2720
    • Updated Core CI scripts to validate CHANGELOG diffs as part of the lint process
  • CUMULUS-2695
    • Updates the example/cumulus-tf deployment to change archive_api_reserved_concurrency from 8 to 5 to use fewer reserved lambda functions. If you see throttling errors on the <stack>-apiEndpoints you should increase this value.
    • Updates cumulus-tf/cumulus/ to change archive_api_reserved_concurrency from 8 to 15 to prevent throttling on the dashboard for default deployments.
  • CUMULUS-2584
    • Updates api/endpoints/execution-status.js get method to include associated granules, as an array, for the provided execution.
    • Added getExecutionArnsByGranuleCumulusId returning a list of executionArns sorted by most recent first, for an input Granule Cumulus ID in support of the move of translatePostgresGranuleToApiGranule from RDS-Phase2 feature branch
    • Added getApiExecutionCumulusIds returning cumulus IDs for a given list of executions
    • Downgrades elasticsearch version in testing container to 5.3 to match AWS version.
    • Update serve.js -> eraseDynamoTables(). Changed the call Promise.all() to Promise.allSettled() to ensure all dynamo records (provider records in particular) are deleted prior to reseeding.


  • CUMULUS-2583
    • Fixed a race condition where granules set as “queued” were not able to be set as “running” or “completed”

v9.6.0 2021-09-20


  • CUMULUS-2576
    • Adds PUT /granules API endpoint to update a granule
    • Adds helper updateGranule to @cumulus/api-client/granules
  • CUMULUS-2606
    • Adds POST /granules/{granuleId}/executions API endpoint to associate an execution with a granule
    • Adds helper associateExecutionWithGranule to @cumulus/api-client/granules
  • CUMULUS-2583
    • Adds queued as option for granule's status field


  • Moved ssh2 package from @cumulus/common to @cumulus/sftp-client and upgraded package from ^0.8.7 to ^1.0.0 to address security vulnerability issue in previous version.

  • CUMULUS-2583

    • QueueGranules task now updates granule status to queued once it is added to the queue.
  • CUMULUS-2617

    • Use the Authorization header for CMR Launchpad authentication instead of the deprecated Echo-Token header.


  • Added missing permission for <prefix>_ecs_cluster_instance_role IAM role (used when running ECS services/tasks) to allow kms:Decrypt on the KMS key used to encrypt provider credentials. Adding this permission fixes the sync-granule task when run as an ECS activity in a Step Function, which previously failed trying to decrypt credentials for providers.

  • CUMULUS-2576

    • Adds default value to granule's timestamp when updating a granule via API.

v9.5.0 2021-09-07


  • Removed logs record type from mappings from Elasticsearch. This change should not have any adverse impact on existing deployments, even those which still contain logs records, but technically it is a breaking change to the Elasticsearch mappings.
  • Changed @cumulus/api-client/asyncOperations.getAsyncOperation to return parsed JSON body of response and not the raw API endpoint response


  • CUMULUS-2670
    • Updated core cumulus module to take lambda_timeouts string map variable that allows timeouts of ingest tasks to be configurable. Allowed properties for the mapping include:
    • discover_granules_task_timeout
    • discover_pdrs_task_timeout
    • hyrax_metadata_update_tasks_timeout
    • lzards_backup_task_timeout
    • move_granules_task_timeout
    • parse_pdr_task_timeout
    • pdr_status_check_task_timeout
    • post_to_cmr_task_timeout
    • queue_granules_task_timeout
    • queue_pdrs_task_timeout
    • queue_workflow_task_timeout
    • sync_granule_task_timeout
  • CUMULUS-2575
    • Adds POST /granules API endpoint to create a granule
    • Adds helper createGranule to @cumulus/api-client
  • CUMULUS-2577
    • Adds POST /executions endpoint to create an execution
  • CUMULUS-2578
    • Adds PUT /executions endpoint to update an execution
  • CUMULUS-2592
    • Adds logging when messages fail to be added to queue
  • CUMULUS-2644
    • Pulled delete method for granules-executions.ts implemented as part of CUMULUS-2306 from the RDS-Phase-2 feature branch in support of CUMULUS-2644.
    • Pulled erasePostgresTables method in serve.js implemented as part of CUMULUS-2644, and CUMULUS-2306 from the RDS-Phase-2 feature branch in support of CUMULUS-2644
    • Added resetPostgresDb method to support resetting between integration test suite runs


  • Updated processDeadLetterArchive Lambda to return an object where processingSucceededKeys is an array of the S3 keys for successfully processed objects and processingFailedKeys is an array of S3 keys for objects that could not be processed

  • Updated async operations to handle writing records to the databases when output of the operation is undefined

  • CUMULUS-2644

    • Moved migration directory from the db-migration-lambda to the db package and updated unit test references to migrationDir to be pulled from @cumulus/db
    • Updated @cumulus/api/bin/serveUtils to write records to PostgreSQL tables
  • CUMULUS-2575

    • Updates model/granule to allow a granule created from API to not require an execution to be associated with it. This is a backwards compatible change that will not affect granules created in the normal way.
    • Updates @cumulus/db/src/model/granules functions get and exists to enforce parameter checking so that requests include either (granule_id and collection_cumulus_id) or (cumulus_id) to prevent incorrect results.
    • @cumulus/message/src/Collections.deconstructCollectionId has been modified to throw a descriptive error if the input collectionId is undefined rather than TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined. This function has also been updated to throw descriptive errors if an incorrectly formatted collectionId is input.

v9.4.1 2022-02-14 [BACKPORT]

Please note changes in 9.4.1 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.4.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.

  • CUMULUS-2847
    • Update dynamo configuration to read from S3 instead of System Manager Parameter Store
    • Move api configuration initialization outside the lambda handler to eliminate unneded S3 calls/require config on cold-start only
    • Moved ssh2 package from @cumulus/common to @cumulus/sftp-client and upgraded package from ^0.8.7 to ^1.0.0 to address security vulnerability issue in previous version.
    • Fixed hyrax task package.json dev dependency
    • Update CNM lambda dependencies for Core tasks
      • cumulus-cnm-response-task: 1.4.4
      • cumulus-cnm-to-granule: 1.5.4
    • Whitelist ssh2 re:

v9.4.0 2021-08-16

Notable changes

  • @cumulus/sync-granule task should now properly handle syncing files from HTTP/HTTPS providers where basic auth is required and involves a redirect to a different host (e.g. downloading files protected by Earthdata Login)


  • CUMULUS-2591
    • Adds failedExecutionStepName to failed execution's jsonb error records. This is the name of the Step Function step for the last failed event in the execution's event history.
  • CUMULUS-2548
    • Added allowed_redirects field to PostgreSQL providers table
    • Added allowedRedirects field to DynamoDB <prefix>-providers table
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.streamS3Upload to handle uploading the contents of a readable stream to S3 and returning a promise
  • CUMULUS-2373
    • Added replaySqsMessages lambda to replay archived incoming SQS messages from S3.
    • Added /replays/sqs endpoint to trigger an async operation for the replaySqsMessages lambda.
    • Added unit tests and integration tests for new endpoint and lambda.
    • Added getS3PrefixForArchivedMessage to ingest/sqs package to get prefix for an archived message.
    • Added new async_operation type SQS Replay.
  • CUMULUS-2460
    • Adds POST /executions/workflows-by-granules for retrieving workflow names common to a set of granules
    • Adds workflowsByGranules to @cumulus/api-client/executions
  • CUMULUS-2635
    • Added helper functions:
      • @cumulus/db/translate/file/translateApiPdrToPostgresPdr


  • CUMULUS-2548
    • Fixed @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient.sync to properly handle basic auth when redirecting to a different host and/or host with a different port
  • CUMULUS-2626
    • Update PDR migration to correctly find Executions by a Dynamo PDR's execution field
  • CUMULUS-2635
    • Update data-migration2 to migrate PDRs before migrating granules.
    • Update data-migration2 unit tests testing granules migration to reference PDR records to better model the DB schema.
    • Update migratePdrRecord to use translateApiPdrToPostgresPdr function.


  • CUMULUS-2373
    • Updated getS3KeyForArchivedMessage in ingest/sqs to store SQS messages by queueName.
  • CUMULUS-2630
    • Updates the example/cumulus-tf deployment to change archive_api_reserved_concurrency from 2 to 8 to prevent throttling with the dashboard.

v9.3.0 2021-07-26


  • All API requests made by @cumulus/api-client will now throw an error if the status code does not match the expected response (200 for most requests and 202 for a few requests that trigger async operations). Previously the helpers in this package would return the response regardless of the status code, so you may need to update any code using helpers from this package to catch or to otherwise handle errors that you may encounter.
  • The Cumulus API Lambda function has now been configured with reserved concurrency to ensure availability in a high-concurrency environment. However, this also caps max concurrency which may result in throttling errors if trying to reach the Cumulus API multiple times in a short period. Reserved concurrency can be configured with the archive_api_reserved_concurrency terraform variable on the Cumulus module and increased if you are seeing throttling errors. The default reserved concurrency value is 8.

Notable changes

  • cmr_custom_host variable for cumulus module can now be used to configure Cumulus to integrate with a custom CMR host name and protocol (e.g. Note that you must include a protocol (http:// or `https://) if specifying a value for this variable.
  • The cumulus module configuration valuerds_connetion_heartbeat and it's behavior has been replaced by a more robust database connection 'retry' solution. Users can remove this value from their configuration, regardless of value. See the Changed section notes on CUMULUS-2528 for more details.


  • Added user doc describing new features related to the Cumulus dead letter archive.
  • CUMULUS-2327
    • Added reserved concurrency setting to the Cumulus API lambda function.
    • Added relevant tfvars to the archive and cumulus terraform modules.
  • CUMULUS-2460
    • Adds POST /executions/search-by-granules for retrieving executions from a list of granules or granule query
    • Adds searchExecutionsByGranules to @cumulus/api-client/executions
  • CUMULUS-2475
    • Adds GET endpoint to distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2463
    • PUT /granules reingest action allows a user to override the default execution to use by providing an optional workflowName or executionArn parameter on the request body.
    • PUT /granules/bulkReingest action allows a user to override the default execution/workflow combination to reingest with by providing an optional workflowName on the request body.
  • Adds workflowName and executionArn params to @cumulus/api-client/reingestGranules
  • CUMULUS-2476
    • Adds handler for authenticated HEAD Distribution requests replicating current behavior of TEA
  • CUMULUS-2478
    • Implemented bucket map.
    • Implemented /locate endpoint
    • Cumulus distribution API checks the file request against bucket map:
      • retrieves the bucket and key from file path
      • determines if the file request is public based on the bucket map rather than the bucket type
      • (EDL only) restricts download from PRIVATE_BUCKETS to users who belong to certain EDL User Groups
      • bucket prefix and object prefix are supported
    • Add 'Bearer token' support as an authorization method
  • CUMULUS-2486
    • Implemented support for custom headers
    • Added 'Bearer token' support as an authorization method
  • CUMULUS-2487
    • Added integration test for cumulus distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2569
    • Created bucket map cache for cumulus distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2568
    • Add deletePdr/PDR deletion functionality to @cumulus/api-client/pdrs
    • Add removeCollectionAndAllDependencies to integration test helpers
    • Added example/spec/apiUtils.waitForApiStatus to wait for a record to be returned by the API with a specific value for status
    • Added example/spec/discoverUtils.uploadS3GranuleDataForDiscovery to upload granule data fixtures to S3 with a randomized granule ID for discover-granules based integration tests
    • Added example/spec/Collections.removeCollectionAndAllDependencies to remove a collection and all dependent objects (e.g. PDRs, granules, executions) from the database via the API
    • Added helpers to @cumulus/api-client:
      • pdrs.deletePdr - Delete a PDR via the API
      • replays.postKinesisReplays - Submit a POST request to the /replays endpoint for replaying Kinesis messages


  • Moved functions from @cumulus/integration-tests to example/spec/helpers/workflowUtils:
    • startWorkflowExecution
    • startWorkflow
    • executeWorkflow
    • buildWorkflow
    • testWorkflow
    • buildAndExecuteWorkflow
    • buildAndStartWorkflow
  • example/spec/helpers/workflowUtils.executeWorkflow now uses waitForApiStatus to ensure that the execution is completed or failed before resolving
  • example/spec/helpers/testUtils.updateAndUploadTestFileToBucket now accepts an object of parameters rather than positional arguments
  • Removed PDR from the payload in the input payload test fixture for reconciliation report integration tests
  • The following integration tests for PDR-based workflows were updated to use randomized granule IDs:
    • example/spec/parallel/ingest/ingestFromPdrSpec.js
    • example/spec/parallel/ingest/ingestFromPdrWithChildWorkflowMetaSpec.js
    • example/spec/parallel/ingest/ingestFromPdrWithExecutionNamePrefixSpec.js
    • example/spec/parallel/ingest/ingestPdrWithNodeNameSpec.js
  • Updated the @cumulus/api-client/CumulusApiClientError error class to include new properties that can be accessed directly on the error object:
    • statusCode - The HTTP status code of the API response
    • apiMessage - The message from the API response
  • Added params.pRetryOptions parameter to @cumulus/api-client/granules.deleteGranule to control the retry behavior
  • Updated cmr_custom_host variable to accept a full protocol and host name (e.g., whereas it previously only accepted a host name
  • CUMULUS-2482
    • Switches the default distribution app in the example/cumulus-tf deployment to the new Cumulus Distribution
    • TEA is still available by following instructions in example/
  • CUMULUS-2463
    • Increases the duration of allowed backoff times for a successful test from 0.5 sec to 1 sec.
  • CUMULUS-2528
    • Removed rds_connection_heartbeat as a configuration option from all Cumulus terraform modules
    • Removed dbHeartBeat as an environmental switch from @cumulus/db.getKnexClient in favor of more comprehensive general db connect retry solution
    • Added new rds_connection_timing_configuration string map to allow for configuration and tuning of Core's internal database retry/connection timeout behaviors. These values map to connection pool configuration values for tarn ( which Core's database module / knex( use for this purpose:
      • acquireTimeoutMillis
      • createRetryIntervalMillis
      • createTimeoutMillis
      • idleTimeoutMillis
      • reapIntervalMillis Connection errors will result in a log line prepended with 'knex failed on attempted connection error' and sent from '@cumulus/db/connection'
    • Updated @cumulus/db and all terraform mdules to set default retry configuration values for the database module to cover existing database heartbeat connection failures as well as all other knex/tarn connection creation failures.


  • Fixed bug where cmr_custom_host variable was not properly forwarded into archive, ingest, and sqs-message-remover modules from cumulus module
  • Fixed bug where parse-pdr set a granule's provider to the entire provider record when a NODE_NAME is present. Expected behavior consistent with other tasks is to set the provider name in that field.
  • CUMULUS-2568
    • Update reconciliation report integration test to have better cleanup/failure behavior
    • Fixed @cumulus/api-client/pdrs.getPdr to request correct endpoint for returning a PDR from the API
  • CUMULUS-2620
    • Fixed a bug where a granule could be removed from CMR but still be set as published: true and with a CMR link in the Dynamo/PostgreSQL databases. Now, the CMR deletion and the Dynamo/PostgreSQL record updates will all succeed or fail together, preventing the database records from being out of sync with CMR.
    • Fixed @cumulus/api-client/pdrs.getPdr to request correct endpoint for returning a PDR from the API

v9.2.2 2021-08-06 - [BACKPORT]

Please note changes in 9.2.2 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport and patch release on the 9.2.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.


  • CUMULUS-2635
    • Added helper functions:
      • @cumulus/db/translate/file/translateApiPdrToPostgresPdr


  • CUMULUS-2635
    • Update data-migration2 to migrate PDRs before migrating granules.
    • Update data-migration2 unit tests testing granules migration to reference PDR records to better model the DB schema.
    • Update migratePdrRecord to use translateApiPdrToPostgresPdr function.

v9.2.1 2021-07-29 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-2626
    • Update PDR migration to correctly find Executions by a Dynamo PDR's execution field

v9.2.0 2021-06-22


  • CUMULUS-2475
    • Adds GET endpoint to distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2476
    • Adds handler for authenticated HEAD Distribution requests replicating current behavior of TEA


  • CUMULUS-2482
    • Switches the default distribution app in the example/cumulus-tf deployment to the new Cumulus Distribution
    • TEA is still available by following instructions in example/


  • CUMULUS-2520
    • Fixed error that prevented /elasticsearch/index-from-database from starting.
  • CUMULUS-2532
    • Fixed integration tests to have granule deletion occur before provider and collection deletion in test cleanup.
  • CUMULUS-2558
    • Fixed issue where executions original_payload would not be retained on successful execution

v9.1.0 2021-06-03


  • @cumulus/api-client/granules.getGranule now returns the granule record from the GET /granules/<granuleId> endpoint, not the raw endpoint response
  • CUMULUS-2434
    • To use the updated update-granules-cmr-metadata-file-links task, the granule UMM-G metadata should have version 1.6.2 or later, since CMR s3 link type 'GET DATA VIA DIRECT ACCESS' is not valid until UMM-G version 1.6.2
  • CUMULUS-2488
    • Removed all EMS reporting including lambdas, endpoints, params, etc as all reporting is now handled through Cloud Metrics
  • CUMULUS-2472
    • Moved existing EarthdataLoginClient to @cumulus/oauth-client/EarthdataLoginClient and updated all references in Cumulus Core.
    • Rename EarthdataLoginClient property from earthdataLoginUrl to `loginUrl for consistency with new OAuth clients. See example in oauth-client README


  • @cumulus/api-client/granules.getGranuleResponse to return the raw endpoint response from the GET /granules/<granuleId> endpoint
  • HYRAX-439 - Corrected according to a new Hyrax URL format.
  • CUMULUS-2354
    • Adds configuration options to allow /s3credentials endpoint to distribute same-region read-only tokens based on a user's CMR ACLs.
    • Configures the example deployment to enable this feature.
  • CUMULUS-2442
    • Adds option to generate cloudfront URL to lzards-backup task. This will require a few new task config options that have been documented in the task README.
  • CUMULUS-2470
    • Added /s3credentials endpoint for distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2471
    • Add /s3credentialsREADME endpoint to distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2473
    • Updated tf-modules/cumulus_distribution module to take earthdata or cognito credentials
    • Configured example/cumulus-tf/ to use CSDAP credentials
  • CUMULUS-2474
    • Add S3ObjectStore to aws-client. This class allows for interaction with the S3 object store.
    • Add object-store package which contains abstracted object store functions for working with various cloud providers
  • CUMULUS-2477
    • Added /, /login and /logout endpoints to cumulus distribution api
  • CUMULUS-2479
    • Adds /version endpoint to distribution API
  • CUMULUS-2497
    • Created isISOFile() to check if a CMR file is a CMR ISO file.
  • CUMULUS-2371
    • Added helpers to @cumulus/ingest/sqs:
      • archiveSqsMessageToS3 - archives an incoming SQS message to S3
      • deleteArchivedMessageFromS3 - deletes a processed SQS message from S3
    • Added call to archiveSqsMessageToS3 to sqs-message-consumer which archives all incoming SQS messages to S3.
    • Added call to deleteArchivedMessageFrom to sqs-message-remover which deletes archived SQS message from S3 once it has been processed.


  • PR2224

    • Changed timeout on sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda to 60 seconds to match timeout for Knex library to acquire database connections
  • CUMULUS-2208

    • Moved all @cumulus/api/es/* code to new @cumulus/es-client package
  • Changed timeout on sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda to 60 seconds to match timeout for Knex library to acquire database connections

  • CUMULUS-2517

    • Updated postgres-migration-count-tool default concurrency to '1'
  • CUMULUS-2489

    • Updated docs for Terraform references in FAQs, glossary, and in Deployment sections
  • CUMULUS-2434

    • Updated @cumulus/cmrjs updateCMRMetadata and related functions to add both HTTPS URLS and S3 URIs to CMR metadata.
    • Updated update-granules-cmr-metadata-file-links task to add both HTTPS URLs and S3 URIs to the OnlineAccessURLs field of CMR metadata. The task configuration parameter cmrGranuleUrlType now has default value both.
    • To use the updated update-granules-cmr-metadata-file-links task, the granule UMM-G metadata should have version 1.6.2 or later, since CMR s3 link type 'GET DATA VIA DIRECT ACCESS' is not valid until UMM-G version 1.6.2
  • CUMULUS-2472

    • Renamed @cumulus/earthdata-login-client to more generic @cumulus/oauth-client as a parent class for new OAuth clients.
    • Added @cumulus/oauth-client/CognitoClient to interface with AWS cognito login service.
  • CUMULUS-2497

    • Changed the @cumulus/cmrjs package:
      • Updated @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.getGranuleTemporalInfo() so it now returns temporal info for CMR ISO 19115 SMAP XML files.
      • Updated @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.isCmrFilename() to include isISOFile().
  • CUMULUS-2532

    • Changed integration tests to use api-client/granules functions as opposed to granulesApi from @cumulus/integration-tests.


  • CUMULUS-2519
    • Update @cumulus/integration-tests.buildWorkflow to fail if provider/collection API response is not successful
  • CUMULUS-2518
    • Update sf-event-sqs-to-db-records to not throw if a collection is not defined on a payload that has no granules/an empty granule payload object
  • CUMULUS-2512
    • Updated ingest package S3 provider client to take additional parameter remoteAltBucket on download method to allow for per-file override of provider bucket for checksum
    • Updated @cumulus/ingest.fetchTextFile's signature to be parameterized and added remoteAltBucketto allow for an override of the passed in provider bucket for the source file
    • Update "eslint-plugin-import" to be pinned to 2.22.1
  • CUMULUS-2520
    • Fixed error that prevented /elasticsearch/index-from-database from starting.
  • 2231
    • Fixes broken relative path links in docs/


  • CUMULUS-2502
    • Removed outdated documentation regarding Kibana index patterns for metrics.

v9.0.1 2021-05-07

Migration Steps

Please review the migration steps for 9.0.0 as this release is only a patch to correct a failure in our build script and push out corrected release artifacts. The previous migration steps still apply.


  • Corrected @cumulus/db configuration to correctly build package.

v9.0.0 2021-05-03

Migration steps

  • This release of Cumulus enables integration with a PostgreSQL database for archiving Cumulus data. There are several upgrade steps involved, some of which need to be done before redeploying Cumulus. See the documentation on upgrading to the RDS release.


  • CUMULUS-2185 - RDS Migration Epic
    • CUMULUS-2191
      • Removed the following from the @cumulus/api/models.asyncOperation class in favor of the added @cumulus/async-operations module:
        • start
        • startAsyncOperations
    • CUMULUS-2187
      • The async-operations endpoint will now omit output instead of returning none when the operation did not return output.
    • CUMULUS-2309
      • Removed @cumulus/api/models/granule.unpublishAndDeleteGranule in favor of @cumulus/api/lib/granule-remove-from-cmr.unpublishGranule and @cumulus/api/lib/granule-delete.deleteGranuleAndFiles.
    • CUMULUS-2385
      • Updated sf-event-sqs-to-db-records to write a granule's files to PostgreSQL only after the workflow has exited the Running status. Please note that any workflow that uses sf_sqs_report_task for mid-workflow updates will be impacted.
      • Changed PostgreSQL file schema and TypeScript type definition to require bucket and key fields.
      • Updated granule/file write logic to mark a granule's status as "failed"
    • CUMULUS-2455
      • API move granule endpoint now moves granule files on a per-file basis
      • API move granule endpoint on granule file move failure will retain the file at it's original location, but continue to move any other granule files.
      • Removed the move method from the @cumulus/api/models.granule class. logic is now handled in @cumulus/api/endpoints/granules and is accessible via the Core API.


