diff --git a/AndroidDownloadAction.php b/AndroidDownloadAction.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a213345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AndroidDownloadAction.php
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ path;
+ //echo $downloadpath;
+ //echo "";
+ /********************以下是将下载相关的记录写入数据库filedownloadrecords********************/
+ //获取下载的时间
+ $date_tmp = time();//获取Linux时间戳
+ $dateline2 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_tmp+8*60*60);//将时间戳转换为标准时间
+ $name2 = $arr1 -> name;
+ $path2 = $arr1 -> path;
+ $md5name2 = $arr1 -> md5name;
+ $type2 = $arr1 -> type;
+ $size2 = $arr1 -> size;
+ $downloadnumber2 = $arr1 -> downloadnumber;
+ //下载者的IP
+ $requestIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ //echo $requestIP;
+ //在用户下载数据库里面重找是否有下载的记录
+ //$downloadtimes = 0;
+ $sql2 = "select * from filedownloadrecords where downloadnumber = $downloadnumber";
+ $query2 = mysql_query($sql2);
+ $arr2 = mysql_fetch_object($query2);
+ /**如果下载记录表中没有这条记录,那么久插入这条记录*/
+ // if ($arr2 == NULL){
+ $downloadtimes=1;
+ $insertsql = "insert into filedownloadrecords(name,path,md5name,type,size,downloadnumber,requestIP,downloadtimes,dateline) values ('$name2','$path2','$md5name2','$type2','$size2','$downloadnumber2','$requestIP','$downloadtimes','$dateline2')";
+ //echo $insertsql;
+ mysql_query($insertsql);
+ /**如果有这条记录就判断是否为同一IP,如果是就增加下载次数,如果不是就重新插入一条数据*/
+ // }else
+ // {
+ // if ($requestIP == $arr2 -> requestIP){
+ // //获取下载记录表中存储的下载次数的数据downloadtimes
+ // $downloadtimes = $arr2 -> downloadtimes + 1;
+ // $sql3 = "update filedownloadrecords set downloadtimes = $downloadtimes where downloadnumber = $downloadnumber";
+ // mysql_query($sql3);
+ // }else {
+ // /**不是同一条IP,那个就需要再插入一条数据*/
+ // $downloadtimes=1;
+ // $insertsql2 = "insert into filedownloadrecords(name,path,md5name,type,size,downloadnumber,requestIP,downloadtimes,dateline) values ('$name2','$path2','$md5name2','$type2','$size2','$downloadnumber2','$requestIP','$downloadtimes','$dateline2')";;
+ // //echo $insertsql2;
+ // mysql_query($insertsql2);
+ // }
+ // }
+ /***********强制让用户下载文件的代码,用Header实现************/
+ /* $file_dir = 'FilesUpload/';
+ $file_name = $arr1 -> md5name;
+ $file = fopen($file_dir . $file_name,"r"); // 打开文件
+ //输入文件标签
+ Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
+ Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
+ Header("Accept-Length: ".filesize($file_dir . $file_name));
+ Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file_name);//最终保存在磁盘上的文件名
+ // 输出文件内容
+ echo fread($file,filesize($file_dir . $file_name));
+ fclose($file);
+ exit(); */
+ //返回文件路径,然后在安卓端下载此文件
+ echo("$path2");
+ //echo "";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AndroidUploadAction.php b/AndroidUploadAction.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d684b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AndroidUploadAction.php
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ }else{
+ //echo "";
+ exit;
+ }
+ }else{
+ //匹配错误信息
+ switch($fileInfo['error']){
+ case 1:
+ echo '上传文件超过了PHP配置文件中upload_max_filesize选项的值';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ echo '超过了表单MAX_FILE_SIZE限制的大小';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ echo '文件部分被上传';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ echo "";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ echo '没有找到临时目录';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ case 8:
+ echo '系统错误';
+ break;
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ //向数据库中添加文件的信息
+ //mysql_query("set names utf8");
+ $downloadpath = "".$destination;
+ //echo $downloadpath;
+ $downloadnumber = rand(100,999999);//生成随机的四位提取码
+ //判断系统数据库中是否已经有这个提取码
+ /* while (($sql_downloadnumber = "select * from fileinfo where downloadnumber = $downloadnumber")) {
