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A self-hosted, easy-to-deploy RSS tool that allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds, apply custom filters, generate AI summaries and daily/weekly digests.
Telegram Discussion Group: RSSBrew
username: admin
password: changeme
(data will be reset weekly, please do not save important data and change password after use)
Apply custom filters to your feeds to control what content gets through or not. You can filter based on Link, Title and Description. Besides:
- Various match types including contains, does not contain, matches regex or not.
- Multiple filters can be grouped together with relationship operators: AND, OR, NOT, relationships between groups can also be set.
- You can set the filter scope to apply to filter out matched entries entirely or filter for summary generation only.
Easily combine multiple RSS feeds into a single processed feed, even more powerful when used with custom filters.
Using AI (currently supports all OpenAI compatible models via user configuration) to generate and prepend a summary to the article. The default summaries include a one-line summary and a slightly longer summary. You can also customize your prompt to use AI for other purposes.
If you are overwhelmed by the number of articles, you can set up digests aggregating articles into one entry on a daily or weekly basis. You can optionally choose what to include in the digest (e.g. content, summary, ) and use AI to help you summarize the digest.
Docker deployment, please refer to INSTALL.md.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you find this project helpful, please consider leaving a star or supporting the development by donating to the author.
We would greatly appreciate your support to keep this project going.