  • CUMULUS-2185 - RDS Migration Epic
    • CUMULUS-2130
      • Added postgres-migration-count-tool lambda/ECS task to allow for evaluation of database state
      • Added /migrationCounts api endpoint that allows running of the postgres-migration-count-tool as an asyncOperation
    • CUMULUS-2394
      • Updated PDR and Granule writes to check the step function workflow_start_time against the createdAt field for each record to ensure old records do not overwrite newer ones for legacy Dynamo and PostgreSQL writes
    • CUMULUS-2188
      • Added data-migration2 Lambda to be run after data-migration1
      • Added logic to data-migration2 Lambda for migrating execution records from DynamoDB to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2191
      • Added @cumulus/async-operations to core packages, exposing startAsyncOperation which will handle starting an async operation and adding an entry to both PostgreSQL and DynamoDb
    • CUMULUS-2127
      • Add schema migration for collections table
    • CUMULUS-2129
      • Added logic to data-migration1 Lambda for migrating collection records from Dynamo to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2157
      • Add schema migration for providers table
      • Added logic to data-migration1 Lambda for migrating provider records from Dynamo to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2187
      • Added logic to data-migration1 Lambda for migrating async operation records from Dynamo to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2198
      • Added logic to data-migration1 Lambda for migrating rule records from DynamoDB to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2182
      • Add schema migration for PDRs table
    • CUMULUS-2230
      • Add schema migration for rules table
    • CUMULUS-2183
      • Add schema migration for asyncOperations table
    • CUMULUS-2184
      • Add schema migration for executions table
    • CUMULUS-2257
      • Updated PostgreSQL table and column names to snake_case
      • Added translateApiAsyncOperationToPostgresAsyncOperation function to @cumulus/db
    • CUMULUS-2186
      • Added logic to data-migration2 Lambda for migrating PDR records from DynamoDB to PostgreSQL
    • CUMULUS-2235
      • Added initial ingest load spec test/utility
    • CUMULUS-2167
      • Added logic to data-migration2 Lambda for migrating Granule records from DynamoDB to PostgreSQL and parse Granule records to store File records in RDS.
    • CUMULUS-2367
      • Added granules_executions table to PostgreSQL schema to allow for a many-to-many relationship between granules and executions
        • The table refers to granule and execution records using foreign keys defined with ON CASCADE DELETE, which means that any time a granule or execution record is deleted, all of the records in the granules_executions table referring to that record will also be deleted.
      • Added upsertGranuleWithExecutionJoinRecord helper to @cumulus/db to allow for upserting a granule record and its corresponding granules_execution record
    • CUMULUS-2128
      • Added helper functions:
        • @cumulus/db/translate/file/translateApiFiletoPostgresFile
        • @cumulus/db/translate/file/translateApiGranuletoPostgresGranule
        • @cumulus/message/Providers/getMessageProvider
    • CUMULUS-2190
      • Added helper functions:
        • @cumulus/message/Executions/getMessageExecutionOriginalPayload
        • @cumulus/message/Executions/getMessageExecutionFinalPayload
        • @cumulus/message/workflows/getMessageWorkflowTasks
        • @cumulus/message/workflows/getMessageWorkflowStartTime
        • @cumulus/message/workflows/getMessageWorkflowStopTime
        • @cumulus/message/workflows/getMessageWorkflowName
    • CUMULUS-2192
      • Added helper functions:
        • @cumulus/message/PDRs/getMessagePdrRunningExecutions
        • @cumulus/message/PDRs/getMessagePdrCompletedExecutions
        • @cumulus/message/PDRs/getMessagePdrFailedExecutions
        • @cumulus/message/PDRs/getMessagePdrStats
        • @cumulus/message/PDRs/getPdrPercentCompletion
        • @cumulus/message/workflows/getWorkflowDuration
    • CUMULUS-2199
      • Added translateApiRuleToPostgresRule to @cumulus/db to translate API Rule to conform to Postgres Rule definition.
    • CUMUlUS-2128
      • Added "upsert" logic to the sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda for granule and file writes to the core PostgreSQL database
    • CUMULUS-2199
      • Updated Rules endpoint to write rules to core PostgreSQL database in addition to DynamoDB and to delete rules from the PostgreSQL database in addition to DynamoDB.
      • Updated create in Rules Model to take in optional createdAt parameter which sets the value of createdAt if not specified during function call.
    • CUMULUS-2189
      • Updated Provider endpoint logic to write providers in parallel to Core PostgreSQL database
      • Update integration tests to utilize API calls instead of direct api/model/Provider calls
    • CUMULUS-2191
      • Updated cumuluss/async-operation task to write async-operations to the PostgreSQL database.
    • CUMULUS-2228
      • Added logic to the sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda to write execution, PDR, and granule records to the core PostgreSQL database in parallel with writes to DynamoDB
    • CUMUlUS-2190
      • Added "upsert" logic to the sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda for PDR writes to the core PostgreSQL database
    • CUMUlUS-2192
      • Added "upsert" logic to the sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda for execution writes to the core PostgreSQL database
    • CUMULUS-2187
      • The async-operations endpoint will now omit output instead of returning none when the operation did not return output.
    • CUMULUS-2167
      • Change PostgreSQL schema definition for files to remove filename and name and only support file_name.
      • Change PostgreSQL schema definition for files to remove size to only support file_size.
      • Change PostgresFile to remove duplicate fields filename and name and rename size to file_size.
    • CUMULUS-2266
      • Change sf-event-sqs-to-db-records behavior to discard and not throw an error on an out-of-order/delayed message so as not to have it be sent to the DLQ.
    • CUMULUS-2305
      • Changed DELETE /pdrs/{pdrname} API behavior to also delete record from PostgreSQL database.
    • CUMULUS-2309
      • Changed DELETE /granules/{granuleName} API behavior to also delete record from PostgreSQL database.
      • Changed Bulk operation BULK_GRANULE_DELETE API behavior to also delete records from PostgreSQL database.
    • CUMULUS-2367
      • Updated granule_cumulus_id foreign key to granule in PostgreSQL files table to use a CASCADE delete, so records in the files table are automatically deleted by the database when the corresponding granule is deleted.
    • CUMULUS-2407
      • Updated data-migration1 and data-migration2 Lambdas to use UPSERT instead of UPDATE when migrating dynamoDB records to PostgreSQL.
      • Changed data-migration1 and data-migration2 logic to only update already migrated records if the incoming record update has a newer timestamp
    • CUMULUS-2329
      • Add write-db-dlq-records-to-s3 lambda.
      • Add terraform config to automatically write db records DLQ messages to an s3 archive on the system bucket.
      • Add unit tests and a component spec test for the above.
    • CUMULUS-2380
      • Add process-dead-letter-archive lambda to pick up and process dead letters in the S3 system bucket dead letter archive.
      • Add /deadLetterArchive/recoverCumulusMessages endpoint to trigger an async operation to leverage this capability on demand.
      • Add unit tests and integration test for all of the above.
    • CUMULUS-2406
      • Updated parallel write logic to ensure that updatedAt/updated_at timestamps are the same in Dynamo/PG on record write for the following data types:
        • async operations
        • granules
        • executions
        • PDRs
    • CUMULUS-2446
      • Remove schema validation check against DynamoDB table for collections when migrating records from DynamoDB to core PostgreSQL database.
    • CUMULUS-2447
      • Changed translateApiAsyncOperationToPostgresAsyncOperation to call JSON.stringify and then JSON.parse on output.
    • CUMULUS-2313
      • Added postgres-migration-async-operation lambda to start an ECS task to run a the data-migration2 lambda.
      • Updated async_operations table to include Data Migration 2 as a new operation_type.
      • Updated cumulus-tf/ to include optional_dynamo_tables that will be merged with dynamo_tables.
    • CUMULUS-2451
      • Added summary type file packages/db/src/types/summary.ts with MigrationSummary and DataMigration1 and DataMigration2 types.
      • Updated data-migration1 and data-migration2 lambdas to return MigrationSummary objects.
      • Added logging for every batch of 100 records processed for executions, granules and files, and PDRs.
      • Removed RecordAlreadyMigrated logs in data-migration1 and data-migration2
    • CUMULUS-2452
      • Added support for only migrating certain granules by specifying the granuleSearchParams.granuleId or granuleSearchParams.collectionId properties in the payload for the <prefix>-postgres-migration-async-operation Lambda
      • Added support for only running certain migrations for data-migration2 by specifying the migrationsList property in the payload for the <prefix>-postgres-migration-async-operation Lambda
    • CUMULUS-2453
      • Created storeErrors function which stores errors in system bucket.
      • Updated executions and granulesAndFiles data migrations to call storeErrors to store migration errors.
      • Added system_bucket variable to data-migration2.
    • CUMULUS-2455
      • Move granules API endpoint records move updates for migrated granule files if writing any of the granule files fails.
    • CUMULUS-2468
      • Added support for doing DynamoDB parallel scanning for executions and granules migrations to improve performance. The behavior of the parallel scanning and writes can be controlled via the following properties on the event input to the <prefix>-postgres-migration-async-operation Lambda:
        • granuleMigrationParams.parallelScanSegments: How many segments to divide your granules DynamoDB table into for parallel scanning
        • granuleMigrationParams.parallelScanLimit: The maximum number of granule records to evaluate for each parallel scanning segment of the DynamoDB table
        • granuleMigrationParams.writeConcurrency: The maximum number of concurrent granule/file writes to perform to the PostgreSQL database across all DynamoDB segments
        • executionMigrationParams.parallelScanSegments: How many segments to divide your executions DynamoDB table into for parallel scanning
        • executionMigrationParams.parallelScanLimit: The maximum number of execution records to evaluate for each parallel scanning segment of the DynamoDB table
        • executionMigrationParams.writeConcurrency: The maximum number of concurrent execution writes to perform to the PostgreSQL database across all DynamoDB segments
    • CUMULUS-2468 - Added @cumulus/aws-client/DynamoDb.parallelScan helper to perform parallel scanning on DynamoDb tables
    • CUMULUS-2507
      • Updated granule record write logic to set granule status to failed in both Postgres and DynamoDB if any/all of its files fail to write to the database.


  • CUMULUS-2185 - RDS Migration Epic
    • CUMULUS-2455
      • @cumulus/ingest/moveGranuleFiles

[v8.1.2] 2021-07-29

Please note changes in 8.1.2 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport/patch release on the 8.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.

Notable changes

  • cmr_custom_host variable for cumulus module can now be used to configure Cumulus to integrate with a custom CMR host name and protocol (e.g. Note that you must include a protocol (http:// or https://) if specifying a value for this variable.
  • @cumulus/sync-granule task should now properly handle syncing files from HTTP/HTTPS providers where basic auth is required and involves a redirect to a different host (e.g. downloading files protected by Earthdata Login)


  • CUMULUS-2548
    • Added allowed_redirects field to PostgreSQL providers table
    • Added allowedRedirects field to DynamoDB <prefix>-providers table
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.streamS3Upload to handle uploading the contents of a readable stream to S3 and returning a promise


  • Updated cmr_custom_host variable to accept a full protocol and host name (e.g., whereas it previously only accepted a host name


  • Fixed bug where cmr_custom_host variable was not properly forwarded into archive, ingest, and sqs-message-remover modules from cumulus module
  • CUMULUS-2548
    • Fixed @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient.sync to properly handle basic auth when redirecting to a different host and/or host with a different port

[v8.1.1] 2021-04-30 -- Patch Release

Please note changes in 8.1.1 may not yet be released in future versions, as this is a backport/patch release on the 8.x series of releases. Updates that are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future releases.


  • CUMULUS-2497
    • Created isISOFile() to check if a CMR file is a CMR ISO file.


  • CUMULUS-2512
    • Updated ingest package S3 provider client to take additional parameter remoteAltBucket on download method to allow for per-file override of provider bucket for checksum
    • Updated @cumulus/ingest.fetchTextFile's signature to be parameterized and added remoteAltBucketto allow for an override of the passed in provider bucket for the source file
    • Update "eslint-plugin-import" to be pinned to 2.22.1


  • CUMULUS-2497

    • Changed the @cumulus/cmrjs package:
      • Updated @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.getGranuleTemporalInfo() so it now returns temporal info for CMR ISO 19115 SMAP XML files.
      • Updated @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.isCmrFilename() to include isISOFile().
  • 2216

    • Removed "node-forge", "xml-crypto" from audit whitelist, added "underscore"

v8.1.0 2021-04-29


  • CUMULUS-2348
    • The @cumulus/api /granules and /granules/{granuleId} endpoints now take getRecoveryStatus parameter to include recoveryStatus in result granule(s)
    • The @cumulus/api-client.granules.getGranule function takes a query parameter which can be used to request additional granule information.
    • Published @cumulus/[email protected] for dashboard testing
  • CUMULUS-2469
    • Added tf-modules/cumulus_distribution module to standup a skeleton distribution api

v8.0.0 2021-04-08


  • CUMULUS-2428
    • Changed /granules/bulk to use queueUrl property instead of a queueName property for setting the queue to use for scheduling bulk granule workflows

Notable changes

  • Bulk granule operations endpoint now supports setting a custom queue for scheduling workflows via the queueUrl property in the request body. If provided, this value should be the full URL for an SQS queue.


  • CUMULUS-2374

    • Add cookbok entry for queueing PostToCmr step
    • Add example workflow to go with cookbook
  • CUMULUS-2421

    • Added experimental ecs_include_docker_cleanup_cronjob boolean variable to the Cumulus module to enable cron job to clean up docker root storage blocks in ECS cluster template for non-device-mapper storage drivers. Default value is false. This fulfills a specific user support request. This feature is otherwise untested and will remain so until we can iterate with a better, more general-purpose solution. Use of this feature is NOT recommended unless you are certain you need it.
  • CUMULUS-1808

    • Add additional error messaging in deleteSnsTrigger to give users more context about where to look to resolve ResourceNotFound error when disabling or deleting a rule.


  • CUMULUS-2281
    • Changed discover-granules task to write discovered granules directly to logger, instead of via environment variable. This fixes a problem where a large number of found granules prevents this lambda from running as an activity with an E2BIG error.

v7.2.0 2021-03-23



  • HYRAX-357
    • Format of NGAP OPeNDAP URL changed and by default now is referring to concept id and optionally can include short name and version of collection.
    • addShortnameAndVersionIdToConceptId field has been added to the config inputs of the hyrax-metadata-updates task

v7.1.0 2021-03-12

Notable changes

  • sync-granule task will now properly handle syncing 0 byte files to S3
  • SQS/Kinesis rules now support scheduling workflows to a custom queue via the rule.queueUrl property. If provided, this value should be the full URL for an SQS queue.


  • tf-modules/cumulus module now supports a cmr_custom_host variable that can be used to set to an arbitrary host for making CMR requests (e.g.
  • Added buckets variable to tf-modules/archive
  • CUMULUS-2345
  • CUMULUS-2424
    • Added childWorkflowMeta to queue-pdrs config. An object passed to this config value will be merged into a child workflow message's meta object. For an example of how this can be used, see example/cumulus-tf/discover_and_queue_pdrs_with_child_workflow_meta_workflow.asl.json.
  • CUMULUS-2427
    • Added support for using a custom queue with SQS and Kinesis rules. Whatever queue URL is set on the rule.queueUrl property will be used to schedule workflows for that rule. This change allows SQS/Kinesis rules to use any throttled queues defined for a deployment.


  • CUMULUS-2394
    • Updated PDR and Granule writes to check the step function workflow_start_time against the createdAt field for each record to ensure old records do not overwrite newer ones


  • <prefix>-lambda-api-gateway IAM role used by API Gateway Lambda now supports accessing all buckets defined in your buckets variable except "internal" buckets
  • Updated the default scroll duration used in ESScrollSearch and part of the reconciliation report functions as a result of testing and seeing timeouts at its current value of 2min.
  • CUMULUS-2355
    • Added logic to disable /s3Credentials endpoint based upon value for environment variable DISABLE_S3_CREDENTIALS. If set to "true", the endpoint will not dispense S3 credentials and instead return a message indicating that the endpoint has been disabled.
  • CUMULUS-2397
    • Updated /elasticsearch endpoint's reindex function to prevent reindexing when source and destination indices are the same.
  • CUMULUS-2420
    • Updated test function waitForAsyncOperationStatus to take a retryObject and use exponential backoff. Increased the total test duration for both AsycOperation specs and the ReconciliationReports tests.
    • Updated the default scroll duration used in ESScrollSearch and part of the reconciliation report functions as a result of testing and seeing timeouts at its current value of 2min.
  • CUMULUS-2427
    • Removed queueUrl from the parameters object for @cumulus/message/Build.buildQueueMessageFromTemplate
    • Removed queueUrl from the parameters object for @cumulus/message/Build.buildCumulusMeta


  • Fixed issue in @cumulus/ingest/S3ProviderClient.sync() preventing 0 byte files from being synced to S3.


  • Removed variables from tf-modules/archive:
    • private_buckets
    • protected_buckets
    • public_buckets

v7.0.0 2021-02-22


  • CUMULUS-2362 - Endpoints for the logs (/logs) will now throw an error unless Metrics is set up


  • CUMULUS-2345
  • CUMULUS-2376
    • Added cmrRevisionId as an optional parameter to post-to-cmr that will be used when publishing metadata to CMR.
  • CUMULUS-2412
    • Adds function getCollectionsByShortNameAndVersion to @cumulus/cmrjs that performs a compound query to CMR to retrieve collection information on a list of collections. This replaces a series of calls to the CMR for each collection with a single call on the /collections endpoint and should improve performance when CMR return times are increased.


  • CUMULUS-2362
    • Logs endpoints only work with Metrics set up
  • CUMULUS-2376
    • Updated publishUMMGJSON2CMR to take in an optional revisionId parameter.
    • Updated publishUMMGJSON2CMR to throw an error if optional revisionId does not match resulting revision ID.
    • Updated publishECHO10XML2CMR to take in an optional revisionId parameter.
    • Updated publishECHO10XML2CMR to throw an error if optional revisionId does not match resulting revision ID.
    • Updated publish2CMR to take in optional cmrRevisionId.
    • Updated getWriteHeaders to take in an optional CMR Revision ID.
    • Updated ingestGranule to take in an optional CMR Revision ID to pass to getWriteHeaders.
    • Updated ingestUMMGranule to take in an optional CMR Revision ID to pass to getWriteHeaders.
  • CUMULUS-2350
    • Updates the examples on the /s3credentialsREADME, to include Python and JavaScript code demonstrating how to refrsh the s3credential for programatic access.
  • CUMULUS-2383
    • PostToCMR task will return CMRInternalError when a 500 status is returned from CMR

v6.0.0 2021-02-16


  • CUMULUS-2255 - Cumulus has upgraded its supported version of Terraform from 0.12.12 to 0.13.6. Please see the instructions to upgrade your deployments.

  • CUMULUS-2350

    • If the /s3credentialsREADME, does not appear to be working after deployment, manual redeployment of the API-gateway stage may be necessary to finish the deployment.


  • CUMULUS-2255 - Cumulus has upgraded its supported version of Terraform from 0.12.12 to 0.13.6.


  • CUMULUS-2291
    • Add provider filter to Granule Inventory Report
  • CUMULUS-2300
    • Added childWorkflowMeta to queue-granules config. Object passed to this value will be merged into a child workflow message's meta object. For an example of how this can be used, see example/cumulus-tf/discover_granules_workflow.asl.json.
  • CUMULUS-2350
    • Adds an unprotected endpoint, /s3credentialsREADME, to the s3-credentials-endpoint that displays information on how to use the /s3credentials endpoint
  • CUMULUS-2368
    • Add QueueWorkflow task
  • CUMULUS-2391
    • Add reportToEms to collections.files file schema
  • CUMULUS-2395
    • Add Core module parameter ecs_custom_sg_ids to Cumulus module to allow for custom security group mappings
  • CUMULUS-2402
    • Officially expose sftp() for use in @cumulus/sftp-client


  • CUMULUS-2323

    • The sync granules task when used with the s3 provider now uses the source_bucket key in granule.files objects. If incoming payloads using this task have a source_bucket value for a file using the s3 provider, the task will attempt to sync from the bucket defined in the file's source_bucket key instead of the provider.
      • Updated S3ProviderClient.sync to allow for an optional bucket parameter in support of the changed behavior.
    • Removed addBucketToFile and related code from sync-granules task
  • CUMULUS-2255

    • Updated Terraform deployment code syntax for compatibility with version 0.13.6
  • CUMULUS-2321

    • Updated API endpoint GET /reconciliationReports/{name} to return the pre-signe s3 URL in addition to report data


  • Updated hyrax-metadata-updates task so the opendap url has Type 'USE SERVICE API'

  • CUMULUS-2310

    • Use valid filename for reconciliation report
  • CUMULUS-2351

    • Inventory report no longer includes the File/Granule relation object in the okCountByGranules key of a report. The information is only included when a 'Granule Not Found' report is run.


  • CUMULUS-2364
    • Remove the internal Cumulus logging lambda (log2elasticsearch)

v5.0.1 2021-01-27


  • CUMULUS-2344

    • Elasticsearch API now allows you to reindex to an index that already exists
    • If using the Change Index operation and the new index doesn't exist, it will be created
    • Regarding instructions for CUMULUS-2020, you can now do a change index operation before a reindex operation. This will ensure that new data will end up in the new index while Elasticsearch is reindexing.
  • CUMULUS-2351

    • Inventory report no longer includes the File/Granule relation object in the okCountByGranules key of a report. The information is only included when a 'Granule Not Found' report is run.


  • CUMULUS-2367
    • Removed execution_cumulus_id column from granules RDS schema and data type

v5.0.0 2021-01-12


  • CUMULUS-2020
    • Elasticsearch data mappings have been updated to improve search and the API has been update to reflect those changes. See Migration notes on how to update the Elasticsearch mappings.

Migration notes

  • CUMULUS-2020
    • Elasticsearch data mappings have been updated to improve search. For example, case insensitive searching will now work (e.g. 'MOD' and 'mod' will return the same granule results). To use the improved Elasticsearch queries, reindex to create a new index with the correct types. Then perform a change index operation to use the new index.
  • CUMULUS-2258
    • Because the egress_lambda_log_group and egress_lambda_log_subscription_filter resource were removed from the cumulus module, new definitions for these resources must be added to cumulus-tf/ For reference on how to define these resources, see example/cumulus-tf/
    • The tea_stack_name variable being passed into the cumulus module should be removed
  • CUMULUS-2344
    • Regarding instructions for CUMULUS-2020, you can now do a change index operation before a reindex operation. This will ensure that new data will end up in the new index while Elasticsearch is reindexing.


  • CUMULUS-2020
    • Elasticsearch data mappings have been updated to improve search and the API has been updated to reflect those changes. See Migration notes on how to update the Elasticsearch mappings.


  • CUMULUS-2318
    • Addedasync_operation_image as cumulus module variable to allow for override of the async_operation container image. Users can optionally specify a non-default docker image for use with Core async operations.
  • CUMULUS-2219
    • Added lzards-backup Core task to facilitate making LZARDS backup requests in Cumulus ingest workflows
  • CUMULUS-2092
    • Add documentation for Granule Not Found Reports
  • HYRAX-320
    • @cumulus/hyrax-metadata-updatesAdd component URI encoding for entry title id and granule ur to allow for values with special characters in them. For example, EntryTitleId 'Sentinel-6A MF/Jason-CS L2 Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR-C) NRT Geophysical Parameters' Now, URLs generated from such values will be encoded correctly and parsable by HyraxInTheCloud
  • CUMULUS-1370
    • Add documentation for Getting Started section including FAQs
  • CUMULUS-2092
    • Add documentation for Granule Not Found Reports
  • CUMULUS-2219
    • Added lzards-backup Core task to facilitate making LZARDS backup requests in Cumulus ingest workflows
  • CUMULUS-2280
    • In local api, retry to create tables if they fail to ensure localstack has had time to start fully.
  • CUMULUS-2290
  • CUMULUS-2318
    • Addedasync_operation_image as cumulus module variable to allow for override of the async_operation container image. Users can optionally specify a non-default docker image for use with Core async operations.


  • CUMULUS-2020
    • Updated Elasticsearch mappings to support case-insensitive search
  • CUMULUS-2124
    • cumulus-rds-tf terraform module now takes engine_version as an input variable.
  • CUMULUS-2279
    • Changed the formatting of granule CMR links: instead of a link to the /search/granules.json endpoint, now it is a direct link to /search/concepts/conceptid.format
  • CUMULUS-2296
    • Improved PDR spec compliance of parse-pdr by updating @cumulus/pvl to parse fields in a manner more consistent with the PDR ICD, with respect to numbers and dates. Anything not matching the ICD expectations, or incompatible with Javascript parsing, will be parsed as a string instead.
  • CUMULUS-2344
    • Elasticsearch API now allows you to reindex to an index that already exists
    • If using the Change Index operation and the new index doesn't exist, it will be created


  • CUMULUS-2258
    • Removed tea_stack_name variable from tf-modules/distribution/ and tf-modules/cumulus/
    • Removed egress_lambda_log_group and egress_lambda_log_subscription_filter resources from tf-modules/distribution/

v4.0.0 2020-11-20

Migration notes

  • Update the name of your cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_arn variable for the cumulus module to cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_version_arn. The value of the variable should remain the same (a layer version ARN of a Lambda layer for the cumulus-message-adapter.
  • CUMULUS-2138 - Update all workflows using the MoveGranules step to add UpdateGranulesCmrMetadataFileLinksStepthat runs after it. See the example IngestAndPublishWorkflow for reference.
  • CUMULUS-2251
    • Because it has been removed from the cumulus module, a new resource definition for egress_api_gateway_log_subscription_filter must be added to cumulus-tf/ For reference on how to define this resource, see example/cumulus-tf/


  • CUMULUS-2248
    • Updates Integration Tests README to point to new fake provider template.
  • CUMULUS-2239
    • Add resource declaration to create a VPC endpoint in tea-map-cache module if deploy_to_ngap is false.
  • CUMULUS-2063
    • Adds a new, optional query parameter to the /collections[&getMMT=true] and /collections/active[&getMMT=true] endpoints. When a user provides a value of true for getMMT in the query parameters, the endpoint will search CMR and update each collection's results with new key MMTLink containing a link to the MMT (Metadata Management Tool) if a CMR collection id is found.
  • CUMULUS-2170
    • Adds ability to filter granule inventory reports
  • CUMULUS-2211
    • Adds granules/bulkReingest endpoint to @cumulus/api
  • CUMULUS-2251
    • Adds log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch variable to example/cumulus-tf/
    • Adds log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch variable to thin_egress_app module definition.


  • CUMULUS-2216
    • /collection and /collection/active endpoints now return collections without granule aggregate statistics by default. The original behavior is preserved and can be found by including a query param of includeStats=true on the request to the endpoint.
    • The es/collections Collection class takes a new parameter includeStats. It no longer appends granule aggregate statistics to the returned results by default. One must set the new parameter to any non-false value.
  • CUMULUS-2201
    • Update dbIndexer lambda to process requests in serial
    • Fixes ingestPdrWithNodeNameSpec parsePdr provider error
  • CUMULUS-2251
    • Moves Egress Api Gateway Log Group Filter from tf-modules/distribution/ to example/cumulus-tf/


  • CUMULUS-2251
    • This fixes a deployment error caused by depending on the thin_egress_app module output for a resource count.


  • CUMULUS-2251
    • Removes tea_api_egress_log_group variable from tf-modules/distribution/ and tf-modules/cumulus/


  • CUMULUS-2138 - CMR metadata update behavior has been removed from the move-granules task into a new update-granules-cmr-metadata-file-links task.
  • CUMULUS-2216
    • /collection and /collection/active endpoints now return collections without granule aggregate statistics by default. The original behavior is preserved and can be found by including a query param of includeStats=true on the request to the endpoint. This is likely to affect the dashboard only but included here for the change of behavior.
  • 1956
    • Update the name of the cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_arn output from the cumulus-message-adapter module to cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_version_arn. The output value has changed from being the ARN of the Lambda layer without a version to the ARN of the Lambda layer with a version.
    • Update the variable name in the cumulus and ingest modules from cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_arn to cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_version_arn

v3.0.1 2020-10-21

  • CUMULUS-2203

    • Update Core tasks to use cumulus-message-adapter-js v2.0.0 to resolve memory leak/lambda ENOMEM constant failure issue. This issue caused lambdas to slowly use all memory in the run environment and prevented AWS from halting/restarting warmed instances when task code was throwing consistent errors under load.
  • CUMULUS-2232

    • Updated versions for ajv, lodash, googleapis, archiver, and @cumulus/aws-client to remediate vulnerabilities found in SNYK scan.


  • CUMULUS-2233
    • Fixes /s3credentials bug where the expiration time on the cookie was set to a time that is always expired, so authentication was never being recognized as complete by the API. Consequently, the user would end up in a redirect loop and requests to /s3credentials would never complete successfully. The bug was caused by the fact that the code setting the expiration time for the cookie was expecting a time value in milliseconds, but was receiving the expirationTime from the EarthdataLoginClient in seconds. This bug has been fixed by converting seconds into milliseconds. Unit tests were added to test that the expiration time has been converted to milliseconds and checking that the cookie's expiration time is greater than the current time.

v3.0.0 2020-10-7


  • CUMULUS-2099

    • All references to meta.queues in workflow configuration must be replaced with references to queue URLs from Terraform resources. See the updated data cookbooks or example Discover Granules workflow configuration.
    • The steps for configuring queued execution throttling have changed. See the updated documentation.
    • In addition to the configuration for execution throttling, the internal mechanism for tracking executions by queue has changed. As a result, you should disable any rules or workflows scheduling executions via a throttled queue before upgrading. Otherwise, you may be at risk of having twice as many executions as are configured for the queue while the updated tracking is deployed. You can re-enable these rules/workflows once the upgrade is complete.
  • CUMULUS-2111

    • Before you re-deploy your cumulus-tf module, note that the thin-egress-app is no longer deployed by default as part of the cumulus module, so you must add the TEA module to your deployment and manually modify your Terraform state to avoid losing your API gateway and impacting any Cloudfront endpoints pointing to those gateways. If you don't care about losing your API gateway and impacting Cloudfront endpoints, you can ignore the instructions for manually modifying state.

