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244 lines (220 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

244 lines (220 loc) · 12.7 KB


  • April.1.17:3.0.0-pre

    • Support for ruby versions limited to officially supported version
    • Updates to dependency gems, especially nokogiri and ruby-zip
    • Patch options parsing for two cell anchor
    • Remove support for depreciated worksheet members
  • November.25.12:1.3.4

    • Support for headers and footers for worksheets
    • bug fix: Properly escape hyperlink urls
    • Improvements in color_scale generation for conditional formatting
    • Improvements in autowidth calculation.
  • November.8.12:1.3.3

    • Patched cell run styles for u and validation for family
  • November.5.12:1.3.2

    • Patch for apostrophes in worksheet names
    • added sheet_by_name for workbook so you can now find your worksheets by name
    • added insert_worksheet so you can now add a worksheet to an arbitrary position in the worksheets list.
    • reduced memory consumption for package parts post serialization
  • September.30.12: 1.3.1

    • Improved control character handling
    • Added stored auto filter values and date grouping items
    • Improved support for autowidth when custom styles are applied
    • Added support for table style info that lets you take advantage of all the predefined table styles.
    • Improved style management for fonts so they merge undefined values from the initial master.
  • September.8.12: 1.2.3

    • enhance exponential float/bigdecimal values rendering as strings intead of 'numbers' in excel.
    • added support for :none option on chart axis labels
    • added support for paper_size option on worksheet.page_setup
  • August.27.12: 1.2.2

    • minor patch for auto-filters
    • minor documentation improvements.
  • August.12.12: 1.2.1

    • Add support for hyperlinks in worksheets
    • Fix example that was using old style cell merging with concact.
    • Fix bug that occurs when calculating the font_size for cells that use a user specified style which does not define sz
  • August.5.12: 1.2.0

    • rebuilt worksheet serialization to clean up the code base a bit.
    • added data labels for charts
    • added table header printing for each sheet via defined_name. This means that when you print your worksheet, the header rows show for every page
  • July.??.12: 1.1.9 release

    • lots of code clean up for worksheet
    • added in data labels for pie charts, line charts and bar charts.
    • bugfix chard with data in a sheet that has a space in the name are now auto updating formula based values
  • July.14.12: 1.1.8 release

    • added html entity encoding for sheet names. This allows you to use characters like '<' and '&' in your sheet names.
    • new - first round google docs interoperability
    • added filter to strip out control characters from cell data.
    • added in interop requirements so that charts are properly exported to PDF from Libra Office
    • various readability improvements and work standardizing attribute names to snake_case. Aliases are provided for backward compatiblity
  • June.11.12: 1.1.7 release

    • fix chart rendering issue when label offset is specified as a percentage in serialization and ensure that formula are not stored in value caches
    • fix bug that causes repair warnings when using a text only title reference.
    • Add title property to axis so you can lable the x/y/series axis for charts.
    • Add sheet views with panes
  • May.30.12: 1.1.6 release

    • data protection with passwords for sheets
    • cell level input validators
    • added support for two cell anchors for images
    • test coverage now back up to 100%
    • bugfix for merge cell sorting algorithm
    • added fit_to method for page_setup to simplify managing witdh/height
    • added ph (phonetics) and s (style) attributes for row.
    • resolved all warnings generating from this gem.
    • improved comment relationship management for multiple comments
  • May.13.12: 1.1.5 release

    • MOAR print options! You can now specify paper size, orientation, fit to width, page margings and gridlines for printing.
    • Support for adding comments to your worksheets
    • bugfix for applying style to empty cells
    • bugfix for parsing formula with multiple '='
  • May.3.12:: 1.1.4 release

    • MOAR examples
    • added outline level for rows and columns
    • rebuild of numeric and axis data sources for charts
    • added delete to axis
    • added tick and label mark skipping for cat axis in charts
    • bugfix for table headers method
    • sane(er) defaults for chart positioning
    • bugfix in val_axis_data to properly serialize value axis data. Excel does not mind as it reads from the sheet, but nokogiri has a fit if the elements are empty.
    • Added support for specifying the color of data series in charts.
    • bugfix using add_cell on row mismanaged calls to update_column_info.
  • ** April.25.12:**: 1.1.3 release

    • Primarily because I am stupid.....Updates to readme to properly report version, add in missing docs and restructure example directory.
  • ** April.25.12:**: 1.1.2 release

    • Conditional Formatting completely implemented.
    • refactoring / documentation for Style#add_style
    • added in label rotation for chart axis labels
    • bugfix to properly assign style and type info to cells when only partial information is provided in the types/style option
  • ** April.18.12**: 1.1.1 release

    • bugfix for autowidth calculations across multiple rows
    • bugfix for dimension calculations with nil cells.
    • REMOVED RMAGICK dependency WOOT!
    • Update readme to show screenshot of gem output.
    • Cleanup benchmark and add benchmark rake task
  • ** April.3.12**: 1.1.0 release

    • bugfix patch name_to_indecies to properly handle extended ranges.
    • bugfix properly serialize chart title.
    • lower rake minimum requirement for 1.8.7 apps that don't want to move on to 0.9 NOTE this will be reverted for 2.0.0 with workbook parsing!
    • Added Fit to Page printing
    • added support for turning off gridlines in charts.
    • added support for turning off gridlines in worksheet.
    • bugfix some apps like libraoffice require apply[x] attributes to be true. applyAlignment is now properly set.
    • added option use_autowidth. When this is false RMagick will not be loaded or used in the stack. However it is still a requirement in the gem.
    • added border style specification to styles#add_style. See the example in the readme.
    • Support for tables added in - Note: Pre 2011 versions of Mac office do not support this feature and will warn.
    • Support for splatter charts added
    • Major (like 7x faster!) performance updates.
    • Gem now supports for JRuby 1.6.7, as well as experimental support for Rubinius
  • ** March.5.12**: 1.0.18 release

