diff --git a/spec/apa_product_spec.rb b/spec/apa_product_spec.rb index f28544b..c138cf6 100644 --- a/spec/apa_product_spec.rb +++ b/spec/apa_product_spec.rb @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ @product_node = @doc.root end - specify "should provide read access to attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to attributes" do @product = ONIX::Product.from_xml(@product_node.to_s) @apa = ONIX::APAProduct.new(@product) @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ @apa.pack_quantity.should eql(12) end - specify "should provide write access to attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to attributes" do apa = ONIX::APAProduct.new apa.notification_type = 3 diff --git a/spec/audience_range_spec.rb b/spec/audience_range_spec.rb index 2852c5c..1e8a170 100644 --- a/spec/audience_range_spec.rb +++ b/spec/audience_range_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ aud.to_xml.to_s[0,15].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do aud = ONIX::AudienceRange.from_xml(@root.to_s) aud.audience_range_qualifier.should eql(11) @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ aud.audience_range_values[1].should eql(5) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do aud = ONIX::AudienceRange.new aud.audience_range_qualifier = 12 diff --git a/spec/contributor_spec.rb b/spec/contributor_spec.rb index 2d24184..4b6ed07 100644 --- a/spec/contributor_spec.rb +++ b/spec/contributor_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ header.to_xml.to_s[0,13].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do contrib = ONIX::Contributor.from_xml(@root.to_s) contrib.contributor_role.should eql("A01") @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ contrib.sequence_number.should eql(1) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do contrib = ONIX::Contributor.new contrib.contributor_role = "A02" diff --git a/spec/header_spec.rb b/spec/header_spec.rb index 0264590..bb03d95 100644 --- a/spec/header_spec.rb +++ b/spec/header_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ header.to_xml.to_s[0,8].should eql("
") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do header = ONIX::Header.from_xml(@header_node.to_s) header.from_ean_number.should eql("1111111111111") @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ header.default_class_of_trade.should eql("f") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do header = ONIX::Header.new header.from_ean_number = "1111111111111" diff --git a/spec/imprint_spec.rb b/spec/imprint_spec.rb index 2a38454..d54bc0f 100644 --- a/spec/imprint_spec.rb +++ b/spec/imprint_spec.rb @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ imp.to_xml.to_s[0,9].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do imp = ONIX::Imprint.from_xml(@root.to_s) imp.imprint_name.should eql("Oxford University Press UK") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do imp = ONIX::Imprint.new imp.imprint_name = "Paulist Press" diff --git a/spec/language_spec.rb b/spec/language_spec.rb index 6200fc7..84efbee 100644 --- a/spec/language_spec.rb +++ b/spec/language_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ lan.to_xml.to_s[0,10].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do lan = ONIX::Language.from_xml(@root.to_s) lan.language_role.should eql(1) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ lan.country_code.should eql("US") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do lan = ONIX::Language.new lan.language_role = 2 diff --git a/spec/market_representation_spec.rb b/spec/market_representation_spec.rb index 391b349..261769a 100644 --- a/spec/market_representation_spec.rb +++ b/spec/market_representation_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ rep.to_xml.to_s[0,22].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do rep = ONIX::MarketRepresentation.from_xml(@root.to_s) rep.agent_name.should eql("Allen & Unwin") rep.agent_role.should eql(7) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do rep = ONIX::MarketRepresentation.new rep.agent_name = "Rainbow Book Agencies" diff --git a/spec/measure_spec.rb b/spec/measure_spec.rb index ee147af..372e4b4 100644 --- a/spec/measure_spec.rb +++ b/spec/measure_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ m.to_xml.to_s[0,9].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do m = ONIX::Measure.from_xml(@root.to_s) m.measure_type_code.should eql(1) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ m.measure_unit_code.should eql("mm") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do m = ONIX::Measure.new m.measure_type_code = 1 diff --git a/spec/media_file_spec.rb b/spec/media_file_spec.rb index f207ce9..cc93fb1 100644 --- a/spec/media_file_spec.rb +++ b/spec/media_file_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ mf.to_xml.to_s[0,11].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do mf = ONIX::MediaFile.from_xml(@root.to_s) mf.media_file_type_code.should eql(4) mf.media_file_link_type_code.should eql(1) mf.media_file_link.should eql("http://www.allenandunwin.com/BookCovers/resized_9788888028729_224_297_FitSquare.jpg") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do mf = ONIX::MediaFile.new mf.media_file_type_code = 2 diff --git a/spec/other_text_spec.rb b/spec/other_text_spec.rb index 0e04af3..78f04a5 100644 --- a/spec/other_text_spec.rb +++ b/spec/other_text_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ ot.to_xml.to_s[0,11].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do ot = ONIX::OtherText.from_xml(@root.to_s) ot.text_type_code.should eql(2) ot.text[0,7].should eql("A woman") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do ot = ONIX::OtherText.new ot.text_type_code = 2 diff --git a/spec/price_spec.rb b/spec/price_spec.rb index cebee62..f07ed70 100644 --- a/spec/price_spec.rb +++ b/spec/price_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ p.to_xml.to_s[0,7].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do p = ONIX::Price.from_xml(@root.to_s) p.price_type_code.should eql(2) p.price_amount.should eql(BigDecimal.new("7.5")) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do p = ONIX::Price.new p.price_type_code = 1 diff --git a/spec/product_identifier_spec.rb b/spec/product_identifier_spec.rb index 0b1f61e..594f9fb 100644 --- a/spec/product_identifier_spec.rb +++ b/spec/product_identifier_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ id.to_xml.to_s[0,19].