      1. Add the thin-egress-app module to your cumulus-tf deployment as shown in the Cumulus example deployment.

        • Note that the values for tea_stack_name variable to the cumulus module and the stack_name variable to the thin_egress_app module must match
        • Also, if you are specifying the stage_name variable to the thin_egress_app module, the value of the tea_api_gateway_stage variable to the cumulus module must match it
      2. If you want to preserve your existing thin-egress-app API gateway and avoid having to update your Cloudfront endpoint for distribution, then you must follow these instructions: Otherwise, you can re-deploy as usual.

    • If you provide your own custom bucket map to TEA as a standalone module, you must ensure that your custom bucket map includes mappings for the protected and public buckets specified in your cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars, otherwise Cumulus may not be able to determine the correct distribution URL for ingested files and you may encounter errors

  • CUMULUS-2197

    • EMS resources are now optional, and ems_deploy is set to false by default, which will delete your EMS resources.
    • If you would like to keep any deployed EMS resources, add the ems_deploy variable set to true in your cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars


  • CUMULUS-2200
    • Changes return from 303 redirect to 200 success for Granule Inventory's /reconciliationReport returns. The user (dashboard) must read the value of url from the return to get the s3SignedURL and then download the report.
  • CUMULUS-2099
    • meta.queues has been removed from Cumulus core workflow messages.
    • @cumulus/sf-sqs-report workflow task no longer reads the reporting queue URL from input.meta.queues.reporting on the incoming event. Instead, it requires that the queue URL be set as the reporting_queue_url environment variable on the deployed Lambda.
  • CUMULUS-2111
    • The deployment of the thin-egress-app module has be removed from tf-modules/distribution, which is a part of the tf-modules/cumulus module. Thus, the thin-egress-app module is no longer deployed for you by default. See the migration steps for details about how to add deployment for the thin-egress-app.
  • CUMULUS-2141
    • The parse-pdr task has been updated to respect the NODE_NAME property in a PDR's FILE_GROUP. If a NODE_NAME is present, the task will query the Cumulus API for a provider with that host. If a provider is found, the output granule from the task will contain a provider property containing that provider. If NODE_NAME is set but a provider with that host cannot be found in the API, or if multiple providers are found with that same host, the task will fail.
    • The queue-granules task has been updated to expect an optional granule.provider property on each granule. If present, the granule will be enqueued using that provider. If not present, the task's config.provider will be used instead.
  • CUMULUS-2197
    • EMS resources are now optional and will not be deployed by default. See migration steps for information about how to deploy EMS resources.


  • The @cumulus/api-client.providers.getProviders function now takes a queryStringParameters parameter which can be used to filter the providers which are returned
  • The @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStreamAsync function has been removed. It read the entire S3 object into memory before returning a read stream, which could cause Lambdas to run out of memory. Use @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObjectReadStream instead.
  • The @cumulus/ingest/util.lookupMimeType function now returns undefined rather than null if the mime type could not be found.
  • The @cumulus/ingest/lock.removeLock function now returns undefined
  • The @cumulus/ingest/granule.generateMoveFileParams function now returns source: undefined and target :undefined on the response object if either could not be determined. Previously, null had been returned.
  • The @cumulus/ingest/recursion.recursion function must now be imported using const { recursion } = require('@cumulus/ingest/recursion');
  • The @cumulus/ingest/granule.getRenamedS3File function has been renamed to listVersionedObjects
  • @cumulus/common.http has been removed
  • @cumulus/common/ has been removed


  • CUMULUS-1855
    • Fixed SyncGranule task to return an empty granules list when given an empty (or absent) granules list on input, rather than throwing an exception
  • CUMULUS-1955
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObject to get an AWS S3 object
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.waitForObject to get an AWS S3 object, retrying, if necessary
  • CUMULUS-1961
    • Adds startTimestamp and endTimestamp parameters to endpoint reconcilationReports. Setting these values will filter the returned report to cumulus data that falls within the timestamps. It also causes the report to be one directional, meaning cumulus is only reconciled with CMR, but not the other direction. The Granules will be filtered by their updatedAt values. Collections are filtered by the updatedAt time of their granules, i.e. Collections with granules that are updatedAt a time between the time parameters will be returned in the reconciliation reports.
    • Adds startTimestamp and endTimestamp parameters to create-reconciliation-reports lambda function. If either of these params is passed in with a value that can be converted to a date object, the inter-platform comparison between Cumulus and CMR will be one way. That is, collections, granules, and files will be filtered by time for those found in Cumulus and only those compared to the CMR holdings. For the moment there is not enough information to change the internal consistency check, and S3 vs Cumulus comparisons are unchanged by the timestamps.
  • CUMULUS-1962
    • Adds location as parameter to /reconciliationReports endpoint. Options are S3 resulting in a S3 vs. Cumulus database search or CMR resulting in CMR vs. Cumulus database search.
  • CUMULUS-1963
    • Adds granuleId as input parameter to /reconcilationReports endpoint. Limits inputs parameters to either collectionId or granuleId and will fail to create the report if both are provided. Adding granuleId will find collections in Cumulus by granuleId and compare those one way with those in CMR.
    • /reconciliationReports now validates any input json before starting the async operation and the lambda handler no longer validates input parameters.
  • CUMULUS-1964
    • Reports can now be filtered on provider
  • CUMULUS-1965
    • Adds collectionId parameter to the /reconcilationReports endpoint. Setting this value will limit the scope of the reconcilation report to only the input collectionId when comparing Cumulus and CMR. collectionId is provided an array of strings e.g. [shortname___version, shortname2___version2]
  • CUMULUS-2107
    • Added a new task, update-cmr-access-constraints, that will set access constraints in CMR Metadata. Currently supports UMMG-JSON and Echo10XML, where it will configure AccessConstraints and RestrictionFlag/RestrictionComment, respectively.
    • Added an operator doc on how to configure and run the access constraint update workflow, which will update the metadata using the new task, and then publish the updated metadata to CMR.
    • Added an operator doc on bulk operations.
  • CUMULUS-2111
    • Added variables to cumulus module:
      • tea_api_egress_log_group
      • tea_external_api_endpoint
      • tea_internal_api_endpoint
      • tea_rest_api_id
      • tea_rest_api_root_resource_id
      • tea_stack_name
    • Added variables to distribution module:
      • tea_api_egress_log_group
      • tea_external_api_endpoint
      • tea_internal_api_endpoint
      • tea_rest_api_id
      • tea_rest_api_root_resource_id
      • tea_stack_name
  • CUMULUS-2112
    • Added @cumulus/api/lambdas/internal-reconciliation-report, so create-reconciliation-report lambda can create Internal reconciliation report
  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/granule.unpublishAndDeleteGranule which unpublishes a granule from CMR and deletes it from Cumulus, but does not update the record to published: false before deletion
  • CUMULUS-2113
    • Added Granule not found report to reports endpoint
    • Update reports to return breakdown by Granule of files both in DynamoDB and S3
  • CUMULUS-2123
    • Added cumulus-rds-tf DB cluster module to tf-modules that adds a serverless RDS Aurora/PostgreSQL database cluster to meet the PostgreSQL requirements for future releases.
    • Updated the default Cumulus module to take the following new required variables:
      • rds_user_access_secret_arn: AWS Secrets Manager secret ARN containing a JSON string of DB credentials (containing at least host, password, port as keys)
      • rds_security_group: RDS Security Group that provides connection access to the RDS cluster
    • Updated API lambdas and default ECS cluster to add them to the rds_security_group for database access
  • CUMULUS-2126
    • The collections endpoint now writes to the RDS database
  • CUMULUS-2127
    • Added migration to create collections relation for RDS database
  • CUMULUS-2129
    • Added data-migration1 Terraform module and Lambda to migrate data from Dynamo to RDS
      • Added support to Lambda for migrating collections data from Dynamo to RDS
  • CUMULUS-2155
    • Added rds_connection_heartbeat to cumulus and data-migration tf modules. If set to true, this diagnostic variable instructs Core's database code to fire off a connection 'heartbeat' query and log the timing/results for diagnostic purposes, and retry certain connection timeouts once. This option is disabled by default
  • CUMULUS-2156
    • Support array inputs parameters for Internal reconciliation report
  • CUMULUS-2157
    • Added support to data-migration1 Lambda for migrating providers data from Dynamo to RDS
      • The migration process for providers will convert any credentials that are stored unencrypted or encrypted with an S3 keypair provider to be encrypted with a KMS key instead
  • CUMULUS-2161
    • Rules now support an executionNamePrefix property. If set, any executions triggered as a result of that rule will use that prefix in the name of the execution.
    • The QueueGranules task now supports an executionNamePrefix property. Any executions queued by that task will use that prefix in the name of the execution. See the example workflow for usage.
    • The QueuePdrs task now supports an executionNamePrefix config property. Any executions queued by that task will use that prefix in the name of the execution. See the example workflow for usage.
  • CUMULUS-2162
    • Adds new report type to /reconciliationReport endpoint. The new report is Granule Inventory. This report is a CSV file of all the granules in the Cumulus DB. This report will eventually replace the existing granules-csv endpoint which has been deprecated.
  • CUMULUS-2197
    • Added ems_deploy variable to the cumulus module. This is set to false by default, except for our example deployment, where it is needed for integration tests.


  • Upgraded version of TEA deployed with Cumulus to build 88.
  • CUMULUS-2107
    • Updated the applyWorkflow functionality on the granules endpoint to take a meta property to pass into the workflow message.
    • Updated the BULK_GRANULE functionality on the granules endpoint to support the above applyWorkflow change.
  • CUMULUS-2111
    • Changed distribution_api_gateway_stage variable for cumulus module to tea_api_gateway_stage
    • Changed api_gateway_stage variable for distribution module to tea_api_gateway_stage
  • CUMULUS-2224
    • Updated /reconciliationReport's file reconciliation to include "EXTENDED METADATA" as a valid CMR relatedUrls Type.


  • CUMULUS-2168
    • Fixed issue where large number of documents (generally logs) in the cumulus elasticsearch index results in the collection granule stats queries failing for the collections list api endpoint
  • CUMULUS-1955
    • Due to AWS's eventual consistency model, it was possible for PostToCMR to publish an earlier version of a CMR metadata file, rather than the latest version created in a workflow. This fix guarantees that the latest version is published, as expected.
  • CUMULUS-1961
    • Fixed activeCollections query only returning 10 results
  • CUMULUS-2201
    • Fix Reconciliation Report integration test failures by waiting for collections appear in es list and ingesting a fake granule xml file to CMR
  • CUMULUS-2015
    • Reduced concurrency of QueueGranules task. That task now has a config.concurrency option that defaults to 3.
  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Fixed a race condition with bulk granule delete causing deleted granules to still appear in Elasticsearch. Granules removed via bulk delete should now be removed from Elasticsearch.
  • CUMULUS-2163
    • Remove the public-read ACL from the move-granules task
  • CUMULUS-2164
    • Fix issue where cumulus index is recreated and attached to an alias if it has been previously deleted
  • CUMULUS-2195
    • Fixed issue with redirect from /token not working when using a Cloudfront endpoint to access the Cumulus API with Launchpad authentication enabled. The redirect should now work properly whether you are using a plain API gateway URL or a Cloudfront endpoint pointing at an API gateway URL.
  • CUMULUS-2200
    • Fixed issue where __in and __not queries were stripping spaces from values


  • CUMULUS-1955
    • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3Object()
    • @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueNameByUrl()
    • @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueName()
  • CUMULUS-2162
    • @cumulus/api/endpoints/granules-csv/list()


  • CUMULUS-2111
    • Removed distribution_url and distribution_redirect_uri outputs from the cumulus module
    • Removed variables from the cumulus module:
      • distribution_url
      • log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch
      • thin_egress_cookie_domain
      • thin_egress_domain_cert_arn
      • thin_egress_download_role_in_region_arn
      • thin_egress_jwt_algo
      • thin_egress_jwt_secret_name
      • thin_egress_lambda_code_dependency_archive_key
      • thin_egress_stack_name
    • Removed outputs from the distribution module:
      • distribution_url
      • internal_tea_api
      • rest_api_id
      • thin_egress_app_redirect_uri
    • Removed variables from the distribution module:
      • bucket_map_key
      • distribution_url
      • log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch
      • thin_egress_cookie_domain
      • thin_egress_domain_cert_arn
      • thin_egress_download_role_in_region_arn
      • thin_egress_jwt_algo
      • thin_egress_jwt_secret_name
      • thin_egress_lambda_code_dependency_archive_key
  • CUMULUS-2157
    • Removed providerSecretsMigration and verifyProviderSecretsMigration lambdas
  • Removed deprecated @cumulus/sf-sns-report task
  • Removed code:
    • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.calculateS3ObjectChecksum
    • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStream
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.getFullMetadata
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.getMetadata
    • @cumulus/common/util.isNil
    • @cumulus/common/util.isNull
    • @cumulus/common/util.isUndefined
    • @cumulus/common/util.lookupMimeType
    • @cumulus/common/util.mkdtempSync
    • @cumulus/common/util.negate
    • @cumulus/common/util.noop
    • @cumulus/common/util.omit
    • @cumulus/common/util.renameProperty
    • @cumulus/common/util.sleep
    • @cumulus/common/util.thread
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.copyGranuleFile
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.moveGranuleFile
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.deleteRule
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.getRule
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.listRules
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.postRule
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.rerunRule
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/rules.updateRule
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep.parseStepMessage
    • @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueName
    • @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueNameByUrl

v2.0.2+ Backport releases

Release v2.0.1 was the last release on the 2.0.x release series.

Changes after this version on the 2.0.x release series are limited security/requested feature patches and will not be ported forward to future releases unless there is a corresponding CHANGELOG entry.

For up-to-date CHANGELOG for the maintenance release branch see from the 2.0.x branch.

For the most recent release information for the maintenance branch please see the release page

v2.0.7 2020-10-1 - [BACKPORT]


  • CVE-2020-7720
    • Updated common node-forge dependency to 0.10.0 to address CVE finding

v2.0.6 2020-09-25 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-2168
    • Fixed issue where large number of documents (generally logs) in the cumulus elasticsearch index results in the collection granule stats queries failing for the collections list api endpoint

v2.0.5 2020-09-15 - [BACKPORT]


  • Added thin_egress_stack_name variable to cumulus and distribution Terraform modules to allow overriding the default Cloudformation stack name used for the thin-egress-app. Please note that if you change/set this value for an existing deployment, it will destroy and re-create your API gateway for the thin-egress-app.


  • Fix collection list queries. Removed fixes to collection stats, which break queries for a large number of granules.

v2.0.4 2020-09-08 - [BACKPORT]


  • Upgraded version of TEA deployed with Cumulus to build 88.

v2.0.3 2020-09-02 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-1961

    • Fixed activeCollections query only returning 10 results
  • CUMULUS-2039

    • Fix issue causing SyncGranules task to run out of memory on large granules


  • The @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStreamAsync function has been removed. It read the entire S3 object into memory before returning a read stream, which could cause Lambdas to run out of memory. Use @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObjectReadStream instead.

v2.0.2 2020-08-17 - [BACKPORT]


  • The @cumulus/ingest/util.lookupMimeType function now returns undefined rather than null if the mime type could not be found.
  • The @cumulus/ingest/lock.removeLock function now returns undefined


  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/granule.unpublishAndDeleteGranule which unpublishes a granule from CMR and deletes it from Cumulus, but does not update the record to published: false before deletion


  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Fixed a race condition with bulk granule delete causing deleted granules to still appear in Elasticsearch. Granules removed via bulk delete should now be removed from Elasticsearch.

v2.0.1 2020-07-28


  • CUMULUS-1886
    • Added multiple sort keys support to @cumulus/api
  • CUMULUS-2099
    • @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueUrl to get the queue URL specified in a Cumulus workflow message, if any.


  • PR 1790
    • Fixed bug with request headers in @cumulus/launchpad-auth causing Launchpad token requests to fail

v2.0.0 2020-07-23


  • Changes to the @cumulus/api-client package
    • The CumulusApiClientError class must now be imported using const { CumulusApiClientError } = require('@cumulus/api-client/CumulusApiClientError')
  • The @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient class must now be imported using const { SftpClient } = require('@cumulus/sftp-client');
  • Instances of @cumulus/ingest/SftpProviderClient no longer implicitly connect when download, list, or sync are called. You must call connect on the provider client before issuing one of those calls. Failure to do so will result in a "Client not connected" exception being thrown.
  • Instances of @cumulus/ingest/SftpProviderClient no longer implicitly disconnect from the SFTP server when list is called.
  • Instances of @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient must now be explicitly closed by calling .end()
  • Instances of @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient no longer implicitly connect to the server when download, unlink, syncToS3, syncFromS3, and list are called. You must explicitly call connect before calling one of those methods.
  • Changes to the @cumulus/common package
    • cloudwatch-event.getSfEventMessageObject() now returns undefined if the message could not be found or could not be parsed. It previously returned null.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.decrypt() now throws an exception if the bucket containing the key cannot be determined.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.decrypt() now throws an exception if the stack cannot be determined.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.encrypt() now throws an exception if the bucket containing the key cannot be determined.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.encrypt() now throws an exception if the stack cannot be determined.
    • sns-event.getSnsEventMessageObject() now returns undefined if it could not be parsed. It previously returned null.
    • The aws module has been removed.
    • The BucketsConfig.buckets property is now read-only and private
    • The test-utils.validateConfig() function now resolves to undefined rather than true.
    • The test-utils.validateInput() function now resolves to undefined rather than true.
    • The test-utils.validateOutput() function now resolves to undefined rather than true.
    • The static S3KeyPairProvider.retrieveKey() function has been removed.
  • Changes to the @cumulus/cmrjs package
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.constructOnlineAccessUrl() and @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.constructOnlineAccessUrl() previously took a buckets parameter, which was an instance of @cumulus/common/BucketsConfig. They now take a bucketTypes parameter, which is a simple object mapping bucket names to bucket types. Example: { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.reconcileCMRMetadata() and @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.reconcileCMRMetadata() now take a required bucketTypes parameter, which is a simple object mapping bucket names to bucket types. Example: { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.updateCMRMetadata() and @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.updateCMRMetadata() previously took an optional inBuckets parameter, which was an instance of @cumulus/common/BucketsConfig. They now take a required bucketTypes parameter, which is a simple object mapping bucket names to bucket types. Example: { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
  • The minimum supported version of all published Cumulus packages is now Node 12.18.0
    • Tasks using the cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task Docker image must be updated to cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task:1.7.0. This can be done by updating the image property of any tasks defined using the cumulus_ecs_service Terraform module.
  • Changes to @cumulus/aws-client/S3
    • The signature of the getObjectSize function has changed. It now takes a params object with three properties:
      • s3: an instance of an AWS.S3 object
      • bucket
      • key
    • The getObjectSize function will no longer retry if the object does not exist
  • CUMULUS-1861
    • @cumulus/message/Collections.getCollectionIdFromMessage now throws a CumulusMessageError if collectionName and collectionVersion are missing from meta.collection. Previously this method would return 'undefined___undefined' instead
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/addCollections now returns an array of collections that were added rather than the count of added collections
  • CUMULUS-1930
    • The @cumulus/common/util.uuid() function has been removed
  • CUMULUS-1955
    • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.multipartCopyObject now returns an object with the AWS etag of the destination object
    • @cumulus/ingest/S3ProviderClient.list now sets a file object's path property to undefined instead of null when the file is at the top level of its bucket
    • The sync methods of the following classes in the @cumulus/ingest package now return an object with the AWS s3uri and etag of the destination file (they previously returned only a string representing the S3 URI)
      • FtpProviderClient
      • HttpProviderClient
      • S3ProviderClient
      • SftpProviderClient
  • CUMULUS-1958
    • The following methods exported from @cumulus/cmr-js/cmr-utils were made async, and added distributionBucketMap as a parameter:
      • constructOnlineAccessUrl
      • generateFileUrl
      • reconcileCMRMetadata
      • updateCMRMetadata
  • CUMULUS-1969
    • The DiscoverPdrs task now expects provider_path to be provided at event.config.provider_path, not event.config.collection.provider_path
    • event.config.provider_path is now a required parameter of the DiscoverPdrs task
    • event.config.collection is no longer a parameter to the DiscoverPdrs task
    • Collections no longer support the provider_path property. The tasks that relied on that property are now referencing config.meta.provider_path. Workflows should be updated accordingly.
  • CUMULUS-1977
    • Moved bulk granule deletion endpoint from /bulkDelete to /granules/bulkDelete
  • CUMULUS-1991
    • Updated CMR metadata generation to use "Download file.hdf" (where file.hdf is the filename of the given resource) as the resource description instead of "File to download"
    • CMR metadata updates now respect changes to resource descriptions (previously only changes to resource URLs were respected)


  • Due to an issue with the AWS API Gateway and how the Thin Egress App Cloudformation template applies updates, you may need to redeploy your thin-egress-app-EgressGateway manually as a one time migration step. If your deployment fails with an error similar to:

    Error: Lambda function (<stack>-tf-TeaCache) returned error: ({"errorType":"HTTPError","errorMessage":"Response code 404 (Not Found)"})

    Then follow the AWS instructions to Redeploy a REST API to a stage for your egress API and re-run terraform apply.


  • CUMULUS-2081

    • Add Integrator Guide section for onboarding
    • Add helpful tips documentation
  • CUMULUS-1902

    • Add Common Use Cases section under Operator Docs
  • CUMULUS-2058

    • Added lambda_processing_role_name as an output from the cumulus module to provide the processing role name
  • CUMULUS-1417

    • Added a checksumFor property to collection files config. Set this property on a checksum file's definition matching the regex of the target file. More details in the 'Data Cookbooks Setup' documentation.
    • Added checksumFor validation to collections model.
  • CUMULUS-1956

    • Added @cumulus/earthata-login-client package
    • The /s3credentials endpoint that is deployed as part of distribution now supports authentication using tokens created by a different application. If a request contains the EDL-ClientId and EDL-Token headers, authentication will be handled using that token rather than attempting to use OAuth.
    • @cumulus/earthata-login-client.getTokenUsername() now accepts an xRequestId argument, which will be included as the X-Request-Id header when calling Earthdata Login.
    • If the s3Credentials endpoint is invoked with an EDL token and an X-Request-Id header, that X-Request-Id header will be forwarded to Earthata Login.
  • CUMULUS-1957

    • If EDL token authentication is being used, and the EDL-Client-Name header is set, @the-client-name will be appended to the end of the Earthdata Login username that is used as the RoleSessionName of the temporary IAM credentials. This value will show up in the AWS S3 server access logs.
  • CUMULUS-1958

    • Add the ability for users to specify a bucket_map_key to the cumulus terraform module as an override for the default .yaml values that are passed to TEA by Core. Using this option requires that each configured Cumulus 'distribution' bucket (e.g. public/protected buckets) have a single TEA mapping. Multiple maps per bucket are not supported.
    • Updated Generating a distribution URL, the MoveGranules task and all CMR reconciliation functionality to utilize the TEA bucket map override.
    • Updated deploy process to utilize a bootstrap 'tea-map-cache' lambda that will, after deployment of Cumulus Core's TEA instance, query TEA for all protected/public buckets and generate a mapping configuration used internally by Core. This object is also exposed as an output of the Cumulus module as distribution_bucket_map.
  • CUMULUS-1961

    • Replaces DynamoDB for Elasticsearch for reconciliationReportForCumulusCMR comparisons between Cumulus and CMR.
  • CUMULUS-1970

    • Created the add-missing-file-checksums workflow task
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.calculateObjectHash() function
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObjectReadStream() function
  • CUMULUS-1887

    • Add additional fields to the granule CSV download file
  • CUMULUS-2019

    • Add infix search to es query builder @cumulus/api/es/es/queries to support partial matching of the keywords


  • CUMULUS-2032

    • Updated @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient to utilize a configuration key httpListTimeout to set the default timeout for discovery HTTP/HTTPS requests, and updates the default for the provider to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
    • Updated the DiscoverGranules and DiscoverPDRs tasks to utilize the updated configuration value if set via workflow config, and updates the default for these tasks to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
  • CUMULUS-176

    • The API will now respond with a 400 status code when a request body contains invalid JSON. It had previously returned a 500 status code.
  • CUMULUS-1861

    • Updates Rule objects to no longer require a collection.
    • Changes the DLQ behavior for sfEventSqsToDbRecords and sfEventSqsToDbRecordsInputQueue. Previously failure to write a database record would result in lambda success, and an error log in the CloudWatch logs. The lambda has been updated to manually add a record to the sfEventSqsToDbRecordsDeadLetterQueue if the granule, execution, or pdr record fails to write, in addition to the previous error logging.
  • CUMULUS-1956

    • The /s3credentials endpoint that is deployed as part of distribution now supports authentication using tokens created by a different application. If a request contains the EDL-ClientId and EDL-Token headers, authentication will be handled using that token rather than attempting to use OAuth.
  • CUMULUS-1977

    • API endpoint POST /granules/bulk now returns a 202 status on a successful response instead of a 200 response
    • API endpoint DELETE /granules/<granule-id> now returns a 404 status if the granule record was already deleted
    • @cumulus/api/models/Granule.update() now returns the updated granule record
    • Implemented POST /granules/bulkDelete API endpoint to support deleting granules specified by ID or returned by the provided query in the request body. If the request is successful, the endpoint returns the async operation ID that has been started to remove the granules.
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/Granule.getRecord() method to return raw record from DynamoDB
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/Granule.delete() method which handles deleting the granule record from DynamoDB and the granule files from S3
  • CUMULUS-1982

    • The globalConnectionLimit property of providers is now optional and defaults to "unlimited"
  • CUMULUS-1997

    • Added optional launchpad configuration to @cumulus/hyrax-metadata-updates task config schema.
  • CUMULUS-1991

    • @cumulus/cmrjs/src/cmr-utils/constructOnlineAccessUrls() now throws an error if cmrGranuleUrlType = "distribution" and no distribution endpoint argument is provided
  • CUMULUS-2011

    • Reconciliation reports are now generated within an AsyncOperation
  • CUMULUS-2016

    • Upgrade TEA to version 79


  • CUMULUS-1991

    • Added missing DISTRIBUTION_ENDPOINT environment variable for API lambdas. This environment variable is required for API requests to move granules.
  • CUMULUS-1961

    • Fixed granules and executions query params not getting sent to API in granule list operation in @cumulus/api-client


  • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.calculateS3ObjectChecksum()

  • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStream()

  • @cumulus/common/log.convertLogLevel()

  • @cumulus/collection-config-store

  • @cumulus/common/util.sleep()

  • CUMULUS-1930

    • @cumulus/common/log.convertLogLevel()
    • @cumulus/common/util.isNull()
    • @cumulus/common/util.isUndefined()
    • @cumulus/common/util.negate()
    • @cumulus/common/util.noop()
    • @cumulus/common/util.isNil()
    • @cumulus/common/util.renameProperty()
    • @cumulus/common/util.lookupMimeType()
    • @cumulus/common/util.thread()
    • @cumulus/common/util.mkdtempSync()


  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.bucketsConfigJsonObject function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.CollectionConfigStore class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.concurrency module has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.constructCollectionId function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.launchpad module has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.LaunchpadToken class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.Semaphore class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common.stringUtils module has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.cloudwatchlogs function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.deleteS3Files function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.deleteS3Object function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.dynamodb function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.dynamodbDocClient function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.getExecutionArn function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.headObject function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.listS3ObjectsV2 function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.parseS3Uri function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.promiseS3Upload function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.recursivelyDeleteS3Bucket function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.s3CopyObject function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.s3ObjectExists function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.s3PutObject function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/bucketsConfigJsonObject function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/CloudWatchLogger class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/collection-config-store.CollectionConfigStore class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/collection-config-store.constructCollectionId function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/concurrency.limit function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/concurrency.mapTolerant function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/concurrency.promiseUrl function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/concurrency.toPromise function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/concurrency.unless function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/config.parseConfig function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/config.resolveResource function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/DynamoDb.get function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/DynamoDb.scan function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/FieldPattern class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/launchpad.getLaunchpadToken function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/launchpad.validateLaunchpadToken function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/LaunchpadToken class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.buildCumulusMeta function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.buildQueueMessageFromTemplate function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getCollectionIdFromMessage function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMaximumExecutions function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMessageExecutionArn function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMessageExecutionName function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMessageFromTemplate function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMessageGranules function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getMessageStateMachineArn function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getQueueName function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.getQueueNameByUrl function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/message.hasQueueAndExecutionLimit function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/Semaphore class has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.globalReplace function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.isNonEmptyString function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.isValidHostname function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.match function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.matches function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.replace function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.toLower function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/string.toUpper function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/testUtils.getLocalstackEndpoint function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/util.setErrorStack function has been removed
  • The @cumulus/common/util.uuid function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowArn function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowFile function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowList function has been removed
  • The deprecated @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowTemplate function has been removed
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.toSfnExecutionName()
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.fromSfnExecutionName()
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getExecutionArn()
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getExecutionUrl()
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getStateMachineArn()
  • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.pullStepFunctionEvent()
  • @cumulus/common/test-utils/throttleOnce()
  • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.invokeApiDistributionLambda()
  • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getDistributionApiRedirect()
  • @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getDistributionApiFileStream()

v1.24.0 2020-06-03


  • CUMULUS-1969

    • The DiscoverPdrs task now expects provider_path to be provided at event.config.provider_path, not event.config.collection.provider_path
    • event.config.provider_path is now a required parameter of the DiscoverPdrs task
    • event.config.collection is no longer a parameter to the DiscoverPdrs task
    • Collections no longer support the provider_path property. The tasks that relied on that property are now referencing config.meta.provider_path. Workflows should be updated accordingly.
  • CUMULUS-1997

    • @cumulus/cmr-client/CMRSearchConceptQueue parameters have been changed to take a cmrSettings object containing clientId, provider, and auth information. This can be generated using @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils/getCmrSettings. The cmrEnvironment variable has been removed.