+ $downloadnumber = rand(100,999999);
+ }
+ */
+ $date_tmp = time();//获取Linux时间戳
+ $dateline = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_tmp+8*60*60);//将时间戳转换为标准时间
+ $insertsql = "insert into fileinfo(name,path,md5name,type,size,downloadnumber,uploaderIP,dateline) values ('$filename','$downloadpath','$uniName','$ext','$size','$downloadnumber','$uploaderIP','$dateline')";
+ //echo $insertsql;
+ mysql_query($insertsql);
+ echo "文件上传成功!文件提取码为:$downloadnumber";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c507f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ }
+ //设定字符集
+ if(!(mysql_query('set names utf8'))){
+ echo "
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/favicon.ico b/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5799807
Binary files /dev/null and b/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/feedback.php b/feedback.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b43712e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feedback.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ 灵动快传文件分享平台
Upload Files
在这里您可以上传文件 ,随后我们会返回给您一个文件提取码,以供提取文件。

Download Files
您需要一个提取码来下载文件 ,提取码在上传时自动生成。

About Us
你好,我们是来自湖北大学的“根号三”团队,队员分别为:郑志琦、董致礼、周博文 。

diff --git a/phpinfo.php b/phpinfo.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968c8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpinfo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tanzhen.php b/tanzhen.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a01e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tanzhen.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2306 @@
+=0; $l--)
+ {
+ $allsize1[$l]=floor($size/pow(1024,$l));
+ $allsize[$l]=$allsize1[$l]-$allsize1[$l+1]*1024;
+ }
+ $len=count($allsize);
+ for($j = $len-1; $j >=0; $j--)
+ {
+ $fsize=$fsize.$allsize[$j].$danwei[$j];
+ }
+ return $fsize;
+function valid_email($str)
+ return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+function show($varName)
+ switch($result = get_cfg_var($varName))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return '×';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return '√';
+ break;
+ default:
+ return $result;
+ break;
+ }
+$valInt = isset($_POST['pInt']) ? $_POST['pInt'] : "未测试";
+$valFloat = isset($_POST['pFloat']) ? $_POST['pFloat'] : "未测试";
+$valIo = isset($_POST['pIo']) ? $_POST['pIo'] : "未测试";
+if ($_GET['act'] == "phpinfo")
+ phpinfo();
+ exit();
+elseif($_POST['act'] == "整型测试")
+ $valInt = test_int();
+elseif($_POST['act'] == "浮点测试")
+ $valFloat = test_float();
+elseif($_POST['act'] == "IO测试")
+ $valIo = test_io();
+ ";
+ }
+ ?>
+ Echo "这里显示系统所支持的所有函数,和自定义函数\n";
+ print_r($arr);
+ echo "";
+ exit();
+}elseif($_GET['act'] == "disable_functions")
+ $disFuns=get_cfg_var("disable_functions");
+ if(empty($disFuns))
+ {
+ $arr = '×';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $arr = $disFuns;
+ }
+ Function php()
+ {
+ }
+ echo "";
+ Echo "这里显示系统被禁用的函数\n";
+ print_r($arr);
+ echo "
+ exit();
+if ($_POST['act'] == 'MySQL检测')
+ $host = isset($_POST['host']) ? trim($_POST['host']) : '';
+ $port = isset($_POST['port']) ? (int) $_POST['port'] : '';
+ $login = isset($_POST['login']) ? trim($_POST['login']) : '';
+ $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : '';
+ $host = preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\-\.]+~i', $host) ? '' : $host;
+ $port = intval($port) ? intval($port) : '';
+ $login = preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_\-]+~i', $login) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($login);
+ $password = is_string($password) ? htmlspecialchars($password) : '';
+elseif ($_POST['act'] == '函数检测')
+ $funRe = "函数".$_POST['funName']."支持状况检测结果:".isfun1($_POST['funName']);
+elseif ($_POST['act'] == '邮件检测')
+ $mailRe = "邮件发送检测结果:发送";
