<script src="https://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.8.2.min.js"></script>
- Goto https://github.com/yyued/SVGAPlayer-Web/tree/master/build Download svga.createjs.min.js
- Add
<script src="svga.createjs.min.js"></script>
to xxx.html
npm install svgaplayerweb --save
- Add
Both Prebuild & NPM, if you need to support SVGA-Format 1.x, add JSZip script to html.
<script src="http://assets.dwstatic.com/common/lib/??jszip/3.1.3/jszip.min.js,jszip/3.1.3/jszip-utils.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
var displayObject = new SVGA.CreatejsPlayer('./samples/rose_2.0.0.svga');
displayObject.onError(function(err) {
displayObject.setFrame(0, 0, 500, 500)
var stage = new createjs.Stage('CanvasID');
You can replace specific image by yourself, ask your designer tell you the ImageKey.
- The Replacing Image MUST have same WIDTH and HEIGHT as Original.
- setImage operation MUST set BEFORE startAnimation.
displayObject.setImage('http://yourserver.com/xxx.png', 'ImageKey');
You can add text on specific image, ask your designer tell you the ImageKey.
- setText operation MUST set BEFORE startAnimation.
displayObject.setText('Hello, World!', 'ImageKey');
text: 'Hello, World!,
size: "24px",
color: "#ffe0a4",
offset: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0}
}, 'ImageKey'); // customize text styles.
You use SVGA.CreatejsPlayer controls animation play and stop.
- int loops; - Animation loop count, defaults to 0 means infinity loop.
- BOOL clearsAfterStop; - defaults to true, means player will clear all contents after stop.
- string fillMode; - defaults to Forward,optional Forward / Backward,fillMode = Forward,Animation will pause on last frame while finished,fillMode = Backward , Animation will pause on first frame.
- constructor (url: string, autoPlay: boolean);
- startAnimation(, reverse: boolean = false); - start animation from zero frame.
- startAnimationWithRange(range: {location: number, length: number}, reverse: boolean = false); - start animation in [location, location+length] frame range.
- pauseAnimation(); - pause animation on current frame.
- stopAnimation(); - stop animation, clear contents while clearsAfterStop === true
- setContentMode(mode: "ScaleToFill" | "AspectFill" | "AspectFit"); - Specific Scale Mode
- setClipsToBounds(clipsToBounds: boolean); - Clips if image render out of box.
- clear(); - force clear contents.
- stepToFrame(frame: int, andPlay: Boolean); - stop to specific frame, play animation while andPlay === true
- stepToPercentage(percentage: float, andPlay: Boolean); - stop to specific percentage, play animation while andPlay === true
- setImage(image: string, forKey: string, transform: [a, b, c, d, tx, ty]); - Replace Animation Images Dynamically, transform is optional, transform could adjust replacing image.
- setText(text: string | {text: string, font: string, size: string, color: string, offset: {x: float, y: float}}, forKey: string); - Add Text on Animation Image Dynamically
- clearDynamicObjects(); - clear all dynamic objects.
- onError(callback: (error: Error) => void): void; - call after load failure.
- onFinished(callback: () => void): void; - call after animation stop.
- onFrame(callback: (frame: number): void): void; - call after animation specific frame rendered.
- onPercentage(callback: (percentage: number): void): void; - call after animation specific percentage rendered.
As known, some Android OS lack Blob support, add Blob Polyfill by yourself.
<script src="//cdn.bootcss.com/blob-polyfill/1.0.20150320/Blob.min.js"></script>