Here are the project settings used in commands below, exported as variables so you can better understand them:
export PROJECT_ID=alanblount-sandbox
export GCP_CLUSTER=hpgcpcluster
export GCP_CLUSTER_ZONE=us-central1-a
export REPO_NAME=house_party
export ERLANG_COOKIE=DCRVBIZHIPUTSECRETETHINGSHEREJWHNZXYVSFPG # don't store this in code for real world usage!
The steps we need to complete are:
- Build a Docker Image on GCP for the App
- Setup a Kubernetes Cluster
- Setup Kubernetes Secrets & Volume
- Setup Kubernetes Roles / Access
- Configure Kubernetes to Run the App as a Deployment
Once we have done all of that, we can use the HTTP API we created to start a Scenario and report on it.
$ gcloud builds submit${PROJECT_ID}/${REPO_NAME}:v1
$ gcloud container clusters create ${GCP_CLUSTER} --num-nodes=${GCP_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT} --zone=${GCP_CLUSTER_ZONE}
$ kubectl create secret generic app-config --from-literal=erlang-cookie=${ERLANG_COOKIE}
$ kubectl create configmap vm-config --from-file=vm.args
You should see basic success feedback like:
secret "app-config" created configmap "vm-config" created
Grant yourself rights to grant to the service account documentation
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
$ kubectl create -f kube-gcp-roles.yml
You should see basic success feedback like: "cluster-admin-binding" created "ex_libcluster" created "give-default-sa-libcluster" created
In this case, we create a Role with the metadata of ex_libcluster
with basic access to endpoints.
Then we bind that Role to the ServiceAccount
This will tell Kubernetes to run the HouseParty application in pods, on the cluster.
$ kubectl create -f kube-gcp-build-deployment.yml
Tip: if you mess up, delete the deployment with `kubectl delete -f kube-gcp-build-deployment.yml then edit the .yml file and create again
You can see the status of pods, and full details for pods with these commands:
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe $(kubectl get pods -o name | head -n 1)
# kubectl describe pod "${GCP_CLUSTER}-<id>" (first get the ID of the pod you want)
You can get the logs from running containers with these commands:
$ kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -o name | head -n 1)
# kubectl logs "${GCP_CLUSTER}-<id>" (first get the ID of the pod you want)
Tip: you can get the logs for all pods with
kubectl get pods -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl logs {}
You want to see logs something like this:
19:43:47.657 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:init] started
19:43:47.659 [info] HTTP interface starting with port 30080
19:43:47.710 [warn] [libcluster:hpgcpcluster] unable to connect to :"[email protected]"
19:43:47.712 [warn] [libcluster:hpgcpcluster] unable to connect to :"[email protected]"
19:43:51.731 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:ensure_swarm_started_on_remote_node] nodeup [email protected]
19:43:51.746 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:ensure_swarm_started_on_remote_node] nodeup [email protected]
19:43:52.658 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:cluster_wait] joining cluster..
19:43:52.659 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:cluster_wait] found connected nodes: [:"[email protected]", :"[email protected]"]
19:43:52.659 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:cluster_wait] selected sync node: [email protected]
19:43:56.671 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:syncing] syncing to [email protected] based on node precedence
19:43:56.671 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:awaiting_sync_ack] received sync acknowledgement from [email protected], syncing with remote registry
19:43:56.671 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:awaiting_sync_ack] local synchronization with [email protected] complete!
19:43:56.671 [info] [swarm on [email protected]] [tracker:resolve_pending_sync_requests] pending sync requests cleared
- HTTP interface was started from
, configured with port30080
handles node discovery via the Kubernetes API.libcluster
handles node connection with normal Erlang:net_kernel.connect_node
then takes over and syncs accross nodes in the cluster
This looks really good, I think we are ready to go.
We have a very simple HTTP API to play with this application. We need a LoadBalancer to expose our app via HTTP.
$ kubectl create -f kube-gcp-build-load-balancer.yml
This process takes a few minutes. You can check status and eventually get the EXTERNAL-IP
address with this command:
$ kubectl get service
For easy future use, you can create a variable to store the LoadBalancer IP address:
$ export LBIP=
$ curl "http://${LBIP}/hello"
When you're done testing, you should delete the Deployment and the LoadBalancer
Doing this is important to ensure you are not charged.
$ gcloud clusters delete ${GCP_CLUSTER} --zone=us-central1-a
$ kubectl create -f kube-gcp-build-load-balancer.yml
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete <id>