  • CUMULUS-1800
    • Added task configuration setting named syncChecksumFiles to the SyncGranule task. This setting is false by default, but when set to true, all checksum files associated with data files that are downloaded will be downloaded as well.
  • CUMULUS-1952
    • Updated HTTP(S) provider client to accept username/password for Basic authorization. This change adds support for Basic Authorization such as Earthdata login redirects to ingest (i.e. as implemented in SyncGranule), but not to discovery (i.e. as implemented in DiscoverGranules). Discovery still expects the provider's file system to be publicly accessible, but not the individual files and their contents.
    • NOTE: Using this in combination with the HTTP protocol may expose usernames and passwords to intermediary network entities. HTTPS is highly recommended.
  • CUMULUS-1997
    • Added optional launchpad configuration to @cumulus/hyrax-metadata-updates task config schema.


  • CUMULUS-1997
    • Updated all CMR operations to use configured authentication scheme
  • CUMULUS-2010
    • Updated @cumulus/api/launchpadSaml to support multiple userGroup attributes from the SAML response

v1.23.2 2020-05-22


  • Updates to the Cumulus archive API:

    • All endpoints now return a 401 response instead of a 403 for any request where the JWT passed as a Bearer token is invalid.
    • POST /refresh and DELETE /token/<token> endpoints now return a 401 response for requests with expired tokens
  • CUMULUS-1894

    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.handleDuplicateFile()
      • The copyOptions parameter has been removed
      • An ACL parameter has been added
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.renameS3FileWithTimestamp()
      • Now returns undefined
  • CUMULUS-1896 Updated all Cumulus core lambdas to utilize the new message adapter streaming interface via cumulus-message-adapter-js v1.2.0. Users of this version of Cumulus (or later) must utilize version 1.3.0 or greater of the cumulus-message-adapter to support core lambdas.

  • CUMULUS-1912

    • @cumulus/api reconciliationReports list endpoint returns a list of reconciliationReport records instead of S3Uri.
  • CUMULUS-1969

    • The DiscoverGranules task now expects provider_path to be provided at event.config.provider_path, not event.config.collection.provider_path
    • config.provider_path is now a required parameter of the DiscoverGranules task


  • To take advantage of the new TTL-based access token expiration implemented in CUMULUS-1777 (see notes below) and clear out existing records in your access tokens table, do the following:

    1. Log out of any active dashboard sessions
    2. Use the AWS console or CLI to delete your <prefix>-AccessTokensTable DynamoDB table
    3. Re-deploy your data-persistence module, which should re-create the <prefix>-AccessTokensTable DynamoDB table
    4. Return to using the Cumulus API/dashboard as normal
  • This release requires the Cumulus Message Adapter layer deployed with Cumulus Core to be at least 1.3.0, as the core lambdas have updated to cumulus-message-adapter-js v1.2.0 and the new CMA interface. As a result, users should:

    1. Follow the Cumulus Message Adapter (CMA) deployment instructions and install a CMA layer version >=1.3.0
    2. If you are using any custom Node.js Lambdas in your workflows and the Cumulus CMA layer/cumulus-message-adapter-js, you must update your lambda to use cumulus-message-adapter-js v1.2.0 and follow the migration instructions in the release notes. Prior versions of cumulus-message-adapter-js are not compatible with CMA >= 1.3.0.
  • Migrate existing s3 reconciliation report records to database (CUMULUS-1911):

    • After update your data persistence module and Cumulus resources, run the command:
    ./node_modules/.bin/cumulus-api migrate --stack `<your-terraform-deployment-prefix>` --migrationVersion migration5


  • Added a limit for concurrent Elasticsearch requests when doing an index from database operation

  • Added the es_request_concurrency parameter to the archive and cumulus Terraform modules

  • CUMULUS-1995

    • Added the es_index_shards parameter to the archive and cumulus Terraform modules to configure the number of shards for the ES index
      • If you have an existing ES index, you will need to reindex and then change index to take advantage of shard updates
  • CUMULUS-1894

    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.moveObject()
  • CUMULUS-1911

    • Added ReconciliationReports table
    • Updated CreateReconciliationReport lambda to save Reconciliation Report records to database
    • Updated dbIndexer and IndexFromDatabase lambdas to index Reconciliation Report records to Elasticsearch
    • Added migration_5 to migrate existing s3 reconciliation report records to database and Elasticsearch
    • Updated @cumulus/api package, tf-modules/archive and tf-modules/data-persistence Terraform modules
  • CUMULUS-1916

    • Added util function for seeding reconciliation reports when running API locally in dashboard


  • CUMULUS-1777
    • The expirationTime property is now a required field of the access tokens model.
    • Updated the AccessTokens table to set a TTL on the expirationTime field in tf-modules/data-persistence/ As a result, access token records in this table whose expirationTime has passed should be automatically deleted by DynamoDB.
    • Updated all code creating access token records in the Dynamo AccessTokens table to set the expirationTime field value in seconds from the epoch.
  • CUMULUS-1912
    • Updated reconciliationReports endpoints to query against Elasticsearch, delete report from both database and s3
    • Added @cumulus/api-client/reconciliationReports
  • CUMULUS-1999
    • Updated @cumulus/common/util.deprecate() so that only a single deprecation notice is printed for each name/version combination


  • CUMULUS-1894
    • The SyncGranule task can now handle files larger than 5 GB
  • CUMULUS-1987
    • Remove granule from CMR operation in @cumulus/api now passes token to CMR when fetching granule metadata, allowing removal of private granules
  • CUMULUS-1993
    • For a given queue, the sqs-message-consumer Lambda will now only schedule workflows for rules matching the queue and the collection information in each queue message (if any)
      • The consumer also now only reads each queue message once per Lambda invocation, whereas previously each message was read once per queue rule per Lambda invocation
    • Fixed bug preventing the deletion of multiple SNS rules that share the same SNS topic


  • CUMULUS-1894

    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.copyGranuleFile()
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.moveGranuleFile()
  • CUMULUS-1987 - Deprecated the following functions:

    • @cumulus/cmrjs/getMetadata(cmrLink) -> @cumulus/cmr-client/CMR.getGranuleMetadata(cmrLink)
    • @cumulus/cmrjs/getFullMetadata(cmrLink)

v1.22.1 2020-05-04

Note: v1.22.0 was not released as a package due to npm/release concerns. Users upgrading to 1.22.x should start with 1.22.1


  • CUMULUS-1894
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.multipartCopyObject()
  • CUMULUS-408
    • Added certificateUri field to provider schema. This optional field allows operators to specify an S3 uri to a CA bundle to use for HTTPS requests.
  • CUMULUS-1787
    • Added collections/active endpoint for returning collections with active granules in @cumulus/api
  • CUMULUS-1799
    • Added @cumulus/common/stack.getBucketsConfigKey() to return the S3 key for the buckets config object
    • Added @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowFileKey() to return the S3 key for a workflow definition object
    • Added @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowsListKeyPrefix() to return the S3 key prefix for objects containing workflow definitions
    • Added @cumulus/message package containing utilities for building and parsing Cumulus messages
  • CUMULUS-1850
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/Kinesis.describeStream() to get a Kinesis stream description
  • CUMULUS-1853
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/collections.createCollection()
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/executions.findExecutionArn()
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/executions.getExecutionWithStatus()
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/granules.getGranuleWithStatus()
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/providers.createProvider()
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/rules.createOneTimeRule()


  • CUMULUS-1682
    • Moved all @cumulus/ingest/parse-pdr code into the parse-pdr task as it had become tightly coupled with that task's handler and was not used anywhere else. Unit tests also restored.
  • CUMULUS-1820
    • Updated the Thin Egress App module used in tf-modules/distribution/ to build 74. See the release notes.
  • CUMULUS-1852
    • Updated POST endpoints for /collections, /providers, and /rules to log errors when returning a 500 response
    • Updated POST endpoint for /collections:
      • Return a 400 response when the name or version fields are missing
      • Return a 409 response if the collection already exists
      • Improved error messages to be more explicit
    • Updated POST endpoint for /providers:
      • Return a 400 response if the host field value is invalid
      • Return a 409 response if the provider already exists
    • Updated POST endpoint for /rules:
      • Return a 400 response if rule name is invalid
      • Return a 400 response if rule type is invalid
  • CUMULUS-1891
    • Updated the following endpoints using async operations to return a 503 error if the ECS task cannot be started and a 500 response for a non-specific error:
      • POST /replays
      • POST /bulkDelete
      • POST /elasticsearch/index-from-database
      • POST /granules/bulk


  • CUMULUS-408

    • Fixed HTTPS discovery and ingest.
  • CUMULUS-1850

    • Fixed a bug in Kinesis event processing where the message consumer would not properly filter available rules based on the collection information in the event and the Kinesis stream ARN
  • CUMULUS-1853

    • Fixed a bug where attempting to create a rule containing a payload property would fail schema validation.
  • CUMULUS-1854

    • Rule schema is validated before starting workflows or creating event source mappings
  • CUMULUS-1974

    • Fixed @cumulus/api webpack config for missing underscore object due to underscore update
  • CUMULUS-2210

    • Fixed cmr_oauth_provider variable not being propagated to reconciliation reports


  • CUMULUS-1799 - Deprecated the following code. For cases where the code was moved into another package, the new code location is noted:
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.fromSfnExecutionName()
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.toSfnExecutionName()
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getExecutionArn() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.buildExecutionArn()
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getExecutionUrl() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.getExecutionUrlFromArn()
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.getStateMachineArn() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.getStateMachineArnFromExecutionArn()
    • @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.pullStepFunctionEvent() -> @cumulus/message/StepFunctions.pullStepFunctionEvent()
    • @cumulus/common/bucketsConfigJsonObject()
    • @cumulus/common/CloudWatchLogger
    • @cumulus/common/collection-config-store/CollectionConfigStore -> @cumulus/collection-config-store
    • @cumulus/common/collection-config-store.constructCollectionId() -> @cumulus/message/Collections.constructCollectionId
    • @cumulus/common/concurrency.limit()
    • @cumulus/common/concurrency.mapTolerant()
    • @cumulus/common/concurrency.promiseUrl()
    • @cumulus/common/concurrency.toPromise()
    • @cumulus/common/concurrency.unless()
    • @cumulus/common/config.buildSchema()
    • @cumulus/common/config.parseConfig()
    • @cumulus/common/config.resolveResource()
    • @cumulus/common/config.resourceToArn()
    • @cumulus/common/FieldPattern
    • @cumulus/common/launchpad.getLaunchpadToken() -> @cumulus/launchpad-auth/index.getLaunchpadToken()
    • @cumulus/common/LaunchpadToken -> @cumulus/launchpad-auth/LaunchpadToken
    • @cumulus/common/launchpad.validateLaunchpadToken() -> @cumulus/launchpad-auth/index.validateLaunchpadToken()
    • @cumulus/common/message.buildCumulusMeta() -> @cumulus/message/Build.buildCumulusMeta()
    • @cumulus/common/message.buildQueueMessageFromTemplate() -> @cumulus/message/Build.buildQueueMessageFromTemplate()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getCollectionIdFromMessage() -> @cumulus/message/Collections.getCollectionIdFromMessage()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMessageExecutionArn() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.getMessageExecutionArn()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMessageExecutionName() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.getMessageExecutionName()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMaximumExecutions() -> @cumulus/message/Queue.getMaximumExecutions()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMessageFromTemplate()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMessageStateMachineArn() -> @cumulus/message/Executions.getMessageStateMachineArn())
    • @cumulus/common/message.getMessageGranules() -> @cumulus/message/Granules.getMessageGranules()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getQueueNameByUrl() -> @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueNameByUrl()
    • @cumulus/common/message.getQueueName() -> @cumulus/message/Queue.getQueueName())
    • @cumulus/common/message.hasQueueAndExecutionLimit() -> @cumulus/message/Queue.hasQueueAndExecutionLimit()
    • @cumulus/common/Semaphore
    • @cumulus/common/test-utils.throttleOnce()
    • @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowArn()
    • @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowFile()
    • @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowList()
    • @cumulus/common/workflows.getWorkflowTemplate()
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep/SfnStep.parseStepMessage() -> @cumulus/message/StepFunctions.parseStepMessage()
  • CUMULUS-1858 - Deprecated the following functions.
    • @cumulus/common/string.globalReplace()
    • @cumulus/common/string.isNonEmptyString()
    • @cumulus/common/string.isValidHostname()
    • @cumulus/common/string.match()
    • @cumulus/common/string.matches()
    • @cumulus/common/string.replace()
    • @cumulus/common/string.toLower()
    • @cumulus/common/string.toUpper()


  • CUMULUS-1799: Deprecated code removals:
    • Removed from @cumulus/common/aws:
      • pullStepFunctionEvent()
    • Removed @cumulus/common/sfnStep
    • Removed @cumulus/common/StepFunctions

v1.21.0 2020-03-30


  • CUMULUS-1762: the messageConsumer for sns and kinesis-type rules now fetches the collection information from the message. You should ensure that your rule's collection name and version match what is in the message for these ingest messages to be processed. If no matching rule is found, an error will be thrown and logged in the messageConsumer Lambda function's log group.


  • CUMULUS-1629`

    • Updates discover-granules task to respect/utilize duplicateHandling configuration such that
      • skip: Duplicates will be filtered from the granule list
      • error: Duplicates encountered will result in step failure
      • replace, version: Duplicates will be ignored and handled as normal.
    • Adds a new copy of the API lambda PrivateApiLambda() which is configured to not require authentication. This Lambda is not connected to an API gateway
    • Adds @cumulus/api-client with functions for use by workflow lambdas to call the API when needed
  • CUMULUS-1732

    • Added Python task/activity workflow and integration test (PythonReferenceSpec) to test cumulus-message-adapter-pythonand cumulus-process-py integration.
  • CUMULUS-1795

    • Added an IAM policy on the Cumulus EC2 creation to enable SSM when the deploy_to_ngap flag is true


  • CUMULUS-1762
    • the messageConsumer for sns and kinesis-type rules now fetches the collection information from the message.


  • CUMULUS-1629
    • Deprecate granulesApi, rulesApi, emsApi, executionsAPI from @cumulus/integration-test/api in favor of code moved to @cumulus/api-client


  • CUMULUS-1799: Deprecated code removals
    • Removed deprecated method @cumulus/api/models/Granule.createGranulesFromSns()
    • Removed deprecated method @cumulus/api/models/Granule.removeGranuleFromCmr()
    • Removed from @cumulus/common/aws:
      • apigateway()
      • buildS3Uri()
      • calculateS3ObjectChecksum()
      • cf()
      • cloudwatch()
      • cloudwatchevents()
      • cloudwatchlogs()
      • createAndWaitForDynamoDbTable()
      • createQueue()
      • deleteSQSMessage()
      • describeCfStackResources()
      • downloadS3File()
      • downloadS3Files()
      • DynamoDbSearchQueue class
      • dynamodbstreams()
      • ec2()
      • ecs()
      • fileExists()
      • findResourceArn()
      • fromSfnExecutionName()
      • getFileBucketAndKey()
      • getJsonS3Object()
      • getQueueUrl()
      • getObjectSize()
      • getS3ObjectReadStream()
      • getSecretString()
      • getStateMachineArn()
      • headObject()
      • isThrottlingException()
      • kinesis()
      • lambda()
      • listS3Objects()
      • promiseS3Upload()
      • publishSnsMessage()
      • putJsonS3Object()
      • receiveSQSMessages()
      • s3CopyObject()
      • s3GetObjectTagging()
      • s3Join()
      • S3ListObjectsV2Queue class
      • s3TagSetToQueryString()
      • s3PutObjectTagging()
      • secretsManager()
      • sendSQSMessage()
      • sfn()
      • sns()
      • sqs()
      • sqsQueueExists()
      • toSfnExecutionName()
      • uploadS3FileStream()
      • uploadS3Files()
      • validateS3ObjectChecksum()
    • Removed @cumulus/common/CloudFormationGateway class
    • Removed @cumulus/common/concurrency/Mutex class
    • Removed @cumulus/common/errors
    • Removed @cumulus/common/sftp
    • Removed @cumulus/common/string.unicodeEscape
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.getGranuleId()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.getCmrFiles()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr/CMR class
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr/CMRSearchConceptQueue class
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils.getHost()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils.getIp()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils.hostId()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils/ummVersion()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils.updateToken()
    • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/utils.validateUMMG()
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws.getEndpoint()
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws.getExecutionUrl()
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/invoke()
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/CloudWatch class
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/ECS class
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/Events class
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS class
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction class
    • Removed @cumulus/ingest/util.normalizeProviderPath()
    • Removed @cumulus/integration-tests/index.listCollections()
    • Removed @cumulus/integration-tests/index.listProviders()
    • Removed @cumulus/integration-tests/index.rulesList()
    • Removed @cumulus/integration-tests/api/api.addCollectionApi()

v1.20.0 2020-03-12


  • CUMULUS-1714
    • Changed the format of the message sent to the granule SNS Topic. Message includes the granule record under record and the type of event under event. Messages with deleted events will have the record that was deleted with a deletedAt timestamp. Options for event are Create | Update | Delete
  • CUMULUS-1769 - deploy_to_ngap is now a required variable for the tf-modules/cumulus module. For those deploying to NGAP environments, this variable should always be set to true.

Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-1739 - You can now exclude Elasticsearch from your tf-modules/data-persistence deployment (via include_elasticsearch = false) and your tf-modules/cumulus module will still deploy successfully.

  • CUMULUS-1769 - If you set deploy_to_ngap = true for the tf-modules/archive Terraform module, you can only deploy your archive API gateway as PRIVATE, not EDGE.


  • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStreamAsync() to deal with S3 eventual consistency issues by checking for the existence an S3 object with retries before getting a readable stream for that object.
  • CUMULUS-1769
    • Added deploy_to_ngap boolean variable for the tf-modules/cumulus and tf-modules/archive Terraform modules. This variable is required. For those deploying to NGAP environments, this variable should always be set to true.
  • HYRAX-70
    • Add the hyrax-metadata-update task


  • AccessToken.get() now enforces strongly consistent reads from DynamoDB
  • CUMULUS-1739
    • Updated tf-modules/data-persistence to make Elasticsearch alarm resources and outputs conditional on the include_elasticsearch variable
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObjectSize to include automatic retries for any failures from S3.headObject
  • CUMULUS-1784
    • Updated @cumulus/api/lib/DistributionEvent.remoteIP() to parse the IP address in an S3 access log from the A-sourceip query parameter if present, otherwise fallback to the original parsing behavior.
  • CUMULUS-1768
    • The stats/summary endpoint reports the distinct collections for the number of granules reported


  • CUMULUS-1739 - Fixed the tf-modules/cumulus and tf-modules/archive modules to make these Elasticsearch variables truly optional:

    • elasticsearch_domain_arn
    • elasticsearch_hostname
    • elasticsearch_security_group_id
  • CUMULUS-1768

    • Fixed the stats/ endpoint so that data is correctly filtered by timestamp and processingTime is calculated correctly.
  • CUMULUS-1769

    • In the tf-modules/archive Terraform module, the lifecycle block ignoring changes to the policy of the archive API gateway is now only enforced if deploy_to_ngap = true. This fixes a bug where users deploying outside of NGAP could not update their API gateway's resource policy when going from PRIVATE to EDGE, preventing their API from being accessed publicly.
  • CUMULUS-1775

    • Fix/update api endpoint to use updated google auth endpoints such that it will work with new accounts


  • CUMULUS-1768
    • Removed API endpoints stats/histogram and stats/average. All advanced stats needs should be acquired from Cloud Metrics or similarly configured ELK stack.

v1.19.0 2020-02-28


  • CUMULUS-1736

    • The @cumulus/discover-granules task now sets the dataType of discovered granules based on the name of the configured collection, not the dataType.
    • The config schema of the @cumulus/discover-granules task now requires that collections contain a version.
    • The @cumulus/sync-granule task will set the dataType and version of a granule based on the configured collection if those fields are not already set on the granule. Previously it was using the dataType field of the configured collection, then falling back to the name field of the collection. This update will just use the name field of the collection to set the dataType field of the granule.
  • CUMULUS-1446

    • Update the @cumulus/integration-tests/api/executions.getExecution() function to parse the response and return the execution, rather than return the full API response.
  • CUMULUS-1672

    • The cumulus Terraform module in previous releases set a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, a tags input variable has been added to the cumulus Terraform module to allow resource tagging to be customized. No default tags will be applied to Cumulus-managed resources. To replicate the previous behavior, set tags = { Deployment: var.prefix } as an input variable for the cumulus Terraform module.
  • CUMULUS-1684 Migration Instructions

    • In previous releases, a provider's username and password were encrypted using a custom encryption library. That has now been updated to use KMS. This release includes a Lambda function named <prefix>-ProviderSecretsMigration, which will re-encrypt existing provider credentials to use KMS. After this release has been deployed, you will need to manually invoke that Lambda function using either the AWS CLI or AWS Console. It should only need to be successfully run once.
    • Future releases of Cumulus will invoke a <prefix>-VerifyProviderSecretsMigration Lambda function as part of the deployment, which will cause the deployment to fail if the migration Lambda has not been run.
  • CUMULUS-1718

    • The @cumulus/sf-sns-report task for reporting mid-workflow updates has been retired. This task was used as the PdrStatusReport task in our ParsePdr example workflow. If you have a ParsePdr or other workflow using this task, use @cumulus/sf-sqs-report instead. Trying to deploy the old task will result in an error as the cumulus module no longer exports sf_sns_report_task.
    • Migration instruction: In your workflow definition, for each step using the old task change: "Resource": "${module.cumulus.sf_sns_report_task.task_arn}" to "Resource": "${module.cumulus.sf_sqs_report_task.task_arn}"
  • CUMULUS-1755


  • CUMULUS-1446

    • Add @cumulus/common/FileUtils.readJsonFile() function
    • Add @cumulus/common/FileUtils.readTextFile() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/api/collections.createCollection() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/api/collections.deleteCollection() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/api/collections.getCollection() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/api/providers.getProvider() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/index.getExecutionOutput() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/index.loadCollection() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/index.loadProvider() function
    • Add @cumulus/integration-tests/index.readJsonFilesFromDir() function
  • CUMULUS-1672

    • Add a tags input variable to the archive Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the cumulus Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the cumulus_ecs_service Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the data-persistence Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the distribution Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the ingest Terraform module
    • Add a tags input variable to the s3-replicator Terraform module
  • CUMULUS-1707

    • Enable logrotate on ECS cluster
  • CUMULUS-1684

    • Add a @cumulus/aws-client/KMS library of KMS-related functions
    • Add @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getTextObject()
    • Add @cumulus/sftp-client package
    • Create ProviderSecretsMigration Lambda function
    • Create VerifyProviderSecretsMigration Lambda function
  • CUMULUS-1548

    • Add ability to put default Cumulus logs in Metrics' ELK stack
    • Add ability to add custom logs to Metrics' ELK Stack
  • CUMULUS-1702

    • When logs are sent to Metrics' ELK stack, the logs endpoints will return results from there
  • CUMULUS-1459

    • Async Operations are indexed in Elasticsearch
    • To index any existing async operations you'll need to perform an index from database function.
  • CUMULUS-1717