    • bugfix custom borders are not properly applied when using styles.add_style
    • interop worksheet names must be 31 characters or less or some versions of office complain about repairs
    • added type support for :boolean and :date types cell values
    • added support for fixed column widths
    • added support for page_margins
    • added << alias for add_row
    • removed presetting of date1904 based on authoring platform. Now defaults to use 1900 epoch (date1904 = false)
  • ** February.14.12**: 1.0.17 release

    • Added in support for serializing to StringIO
    • Added in support for using shared strings table. This makes most of the features in axlsx interoperable with iWorks Numbers
    • Added in support for fixed column_widths
    • Removed unneeded dependencies on active-support and i18n
  • ** February.2.12**: 1.0.16 release

    • Bug fix for schema file locations when validating in rails
    • Added hyperlink to images
    • date1904 now automatically set in BSD and mac environments
    • removed whitespace/indentation from xml outputs
    • col_style now skips rows that do not contain cells at the column index
  • January.6.12: 1.0.15 release

    • Bug fix add_style specified number formats must be explicity applied for libraOffice
    • performance improvements from ochko when creating cells with options.
    • Bug fix setting types=>[:n] when adding a row incorrectly determines the cell type to be string as the value is null during creation.
    • Release in preparation for password protection merge
  • December.14.11: 1.0.14 release

    • Added support for merging cells
    • Added support for auto filters
    • Improved auto width calculations
    • Improved charts
    • Updated examples to output to a single workbook with multiple sheets
    • Added access to app and core package objects so you can set the creator and other properties of the package
    • The beginning of password protected xlsx files - roadmapped for January release.
  • December.8.11: 1.0.13 release

    • Fixing .gemspec errors that caused gem to miss the lib directory. Sorry about that.
  • December.7.11: 1.0.12 release DO NOT USE THIS VERSION = THE GEM IS BROKEN

    • changed dependency from 'zip' gem to 'rubyzip' and added conditional code to force binary encoding to resolve issue with excel 2011
    • Patched bug in app.xml that would ignore user specified properties.
  • December.5.11: 1.0.11 release

    • Added [] methods to worksheet and workbook to provide name based access to cells.
    • Added support for functions as cell values
    • Updated color creation so that two character shorthand values can be used like 'FF' for 'FFFFFFFF' or 'D8' for 'FFD8D8D8'
    • Examples for all this fun stuff added to the readme
    • Clean up and support for 1.9.2 and travis integration
    • Added support for string based cell referencing to chart start_at and end_at. That means you can now use :start_at=>"A1" when using worksheet.add_chart, or chart.start_at ="A1" in addition to passing a cell or the x, y coordinates.
  • October.30.11: 1.0.10 release

    • Updating gemspec to lower gem version requirements.
    • Added assignation for updating the cell style for an entire row
    • Added col_style method to worksheet upate a the style for a column of cells
    • Added cols for an easy reference to columns in a worksheet.
    • prep for pre release of acts_as_xlsx gem
    • added in configuration and build status
    • fixed out of range bug in time calculations for 32bit time.
    • added i18n for active support
  • October.26.11: 1.0.9 release

    • Updated to support ruby 1.9.3
    • Updated to eliminate all warnings originating in this gem
  • October.23.11: 1.0.8 release

    • Added support for images (jpg, gif, png) in worksheets.
  • October.23.11: 1.0.7 released

    • Added support for 3D options when creating a new chart. This lets you set the persective, rotation and other 3D attributes when using worksheet.add_chart
    • Updated serialization write test to verify write permissions and warn if it cannot run the test due to permission restrcitions.
    • updated rake to include build, genoc and deploy tasks.
    • rebuilt documentation.
    • moved version constant to its own file
    • fixed bug in SerAxis that was requiring tickLblSkip and tickMarkSkip to be boolean. Should be unsigned int.
    • Review and improve docs
    • rebuild of anchor positioning to remove some spagetti code. Chart now supports a start_at and end_at method that accept an arrar for col/row positioning. See example6 for an example. You can still pass :start_at and :end_at options to worksheet.add_chart.
    • Refactored cat and val axis data to keep series serialization a bit more DRY

##October.22.11: 1.0.6 release

  • Bumping version to include docs. Bug in gemspec pointing to incorrect directory.

##October.22.11: 1.05

  • Added support for line charts
  • Updated examples and readme
  • Updated series title to be a real title ** NOTE ** If you are accessing titles directly you will need to update text assignation. chart.series.first.title = 'Your Title' chart.series.first.title.text = 'Your Title' With this change you can assign a cell for the series title chart.series.title = sheet.rows.first.cells.first If you are using the recommended chart.add_series :data=>[], :labels=>[], :title You do not have to change anything.
  • BugFix: shape attribute for bar chart is now properly serialized
  • BugFix: date1904 property now properly set for charts
  • Added style property to charts
  • Removed serialization write test as it most commonly fails when run from the gem's intalled directory

##October.21.11: 1.0.4

  • altered package to accept a filename string for serialization instead of a File object.
  • Updated specs to conform
  • More examples for readme

##October.21.11: 1.0.3 release

  • Updated documentation

##October.20.11: 0.1.0 release