diff --git a/migtests/scripts/compare-html-reports.py b/migtests/scripts/compare-html-reports.py
index fabeb1b57..a3113d786 100755
--- a/migtests/scripts/compare-html-reports.py
+++ b/migtests/scripts/compare-html-reports.py
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@ def extract_paragraphs(soup):
if not skip_first_paragraph:
skip_first_paragraph = True
- # Skip paragraph that starts with "Database Version:" as it vary according to the environment
- if p.find("strong") and "Database Version:" in p.get_text():
+ # Skip paragraphs that contain "Database Version:" or "Voyager Version:" as it vary according to the environment
+ if p.find("strong") and any(skip_text in p.get_text() for skip_text in ["Database Version:", "Voyager Version:"]):
return extract_and_normalize_texts(filtered_paragraphs)