    • Add @cumulus/aws-client/deleteAndWaitForDynamoDbTableNotExists, which deletes a DynamoDB table and waits to ensure the table no longer exists
    • Added publishGranules Lambda to handle publishing granule messages to SNS when granule records are written to DynamoDB
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/Granule.storeGranulesFromCumulusMessage to store granules from a Cumulus message to DynamoDB
  • CUMULUS-1718

    • Added @cumulus/sf-sqs-report task to allow mid-workflow reporting updates.
    • Added stepfunction_event_reporter_queue_url and sf_sqs_report_task outputs to the cumulus module.
    • Added publishPdrs Lambda to handle publishing PDR messages to SNS when PDR records are written to DynamoDB.
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/Pdr.storePdrFromCumulusMessage to store PDRs from a Cumulus message to DynamoDB.
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/parseSQSMessageBody to parse an SQS message body string into an object.
  • Ability to set custom backend API url in the archive module

    • Add api_url definition in tf-modules/cumulus/
    • Add archive_api_url variable in tf-modules/cumulus/
  • CUMULUS-1741

    • Added an optional elasticsearch_security_group_ids variable to the data-persistence Terraform module to allow additional security groups to be assigned to the Elasticsearch Domain.
  • CUMULUS-1752

    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.invokeTEADistributionLambda to simulate a request to the Thin Egress App by invoking the Lambda and getting a response payload.
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getTEARequestHeaders to generate necessary request headers for a request to the Thin Egress App
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getTEADistributionApiFileStream to get a response stream for a file served by Thin Egress App
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getTEADistributionApiRedirect to get a redirect response from the Thin Egress App
  • CUMULUS-1755

    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/CloudFormation.describeCfStack() to describe a Cloudformation stack
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/CloudFormation.getCfStackParameterValues() to get multiple parameter values for a Cloudformation stack


  • CUMULUS-1725

    • Moved the logic that updates the granule files cache Dynamo table into its own Lambda function called granuleFilesCacheUpdater.
  • CUMULUS-1736

    • The collections model in the API package now determines the name of a collection based on the name property, rather than using dataType and then falling back to name.
    • The @cumulus/integration-tests.loadCollection() function no longer appends the postfix to the end of the collection's dataType.
    • The @cumulus/integration-tests.addCollections() function no longer appends the postfix to the end of the collection's dataType.
  • CUMULUS-1672

    • Add a retryOptions parameter to the @cumulus/aws-client/S3.headObject function, which will retry if the object being queried does not exist.
  • CUMULUS-1446

    • Mark the @cumulus/integration-tests/api.addCollectionApi() function as deprecated
    • Mark the @cumulus/integration-tests/index.listCollections() function as deprecated
    • Mark the @cumulus/integration-tests/index.listProviders() function as deprecated
    • Mark the @cumulus/integration-tests/index.rulesList() function as deprecated
  • CUMULUS-1672

    • Previously, the cumulus module defaulted to setting a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, the cumulus module will now accept a tags input variable that defines the tags to be assigned to all resources that it manages.
    • Previously, the data-persistence module defaulted to setting a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, the data-persistence module will now accept a tags input variable that defines the tags to be assigned to all resources that it manages.
    • Previously, the distribution module defaulted to setting a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, the distribution module will now accept a tags input variable that defines the tags to be assigned to all resources that it manages.
    • Previously, the ingest module defaulted to setting a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, the ingest module will now accept a tags input variable that defines the tags to be assigned to all resources that it manages.
    • Previously, the s3-replicator module defaulted to setting a Deployment = var.prefix tag on all resources that it managed. In this release, the s3-replicator module will now accept a tags input variable that defines the tags to be assigned to all resources that it manages.
  • CUMULUS-1684

    • Update the API package to encrypt provider credentials using KMS instead of using RSA keys stored in S3
  • CUMULUS-1717

    • Changed name of cwSfExecutionEventToDb Lambda to cwSfEventToDbRecords
    • Updated cwSfEventToDbRecords to write granule records to DynamoDB from the incoming Cumulus message
  • CUMULUS-1718

    • Renamed cwSfEventToDbRecords to sfEventSqsToDbRecords due to architecture change to being a consumer of an SQS queue of Step Function Cloudwatch events.
    • Updated sfEventSqsToDbRecords to write PDR records to DynamoDB from the incoming Cumulus message
    • Moved data-cookbooks/ to data-cookbooks/ and updated it to reflect recent changes.
  • CUMULUS-1748

    • (S)FTP discovery tasks now use the provider-path as-is instead of forcing it to a relative path.
    • Improved error handling to catch permission denied FTP errors better and log them properly. Workflows will still fail encountering this error and we intend to consider that approach in a future ticket.
  • CUMULUS-1752

    • Moved class for parsing distribution events to its own file: @cumulus/api/lib/DistributionEvent.js
      • Updated DistributionEvent to properly parse S3 access logs generated by requests from the Thin Egress App
  • CUMULUS-1753 - Changes to @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient.js:

    • Removed regex filter in HttpProviderClient.list() that was used to return only files with an extension between 1 and 4 characters long. HttpProviderClient.list() will now return all files linked from the HTTP provider host.
  • CUMULUS-1755

    • Updated the Thin Egress App module used in tf-modules/distribution/ to build 61. See the release notes.
  • CUMULUS-1757

    • Update @cumulus/cmr-client CMRSearchConceptQueue to take optional cmrEnvironment parameter


  • CUMULUS-1684

    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/key-pair-provider/S3KeyPairProvider
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/key-pair-provider/S3KeyPairProvider.encrypt()
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/key-pair-provider/S3KeyPairProvider.decrypt()
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/kms/KMS
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/kms/KMS.encrypt()
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/kms/KMS.decrypt()
    • Deprecate @cumulus/common/sftp.Sftp
  • CUMULUS-1717

    • Deprecate @cumulus/api/models/Granule.createGranulesFromSns
  • CUMULUS-1718

    • Deprecate @cumulus/sf-sns-report.
      • This task has been updated to always throw an error directing the user to use @cumulus/sf-sqs-report instead. This was done because there is no longer an SNS topic to which to publish, and no consumers to listen to it.
  • CUMULUS-1748

    • Deprecate @cumulus/ingest/util.normalizeProviderPath
  • CUMULUS-1752

    • Deprecate @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getDistributionApiFileStream
    • Deprecate @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.getDistributionApiRedirect
    • Deprecate @cumulus/integration-tests/api/distribution.invokeApiDistributionLambda


  • CUMULUS-1684

    • Remove the deployment script that creates encryption keys and stores them to S3
  • CUMULUS-1768

    • Removed API endpoints stats/histogram and stats/average. All advanced stats needs should be acquired from Cloud Metrics or similarly configured ELK stack.


  • Fix default values for urs_url in files

    • Remove trailing / from default urs_url values.
  • CUMULUS-1610 - Add the Elasticsearch security group to the EC2 security groups

  • CUMULUS-1740 - cumulus_meta.workflow_start_time is now set in Cumulus messages

  • CUMULUS-1753 - Fixed @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient.js to properly handle HTTP providers with:

    • Multiple link tags (e.g. <a>) per line of source code
    • Link tags in uppercase or lowercase (e.g. <A>)
    • Links with filepaths in the link target (e.g. <a href="/path/to/file.txt">). These files will be returned from HTTP file discovery as the file name only (e.g. file.txt).
  • CUMULUS-1768

    • Fix an issue in the stats endpoints in @cumulus/api to send back stats for the correct type

v1.18.0 2020-02-03


  • CUMULUS-1686

    • ecs_cluster_instance_image_id is now a required variable of the cumulus module, instead of optional.
  • CUMULUS-1698

    • Change variable saml_launchpad_metadata_path to saml_launchpad_metadata_url in the tf-modules/cumulus Terraform module.
  • CUMULUS-1703

    • Remove the unused forceDownload option from the sync-granule tasks's config
    • Remove the @cumulus/ingest/granule.Discover class
    • Remove the @cumulus/ingest/granule.Granule class
    • Remove the @cumulus/ingest/pdr.Discover class
    • Remove the @cumulus/ingest/pdr.Granule class
    • Remove the @cumulus/ingest/parse-pdr.parsePdr function


  • CUMULUS-1040

    • Added @cumulus/aws-client package to provide utilities for working with AWS services and the Node.js AWS SDK
    • Added @cumulus/errors package which exports error classes for use in Cumulus workflow code
    • Added @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep to provide utilities for parsing step function execution histories
  • CUMULUS-1102

    • Adds functionality to the @cumulus/api package for better local testing.
      • Adds data seeding for @cumulus/api's localAPI.
        • seed functions allow adding collections, executions, granules, pdrs, providers, and rules to a Localstack Elasticsearch and DynamoDB via addCollections, addExecutions, addGranules, addPdrs, addProviders, and addRules.
      • Adds eraseDataStack function to local API server code allowing resetting of local datastack for testing (ES and DynamoDB).
      • Adds optional parameters to the @cumulus/api bin serve to allow for launching the api without destroying the current data.
  • CUMULUS-1697

    • Added the @cumulus/tf-inventory package that provides command line utilities for managing Terraform resources in your AWS account
  • CUMULUS-1703

    • Add @cumulus/aws-client/S3.createBucket function
    • Add @cumulus/aws-client/S3.putFile function
    • Add @cumulus/common/string.isNonEmptyString function
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/FtpProviderClient class
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/HttpProviderClient class
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/S3ProviderClient class
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/SftpProviderClient class
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/providerClientUtils.buildProviderClient function
    • Add @cumulus/ingest/providerClientUtils.fetchTextFile function
  • CUMULUS-1731

    • Add new optional input variables to the Cumulus Terraform module to support TEA upgrade:
      • thin_egress_cookie_domain - Valid domain for Thin Egress App cookie
      • thin_egress_domain_cert_arn - Certificate Manager SSL Cert ARN for Thin Egress App if deployed outside NGAP/CloudFront
      • thin_egress_download_role_in_region_arn - ARN for reading of Thin Egress App data buckets for in-region requests
      • thin_egress_jwt_algo - Algorithm with which to encode the Thin Egress App JWT cookie
      • thin_egress_jwt_secret_name - Name of AWS secret where keys for the Thin Egress App JWT encode/decode are stored
      • thin_egress_lambda_code_dependency_archive_key - Thin Egress App - S3 Key of packaged python modules for lambda dependency layer
  • CUMULUS-1733

    • Add discovery-filtering operator doc to document previously undocumented functionality.
  • CUMULUS-1737

    • Added the cumulus-test-cleanup module to run a nightly cleanup on resources left over from the integration tests run from the example/spec directory.


  • CUMULUS-1102

    • Updates @cumulus/api/auth/testAuth to use JWT instead of random tokens.
    • Updates the default AMI for the ecs_cluster_instance_image_id.
  • CUMULUS-1622

    • Mutex class has been deprecated in @cumulus/common/concurrency and will be removed in a future release.
  • CUMULUS-1686

    • Changed ecs_cluster_instance_image_id to be a required variable of the cumulus module and removed the default value. The default was not available across accounts and regions, nor outside of NGAP and therefore not particularly useful.
  • CUMULUS-1688

    • Updated @cumulus/aws.receiveSQSMessages not to replace message.Body with a parsed object. This behavior was undocumented and confusing as received messages appeared to contradict AWS docs that state message.Body is always a string.
    • Replaced sf_watcher CloudWatch rule from with an EventSourceMapping on sqs2sf mapped to the start_sf SQS queue (in
    • Updated sqs2sf with an EventSourceMapping handler and unit test.
  • CUMULUS-1698

    • Change variable saml_launchpad_metadata_path to saml_launchpad_metadata_url in the tf-modules/cumulus Terraform module.
    • Updated @cumulus/api/launchpadSaml to download launchpad IDP metadata from configured location when the metadata in s3 is not valid, and to work with updated IDP metadata and SAML response.
  • CUMULUS-1731

    • Upgrade the version of the Thin Egress App deployed by Cumulus to v48
      • Note: New variables available, see the 'Added' section of this changelog.


  • CUMULUS-1664

    • Updated dbIndexer Lambda to remove hardcoded references to DynamoDB table names.
  • CUMULUS-1733

    • Fixed granule discovery recursion algorithm used in S/FTP protocols.


  • CUMULUS-1481
    • removed process config and output from PostToCmr as it was not required by the task nor downstream steps, and should still be in the output message's meta regardless.


  • CUMULUS-1040
    • Deprecated the following code. For cases where the code was moved into another package, the new code location is noted:
      • @cumulus/common/CloudFormationGateway -> @cumulus/aws-client/CloudFormationGateway
      • @cumulus/common/DynamoDb -> @cumulus/aws-client/DynamoDb
      • @cumulus/common/errors -> @cumulus/errors
      • @cumulus/common/StepFunctions -> @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions
      • All of the exported functions in @cumulus/commmon/aws (moved into @cumulus/aws-client), except:
        • @cumulus/common/aws/isThrottlingException -> @cumulus/errors/isThrottlingException
        • @cumulus/common/aws/improveStackTrace (not deprecated)
        • @cumulus/common/aws/retryOnThrottlingException (not deprecated)
      • @cumulus/common/sfnStep/SfnStep.parseStepMessage -> @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep/SfnStep.parseStepMessage
      • @cumulus/common/sfnStep/ActivityStep -> @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep/ActivityStep
      • @cumulus/common/sfnStep/LambdaStep -> @cumulus/integration-tests/sfnStep/LambdaStep
      • @cumulus/common/string/unicodeEscape -> @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunctions.unicodeEscape
      • @cumulus/common/util/setErrorStack -> @cumulus/aws-client/util/setErrorStack
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/invoke -> @cumulus/aws-client/Lambda/invoke
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/CloudWatch.bucketSize
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/ECS.ecs
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/ECS
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/Events.putEvent -> @cumulus/aws-client/CloudwatchEvents.putEvent
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/Events.deleteEvent -> @cumulus/aws-client/CloudwatchEvents.deleteEvent
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/Events.deleteTarget -> @cumulus/aws-client/CloudwatchEvents.deleteTarget
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/Events.putTarget -> @cumulus/aws-client/CloudwatchEvents.putTarget
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.attributes -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.getQueueAttributes
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.deleteMessage -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.deleteSQSMessage
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.deleteQueue -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.deleteQueue
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.getUrl -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.getQueueUrlByName
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.receiveMessage -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.receiveSQSMessages
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/SQS.sendMessage -> @cumulus/aws-client/SQS.sendSQSMessage
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction.getExecutionStatus -> @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunction.getExecutionStatus
      • @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction.getExecutionUrl -> @cumulus/aws-client/StepFunction.getExecutionUrl

v1.17.0 - 2019-12-31


  • CUMULUS-1498
    • The @cumulus/cmrjs.publish2CMR function expects that the value of its creds.password parameter is a plaintext password.
    • Rather than using an encrypted password from the cmr_password environment variable, the @cumulus/cmrjs.updateCMRMetadata function now looks for an environment variable called cmr_password_secret_name and fetches the CMR password from that secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
    • The @cumulus/post-to-cmr task now expects a config.cmr.passwordSecretName value, rather than config.cmr.password. The CMR password will be fetched from that secret in AWS Secrets Manager.


  • CUMULUS-630

    • Added support for replaying Kinesis records on a stream into the Cumulus Kinesis workflow triggering mechanism: either all the records, or some time slice delimited by start and end timestamps.
    • Added /replays endpoint to the operator API for triggering replays.
    • Added Replay Kinesis Messages documentation to Operator Docs.
    • Added manualConsumer lambda function to consume a Kinesis stream. Used by the replay AsyncOperation.
  • CUMULUS-1687

    • Added new API endpoint for listing async operations at /asyncOperations
    • All asyncOperations now include the fields description and operationType. operationType can be one of the following. [Bulk Delete, Bulk Granules, ES Index, Kinesis Replay]


  • CUMULUS-1626

    • Updates Cumulus to use node10/CMA 1.1.2 for all of its internal lambdas in prep for AWS node 8 EOL
  • CUMULUS-1498

    • Remove the DynamoDB Users table. The list of OAuth users who are allowed to use the API is now stored in S3.
    • The CMR password and Launchpad passphrase are now stored in Secrets Manager

v1.16.1 - 2019-12-6

Please note:

  • The region argument to the cumulus Terraform module has been removed. You may see a warning or error if you have that variable populated.
  • Your workflow tasks should use the following versions of the CMA libraries to utilize new granule, parentArn, asyncOperationId, and stackName fields on the logs:
    • cumulus-message-adapter-js version 1.0.10+
    • cumulus-message-adapter-python version 1.1.1+
    • cumulus-message-adapter-java version 1.2.11+
  • The data-persistence module no longer manages the creation of an Elasticsearch service-linked role for deploying Elasticsearch to a VPC. Follow the deployment instructions on preparing your VPC for guidance on how to create the Elasticsearch service-linked role manually.
  • There is now a distribution_api_gateway_stage variable for the tf-modules/cumulus Terraform module that will be used as the API gateway stage name used for the distribution API (Thin Egress App)
  • Default value for the urs_url variable is now in the tf-modules/cumulus and tf-modules/archive Terraform modules. So deploying the cumulus module without a urs_url variable set will integrate your Cumulus deployment with the UAT URS environment.


  • CUMULUS-1563

    • Added custom_domain_name variable to tf-modules/data-persistence module
  • CUMULUS-1654

    • Added new helpers to @cumulus/common/execution-history:
      • getStepExitedEvent() returns the TaskStateExited event in a workflow execution history after the given step completion/failure event
      • getTaskExitedEventOutput() returns the output message for a TaskStateExited event in a workflow execution history


  • CUMULUS-1578

  • CUMULUS-1579

    • Elasticsearch list queries use match instead of term. term had been analyzing the terms and not supporting - in the field values.
  • CUMULUS-1619

    • Adds 4 new keys to @cumulus/logger to display granules, parentArn, asyncOperationId, and stackName.
    • Depends on cumulus-message-adapter-js version 1.0.10+. Cumulus tasks updated to use this version.
  • CUMULUS-1654

    • Changed @cumulus/common/SfnStep.parseStepMessage() to a static class method
  • CUMULUS-1641

    • Added meta.retries and meta.visibilityTimeout properties to sqs-type rule. To create sqs-type rule, you're required to configure a dead-letter queue on your queue.
    • Added sqsMessageRemover lambda which removes the message from SQS queue upon successful workflow execution.
    • Updated sqsMessageConsumer lambda to not delete message from SQS queue, and to retry the SQS message for configured number of times.


  • Removed create_service_linked_role variable from tf-modules/data-persistence module.

  • CUMULUS-1321

    • The region argument to the cumulus Terraform module has been removed


  • CUMULUS-1668 - Fixed a race condition where executions may not have been added to the database correctly
  • CUMULUS-1654 - Fixed issue with publishReports Lambda not including workflow execution error information for failed workflows with a single step
  • Fixed tf-modules/cumulus module so that the urs_url variable is passed on to its invocation of the tf-modules/archive module

v1.16.0 - 2019-11-15


  • CUMULUS-1321

    • A deploy_distribution_s3_credentials_endpoint variable has been added to the cumulus Terraform module. If true, the NGAP-backed S3 credentials endpoint will be added to the Thin Egress App's API. Default: true
  • CUMULUS-1544

    • Updated the /granules/bulk endpoint to correctly query Elasticsearch when granule ids are not provided.
  • CUMULUS-1580

    • Added /granules/bulk endpoint to @cumulus/api to perform bulk actions on granules given either a list of granule ids or an Elasticsearch query and the workflow to perform.


  • CUMULUS-1561

    • Fix the way that we are handling Terraform provider version requirements
    • Pass provider configs into child modules using the method that the Terraform documentation suggests
    • Remove the region input variable from the s3_access_test Terraform module
    • Remove the aws_profile and aws_region input variables from the s3-replicator Terraform module
  • CUMULUS-1639

    • Because of S3's Data Consistency Model, there may be situations where a GET operation for an object can temporarily return a NoSuchKey response even if that object has been created. The @cumulus/common/aws.getS3Object() function has been updated to support retries if a NoSuchKey response is returned by S3. This behavior can be enabled by passing a retryOptions object to that function. Supported values for that object can be found here:


  • CUMULUS-1559
    • logToSharedDestination has been migrated to the Terraform deployment as log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch and will ONLY apply to egress lambdas. Due to the differences in the Terraform deployment model, we cannot support a global log subscription toggle for a configurable subset of lambdas. However, setting up your own log forwarding for a Lambda with Terraform is fairly simple, as you will only need to add SubscriptionFilters to your Terraform configuration, one per log group. See the Terraform documentation for details on how to do this. An empty FilterPattern ("") will capture all logs in a group.

v1.15.0 - 2019-11-04


  • CUMULUS-1644 - When a workflow execution begins or ends, the workflow payload is parsed and any new or updated PDRs or granules referenced in that workflow are stored to the Cumulus archive. The defined interface says that a PDR in payload.pdr will be added to the archive, and any granules in payload.granules will also be added to the archive. In previous releases, PDRs found in meta.pdr and granules found in meta.input_granules were also added to the archive. This caused unexpected behavior and has been removed. Only PDRs from payload.pdr and granules from payload.granules will now be added to the Cumulus archive.

  • CUMULUS-1449 - Cumulus now uses a universal workflow template when starting a workflow that contains general information specific to the deployment, but not specific to the workflow. Workflow task configs must be defined using AWS step function parameters. As part of this change, CumulusConfig has been retired and task configs must now be defined under the cma.task_config key in the Parameters section of a step function definition.

    Migration instructions:

    NOTE: These instructions require the use of Cumulus Message Adapter v1.1.x+. Please ensure you are using a compatible version before attempting to migrate workflow configurations. When defining workflow steps, remove any CumulusConfig section, as shown below:

        provider: "{$.meta.provider}"
        bucket: "{$}"
        stack: "{$.meta.stack}"

    Instead, use AWS Parameters to pass task_config for the task directly into the Cumulus Message Adapter:

          event.$: "$"
            provider: "{$.meta.provider}"
            bucket: "{$}"
            stack: "{$.meta.stack}"

    In this example, the cma key is used to pass parameters to the message adapter. Using task_config in combination with event.$: '$' allows the message adapter to process task_config as the config passed to the Cumulus task. See example/workflows/sips.yml in the core repository for further examples of how to set the Parameters.

    Additionally, workflow configurations for the QueueGranules and QueuePdrs tasks need to be updated:

    • queue-pdrs config changes:
      • parsePdrMessageTemplateUri replaced with parsePdrWorkflow, which is the workflow name (i.e. top-level name in config.yml, e.g. 'ParsePdr').
      • internalBucket and stackName configs now required to look up configuration from the deployment. Brings the task config in line with that of queue-granules.
    • queue-granules config change: ingestGranuleMessageTemplateUri replaced with ingestGranuleWorkflow, which is the workflow name (e.g. 'IngestGranule').
  • CUMULUS-1396 - Workflow steps at the beginning and end of a workflow using the SfSnsReport Lambda have now been deprecated (e.g. StartStatus, StopStatus) and should be removed from your workflow definitions. These steps were used for publishing ingest notifications and have been replaced by an implementation using Cloudwatch events for Step Functions to trigger a Lambda that publishes ingest notifications. For further detail on how ingest notifications are published, see the notes below on CUMULUS-1394. For examples of how to update your workflow definitions, see our example workflow definitions.

  • CUMULUS-1470

    • Remove Cumulus-defined ECS service autoscaling, allowing integrators to better customize autoscaling to meet their needs. In order to use autoscaling with ECS services, appropriate AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget, AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy, and AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm resources should be defined in a kes overrides file. See this example for an example.
    • The following config parameters are no longer used:


  • CUMULUS-1100

    • Added 30-day retention properties to all log groups that were missing those policies.
  • CUMULUS-1396

    • Added @cumulus/common/sfnStep:
      • LambdaStep - A class for retrieving and parsing input and output to Lambda steps in AWS Step Functions
      • ActivityStep - A class for retrieving and parsing input and output to ECS activity steps in AWS Step Functions
  • CUMULUS-1574

    • Added GET /token endpoint for SAML authorization when cumulus is protected by Launchpad. This lets a user retrieve a token by hand that can be presented to the API.
  • CUMULUS-1625

    • Added sf_start_rate variable to the ingest Terraform module, equivalent to sqs_consumer_rate in the old model, but will not be automatically applied to custom queues as that was.
  • CUMULUS-1513

    • Added sqs-type rule support in the Cumulus API @cumulus/api
    • Added sqsMessageConsumer lambda which processes messages from the SQS queues configured in the sqs rules.


  • CUMULUS-1639

    • Because of S3's Data Consistency Model, there may be situations where a GET operation for an object can temporarily return a NoSuchKey response even if that object has been created. The @cumulus/common/aws.getS3Object() function will now retry up to 10 times if a NoSuchKey response is returned by S3. This can behavior can be overridden by passing { retries: 0 } as the retryOptions argument.
  • CUMULUS-1449

    • queue-pdrs & queue-granules config changes. Details in breaking changes section.
    • Cumulus now uses a universal workflow template when starting workflow that contains general information specific to the deployment, but not specific to the workflow.
    • Changed the way workflow configs are defined, from CumulusConfig to a task_config AWS Parameter.
  • CUMULUS-1452

    • Changed the default ECS docker storage drive to devicemapper
  • CUMULUS-1453

    • Removed config schema for @cumulus/sf-sns-report task
    • Updated @cumulus/sf-sns-report to always assume that it is running as an intermediate step in a workflow, not as the first or last step


  • CUMULUS-1449
    • Retired CumulusConfig as part of step function definitions, as this is an artifact of the way Kes parses workflow definitions that was not possible to migrate to Terraform. Use AWS Parameters and the task_config key instead. See change note above.
    • Removed individual workflow templates.


  • CUMULUS-1620 - Fixed bug where message_adapter_version does not correctly inject the CMA

  • CUMULUS-1396 - Updated @cumulus/common/StepFunctions.getExecutionHistory() to recursively fetch execution history when nextToken is returned in response

  • CUMULUS-1571 - Updated @cumulus/common/DynamoDb.get() to throw any errors encountered when trying to get a record and the record does exist

  • CUMULUS-1452

    • Updated the EC2 initialization scripts to use full volume size for docker storage
    • Changed the default ECS docker storage drive to devicemapper

v1.14.5 - 2019-12-30 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-1626
    • Updates Cumulus to use node10/CMA 1.1.2 for all of its internal lambdas in prep for AWS node 8 EOL

v1.14.4 - 2019-10-28


  • CUMULUS-1632 - Pinned aws-elasticsearch-connector package in @cumulus/api to version 8.1.3, since 8.2.0 includes breaking changes

v1.14.3 - 2019-10-18


  • CUMULUS-1620 - Fixed bug where message_adapter_version does not correctly inject the CMA

  • CUMULUS-1572 - A granule is now included in discovery results even when none of its files has a matching file type in the associated collection configuration. Previously, if all files for a granule were unmatched by a file type configuration, the granule was excluded from the discovery results. Further, added support for a boolean property ignoreFilesConfigForDiscovery, which controls how a granule's files are filtered at discovery time.

v1.14.2 - 2019-10-08


Your Cumulus Message Adapter version should be pinned to v1.0.13 or lower in your app/config.yml using message_adapter_version: v1.0.13 OR you should use the workflow migration steps below to work with CMA v1.1.1+.