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do id = ONIX::ProductIdentifier.from_xml(@root.to_s) id.product_id_type.should eql(2) id.id_value.should eql("0858198363") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do id = ONIX::ProductIdentifier.new id.product_id_type = 2 diff --git a/spec/product_spec.rb b/spec/product_spec.rb index 6e91932..f5911c3 100644 --- a/spec/product_spec.rb +++ b/spec/product_spec.rb @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ @product_node = @doc.root end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do product = ONIX::Product.from_xml(@product_node.to_s) product.record_reference.should eql("365-9780194351898") @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ product.measurements.size.should eql(1) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do product = ONIX::Product.new product.notification_type = 3 diff --git a/spec/publisher_spec.rb b/spec/publisher_spec.rb index 0ddbefd..1419c09 100644 --- a/spec/publisher_spec.rb +++ b/spec/publisher_spec.rb @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ pub.to_xml.to_s[0,11].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do pub = ONIX::Publisher.from_xml(@root.to_s) pub.publishing_role.should eql(1) pub.publisher_name.should eql("Desbooks Publishing") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do pub = ONIX::Publisher.new pub.publisher_name = "Paulist Press" diff --git a/spec/sales_restriction_spec.rb b/spec/sales_restriction_spec.rb index f044bc6..8944691 100644 --- a/spec/sales_restriction_spec.rb +++ b/spec/sales_restriction_spec.rb @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ sr.to_xml.to_s[0,18].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do sr = ONIX::SalesRestriction.from_xml(@root.to_s) sr.sales_restriction_type.should eql(0) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do sr = ONIX::SalesRestriction.new sr.sales_restriction_type = 1 diff --git a/spec/sender_identifier.rb b/spec/sender_identifier.rb index fee75fe..e2ea817 100644 --- a/spec/sender_identifier.rb +++ b/spec/sender_identifier.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ id.to_xml.to_s[0,18].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do id = ONIX::SenderIdentifier.from_xml(@root.to_s) id.sender_id_type.should eql(1) id.id_value.should eql("123456") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do id = ONIX::SenderIdentifier.new id.sender_id_type = 1 diff --git a/spec/series_identifier_spec.rb b/spec/series_identifier_spec.rb index ff3b593..a5a9ae3 100644 --- a/spec/series_identifier_spec.rb +++ b/spec/series_identifier_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ series.to_xml.to_s[0,18].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do series = ONIX::SeriesIdentifier.from_xml(@root.to_s) series.series_id_type.should eql(1) series.id_value.should eql("10001") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do series = ONIX::SeriesIdentifier.new series.series_id_type = 9 diff --git a/spec/series_spec.rb b/spec/series_spec.rb index af9acdb..d60416f 100644 --- a/spec/series_spec.rb +++ b/spec/series_spec.rb @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ series.to_xml.to_s[0,8].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do series = ONIX::Series.from_xml(@root.to_s) series.title_of_series.should eql("Citizens and Their Governments") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do series = ONIX::Series.new series.title_of_series = "Cool Science Careers" diff --git a/spec/stock_spec.rb b/spec/stock_spec.rb index 8662b09..70831d4 100644 --- a/spec/stock_spec.rb +++ b/spec/stock_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ s.to_xml.to_s[0,7].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do s = ONIX::Stock.from_xml(@root.to_s) # note that these fields *should* be numeric according to the ONIX spec, @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ s.on_order.should eql("0") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do s = ONIX::Stock.new s.on_hand = "123" diff --git a/spec/subject_spec.rb b/spec/subject_spec.rb index cf9ece1..00c8a6f 100644 --- a/spec/subject_spec.rb +++ b/spec/subject_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ sub.to_xml.to_s[0,9].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do sub = ONIX::Subject.from_xml(@root.to_s) sub.subject_scheme_id.should eql(3) sub.subject_scheme_name.should eql("RBA Subjects") sub.subject_code.should eql("AABB") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do sub = ONIX::Subject.new sub.subject_scheme_id = 2 diff --git a/spec/supply_detail_spec.rb b/spec/supply_detail_spec.rb index 6530b22..4658637 100644 --- a/spec/supply_detail_spec.rb +++ b/spec/supply_detail_spec.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sd.to_xml.to_s[0,14].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do sd = ONIX::SupplyDetail.from_xml(@root.to_s) sd.supplier_name.should eql("Rainbow Book Agencies") @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sd.prices.size.should eql(1) end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do sd = ONIX::SupplyDetail.new sd.supplier_name = "RBA" diff --git a/spec/title_spec.rb b/spec/title_spec.rb index e16c854..b2cdb47 100644 --- a/spec/title_spec.rb +++ b/spec/title_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ t.to_xml.to_s[0,7].should eql("") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do t = ONIX::Title.from_xml(@root.to_s) t.title_type.should eql(1) t.title_text.should eql("Good Grief") t.subtitle.should eql("A Constructive Approach to the Problem of Loss") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do t = ONIX::Title.new t.title_type = 1 diff --git a/spec/website_spec.rb b/spec/website_spec.rb index ac17cc8..420bf33 100644 --- a/spec/website_spec.rb +++ b/spec/website_spec.rb @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ web.to_xml.to_s[0,9].should eql("<Website>") end - specify "should provide read access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide read access to first level attributes" do web = ONIX::Website.from_xml(@root.to_s) web.website_role.should eql(1) web.website_link.should eql("http://www.rainbowbooks.com.au") end - specify "should provide write access to first level attibutes" do + specify "should provide write access to first level attributes" do web = ONIX::Website.new web.website_role = 2