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File metadata and controls

210 lines (162 loc) · 7.78 KB

Thrift based server with JAVA and PHP (Thrift 기반 서버 및 PHP 페이지)

This document is about the order of processes on constructing Apache thrift based server with making simple website with a board that allows files to be uploaded

  • 본 문서는 파일 업로드를 지원하는 간단한 게시판을 구현하는 것을 기반으로 Thrift 기반 서버 구축에 대한 내용을 다룹니다.

Integral Part of this project is on Github

  • 본 프로젝트의 뷰로서 작용하는 필수불가결한 요소는 위 주소를 통해 참조하실 수 있습니다.
This Project runs with (본 프로젝트의 구성요소)
  • Thrift as a multiplexer (RPC를 위한 플랫폼 다중화 모듈로서)
  • C styled IDL as a base declaration (자료형 및 메소드 선언을 위한 C 기반 모듈로서)
  • mybatis as a modeller (DB 모델링 모듈로서)
  • JAVA as a controller (Java 기반 컨트롤러로서)
  • Java bean for encapsulations (Bean 자료형 기반 캡슐화 기능으로서)
  • PHP as views (PHP 기반의 뷰로서)

Defining thrift.idl file

  • Define the encapsulating structs, methods and exception.

  • Warning : The order of Bean or Structs is very important since the idl compiling mechanism is forward declarations.

namespace java thrift.gen.javacode // Namespace for java and this namespace will be the package
namespace php ThriftService // Namespace for PHP and this namespace will be the directory of PHP

typedef i16 short // Type redefinition for convenience
typedef i32 int // Type redefinition for convenience
typedef i64 long // Type redefinition for convenience
typedef string String // Type redefinition for convenience
typedef binary ThriftByteBuffer // Type redefinition for convenience
typedef bool boolean // Type redefinition for convenience

exception ThriftServiceException { 1 : int ecode, 2 : String emsg } // Exception definition

struct ThriftUserBean{
	1. int id
	2: String userId
	3: String userPw
	4: String NAME
	5: String DATE

service ThriftService { // Handler Method Interfaces for General Service
	String duplicateUserId(1:String id) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se);
	list<ThriftFileBean> imgFileUpload(1:list<ThriftFileBean> fileBeans) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se); 
	ThriftUserBean getUserInfo(1:String id) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se);
	list<ThriftFileBean> fileUpload(1:list<ThriftFileBean> fileBeans) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se); 
	ThriftUserBean getTest(1:int userNumber) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se);

service ThriftAdminService { // Handler Method Interfaces for Admin Service
	list<ThriftFileBean> imgFileUpload(1:list<ThriftFileBean> fileBeans) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se)  ; 
	list<ThriftFileBean> fileUpload(1:list<ThriftFileBean> fileBeans) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se)  ; 
	ThriftUserBean getTest(1:int userNumber) throws (1:ThriftServiceException se)  ; 

Compiling with Thrift.exe

  • Run gen.bat to generate interfaces and required files

    • and will be generated.
    • The files that automatically generated are not necessary to check out.
    • In directory named server, there are 2 handlers and it is for processing client's requests and providing responses.
  • Example code snippet in

	public ThriftUserResult getUserInfo(String id) throws ThriftServiceException, TException{
		ThriftUserResult result = null;
			result =, ThriftUserResult.class);
		catch (ServiceException e){
			throw new ThriftServiceException(e.getEcode(), e.getEmsg());
		return result;
  • As the code shows, Handlers provide just the data as somewhat routes like controller in Spring Frameworks. But the data type as well as ThriftUserResult must be declared as a Java bean.

Implementing Service

  • There is a directory named svc in core then it is necessary that Implementation needs to be located in here.

  • The Implementing code in svc file must be named exactly the same with method name in Handler and thrift.idl file. In addition, the detail business logics also need to be implemented in here.

  • Example code snippet in

	public UserResult getUserInfo(String id) throws ServiceException{
		final String ERR_MSG = "User doesn't exist";
		String TAG = "getUserInfo : "; + id);
		SqlSession session = null;
		UserResult userInfo = null;

			session = this.getSession();
			UserMapper mapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
			userInfo = mapper.getUserInfo(id);
			if(userInfo == null){
				throw new ServiceException(-1, ERR_MSG);
		catch (ServiceException e){
			throw new ServiceException(-1, ERR_MSG);
		return userInfo;

Defining Databases query and its Mapper with mybatis

  • With mybatis, there is no need to implement in java

    • Declare required method in interfaces

    • Implement detail query in ~Mapper.xml files with mybatis syntax.

  • Example queries

<mapper namespace="core.logic.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper">
    <select id="getUserInfo" parameterType="String" resultType="UserResult">
        	, userId
        	, userPw
        	, name
        	, date
        	userId = #{id}
* the account information or DB connection settings would be asserted in config.xml.

* *IMPORTANT* : User-defined Data type or bean must be aliased in config.xml.
  • Example code for showing Aliases and db settings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
  PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN"
        <setting name="cacheEnabled"              value="true"/>  
        <setting name="lazyLoadingEnabled"        value="false"/>  
        <setting name="multipleResultSetsEnabled" value="true"/>  
        <setting name="useColumnLabel"            value="true"/>  
        <setting name="useGeneratedKeys"          value="false"/>  
        <setting name="defaultExecutorType"       value="SIMPLE"/>  
		<typeAlias alias="UserBean" type="core.logic.bean.persistence.UserBean"/>
		<typeAlias alias="UserResult" type="core.logic.bean.result.UserResult"/>
		<typeAlias alias="BoardBean" type="core.logic.bean.persistence.BoardBean"/>
		<typeAlias alias="ListBean" type="core.logic.bean.persistence.ListBean"/>
	<environments default="development">
		<environment id="development">
			<transactionManager type="JDBC"/>
			<dataSource type="POOLED">
				<property name="driver" value="net.sf.log4jdbc.DriverSpy"/>  
			    <property name="url" value="jdbc:log4jdbc:mysql://;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
			    <property name="username" value="test"/>  
			    <property name="password" value="$#@!test"/>
		<mapper resource="core/logic/mybatis/query/UserMapper.xml"/>

Getting started for thrift Compiling

  • Generating thrift.gen file is integral part for running.

  • In your thrift directory, run the command as follow.

C:\thrift -out C:\Users\a\workspace\thrift_share\src --gen java:beans C:\Users\a\workspace\thrift\src\tool\thrift\idl\thrift.idl
C:\thrift -out C:\Users\a\workspace\thrift_share\src\thrift\gen\php  --gen php:oop C:\Users\a\workspace\thrift\src\tool\thrift\idl\thrift.idl

Going on to view part

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