  • CUMULUS-1394 - The implementation of the SfSnsReport Lambda requires additional environment variables for integration with the new ingest notification SNS topics. Therefore, you must update the definition of SfSnsReport in your lambdas.yml like so:
  handler: index.handler
  timeout: 300
  source: node_modules/@cumulus/sf-sns-report/dist
    - ExecutionsTable
      function: Ref
      value: reportExecutionsSns
      function: Ref
      value: reportGranulesSns
      function: Ref
      value: reportPdrsSns
  • CUMULUS-1447 - The newest release of the Cumulus Message Adapter (v1.1.1) requires that parameterized configuration be used for remote message functionality. Once released, Kes will automatically bring in CMA v1.1.1 without additional configuration.

    Migration instructions Oversized messages are no longer written to S3 automatically. In order to utilize remote messaging functionality, configure a ReplaceConfig AWS Step Function parameter on your CMA task:

          event.$: "$"
            FullMessage: true

    Accepted fields in ReplaceConfig include MaxSize, FullMessage, Path and TargetPath. See for full details.

    As this change is backward compatible in Cumulus Core, users wishing to utilize the previous version of the CMA may opt to transition to using a CMA lambda layer, or set message_adapter_version in their configuration to a version prior to v1.1.0.


  • CUMULUS-1394 - Ingest notifications are now provided via 3 separate SNS topics for executions, granules, and PDRs, instead of a single sftracker SNS topic. Whereas the sftracker SNS topic received a full Cumulus execution message, the new topics all receive generated records for the given object. The new topics are only published to if the given object exists for the current execution. For a given execution/granule/PDR, two messages will be received by each topic: one message indicating that ingest is running and another message indicating that ingest has completed or failed. The new SNS topics are:

    • reportExecutions - Receives 1 message per execution
    • reportGranules - Receives 1 message per granule in an execution
    • reportPdrs - Receives 1 message per PDR


  • CUMULUS-639

    • Adds SAML JWT and launchpad token authentication to Cumulus API (configurable)
      • NOTE to authenticate with Launchpad ensure your launchpad user_id is in the <prefix>-UsersTable
      • when Cumulus configured to protect API via Launchpad:
        • New endpoints
          • GET /saml/login - starting point for SAML SSO creates the login request url and redirects to the SAML Identity Provider Service (IDP)
          • POST /saml/auth - SAML Assertion Consumer Service. POST receiver from SAML IDP. Validates response, logs the user in, and returns a SAML-based JWT.
      • Disabled endpoints
        • POST /refresh
        • Changes authorization worklow:
        • ensureAuthorized now presumes the bearer token is a JWT and tries to validate. If the token is malformed, it attempts to validate the token against Launchpad. This allows users to bring their own token as described here But it also allows dashboard users to manually authenticate via Launchpad SAML to receive a Launchpad-based JWT.
  • CUMULUS-1394

    • Added Granule.generateGranuleRecord() method to granules model to generate a granule database record from a Cumulus execution message
    • Added Pdr.generatePdrRecord() method to PDRs model to generate a granule database record from a Cumulus execution message
    • Added helpers to @cumulus/common/message:
      • getMessageExecutionName() - Get the execution name from a Cumulus execution message
      • getMessageStateMachineArn() - Get the state machine ARN from a Cumulus execution message
      • getMessageExecutionArn() - Get the execution ARN for a Cumulus execution message
      • getMessageGranules() - Get the granules from a Cumulus execution message, if any.
    • Added @cumulus/common/cloudwatch-event/isFailedSfStatus() to determine if a Step Function status from a Cloudwatch event is a failed status


  • CUMULUS-1308

    • HTTP PUT of a Collection, Provider, or Rule via the Cumulus API now performs full replacement of the existing object with the object supplied in the request payload. Previous behavior was to perform a modification (partial update) by merging the existing object with the (possibly partial) object in the payload, but this did not conform to the HTTP standard, which specifies PATCH as the means for modifications rather than replacements.
  • CUMULUS-1375

    • Migrate Cumulus from deprecated Elasticsearch JS client to new, supported one in @cumulus/api
  • CUMULUS-1485 Update @cumulus/cmr-client to return error message from CMR for validation failures.

  • CUMULUS-1394

    • Renamed Execution.generateDocFromPayload() to Execution.generateRecord() on executions model. The method generates an execution database record from a Cumulus execution message.
  • CUMULUS-1432

    • logs endpoint takes the level parameter as a string and not a number
    • Elasticsearch term query generation no longer converts numbers to boolean
  • CUMULUS-1447

    • Consolidated all remote message handling code into @common/aws
    • Update remote message code to handle updated CMA remote message flags
    • Update example SIPS workflows to utilize Parameterized CMA configuration
  • CUMULUS-1448 Refactor workflows that are mutating cumulus_meta to utilize meta field

  • CUMULUS-1451

    • Elasticsearch cluster setting auto_create_index will be set to false. This had been causing issues in the bootstrap lambda on deploy.
  • CUMULUS-1456

    • @cumulus/api endpoints default error handler uses boom package to format errors, which is consistent with other API endpoint errors.


  • CUMULUS-1432 logs endpoint filter correctly filters logs by level
  • CUMULUS-1484 useMessageAdapter now does not set CUMULUS_MESSAGE_ADAPTER_DIR when true


  • CUMULUS-1394
    • Removed sfTracker SNS topic. Replaced by three new SNS topics for granule, execution, and PDR ingest notifications.
    • Removed unused functions from @cumulus/common/aws:
      • getGranuleS3Params()
      • setGranuleStatus()

v1.14.1 - 2019-08-29


  • CUMULUS-1455

    • CMR token links updated to point to CMR legacy services rather than echo
  • CUMULUS-1211

    • Errors thrown during granule discovery are no longer swallowed and ignored. Rather, errors are propagated to allow for proper error-handling and meaningful messaging.

v1.14.0 - 2019-08-22


  • We have encountered transient lambda service errors in our integration testing. Please handle transient service errors following these guidelines. The workflows in the example/workflows folder have been updated with retries configured for these errors.

  • CUMULUS-799 added additional IAM permissions to support reading CloudWatch and API Gateway, so you will have to redeploy your IAM stack.

  • CUMULUS-800 Several items:

    • Delete existing API Gateway stages: To allow enabling of API Gateway logging, Cumulus now creates and manages a Stage resource during deployment. Before upgrading Cumulus, it is necessary to delete the API Gateway stages on both the Backend API and the Distribution API. Instructions are included in the documentation under Delete API Gateway Stages.

    • Set up account permissions for API Gateway to write to CloudWatch: In a one time operation for your AWS account, to enable CloudWatch Logs for API Gateway, you must first grant the API Gateway permission to read and write logs to CloudWatch for your account. The AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs managed policy (with an ARN of arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs) has all the required permissions. You can find a simple how to in the documentation under Enable API Gateway Logging.

    • Configure API Gateway to write logs to CloudWatch To enable execution logging for the distribution API set config.yaml apiConfigs.distribution.logApigatewayToCloudwatch value to true. More information Enable API Gateway Logs

    • Configure CloudWatch log delivery: It is possible to deliver CloudWatch API execution and access logs to a cross-account shared AWS::Logs::Destination. An operator does this by adding the key logToSharedDestination to the config.yml at the default level with a value of a writable log destination. More information in the documentation under Configure CloudWatch Logs Delivery.

    • Additional Lambda Logging: It is now possible to configure any lambda to deliver logs to a shared subscriptions by setting logToSharedDestination to the ARN of a writable location (either an AWS::Logs::Destination or a Kinesis Stream) on any lambda config. Documentation for Lambda Log Subscriptions

    • Configure S3 Server Access Logs: If you are running Cumulus in an NGAP environment you may configure S3 Server Access Logs to be delivered to a shared bucket where the Metrics Team will ingest the logs into their ELK stack. Contact the Metrics team for permission and location.

  • CUMULUS-1368 The Cumulus distribution API has been deprecated and is being replaced by ASF's Thin Egress App. By default, the distribution API will not deploy. Please follow the instructions for deploying and configuring Thin Egress.

To instead continue to deploy and use the legacy Cumulus distribution app, add the following to your config.yml:

deployDistributionApi: true

If you deploy with no distribution app your deployment will succeed but you may encounter errors in your workflows, particularly in the MoveGranule task.

  • CUMULUS-1418 Users who are packaging the CMA in their Lambdas outside of Cumulus may need to update their Lambda configuration. Please see BREAKING CHANGES below for details.


  • CUMULUS-642

  • CUMULUS-1418

    • Adds usage docs/testing of lambda layers (introduced in PR1125), updates Core example tasks to use the updated cumulus-ecs-task and a CMA layer instead of kes CMA injection.
    • Added Terraform module to publish CMA as layer to user account.
  • PR1125 - Adds layers config option to support deploying Lambdas with layers

  • PR1128 - Added useXRay config option to enable AWS X-Ray for Lambdas.

  • CUMULUS-1345

    • Adds new variables to the app deployment under cmr.
    • cmrEnvironment values are SIT, UAT, or OPS with UAT as the default.
    • cmrLimit and cmrPageSize have been added as configurable options.
  • CUMULUS-1273

    • Added lambda function EmsProductMetadataReport to generate EMS Product Metadata report
  • CUMULUS-1226

    • Added API endpoint elasticsearch/index-from-database to index to an Elasticsearch index from the database for recovery purposes and elasticsearch/indices-status to check the status of Elasticsearch indices via the API.
  • CUMULUS-824

    • Added new Collection parameter reportToEms to configure whether the collection is reported to EMS
  • CUMULUS-1357

    • Added new BackendApi endpoint ems that generates EMS reports.
  • CUMULUS-1241

    • Added information about queues with maximum execution limits defined to default workflow templates (meta.queueExecutionLimits)
  • CUMULUS-1311

    • Added @cumulus/common/message with various message parsing/preparation helpers
  • CUMULUS-812

    • Added support for limiting the number of concurrent executions started from a queue. See the data cookbook for more information.
  • CUMULUS-1337

    • Adds cumulus.stackName value to the instanceMetadata endpoint.
  • CUMULUS-1368

    • Added cmrGranuleUrlType to the @cumulus/move-granules task. This determines what kind of links go in the CMR files. The options are distribution, s3, or none, with the default being distribution. If there is no distribution API being used with Cumulus, you must set the value to s3 or none.
  • Added packages/s3-replicator Terraform module to allow same-region s3 replication to metrics bucket.

  • CUMULUS-1392

    • Added tf-modules/report-granules Terraform module which processes granule ingest notifications received via SNS and stores granule data to a database. The module includes:
      • SNS topic for publishing granule ingest notifications
      • Lambda to process granule notifications and store data
      • IAM permissions for the Lambda
      • Subscription for the Lambda to the SNS topic
  • CUMULUS-1393

    • Added tf-modules/report-pdrs Terraform module which processes PDR ingest notifications received via SNS and stores PDR data to a database. The module includes:
      • SNS topic for publishing PDR ingest notifications
      • Lambda to process PDR notifications and store data
      • IAM permissions for the Lambda
      • Subscription for the Lambda to the SNS topic
    • Added unit tests for @cumulus/api/models/pdrs.createPdrFromSns()
  • CUMULUS-1400

    • Added tf-modules/report-executions Terraform module which processes workflow execution information received via SNS and stores it to a database. The module includes:
      • SNS topic for publishing execution data
      • Lambda to process and store execution data
      • IAM permissions for the Lambda
      • Subscription for the Lambda to the SNS topic
    • Added @cumulus/common/sns-event which contains helpers for SNS events:
      • isSnsEvent() returns true if event is from SNS
      • getSnsEventMessage() extracts and parses the message from an SNS event
      • getSnsEventMessageObject() extracts and parses message object from an SNS event
    • Added @cumulus/common/cloudwatch-event which contains helpers for Cloudwatch events:
      • isSfExecutionEvent() returns true if event is from Step Functions
      • isTerminalSfStatus() determines if a Step Function status from a Cloudwatch event is a terminal status
      • getSfEventStatus() gets the Step Function status from a Cloudwatch event
      • getSfEventDetailValue() extracts a Step Function event detail field from a Cloudwatch event
      • getSfEventMessageObject() extracts and parses Step Function detail object from a Cloudwatch event
  • CUMULUS-1429

    • Added tf-modules/data-persistence Terraform module which includes resources for data persistence in Cumulus:
      • DynamoDB tables
      • Elasticsearch with optional support for VPC
      • Cloudwatch alarm for number of Elasticsearch nodes
  • CUMULUS-1379 CMR Launchpad Authentication

    • Added launchpad configuration to @cumulus/deployment/app/config.yml, and cloudformation templates, workflow message, lambda configuration, api endpoint configuration
    • Added @cumulus/common/LaunchpadToken and @cumulus/common/launchpad to provide methods to get token and validate token
    • Updated lambdas to use Launchpad token for CMR actions (ingest and delete granules)
    • Updated deployment documentation and added instructions to setup CMR client for Launchpad authentication


  • CUMULUS-1232

    • Added retries to update @cumulus/cmr-client updateToken()
  • CUMULUS-1245 CUMULUS-795

    • Added additional ems configuration parameters for sending the ingest reports to EMS
    • Added functionality to send daily ingest reports to EMS
  • CUMULUS-1241

    • Removed the concept of "priority levels" and added ability to define a number of maximum concurrent executions per SQS queue
    • Changed mapping of Cumulus message properties for the sqs2sfThrottle lambda:
      • Queue name is read from cumulus_meta.queueName
      • Maximum executions for the queue is read from meta.queueExecutionLimits[queueName], where queueName is cumulus_meta.queueName
    • Changed sfSemaphoreDown lambda to only attempt decrementing semaphores when:
      • the message is for a completed/failed/aborted/timed out workflow AND
      • cumulus_meta.queueName exists on the Cumulus message AND
      • An entry for the queue name (cumulus_meta.queueName) exists in the the object meta.queueExecutionLimits on the Cumulus message
  • CUMULUS-1338

    • Updated sfSemaphoreDown lambda to be triggered via AWS Step Function Cloudwatch events instead of subscription to sfTracker SNS topic
  • CUMULUS-1311

    • Updated @cumulus/queue-granules to set cumulus_meta.queueName for queued execution messages
    • Updated @cumulus/queue-pdrs to set cumulus_meta.queueName for queued execution messages
    • Updated sqs2sfThrottle lambda to immediately decrement queue semaphore value if dispatching Step Function execution throws an error
  • CUMULUS-1362

    • Granule processingStartTime and processingEndTime will be set to the execution start time and end time respectively when there is no sync granule or post to cmr task present in the workflow
  • CUMULUS-1400

    • Deprecated @cumulus/ingest/aws/getExecutionArn. Use @cumulus/common/aws/getExecutionArn instead.


  • CUMULUS-1439

    • Fix bug with rule.logEventArn deletion on Kinesis rule update and fix unit test to verify
  • CUMULUS-796

    • Added production information (collection ShortName and Version, granuleId) to EMS distribution report
    • Added functionality to send daily distribution reports to EMS
  • CUMULUS-1319

    • Fixed a bug where granule ingest times were not being stored to the database
  • CUMULUS-1356

    • The Collection model's delete method now removes the specified item from the collection config store that was inserted by the create method. Previously, this behavior was missing.
  • CUMULUS-1374



  • CUMULUS-1418
    • Adding a default cmaDir key to configuration will cause CUMULUS_MESSAGE_ADAPTER_DIR to be set by default to /opt for any Lambda not setting useCma to true, or explicitly setting the CMA environment variable. In lambdas that package the CMA independently of the Cumulus packaging. Lambdas manually packaging the CMA should have their Lambda configuration updated to set the CMA path, or alternately if not using the CMA as a Lambda layer in this deployment set cmaDir to ./cumulus-message-adapter.


  • CUMULUS-1337

    • Removes the S3 Access Metrics package added in CUMULUS-799
  • PR1130

    • Removed code deprecated since v1.11.1:
      • Removed @cumulus/common/step-functions. Use @cumulus/common/StepFunctions instead.
      • Removed @cumulus/api/lib/testUtils.fakeFilesFactory. Use @cumulus/api/lib/testUtils.fakeFileFactory instead.
      • Removed @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr functions: searchConcept, ingestConcept, deleteConcept. Use the functions in @cumulus/cmr-client instead.
      • Removed @cumulus/ingest/aws.getExecutionHistory. Use @cumulus/common/StepFunctions.getExecutionHistory instead.

v1.13.5 - 2019-08-29 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-1455 - CMR token links updated to point to CMR legacy services rather than echo

v1.13.4 - 2019-07-29

  • CUMULUS-1411 - Fix deployment issue when using a template override

v1.13.3 - 2019-07-26

  • CUMULUS-1345 Full backport of CUMULUS-1345 features - Adds new variables to the app deployment under cmr.
    • cmrEnvironment values are SIT, UAT, or OPS with UAT as the default.
    • cmrLimit and cmrPageSize have been added as configurable options.

v1.13.2 - 2019-07-25

  • Re-release of v1.13.1 to fix broken npm packages.

v1.13.1 - 2019-07-22

  • CUMULUS-1374 - Resolve audit compliance with lodash version for api package subdependency
  • CUMULUS-1412 - Resolve audit compliance with googleapi package
  • CUMULUS-1345 - Backported CMR environment setting in getUrl to address immediate user need. CMR_ENVIRONMENT can now be used to set the CMR environment to OPS/SIT

v1.13.0 - 2019-5-20


CUMULUS-802 added some additional IAM permissions to support ECS autoscaling, so you will have to redeploy your IAM stack. As a result of the changes for CUMULUS-1193, CUMULUS-1264, and CUMULUS-1310, you must delete your existing stacks (except IAM) before deploying this version of Cumulus. If running Cumulus within a VPC and extended downtime is acceptable, we recommend doing this at the end of the day to allow AWS backend resources and network interfaces to be cleaned up overnight.


  • CUMULUS-1228

    • The default AMI used by ECS instances is now an NGAP-compliant AMI. This will be a breaking change for non-NGAP deployments. If you do not deploy to NGAP, you will need to find the AMI ID of the most recent Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, and set the ecs.amiid property in your config. Instructions for finding the most recent NGAP AMI can be found using these instructions.
  • CUMULUS-1310

    • Database resources (DynamoDB, ElasticSearch) have been moved to an independent db stack. Migrations for this version will need to be user-managed. (e.g. elasticsearch and dynamoDB). Order of stack deployment is iam -> db -> app.
    • All stacks can now be deployed using a single config.yml file, i.e.: kes cf deploy --kes-folder app --template node_modules/@cumulus/deployment/[iam|db|app] [...] Backwards-compatible. For development, please re-run npm run bootstrap to build new kes overrides. Deployment docs have been updated to show how to deploy a single-config Cumulus instance.
    • params have been moved: Nest params fields under app, db or iam to override all Parameters for a particular stack's cloudformation template. Backwards-compatible with multi-config setups.
    • stackName and stackNameNoDash have been retired. Use prefix and prefixNoDash instead.
    • The iams section in app/config.yml IAM roles has been deprecated as a user-facing parameter, unless your IAM role ARNs do not match the convention shown in @cumulus/deployment/app/config.yml
    • The vpc.securityGroup will need to be set with a pre-existing security group ID to use Cumulus in a VPC. Must allow inbound HTTP(S) (Port 443).
  • CUMULUS-1212

    • @cumulus/post-to-cmr will now fail if any granules being processed are missing a metadata file. You can set the new config option skipMetaCheck to true to pass post-to-cmr without a metadata file.
  • CUMULUS-1232

    • @cumulus/sync-granule will no longer silently pass if no checksum data is provided. It will use input from the granule object to:
      • Verify checksum if checksumType and checksumValue are in the file record OR a checksum file is provided (throws InvalidChecksum on fail), else log warning that no checksum is available.
      • Then, verify synced S3 file size if file.size is in the file record (throws UnexpectedFileSize on fail), else log warning that no file size is available.
      • Pass the step.
  • CUMULUS-1264

    • The Cloudformation templating and deployment configuration has been substantially refactored.
      • CumulusApiDefault nested stack resource has been renamed to CumulusApiDistribution
      • CumulusApiV1 nested stack resource has been renamed to CumulusApiBackend
    • The urs: true config option for when defining your lambdas (e.g. in lambdas.yml) has been deprecated. There are two new options to replace it:
      • urs_redirect: 'token': This will expose a TOKEN_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT environment variable to your lambda that references the /token endpoint on the Cumulus backend API
      • urs_redirect: 'distribution': This will expose a DISTRIBUTION_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT environment variable to your lambda that references the /redirect endpoint on the Cumulus distribution API
  • CUMULUS-1193

    • The elasticsearch instance is moved behind the VPC.
    • Your account will need an Elasticsearch Service Linked role. This is a one-time setup for the account. You can follow the instructions to use the AWS console or AWS CLI here or use the following AWS CLI command: aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
  • CUMULUS-802

    • ECS maxInstances must be greater than minInstances. If you use defaults, no change is required.
  • CUMULUS-1269

    • Brought Cumulus data models in line with CNM JSON schema:
      • Renamed file object fileType field to type
      • Renamed file object fileSize field to size
      • Renamed file object checksumValue field to checksum where not already done.
      • Added ancillary and linkage type support to file objects.


  • CUMULUS-799

    • Added an S3 Access Metrics package which will take S3 Server Access Logs and write access metrics to CloudWatch
  • CUMULUS-1242 - Added sqs2sfThrottle lambda. The lambda reads SQS messages for queued executions and uses semaphores to only start new executions if the maximum number of executions defined for the priority key (cumulus_meta.priorityKey) has not been reached. Any SQS messages that are read but not used to start executions remain in the queue.

  • CUMULUS-1240

    • Added sfSemaphoreDown lambda. This lambda receives SNS messages and for each message it decrements the semaphore used to track the number of running executions if:
      • the message is for a completed/failed workflow AND
      • the message contains a level of priority (cumulus_meta.priorityKey)
    • Added sfSemaphoreDown lambda as a subscriber to the sfTracker SNS topic
  • CUMULUS-1265

    • Added apiConfigs configuration option to configure API Gateway to be private
    • All internal lambdas configured to run inside the VPC by default
    • Removed references to NoVpc lambdas from documentation and example folder.
  • CUMULUS-802

    • Adds autoscaling of ECS clusters
    • Adds autoscaling of ECS services that are handling StepFunction activities


  • Updated @cumulus/ingest/http/httpMixin.list() to trim trailing spaces on discovered filenames

  • CUMULUS-1310

    • Database resources (DynamoDB, ElasticSearch) have been moved to an independent db stack. This will enable future updates to avoid affecting database resources or requiring migrations. Migrations for this version will need to be user-managed. (e.g. elasticsearch and dynamoDB). Order of stack deployment is iam -> db -> app.
    • All stacks can now be deployed using a single config.yml file, i.e.: kes cf deploy --kes-folder app --template node_modules/@cumulus/deployment/[iam|db|app] [...] Backwards-compatible. Please re-run npm run bootstrap to build new kes overrides. Deployment docs have been updated to show how to deploy a single-config Cumulus instance.
    • params fields should now be nested under the stack key (i.e. app, db or iam) to provide Parameters for a particular stack's cloudformation template, for use with single-config instances. Keys must match the name of the deployment package folder (app, db, or iam). Backwards-compatible with multi-config setups.
    • stackName and stackNameNoDash have been retired as user-facing config parameters. Use prefix and prefixNoDash instead. This will be used to create stack names for all stacks in a single-config use case. stackName may still be used as an override in multi-config usage, although this is discouraged. Warning: overriding the db stack's stackName will require you to set dbStackName in your app/config.yml. This parameter is required to fetch outputs from the db stack to reference in the app stack.
    • The iams section in app/config.yml IAM roles has been retired as a user-facing parameter, unless your IAM role ARNs do not match the convention shown in @cumulus/deployment/app/config.yml In that case, overriding iams in your own config is recommended.
    • iam and db cloudformation.yml file names will have respective prefixes (e.g iam.cloudformation.yml).
    • Cumulus will now only attempt to create reconciliation reports for buckets of the private, public and protected types.
    • Cumulus will no longer set up its own security group. To pass a pre-existing security group for in-VPC deployments as a parameter to the Cumulus template, populate vpc.securityGroup in config.yml. This security group must allow inbound HTTP(S) traffic (Port 443). SSH traffic (Port 22) must be permitted for SSH access to ECS instances.
    • Deployment docs have been updated with examples for the new deployment model.
  • CUMULUS-1236

    • Moves access to public files behind the distribution endpoint. Authentication is not required, but direct http access has been disallowed.
  • CUMULUS-1223

    • Adds unauthenticated access for public bucket files to the Distribution API. Public files should be requested the same way as protected files, but for public files a redirect to a self-signed S3 URL will happen without requiring authentication with Earthdata login.
  • CUMULUS-1232

    • Unifies duplicate handling in ingest/granule.handleDuplicateFile for maintainability.
    • Changed ingest/granule.ingestFile and move-granules/index.moveFileRequest to use new function.
    • Moved file versioning code to ingest/granule.moveGranuleFileWithVersioning
    • ingest/granule.verifyFile now also tests file.size for verification if it is in the file record and throws UnexpectedFileSize error for file size not matching input.
    • ingest/granule.verifyFile logs warnings if checksum and/or file size are not available.
  • CUMULUS-1193

    • Moved reindex CLI functionality to an API endpoint. See API docs
  • CUMULUS-1207

    • No longer disable lambda event source mappings when disabling a rule


  • Updated Lerna publish script so that published Cumulus packages will pin their dependencies on other Cumulus packages to exact versions (e.g. 1.12.1 instead of ^1.12.1)

  • CUMULUS-1203

    • Fixes IAM template's use of intrinsic functions such that IAM template overrides now work with kes
  • CUMULUS-1268

    • Deployment will not fail if there are no ES alarms or ECS services

v1.12.1 - 2019-4-8

v1.12.0 - 2019-4-4

Note: There was an issue publishing 1.12.0. Upgrade to 1.12.1.


  • CUMULUS-1139

    • granule.applyWorkflow uses the new-style granule record as input to workflows.
  • CUMULUS-1171

    • Fixed provider handling in the API to make it consistent between protocols. NOTE: This is a breaking change. When applying this upgrade, users will need to:
      1. Disable all workflow rules
      2. Update any http or https providers so that the host field only contains a valid hostname or IP address, and the port field contains the provider port.
      3. Perform the deployment
      4. Re-enable workflow rules
  • CUMULUS-1176:

    • @cumulus/move-granules input expectations have changed. @cumulus/files-to-granules is a new intermediate task to perform input translation in the old style. See the Added and Changed sections of this release changelog for more information.
  • CUMULUS-670

  • CUMULUS-1208

    • The granule object input to @cumulus/queue-granules will now be added to ingest workflow messages as is. In practice, this means that if you are using @cumulus/queue-granules to trigger ingest workflows and your granule objects input have invalid properties, then your ingest workflows will fail due to schema validation errors.


