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$Id: README 1.3.604.1 Broadcom SDK $ /* * $Copyright: Copyright 2011 Broadcom Corporation. * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation * and/or its licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified * or distributed pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, * written license agreement executed between you and Broadcom * (an "Authorized License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized * License, Broadcom grants no license (express or implied), right * to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to the Software, and * Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the Software * and all intellectual property rights therein. IF YOU HAVE * NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS SOFTWARE * IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall use * all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS * PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING * OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL * BROADCOM OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY * TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF * THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE ITSELF OR USD 1.00, * WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING * ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY.$ */ Assuming a Solaris or Linux build server with one or more of the following cross-compilers installed: * Diab Data DCC ColdFire * Tornado x86 * Tornado MIPS * Tornado PPC This explains how to set the target to build the Strata device drivers for that a particular platform and chip. Target Makefiles for the SAL and SOC device driver: Remember that $TARGET is set to <TARGETBASE>-<TARGETPLAT>. <TARGETBASE> represents the operating system environment, and <TARGETPLAT> represents the platform. For example: BMW CPCI card setenv TARGET vxworks-bmw <TARGETBASE> is vxworks <TARGETPLAT> is bmw Unix PCID simulation setenv TARGET unix-solaris <TARGETBASE> is unix <TARGETPLAT> is solaris Linux PCID simulation setenv TARGET unix-linux <TARGETBASE> is unix <TARGETPLAT> is linux For VxWorks builds of existing BSPs, edit the platform Makefile.$TARGET and modify WIND_BASE so it points to your installed VxWorks tree. Then to build a BSP and link to binary, go to the sdk/systems/<TARGETBASE>/<TARGETPLAT> directory corresponding to the system and run gmake. It is possible to run 'make' in any subdirectory of the driver source tree by setting the environment variable TARGET appropriately. The compiled objects will go into that target's build subdirectory, sdk/build/$TARGET. For example: setenv TARGET vxworks-bmw cd $SDK/src/soc make drv.o To compile a driver that only supports specific chips, see instructions in $SDK/make/Make.local.template. Copy Make.local.template to Make.local and make the required modifications. By default, the driver will be built to include code for all supported chips. You may be able to save some code space by customizing in support for only one or two chips. Adding new VxWorks platforms: 1) Pick a <TARGETPLAT> name for your BSP, eg, my_board_name. 2) Create a new Makefile.vxworks-my_board_name in $SDK/make. It is easiest to copy from a similar existing Makefile and modify it. 3) Create a new directory tree structure in $SDK/systems: $SDK/systems/<TARGETBASE>/<TARGETPLAT> Where TARGETBASE is vxworks and <TARGETPLAT> is your platofmr name, e.g. $SDK/systems/vxworks/my_board_name 4) Copy the file socdiag.c and Makefile from an existing directory in that configuration into the new directory. $SDK/systems/vxworks/my_board_name/socdiag.c $SDK/systems/vxworks/my_board_name/Makefile 5) Place all your BSP files in the new <TARGETPLAT> directory. 6) Edit the Makefiles in the directory tree, overriding the target in the toplevel Makefile and pulling in $SDK/make/Makefile.<TARGETBASE>-<TARGETPLAT>