+ if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==80){$mailContent = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);}
+ else{$mailContent = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);}
+ $mailRe .= (false !== @mail($_POST["mailAdd"], $mailContent, "This is a test mail!")) ? "完成":"失败";
+ $speed=round(100/($_POST['speed']/1000),2);
+ $speed=6666.67;
+elseif(isset($_GET['speed']) and $_GET['speed']>0)
+ $speed=round(100/($_GET['speed']/1000),2); //下载速度:$speed kb/s
+ $speed=" 未探测 ";
+// 检测函数支持
+function isfun($funName = '')
+ if (!$funName || trim($funName) == '' || preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_]+~i', $funName, $tmp)) return '错误';
+ return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? '√' : '×';
+function isfun1($funName = '')
+ if (!$funName || trim($funName) == '' || preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_]+~i', $funName, $tmp)) return '错误';
+ return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? '√' : '×';
+function test_int()
+ $timeStart = gettimeofday();
+ for($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++)
+ {
+ $t = 1+1;
+ }
+ $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
+ $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
+ $time = round($time, 3)."秒";
+ return $time;
+function test_float()
+ //得到圆周率值
+ $t = pi();
+ $timeStart = gettimeofday();
+ for($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++)
+ {
+ //开平方
+ sqrt($t);
+ }
+ $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
+ $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
+ $time = round($time, 3)."秒";
+ return $time;
+function test_io()
+ $fp = @fopen(PHPSELF, "r");
+ $timeStart = gettimeofday();
+ for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
+ {
+ @fread($fp, 10240);
+ @rewind($fp);
+ }
+ $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
+ @fclose($fp);
+ $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
+ $time = round($time, 3)."秒";
+ return($time);
+function GetCoreInformation() {$data = file('/proc/stat');$cores = array();foreach( $data as $line ) {if( preg_match('/^cpu[0-9]/', $line) ){$info = explode(' ', $line);$cores[]=array('user'=>$info[1],'nice'=>$info[2],'sys' => $info[3],'idle'=>$info[4],'iowait'=>$info[5],'irq' => $info[6],'softirq' => $info[7]);}}return $cores;}
+function GetCpuPercentages($stat1, $stat2) {if(count($stat1)!==count($stat2)){return;}$cpus=array();for( $i = 0, $l = count($stat1); $i < $l; $i++) { $dif = array(); $dif['user'] = $stat2[$i]['user'] - $stat1[$i]['user'];$dif['nice'] = $stat2[$i]['nice'] - $stat1[$i]['nice']; $dif['sys'] = $stat2[$i]['sys'] - $stat1[$i]['sys'];$dif['idle'] = $stat2[$i]['idle'] - $stat1[$i]['idle'];$dif['iowait'] = $stat2[$i]['iowait'] - $stat1[$i]['iowait'];$dif['irq'] = $stat2[$i]['irq'] - $stat1[$i]['irq'];$dif['softirq'] = $stat2[$i]['softirq'] - $stat1[$i]['softirq'];$total = array_sum($dif);$cpu = array();foreach($dif as $x=>$y) $cpu[$x] = round($y / $total * 100, 2);$cpus['cpu' . $i] = $cpu;}return $cpus;}
+$stat1 = GetCoreInformation();sleep(1);$stat2 = GetCoreInformation();$data = GetCpuPercentages($stat1, $stat2);
+$cpu_show = $data['cpu0']['user']."%us, ".$data['cpu0']['sys']."%sy, ".$data['cpu0']['nice']."%ni, ".$data['cpu0']['idle']."%id, ".$data['cpu0']['iowait']."%wa, ".$data['cpu0']['irq']."%irq, ".$data['cpu0']['softirq']."%softirq";
+function makeImageUrl($title, $data) {$api='http://api.yahei.net/tz/cpu_show.php?id=';$url.=$data['user'].',';$url.=$data['nice'].',';$url.=$data['sys'].',';$url.=$data['idle'].',';$url.=$data['iowait'];$url.='&chdl=User|Nice|Sys|Idle|Iowait&chdlp=b&chl=';$url.=$data['user'].'%25|';$url.=$data['nice'].'%25|';$url.=$data['sys'].'%25|';$url.=$data['idle'].'%25|';$url.=$data['iowait'].'%25';$url.='&chtt=Core+'.$title;return $api.base64_encode($url);}
+if($_GET['act'] == "cpu_percentage"){echo "图片加载慢,请耐心等待!