  • CUMULUS-777

    • Added new cookbook entry on configuring Cumulus to track ancillary files.
  • CUMULUS-1183

    • Kes overrides will now abort with a warning if a workflow step is configured without a corresponding lambda configuration
  • CUMULUS-1223

    • Adds convenience function @cumulus/common/bucketsConfigJsonObject for fetching stack's bucket configuration as an object.
  • CUMULUS-853

    • Updated FakeProcessing example lambda to include option to generate fake browse
    • Added feature documentation for ancillary metadata export, a new cookbook entry describing a workflow with ancillary metadata generation(browse), and related task definition documentation
  • CUMULUS-805

    • Added a CloudWatch alarm to check running ElasticSearch instances, and a CloudWatch dashboard to view the health of ElasticSearch
    • Specify AWS_REGION in .env to be used by deployment script
  • CUMULUS-803

    • Added CloudWatch alarms to check running tasks of each ECS service, and add the alarms to CloudWatch dashboard
  • CUMULUS-670

  • CUMULUS-1184 - Added kes logging output to ensure we always see the state machine reference before failures due to configuration

  • CUMULUS-1105 - Added a dashboard endpoint to serve the dashboard from an S3 bucket

  • CUMULUS-1199 - Moves s3credentials endpoint from the backend to the distribution API.

  • CUMULUS-666

    • Added @api/endpoints/s3credentials to allow EarthData Login authorized users to retrieve temporary security credentials for same-region direct S3 access.
  • CUMULUS-671

    • Added @packages/integration-tests/api/distribution/getDistributionApiS3SignedUrl() to return the S3 signed URL for a file protected by the distribution API
  • CUMULUS-672

    • Added cmrMetadataFormat and cmrConceptId to output for individual granules from @cumulus/post-to-cmr. cmrMetadataFormat will be read from the cmrMetadataFormat generated for each granule in @cumulus/cmrjs/publish2CMR()
    • Added helpers to @packages/integration-tests/api/distribution:
      • getDistributionApiFileStream() returns a stream to download files protected by the distribution API
      • getDistributionFileUrl() constructs URLs for requesting files from the distribution API
  • CUMULUS-1185 @cumulus/api/models/Granule.removeGranuleFromCmrByGranule to replace @cumulus/api/models/Granule.removeGranuleFromCmr and use the Granule UR from the CMR metadata to remove the granule from CMR

  • CUMULUS-1101

    • Added new @cumulus/checksum package. This package provides functions to calculate and validate checksums.
    • Added new checksumming functions to @cumulus/common/aws: calculateS3ObjectChecksum and validateS3ObjectChecksum, which depend on the checksum package.
  • CUMULUS-1171

    • Added @cumulus/common API documentation to packages/common/docs/
    • Added an npm run build-docs task to @cumulus/common
    • Added @cumulus/common/string#isValidHostname()
    • Added @cumulus/common/string#match()
    • Added @cumulus/common/string#matches()
    • Added @cumulus/common/string#toLower()
    • Added @cumulus/common/string#toUpper()
    • Added @cumulus/common/URLUtils#buildURL()
    • Added @cumulus/common/util#isNil()
    • Added @cumulus/common/util#isNull()
    • Added @cumulus/common/util#isUndefined()
    • Added @cumulus/common/util#negate()
  • CUMULUS-1176

    • Added new @cumulus/files-to-granules task to handle converting file array output from cumulus-process tasks into granule objects. Allows simplification of @cumulus/move-granules and @cumulus/post-to-cmr, see Changed section for more details.
  • CUMULUS-1151 Compare the granule holdings in CMR with Cumulus' internal data store

  • CUMULUS-1152 Compare the granule file holdings in CMR with Cumulus' internal data store


  • CUMULUS-1216 - Updated @cumulus/ingest/granule/ingestFile to download files to expected staging location.

  • CUMULUS-1208 - Updated @cumulus/ingest/queue/enqueueGranuleIngestMessage() to not transform granule object passed to it when building an ingest message

  • CUMULUS-1198 - @cumulus/ingest no longer enforces any expectations about whether provider_path contains a leading slash or not.

  • CUMULUS-1170

    • Update scripts and docs to use npm instead of yarn
    • Use package-lock.json files to ensure matching versions of npm packages
    • Update CI builds to use npm ci instead of npm install
  • CUMULUS-670

    • Updated ParsePDR task to read standard PDR types+ (+ tgz as an external customer requirement) and add a fileType to granule-files on Granule discovery
    • Updated ParsePDR to fail if unrecognized type is used
    • Updated all relevant task schemas to include granule->files->filetype as a string value
    • Updated tests/test fixtures to include the fileType in the step function/task inputs and output validations as needed
    • Updated MoveGranules task to handle incoming configuration with new "fileType" values and to add them as appropriate to the lambda output.
    • Updated DiscoverGranules step/related workflows to read new Collection file parameter fileType that will map a discovered file to a workflow fileType
    • Updated CNM parser to add the fileType to the defined granule file fileType on ingest and updated integration tests to verify/validate that behavior
    • Updated generateEcho10XMLString in cmr-utils.js to use a map/related library to ensure order as CMR requires ordering for their online resources.
    • Updated post-to-cmr task to appropriately export CNM filetypes to CMR in echo10/UMM exports
  • CUMULUS-1139 - Granules stored in the API contain a files property. That schema has been greatly simplified and now better matches the CNM format.

    • The name property has been renamed to fileName.
    • The filepath property has been renamed to key.
    • The checksumValue property has been renamed to checksum.
    • The path property has been removed.
    • The url_path property has been removed.
    • The filename property (which contained an s3:// URL) has been removed, and the bucket and key properties should be used instead. Any requests sent to the API containing a granule.files[].filename property will be rejected, and any responses coming back from the API will not contain that filename property.
    • A source property has been added, which is a URL indicating the original source of the file.
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule.moveGranuleFiles() no longer includes a filename field in its output. The bucket and key fields should be used instead.
  • CUMULUS-672

    • Changed @cumulus/integration-tests/api/EarthdataLogin.getEarthdataLoginRedirectResponse to @cumulus/integration-tests/api/EarthdataLogin.getEarthdataAccessToken. The new function returns an access response from Earthdata login, if successful.
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/cmr/getOnlineResources now accepts an object of options, including cmrMetadataFormat. Based on the cmrMetadataFormat, the function will correctly retrieve the online resources for each metadata format (ECHO10, UMM-G)
  • CUMULUS-1101

    • Moved @cumulus/common/file/getFileChecksumFromStream into @cumulus/checksum, and renamed it to generateChecksumFromStream. This is a breaking change for users relying on @cumulus/common/file/getFileChecksumFromStream.
    • Refactored @cumulus/ingest/Granule to depend on new common/aws checksum functions and remove significantly present checksumming code.
      • Deprecated @cumulus/ingest/granule.validateChecksum. Replaced with @cumulus/ingest/granule.verifyFile.
      • Renamed granule.getChecksumFromFile to granule.retrieveSuppliedFileChecksumInformation to be more accurate.
    • Deprecated @cumulus/common/aws.checksumS3Objects. Use @cumulus/common/aws.calculateS3ObjectChecksum instead.
  • CUMULUS-1171

    • Fixed provider handling in the API to make it consistent between protocols. Before this change, FTP providers were configured using the host and port properties. HTTP providers ignored port and protocol, and stored an entire URL in the host property. Updated the API to only accept valid hostnames or IP addresses in the field. Updated ingest code to properly build HTTP and HTTPS URLs from provider.protocol,, and provider.port.
    • The default provider port was being set to 21, no matter what protocol was being used. Removed that default.
  • CUMULUS-1176

    • @cumulus/move-granules breaking change: Input to move-granules is now expected to be in the form of a granules object (i.e. { granules: [ { ... }, { ... } ] }); For backwards compatibility with array-of-files outputs from processing steps, use the new @cumulus/files-to-granules task as an intermediate step. This task will perform the input translation. This change allows move-granules to be simpler and behave more predictably. config.granuleIdExtraction and config.input_granules are no longer needed/used by move-granules.
    • @cumulus/post-to-cmr: config.granuleIdExtraction is no longer needed/used by post-to-cmr.
  • CUMULUS-1174

    • Better error message and stacktrace for S3KeyPairProvider error reporting.


  • CUMULUS-1218 Reconciliation report will now scan only completed granules.
  • @cumulus/api files and granules were not getting indexed correctly because files indexing was failing in db-indexer
  • @cumulus/deployment A bug in the Cloudformation template was preventing the API from being able to be launched in a VPC, updated the IAM template to give the permissions to be able to run the API in a VPC


  • @cumulus/api/models/Granule.removeGranuleFromCmr, instead use @cumulus/api/models/Granule.removeGranuleFromCmrByGranule
  • @cumulus/ingest/granule.validateChecksum, instead use @cumulus/ingest/granule.verifyFile
  • @cumulus/common/aws.checksumS3Objects, instead use @cumulus/common/aws.calculateS3ObjectChecksum
  • @cumulus/cmrjs: getGranuleId and getCmrFiles are deprecated due to changes in input handling.

v1.11.3 - 2019-3-5


  • CUMULUS-1187 - Added @cumulus/ingest/granule/duplicateHandlingType() to determine how duplicate files should be handled in an ingest workflow


  • CUMULUS-1187 - workflows not respecting the duplicate handling value specified in the collection
  • Removed refreshToken schema requirement for OAuth

v1.11.2 - 2019-2-15


  • CUMULUS-1169
    • Added a @cumulus/common/StepFunctions module. It contains functions for querying the AWS StepFunctions API. These functions have the ability to retry when a ThrottlingException occurs.
    • Added @cumulus/common/aws.retryOnThrottlingException(), which will wrap a function in code to retry on ThrottlingExceptions.
    • Added @cumulus/common/test-utils.throttleOnce(), which will cause a function to return a ThrottlingException the first time it is called, then return its normal result after that.
  • CUMULUS-1103 Compare the collection holdings in CMR with Cumulus' internal data store
  • CUMULUS-1099 Add support for UMMG JSON metadata versions > 1.4.
    • If a version is found in the metadata object, that version is used for processing and publishing to CMR otherwise, version 1.4 is assumed.
  • CUMULUS-678
    • Added support for UMMG json v1.4 metadata files. reconcileCMRMetadata added to @cumulus/cmrjs to update metadata record with new file locations. @cumulus/common/errors adds two new error types CMRMetaFileNotFound and InvalidArgument. @cumulus/common/test-utils adds new function randomId to create a random string with id to help in debugging. @cumulus/common/BucketsConfig adds a new helper class BucketsConfig for working with bucket stack configuration and bucket names. @cumulus/common/aws adds new function s3PutObjectTagging as a convenience for the aws s3().putObjectTagging function. @cumulus/cmrjs Adds: - isCMRFile - Identify an echo10(xml) or UMMG(json) metadata file. - metadataObjectFromCMRFile Read and parse CMR XML file from s3. - updateCMRMetadata Modify a cmr metadata (xml/json) file with updated information. - publish2CMR Posts XML or UMMG CMR data to CMR service. - reconcileCMRMetadata Reconciles cmr metadata file after a file moves.
  • Adds some ECS and other permissions to StepRole to enable running ECS tasks from a workflow
  • Added Apache logs to cumulus api and distribution lambdas
  • CUMULUS-1119 - Added @cumulus/integration-tests/api/EarthdataLogin.getEarthdataLoginRedirectResponse helper for integration tests to handle login with Earthdata and to return response from redirect to Cumulus API
  • CUMULUS-673 Added @cumulus/common/file/getFileChecksumFromStream to get file checksum from a readable stream


  • CUMULUS-1123
    • Cloudformation template overrides now work as expected


  • CUMULUS-1169

    • Deprecated the @cumulus/common/step-functions module.
    • Updated code that queries the StepFunctions API to use the retry-enabled functions from @cumulus/common/StepFunctions
  • CUMULUS-1121

    • Schema validation is now strongly enforced when writing to the database. Additional properties are not allowed and will result in a validation error.
  • CUMULUS-678 tasks/move-granules simplified and refactored to use functionality from cmrjs. ingest/granules.moveGranuleFiles now just moves granule files and returns a list of the updated files. Updating metadata now handled by @cumulus/cmrjs/reconcileCMRMetadata. move-granules.updateGranuleMetadata refactored and bugs fixed in the case of a file matching multiple collection.files.regexps. getCmrXmlFiles simplified and now only returns an object with the cmrfilename and the granuleId. @cumulus/test-processing - test processing task updated to generate UMM-G metadata

  • CUMULUS-1043

    • @cumulus/api now uses express as the API engine.
    • All @cumulus/api endpoints on ApiGateway are consolidated to a single endpoint the uses {proxy+} definition.
    • All files under packages/api/endpoints along with associated tests are updated to support express's request and response objects.
    • Replaced environment variables internal, bucket and systemBucket with system_bucket.
    • Update @cumulus/integration-tests to work with updated cumulus-api express endpoints
  • @cumulus/integration-tests - buildAndExecuteWorkflow and buildWorkflow updated to take a meta param to allow for additional fields to be added to the workflow meta

  • CUMULUS-1049 Updated Retrieve Execution Status API in @cumulus/api: If the execution doesn't exist in Step Function API, Cumulus API returns the execution status information from the database.

  • CUMULUS-1119

    • Renamed DISTRIBUTION_URL environment variable to DISTRIBUTION_ENDPOINT
    • Renamed API_ENDPOINT environment variable to TOKEN_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT


  • Functions deprecated before 1.11.0:
    • @cumulus/api/models/base: static Manager.createTable() and static Manager.deleteTable()
    • @cumulus/ingest/aws/S3
    • @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction.getExecution()
    • @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction.pullEvent()
    • @cumulus/ingest/consumer.Consume
    • @cumulus/ingest/granule/Ingest.getBucket()


@cmrjs/ingestConcept, instead use the CMR object methods. @cmrjs/CMR.ingestGranule or @cmrjs/CMR.ingestCollection @cmrjs/searchConcept, instead use the CMR object methods. @cmrjs/CMR.searchGranules or @cmrjs/CMR.searchCollections @cmrjs/deleteConcept, instead use the CMR object methods. @cmrjs/CMR.deleteGranule or @cmrjs/CMR.deleteCollection

v1.11.1 - 2018-12-18

Please Note

  • Ensure your app/config.yml has a clientId specified in the cmr section. This will allow CMR to identify your requests for better support and metrics.


  • Added a /tokenDelete endpoint in @cumulus/api to delete access token records


  • CUMULUS-678 @cumulus/ingest/crypto moved and renamed to @cumulus/common/key-pair-provider @cumulus/ingest/aws function: KMSDecryptionFailed and class: KMS extracted and moved to @cumulus/common and KMS is exported as KMSProvider from @cumulus/common/key-pair-provider @cumulus/ingest/granule functions: publish, getGranuleId, getXMLMetadataAsString, getMetadataBodyAndTags, parseXmlString, getCmrXMLFiles, postS3Object, contructOnlineAccessUrls, updateMetadata, extracted and moved to @cumulus/cmrjs getGranuleId, getCmrXMLFiles, publish, updateMetadata removed from @cumulus/ingest/granule and added to @cumulus/cmrjs; updateMetadata renamed updateCMRMetadata. @cumulus/ingest test files renamed.
  • CUMULUS-1070
    • Add 'Client-Id' header to all @cumulus/cmrjs requests (made via searchConcept, ingestConcept, and deleteConcept).
    • Updated cumulus/example/app/config.yml entry for cmr.clientId to use stackName for easier CMR-side identification.

v1.11.0 - 2018-11-30

Please Note

  • Redeploy IAM roles:
    • CUMULUS-817 includes a migration that requires reconfiguration/redeployment of IAM roles. Please see the upgrade instructions for more information.
    • CUMULUS-977 includes a few new SNS-related permissions added to the IAM roles that will require redeployment of IAM roles.
  • cumulus-message-adapter v1.0.13+ is required for @cumulus/api granule reingest API to work properly. The latest version should be downloaded automatically by kes.
  • A TOKEN_SECRET value (preferably 256-bit for security) must be added to .env to securely sign JWTs used for authorization in @cumulus/api


  • CUUMULUS-1000 - Distribution endpoint now persists logins, instead of redirecting to Earthdata Login on every request
  • CUMULUS-783 CUMULUS-790 - Updated @cumulus/sync-granule and @cumulus/move-granules tasks to always overwrite existing files for manually-triggered reingest.
  • CUMULUS-906 - Updated @cumulus/api granule reingest API to
    • add reingestGranule: true and forceDuplicateOverwrite: true to Cumulus message cumulus_meta.cumulus_context field to indicate that the workflow is a manually triggered re-ingest.
    • return warning message to operator when duplicateHandling is not replace
    • cumulus-message-adapter v1.0.13+ is required.
  • CUMULUS-793 - Updated the granule move PUT request in @cumulus/api to reject the move with a 409 status code if one or more of the files already exist at the destination location
  • Updated @cumulus/helloworld to use S3 to store state for pass on retry tests
  • Updated @cumulus/ingest:
    • [Required for MAAP] http.js#list will now find links with a trailing whitespace
    • Removed code from granule.js which looked for files in S3 using { Bucket: discoveredFile.bucket, Key: }. This is obsolete since @cumulus/ingest uses a file-staging and constructCollectionId() directory prefixes by default.
  • CUMULUS-989
    • Updated @cumulus/api to use JWT (JSON Web Token) as the transport format for API authorization tokens and to use JWT verification in the request authorization
    • Updated /token endpoint in @cumulus/api to return tokens as JWTs
    • Added a /refresh endpoint in @cumulus/api to request new access tokens from the OAuth provider using the refresh token
    • Added refreshAccessToken to @cumulus/api/lib/EarthdataLogin to manage refresh token requests with the Earthdata OAuth provider


  • CUMULUS-1050
    • Separated configuration flags for originalPayload/finalPayload cleanup such that they can be set to different retention times
  • CUMULUS-798
    • Added daily Executions cleanup CloudWatch event that triggers cleanExecutions lambda
    • Added cleanExecutions lambda that removes finalPayload/originalPayload field entries for records older than configured timeout value (execution_payload_retention_period), with a default of 30 days
  • CUMULUS-815/816
    • Added 'originalPayload' and 'finalPayload' fields to Executions table
    • Updated Execution model to populate originalPayload with the execution payload on record creation
    • Updated Execution model code to populate finalPayload field with the execution payload on execution completion
    • Execution API now exposes the above fields
  • CUMULUS-977
    • Rename kinesisConsumer to messageConsumer as it handles both Kinesis streams and SNS topics as of this version.
    • Add sns-type rule support. These rules create a subscription between an SNS topic and the messageConsumer. When a message is received, messageConsumer is triggered and passes the SNS message (JSON format expected) in its entirety to the workflow in the payload field of the Cumulus message. For more information on sns-type rules, see the documentation.
  • CUMULUS-975
    • Add KinesisInboundEventLogger and KinesisOutboundEventLogger API lambdas. These lambdas are utilized to dump incoming and outgoing ingest workflow kinesis streams to cloudwatch for analytics in case of AWS/stream failure.
    • Update rules model to allow tracking of log_event ARNs related to Rule event logging. Kinesis rule types will now automatically log incoming events via a Kinesis event triggered lambda. CUMULUS-975-migration-4
    • Update migration code to require explicit migration names per run
    • Added migration_4 to migrate/update existing Kinesis rules to have a log event mapping
    • Added new IAM policy for migration lambda
  • CUMULUS-775
    • Adds a instance metadata endpoint to the @cumulus/api package.
    • Adds a new convenience function hostId to the @cumulus/cmrjs to help build environment specific cmr urls.
    • Fixed @cumulus/cmrjs.searchConcept to search and return CMR results.
    • Modified @cumulus/cmrjs.CMR.searchGranule and @cumulus/cmrjs.CMR.searchCollection to include CMR's provider as a default parameter to searches.
  • CUMULUS-965
    • Add @cumulus/test-data.loadJSONTestData(), @cumulus/test-data.loadTestData(), and @cumulus/test-data.streamTestData() to safely load test data. These functions should be used instead of using require() to load test data, which could lead to tests interfering with each other.
    • Add a @cumulus/common/util/deprecate() function to mark a piece of code as deprecated
  • CUMULUS-986
    • Added waitForTestExecutionStart to @cumulus/integration-tests
  • CUMULUS-919
    • In @cumulus/deployment, added support for NGAP permissions boundaries for IAM roles with useNgapPermissionBoundary flag in iam/config.yml. Defaults to false.


  • Fixed a bug where FTP sockets were not closed after an error, keeping the Lambda function active until it timed out [CUMULUS-972]
  • CUMULUS-656
    • The API will no longer allow the deletion of a provider if that provider is referenced by a rule
    • The API will no longer allow the deletion of a collection if that collection is referenced by a rule
  • Fixed a bug where @cumulus/sf-sns-report was not pulling large messages from S3 correctly.


  • @cumulus/ingest/aws/StepFunction.pullEvent(). Use @cumulus/common/aws.pullStepFunctionEvent().
  • @cumulus/ingest/consumer.Consume due to unpredictable implementation. Use @cumulus/ingest/consumer.Consumer. Call Consumer.consume() instead of

v1.10.4 - 2018-11-28


  • CUMULUS-1008
    • New config.yml parameter for SQS consumers: sqs_consumer_rate: (default 500), which is the maximum number of messages the consumer will attempt to process per execution. Currently this is only used by the sf-starter consumer, which runs every minute by default, making this a messages-per-minute upper bound. SQS does not guarantee the number of messages returned per call, so this is not a fixed rate of consumption, only attempted number of messages received.


  • @cumulus/ingest/consumer.Consume due to unpredictable implementation. Use @cumulus/ingest/consumer.Consumer.


  • Backported update of packages/api dependency @mapbox/dyno to 1.4.2 to mitigate event-stream vulnerability.

v1.10.3 - 2018-10-31


  • CUMULUS-817
    • Added AWS Dead Letter Queues for lambdas that are scheduled asynchronously/such that failures show up only in cloudwatch logs.
  • CUMULUS-956
    • Migrated developer documentation and data-cookbooks to Docusaurus
      • supports versioning of documentation
    • Added docs/ to outline how to do things like add new docs or locally install for testing.
    • Deployment/CI scripts have been updated to work with the new format
  • CUMULUS-811
    • Added new S3 functions to @cumulus/common/aws:
      • aws.s3TagSetToQueryString: converts S3 TagSet array to querystring (for use with upload()).
      • aws.s3PutObject: Returns promise of S3 putObject, which puts an object on S3
      • aws.s3CopyObject: Returns promise of S3 copyObject, which copies an object in S3 to a new S3 location
      • aws.s3GetObjectTagging: Returns promise of S3 getObjectTagging, which returns an object containing an S3 TagSet.
    • @/cumulus/common/aws.s3PutObject defaults to an explicit ACL of 'private' if not overridden.
    • @/cumulus/common/aws.s3CopyObject defaults to an explicit TaggingDirective of 'COPY' if not overridden.


  • CUMULUS-811
    • Deprecated @cumulus/ingest/aws.S3. Member functions of this class will now log warnings pointing to similar functionality in @cumulus/common/aws.

v1.10.2 - 2018-10-24


  • CUMULUS-965

    • Added a @cumulus/logger package
  • CUMULUS-885

    • Added 'human readable' version identifiers to Lambda Versioning lambda aliases
  • CUMULUS-705

    • Note: Make sure to update the IAM stack when deploying this update.
    • Adds an AsyncOperations model and associated DynamoDB table to the @cumulus/api package
    • Adds an /asyncOperations endpoint to the @cumulus/api package, which can be used to fetch the status of an AsyncOperation.
    • Adds a /bulkDelete endpoint to the @cumulus/api package, which performs an asynchronous bulk-delete operation. This is a stub right now which is only intended to demonstration how AsyncOperations work.
    • Adds an AsyncOperation ECS task to the @cumulus/api package, which will fetch an Lambda function, run it in ECS, and then store the result to the AsyncOperations table in DynamoDB.
  • CUMULUS-851 - Added workflow lambda versioning feature to allow in-flight workflows to use lambda versions that were in place when a workflow was initiated

    • Updated Kes custom code to remove logic that used the CMA file key to determine template compilation logic. Instead, utilize a customCompilation template configuration flag to indicate a template should use Cumulus's kes customized methods instead of 'core'.
    • Added useWorkflowLambdaVersions configuration option to enable the lambdaVersioning feature set. This option is set to true by default and should be set to false to disable the feature.
    • Added uniqueIdentifier configuration key to S3 sourced lambdas to optionally support S3 lambda resource versioning within this scheme. This key must be unique for each modified version of the lambda package and must be updated in configuration each time the source changes.
    • Added a new nested stack template that will create a LambdaVersions stack that will take lambda parameters from the base template, generate lambda versions/aliases and return outputs with references to the most 'current' lambda alias reference, and updated 'core' template to utilize these outputs (if useWorkflowLambdaVersions is enabled).
  • Created a @cumulus/api/lib/OAuth2 interface, which is implemented by the @cumulus/api/lib/EarthdataLogin and @cumulus/api/lib/GoogleOAuth2 classes. Endpoints that need to handle authentication will determine which class to use based on environment variables. This also greatly simplifies testing.

  • Added @cumulus/api/lib/assertions, containing more complex AVA test assertions

  • Added PublishGranule workflow to publish a granule to CMR without full reingest. (ingest-in-place capability)

  • @cumulus/integration-tests new functionality:

    • listCollections to list collections from a provided data directory
    • deleteCollection to delete list of collections from a deployed stack
    • cleanUpCollections combines the above in one function.
    • listProviders to list providers from a provided data directory
    • deleteProviders to delete list of providers from a deployed stack
    • cleanUpProviders combines the above in one function.
    • @cumulus/integrations-tests/api.js: deleteGranule and deletePdr functions to make DELETE requests to Cumulus API
    • rules API functionality for posting and deleting a rule and listing all rules
    • wait-for-deploy lambda for use in the redeployment tests
  • @cumulus/ingest/granule.js: ingestFile inserts new duplicate_found: true field in the file's record if a duplicate file already exists on S3.

  • @cumulus/api: /execution-status endpoint requests and returns complete execution output if execution output is stored in S3 due to size.

  • Added option to use environment variable to set CMR host in @cumulus/cmrjs.

  • CUMULUS-781 - Added integration tests for @cumulus/sync-granule when duplicateHandling is set to replace or skip

  • CUMULUS-791 - @cumulus/move-granules: moveFileRequest inserts new duplicate_found: true field in the file's record if a duplicate file already exists on S3. Updated output schema to document new duplicate_found field.


  • Removed @cumulus/common/fake-earthdata-login-server. Tests can now create a service stub based on @cumulus/api/lib/OAuth2 if testing requires handling authentication.


  • CUMULUS-940 - modified @cumulus/common/aws receiveSQSMessages to take a parameter object instead of positional parameters. All defaults remain the same, but now access to long polling is available through options.waitTimeSeconds.
  • CUMULUS-948 - Update lambda functions CNMToCMA and CnmResponse in the cumulus-data-shared bucket and point the default stack to them.
  • CUMULUS-782 - Updated @cumulus/sync-granule task and Granule.ingestFile in @cumulus/ingest to keep both old and new data when a destination file with different checksum already exists and duplicateHandling is version
  • Updated the config schema in @cumulus/move-granules to include the moveStagedFiles param.
  • CUMULUS-778 - Updated config schema and documentation in @cumulus/sync-granule to include duplicateHandling parameter for specifying how duplicate filenames should be handled
  • CUMULUS-779 - Updated @cumulus/sync-granule to throw DuplicateFile error when destination files already exist and duplicateHandling is error
  • CUMULUS-780 - Updated @cumulus/sync-granule to use error as the default for duplicateHandling when it is not specified
  • CUMULUS-780 - Updated @cumulus/api to use error as the default value for duplicateHandling in the Collection model
  • CUMULUS-785 - Updated the config schema and documentation in @cumulus/move-granules to include duplicateHandling parameter for specifying how duplicate filenames should be handled
  • CUMULUS-786, CUMULUS-787 - Updated @cumulus/move-granules to throw DuplicateFile error when destination files already exist and duplicateHandling is error or not specified
  • CUMULUS-789 - Updated @cumulus/move-granules to keep both old and new data when a destination file with different checksum already exists and duplicateHandling is version


  • getGranuleId in @cumulus/ingest bug: getGranuleId was constructing an error using filename which was undefined. The fix replaces filename with the uri argument.
  • Fixes to del in @cumulus/api/endpoints/granules.js to not error/fail when not all files exist in S3 (e.g. delete granule which has only 2 of 3 files ingested).
  • @cumulus/deployment/lib/crypto.js now checks for private key existence properly.

v1.10.1 - 2018-09-4


  • Fixed cloudformation template errors in @cumulus/deployment/
    • Replaced references to Fn::Ref: with Ref:
    • Moved long form template references to a newline

v1.10.0 - 2018-08-31


  • Removed unused and broken code from @cumulus/common
    • Removed @cumulus/common/test-helpers
    • Removed @cumulus/common/task
    • Removed @cumulus/common/message-source
    • Removed the getPossiblyRemote function from @cumulus/common/aws
    • Removed the startPromisedSfnExecution function from @cumulus/common/aws
    • Removed the getCurrentSfnTask function from @cumulus/common/aws


  • CUMULUS-839 - In @cumulus/sync-granule, 'collection' is now an optional config parameter


  • CUMULUS-859 Moved duplicate code in @cumulus/move-granules and @cumulus/post-to-cmr to @cumulus/ingest. Fixed imports making assumptions about directory structure.
  • @cumulus/ingest/consumer correctly limits the number of messages being received and processed from SQS. Details:
    • Background: @cumulus/api includes a lambda <stack-name>-sqs2sf which processes messages from the <stack-name>-startSF SQS queue every minute. The sqs2sf lambda uses @cumulus/ingest/consumer to receive and process messages from SQS.
    • Bug: More than messageLimit number of messages were being consumed and processed from the <stack-name>-startSF SQS queue. Many step functions were being triggered simultaneously by the lambda <stack-name>-sqs2sf (which consumes every minute from the startSF queue) and resulting in step function failure with the error: An error occurred (ThrottlingException) when calling the GetExecutionHistory.
    • Fix: @cumulus/ingest/consumer#processMessages now processes messages until timeLimit has passed OR once it receives up to messageLimit messages. sqs2sf is deployed with a default messageLimit of 10.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: consumer will actually process up to messageLimit * 2 - 1 messages. This is because sometimes receiveSQSMessages will return less than messageLimit messages and thus the consumer will continue to make calls to receiveSQSMessages. For example, given a messageLimit of 10 and subsequent calls to receiveSQSMessages returns up to 9 messages, the loop will continue and a final call could return up to 10 messages.

v1.9.1 - 2018-08-22

Please Note To take advantage of the added granule tracking API functionality, updates are required for the message adapter and its libraries. You should be on the following versions:

  • cumulus-message-adapter 1.0.9+
  • cumulus-message-adapter-js 1.0.4+
  • cumulus-message-adapter-java 1.2.7+
  • cumulus-message-adapter-python 1.0.5+


  • CUMULUS-687 Added logs endpoint to search for logs from a specific workflow execution in @cumulus/api. Added integration test.
  • CUMULUS-836 - @cumulus/deployment supports a configurable docker storage driver for ECS. ECS can be configured with either devicemapper (the default storage driver for AWS ECS-optimized AMIs) or overlay2 (the storage driver used by the NGAP 2.0 AMI). The storage driver can be configured in app/config.yml with ecs.docker.storageDriver: overlay2 | devicemapper. The default is overlay2.
    • To support this configuration, a Handlebars helper ifEquals was added to packages/deployment/lib/kes.js.
  • CUMULUS-836 - @cumulus/api added IAM roles required by the NGAP 2.0 AMI. The NGAP 2.0 AMI runs a script which requires the ECS IAM role to include ec2:DescribeInstances and ssm:GetParameter permissions.


  • CUMULUS-836 - @cumulus/deployment uses overlay2 driver by default and does not attempt to write --storage-opt dm.basesize to fix this error.
  • CUMULUS-413 Kinesis processing now captures all errors.
    • Added kinesis fallback mechanism when errors occur during record processing.
    • Adds FallbackTopicArn to @cumulus/api/lambdas.yml
    • Adds fallbackConsumer lambda to @cumulus/api
    • Adds fallbackqueue option to lambda definitions capture lambda failures after three retries.
    • Adds kinesisFallback SNS topic to signal incoming errors from kinesis stream.
    • Adds kinesisFailureSQS to capture fully failed events from all retries.
  • CUMULUS-855 Adds integration test for kinesis' error path.
  • CUMULUS-686 Added workflow task name and version tracking via @cumulus/api executions endpoint under new tasks property, and under workflow_tasks in step input/output.
    • Depends on cumulus-message-adapter 1.0.9+, cumulus-message-adapter-js 1.0.4+, cumulus-message-adapter-java 1.2.7+ and cumulus-message-adapter-python 1.0.5+
  • CUMULUS-771
    • Updated sync-granule to stream the remote file to s3
    • Added integration test for ingesting granules from ftp provider
    • Updated http/https integration tests for ingesting granules from http/https providers
  • CUMULUS-862 Updated @cumulus/integration-tests to handle remote lambda output
  • CUMULUS-856 Set the rule state to have default value ENABLED


  • In @cumulus/deployment, changed the example app config.yml to have additional IAM roles

v1.9.0 - 2018-08-06

Please note additional information and upgrade instructions here


  • CUMULUS-712 - Added integration tests verifying expected behavior in workflows
  • GITC-776-2 - Add support for versioned collections


  • CUMULUS-832
    • Fixed indentation in example config.yml in @cumulus/deployment
    • Fixed issue with new deployment using the default distribution endpoint in @cumulus/deployment and @cumulus/api

v1.8.1 - 2018-08-01

Note IAM roles should be re-deployed with this release.

  • Cumulus-726
    • Added function to @cumulus/integration-tests: sfnStep includes getStepInput which returns the input to the schedule event of a given step function step.
    • Added IAM policy @cumulus/deployment: Lambda processing IAM role includes kinesis::PutRecord so step function lambdas can write to kinesis streams.
  • Cumulus Community Edition
    • Added Google OAuth authentication token logic to @cumulus/api. Refactored token endpoint to use environment variable flag OAUTH_PROVIDER when determining with authentication method to use.
    • Added API Lambda memory configuration variable api_lambda_memory to @cumulus/api and @cumulus/deployment.


  • Cumulus-726
    • Changed function in @cumulus/api: models/rules.js#addKinesisEventSource was modified to call to deleteKinesisEventSource with all required parameters (rule's name, arn and type).
    • Changed function in @cumulus/integration-tests: getStepOutput can now be used to return output of failed steps. If users of this function want the output of a failed event, they can pass a third parameter eventType as 'failure'. This function will work as always for steps which completed successfully.


  • Cumulus-726

    • Configuration change to @cumulus/deployment: Removed default auto scaling configuration for Granules and Files DynamoDB tables.
  • CUMULUS-688

    • Add integration test for ExecutionStatus
    • Function addition to @cumulus/integration-tests: api includes getExecutionStatus which returns the execution status from the Cumulus API

v1.8.0 - 2018-07-23


  • CUMULUS-718 Adds integration test for Kinesis triggering a workflow.

  • GITC-776-3 Added more flexibility for rules. You can now edit all fields on the rule's record We may need to update the api documentation to reflect this.

  • CUMULUS-681 - Add ingest-in-place action to granules endpoint

    • new applyWorkflow action at PUT /granules/{granuleid} Applying a workflow starts an execution of the provided workflow and passes the granule record as payload. Parameter(s):
      • workflow - the workflow name
  • CUMULUS-685 - Add parent exeuction arn to the execution which is triggered from a parent step function


  • CUMULUS-768 - Integration tests get S3 provider data from shared data folder


  • CUMULUS-746 - Move granule API correctly updates record in dynamo DB and cmr xml file
  • CUMULUS-766 - Populate database fileSize field from S3 if value not present in Ingest payload

[v1.7.1] - 2018-07-27 - [BACKPORT]


  • CUMULUS-766 - Backport from 1.8.0 - Populate database fileSize field from S3 if value not present in Ingest payload

v1.7.0 - 2018-07-02


  • GITC-776-2 - Add support for versioned collections
  • CUMULUS-491 - Add granule reconciliation API endpoints.
  • CUMULUS-480 Add support for backup and recovery:
    • Add DynamoDB tables for granules, executions and pdrs
    • Add ability to write all records to S3
    • Add ability to download all DynamoDB records in form json files
    • Add ability to upload records to DynamoDB
    • Add migration scripts for copying granule, pdr and execution records from ElasticSearch to DynamoDB
    • Add IAM support for batchWrite on dynamoDB
  • CUMULUS-508 - @cumulus/deployment cloudformation template allows for lambdas and ECS clusters to have multiple AZ availability.
    • @cumulus/deployment also ensures docker uses devicemapper storage driver.
  • CUMULUS-755 - @cumulus/deployment Add DynamoDB autoscaling support.
    • Application developers can add autoscaling and override default values in their deployment's app/config.yml file using a {TableName}Table: key.


  • CUMULUS-747 - Delete granule API doesn't delete granule files in s3 and granule in elasticsearch
    • update the StreamSpecification DynamoDB tables to have StreamViewType: "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
    • delete granule files in s3
  • CUMULUS-398 - Fix not able to filter executions by workflow
  • CUMULUS-748 - Fix invalid lambda .zip files being validated/uploaded to AWS
  • CUMULUS-544 - Post to CMR task has UAT URL hard-coded
    • Made configurable: PostToCmr now requires CMR_ENVIRONMENT env to be set to 'SIT' or 'OPS' for those CMR environments. Default is UAT.


  • GITC-776-4 - Changed Discover-pdrs to not rely on collection but use provider_path in config. It also has an optional filterPdrs regex configuration parameter

  • CUMULUS-710 - In the integration test suite, getStepOutput returns the output of the first successful step execution or last failed, if none exists

v1.6.0 - 2018-06-06


  • CUMULUS-602 - Format all logs sent to Elastic Search.
    • Extract cumulus log message and index it to Elastic Search.


  • CUMULUS-556 - add a mechanism for creating and running migration scripts on deployment.
  • CUMULUS-461 Support use of metadata date and other components in url_path property


  • CUMULUS-477 Update bucket configuration to support multiple buckets of the same type:
    • Change the structure of the buckets to allow for more than one bucket of each type. The bucket structure is now: bucket-key: name: type: i.e. internal, public, etc.
    • Change IAM and app deployment configuration to support new bucket structure
    • Update tasks and workflows to support new bucket structure
    • Replace instances where buckets.internal is relied upon to either use the system bucket or a configured bucket
    • Move IAM template to the deployment package. NOTE: You now have to specify '--template node_modules/@cumulus/deployment/iam' in your IAM deployment
    • Add IAM cloudformation template support to filter buckets by type

v1.5.5 - 2018-05-30


  • CUMULUS-530 - PDR tracking through Queue-granules
    • Add optional pdr property to the sync-granule task's input config and output payload.
  • CUMULUS-548 - Create a Lambda task that generates EMS distribution reports
    • In order to supply EMS Distribution Reports, you must enable S3 Server Access Logging on any S3 buckets used for distribution. See How Do I Enable Server Access Logging for an S3 Bucket? The "Target bucket" setting should point at the Cumulus internal bucket. The "Target prefix" should be "<STACK_NAME>/ems-distribution/s3-server-access-logs/", where "STACK_NAME" is replaced with the name of your Cumulus stack.


  • CUMULUS-546 - Kinesis Consumer should catch and log invalid JSON
    • Kinesis Consumer lambda catches and logs errors so that consumer doesn't get stuck in a loop re-processing bad json records.
  • EMS report filenames are now based on their start time instead of the time instead of the time that the report was generated
  • CUMULUS-552 - Cumulus API returns different results for the same collection depending on query
    • The collection, provider and rule records in elasticsearch are now replaced with records from dynamo db when the dynamo db records are updated.


  • @cumulus/deployment's default cloudformation template now configures storage for Docker to match the configured ECS Volume. The template defines Docker's devicemapper basesize (dm.basesize) using ecs.volumeSize. This addresses ECS default of limiting Docker containers to 10GB of storage (Read more).

v1.5.4 - 2018-05-21


  • CUMULUS-535 - EMS Ingest, Archive, Archive Delete reports
    • Add lambda EmsReport to create daily EMS Ingest, Archive, Archive Delete reports
    • ems.provider property added to @cumulus/deployment/app/config.yml. To change the provider name, please add ems: provider property to app/config.yml.
  • CUMULUS-480 Use DynamoDB to store granules, pdrs and execution records
    • Activate PointInTime feature on DynamoDB tables
    • Increase test coverage on api package
    • Add ability to restore metadata records from json files to DynamoDB
  • CUMULUS-459 provide API endpoint for moving granules from one location on s3 to another

v1.5.3 - 2018-05-18


  • CUMULUS-557 - "Add dataType to DiscoverGranules output"
    • Granules discovered by the DiscoverGranules task now include dataType
    • dataType is now a required property for granules used as input to the QueueGranules task
  • CUMULUS-550 Update deployment app/config.yml to force elasticsearch updates for deleted granules

v1.5.2 - 2018-05-15


  • CUMULUS-514 - "Unable to Delete the Granules"
    • updated cmrjs.deleteConcept to return success if the record is not found in CMR.


  • CUMULUS-547 - The distribution API now includes an "earthdataLoginUsername" query parameter when it returns a signed S3 URL
  • CUMULUS-527 - "parse-pdr queues up all granules and ignores regex"
    • Add an optional config property to the ParsePdr task called "granuleIdFilter". This property is a regular expression that is applied against the filename of the first file of each granule contained in the PDR. If the regular expression matches, then the granule is included in the output. Defaults to '.', which will match all granules in the PDR.
  • File checksums in PDRs now support MD5
  • Deployment support to subscribe to an SNS topic that already exists
  • CUMULUS-470, CUMULUS-471 In-region S3 Policy lambda added to API to update bucket policy for in-region access.
  • CUMULUS-533 Added fields to granule indexer to support EMS ingest and archive record creation
  • CUMULUS-534 Track deleted granules
    • added deletedgranule type to cumulus index.
    • Important Note: Force custom bootstrap to re-run by adding this to app/config.yml es: elasticSearchMapping: 7
  • You can now deploy cumulus without ElasticSearch. Just add es: null to your app/config.yml file. This is only useful for debugging purposes. Cumulus still requires ElasticSearch to properly operate.
  • @cumulus/integration-tests includes and exports the addRules function, which seeds rules into the DynamoDB table.
  • Added capability to support EFS in cloud formation template. Also added optional capability to ssh to your instance and privileged lambda functions.
  • Added support to force discovery of PDRs that have already been processed and filtering of selected data types
  • @cumulus/cmrjs uses an environment variable USER_IP_ADDRESS or fallback IP address of when a public IP address is not available. This supports lambda functions deployed into a VPC's private subnet, where no public IP address is available.


  • CUMULUS-550 Custom bootstrap automatically adds new types to index on deployment

v1.5.1 - 2018-04-23


v1.5.0 - 2018-04-23


  • Removed babel from all tasks and packages and increased minimum node requirements to version 8.10
  • Lambda functions created by @cumulus/deployment will use node8.10 by default
  • Moved cumulus-integration-tests to the example folder CUMULUS-512
  • Streamlined all packages dependencies (e.g. remove redundant dependencies and make sure versions are the same across packages)
  • CUMULUS-352: Update Cumulus Elasticsearch indices to use index aliases.
  • CUMULUS-519: ECS tasks are no longer restarted after each CF deployment unless ecs.restartTasksOnDeploy is set to true
  • CUMULUS-298: Updated log filterPattern to include all CloudWatch logs in ElasticSearch
  • CUMULUS-518: Updates to the SyncGranule config schema
    • granuleIdExtraction is no longer a property
    • process is now an optional property
    • provider_path is no longer a property


  • CUMULUS-455 "Kes deployments using only an updated message adapter do not get automatically deployed"
    • prepended the hash value of file to the zip file name of lambda which uses message adapter.
    • the lambda function will be redeployed when message adapter or lambda function are updated
  • Fixed a bug in the bootstrap lambda function where it stuck during update process
  • Fixed a bug where the sf-sns-report task did not return the payload of the incoming message as the output of the task [CUMULUS-441]


  • CUMULUS-352: Add reindex CLI to the API package.
  • CUMULUS-465: Added mock http/ftp/sftp servers to the integration tests
  • Added a delete method to the @common/CollectionConfigStore class
  • CUMULUS-467 "@cumulus/integration-tests or cumulus-integration-tests should seed provider and collection in deployed DynamoDB"
    • example integration-tests populates providers and collections to database
    • example workflow messages are populated from workflow templates in s3, provider and collection information in database, and input payloads. Input templates are removed.
    • added https protocol to provider schema

v1.4.1 - 2018-04-11


  • Sync-granule install

v1.4.0 - 2018-04-09


  • CUMULUS-392 "queue-granules not returning the sfn-execution-arns queued"
    • updated queue-granules to return the sfn-execution-arns queued and pdr if exists.
    • added pdr to ingest message meta.pdr instead of payload, so the pdr information doesn't get lost in the ingest workflow, and ingested granule in elasticsearch has pdr name.
    • fixed sf-sns-report schema, remove the invalid part
    • fixed pdr-status-check schema, the failed execution contains arn and reason
  • CUMULUS-206 make sure homepage and repository urls exist in package.json files of tasks and packages


  • Example folder with a cumulus deployment example


  • CUMULUS-450 - Updated the config schema of the queue-granules task
    • The config no longer takes a "collection" property
    • The config now takes an "internalBucket" property
    • The config now takes a "stackName" property
  • CUMULUS-450 - Updated the config schema of the parse-pdr task
    • The config no longer takes a "collection" property
    • The "stack", "provider", and "bucket" config properties are now required
  • CUMULUS-469 Added a lambda to the API package to prototype creating an S3 bucket policy for direct, in-region S3 access for the prototype bucket


  • Removed the findTmpTestDataDirectory() function from @cumulus/common/test-utils


  • CUMULUS-450
    • The queue-granules task now enqueues a sync-granule task with the correct collection config for that granule based on the granule's data-type. It had previously been using the collection config from the config of the queue-granules task, which was a problem if the granules being queued belonged to different data-types.
    • The parse-pdr task now handles the case where a PDR contains granules with different data types, and uses the correct granuleIdExtraction for each granule.


  • CUMULUS-448 Add code coverage checking using nyc.

v1.3.0 - 2018-03-29


  • discover-s3-granules is deprecated. The functionality is provided by the discover-granules task


  • CUMULUS-331: Fix aws.downloadS3File to handle non-existent key
  • Using test ftp provider for discover-granules testing [CUMULUS-427]
  • CUMULUS-304: "Add AWS API throttling to pdr-status-check task" Added concurrency limit on SFN API calls. The default concurrency is 10 and is configurable through Lambda environment variable CONCURRENCY.
  • CUMULUS-414: "Schema validation not being performed on many tasks" revised npm build scripts of tasks that use cumulus-message-adapter to place schema directories into dist directories.
  • CUMULUS-301: Update all tests to use test-data package for testing data.
  • CUMULUS-271: "Empty response body from rules PUT endpoint" Added the updated rule to response body.
  • Increased memory allotment for CustomBootstrap lambda function. Resolves failed deployments where CustomBootstrap lambda function was failing with error Process exited before completing request. This was causing deployments to stall, fail to update and fail to rollback. This error is thrown when the lambda function tries to use more memory than it is allotted.
  • Cumulus repository folders structure updated:
    • removed the cumulus folder altogether
    • moved cumulus/tasks to tasks folder at the root level
    • moved the tasks that are not converted to use CMA to tasks/.not_CMA_compliant
    • updated paths where necessary


  • @cumulus/integration-tests - Added support for testing the output of an ECS activity as well as a Lambda function.

v1.2.0 - 2018-03-20


  • Update vulnerable npm packages [CUMULUS-425]
  • @cumulus/api: kinesis-consumer.js uses sf-scheduler.js#schedule instead of placing a message directly on the startSF SQS queue. This is a fix for CUMULUS-359 because sf-scheduler.js#schedule looks up the provider and collection data in DynamoDB and adds it to the meta object of the enqueued message payload.
  • @cumulus/api: kinesis-consumer.js catches and logs errors instead of doing an error callback. Before this change, kinesis-consumer was failing to process new records when an existing record caused an error because it would call back with an error and stop processing additional records. It keeps trying to process the record causing the error because it's "position" in the stream is unchanged. Catching and logging the errors is part 1 of the fix. Proposed part 2 is to enqueue the error and the message on a "dead-letter" queue so it can be processed later (CUMULUS-413).
  • CUMULUS-260: "PDR page on dashboard only shows zeros." The PDR stats in LPDAAC are all 0s, even if the dashboard has been fixed to retrieve the correct fields. The current version of pdr-status-check has a few issues.
    • pdr is not included in the input/output schema. It's available from the input event. So the pdr status and stats are not updated when the ParsePdr workflow is complete. Adding the pdr to the input/output of the task will fix this.
    • pdr-status-check doesn't update pdr stats which prevent the real time pdr progress from showing up in the dashboard. To solve this, added lambda function sf-sns-report which is copied from @cumulus/api/lambdas/sf-sns-broadcast with modification, sf-sns-report can be used to report step function status anywhere inside a step function. So add step sf-sns-report after each pdr-status-check, we will get the PDR status progress at real time.
    • It's possible an execution is still in the queue and doesn't exist in sfn yet. Added code to handle 'ExecutionDoesNotExist' error when checking the execution status.
  • Fixed aws.cloudwatchevents() typo in packages/ingest/aws.js. This typo was the root cause of the error: Error: Could not process scheduled_ingest, Error: : aws.cloudwatchevents is not a constructor seen when trying to update a rule.


  • @cumulus/ingest/aws: Remove queueWorkflowMessage which is no longer being used by @cumulus/api's kinesis-consumer.js.

v1.1.4 - 2018-03-15


  • added flag useList to parse-pdr [CUMULUS-404]


  • Pass encrypted password to the ApiGranule Lambda function [CUMULUS-424]

v1.1.3 - 2018-03-14


  • Changed @cumulus/deployment package install behavior. The build process will happen after installation

v1.1.2 - 2018-03-14


  • added tools to @cumulus/integration-tests for local integration testing
  • added end to end testing for discovering and parsing of PDRs
  • yarn e2e command is available for end to end testing


  • CUMULUS-326: "Occasionally encounter "Too Many Requests" on deployment" The api gateway calls will handle throttling errors
  • CUMULUS-175: "Dashboard providers not in sync with AWS providers." The root cause of this bug - DynamoDB operations not showing up in Elasticsearch - was shared by collections and rules. The fix was to update providers', collections' and rules; POST, PUT and DELETE endpoints to operate on DynamoDB and using DynamoDB streams to update Elasticsearch. The following packages were made:
    • @cumulus/deployment deploys DynamoDB streams for the Collections, Providers and Rules tables as well as a new lambda function called dbIndexer. The dbIndexer lambda has an event source mapping which listens to each of the DynamoDB streams. The dbIndexer lambda receives events referencing operations on the DynamoDB table and updates the elasticsearch cluster accordingly.
    • The @cumulus/api endpoints for collections, providers and rules only query DynamoDB, with the exception of LIST endpoints and the collections' GET endpoint.


  • Broke up kes.override.js of @cumulus/deployment to multiple modules and moved to a new location
  • Expanded @cumulus/deployment test coverage
  • all tasks were updated to use cumulus-message-adapter-js 1.0.1
  • added build process to integration-tests package to babelify it before publication
  • Update @cumulus/integration-tests lambda.js getLambdaOutput to return the entire lambda output. Previously getLambdaOutput returned only the payload.

v1.1.1 - 2018-03-08


  • Unused queue lambda in api/lambdas [CUMULUS-359]


  • Kinesis message content is passed to the triggered workflow [CUMULUS-359]
  • Kinesis message queues a workflow message and does not write to rules table [CUMULUS-359]

v1.1.0 - 2018-03-05


  • Added a jlog function to common/test-utils to aid in test debugging
  • Integration test package with command line tool [CUMULUS-200] by @laurenfrederick
  • Test for FTP useList flag [CUMULUS-334] by @kkelly51


  • The queue-pdrs task now uses the cumulus-message-adapter-js library
  • Updated the queue-pdrs JSON schemas
  • The test-utils schema validation functions now throw an error if validation fails
  • The queue-granules task now uses the cumulus-message-adapter-js library
  • Updated the queue-granules JSON schemas


  • Removed the getSfnExecutionByName function from common/aws
  • Removed the getGranuleStatus function from common/aws

v1.0.1 - 2018-02-27


  • More tests for discover-pdrs, dicover-granules by @yjpa7145
  • Schema validation utility for tests by @yjpa7145


  • Fix an FTP listing bug for servers that do not support STAT [CUMULUS-334] by @kkelly51

v1.0.0 - 2018-02-23