";foreach( $data as $k => $v ) {echo '
';}echo "";exit();}
+// 根据不同系统取得CPU相关信息
+ case "Linux":
+ $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_linux()))?"show":"none";
+ break;
+ case "FreeBSD":
+ $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_freebsd()))?"show":"none";
+ break;
+ case "WINNT":
+ $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_windows()))?"show":"none";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+function sys_linux()
+ // CPU
+ if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/cpuinfo"))) return false;
+ $str = implode("", $str);
+ @preg_match_all("/model\s+name\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\w\s\)\(\@.-]+)([\r\n]+)/s", $str, $model);
+ @preg_match_all("/cpu\s+MHz\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $mhz);
+ @preg_match_all("/cache\s+size\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+\s{0,}[A-Z]+[\r\n]+)/", $str, $cache);
+ @preg_match_all("/bogomips\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $bogomips);
+ if (false !== is_array($model[1]))
+ {
+ $res['cpu']['num'] = sizeof($model[1]);
+ /*
+ for($i = 0; $i < $res['cpu']['num']; $i++)
+ {
+ $res['cpu']['model'][] = $model[1][$i].' ('.$mhz[1][$i].')';
+ $res['cpu']['mhz'][] = $mhz[1][$i];
+ $res['cpu']['cache'][] = $cache[1][$i];
+ $res['cpu']['bogomips'][] = $bogomips[1][$i];
+ }*/
+ if($res['cpu']['num']==1)
+ $x1 = '';
+ else
+ $x1 = ' ×'.$res['cpu']['num'];
+ $mhz[1][0] = ' | 频率:'.$mhz[1][0];
+ $cache[1][0] = ' | 二级缓存:'.$cache[1][0];
+ $bogomips[1][0] = ' | Bogomips:'.$bogomips[1][0];
+ $res['cpu']['model'][] = $model[1][0].$mhz[1][0].$cache[1][0].$bogomips[1][0].$x1;
+ if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['model'])) $res['cpu']['model'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['model']);
+ if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['mhz'])) $res['cpu']['mhz'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['mhz']);
+ if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['cache'])) $res['cpu']['cache'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['cache']);
+ if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['bogomips'])) $res['cpu']['bogomips'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['bogomips']);
+ }
+ if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/uptime"))) return false;
+ $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str));
+ $str = trim($str[0]);
+ $min = $str / 60;
+ $hours = $min / 60;
+ $days = floor($hours / 24);
+ $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
+ $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
+ if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."天";
+ if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";
+ $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟";
+ if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/meminfo"))) return false;
+ $str = implode("", $str);
+ preg_match_all("/MemTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?MemFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?Cached\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buf);
+ preg_match_all("/Buffers\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buffers);
+ $res['memTotal'] = round($buf[1][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memFree'] = round($buf[2][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memBuffers'] = round($buffers[1][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memCached'] = round($buf[3][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memUsed'] = $res['memTotal']-$res['memFree'];
+ $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0;
+ $res['memRealUsed'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memFree'] - $res['memCached'] - $res['memBuffers']; //真实内存使用
+ $res['memRealFree'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memRealUsed']; //真实空闲
+ $res['memRealPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memRealUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; //真实内存使用率
+ $res['memCachedPercent'] = (floatval($res['memCached'])!=0)?round($res['memCached']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; //Cached内存使用率
+ $res['swapTotal'] = round($buf[4][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['swapFree'] = round($buf[5][0]/1024, 2);
+ $res['swapUsed'] = round($res['swapTotal']-$res['swapFree'], 2);
+ $res['swapPercent'] = (floatval($res['swapTotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapUsed']/$res['swapTotal']*100,2):0;
+ if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/loadavg"))) return false;
+ $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str));
+ $str = array_chunk($str, 4);
+ $res['loadAvg'] = implode(" ", $str[0]);
+ return $res;
+function sys_freebsd()
+ //CPU
+ if (false === ($res['cpu']['num'] = get_key("hw.ncpu"))) return false;
+ $res['cpu']['model'] = get_key("hw.model");
+ if (false === ($res['loadAvg'] = get_key("vm.loadavg"))) return false;
+ if (false === ($buf = get_key("kern.boottime"))) return false;
+ $buf = explode(' ', $buf);
+ $sys_ticks = time() - intval($buf[3]);
+ $min = $sys_ticks / 60;
+ $hours = $min / 60;
+ $days = floor($hours / 24);
+ $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
+ $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
+ if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."天";
+ if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";
+ $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟";
+ if (false === ($buf = get_key("hw.physmem"))) return false;
+ $res['memTotal'] = round($buf/1024/1024, 2);
+ $str = get_key("vm.vmtotal");
+ preg_match_all("/\nVirtual Memory[\:\s]*\(Total[\:\s]*([\d]+)K[\,\s]*Active[\:\s]*([\d]+)K\)\n/i", $str, $buff, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ preg_match_all("/\nReal Memory[\:\s]*\(Total[\:\s]*([\d]+)K[\,\s]*Active[\:\s]*([\d]+)K\)\n/i", $str, $buf, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ $res['memRealUsed'] = round($buf[0][2]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memCached'] = round($buff[0][2]/1024, 2);
+ $res['memUsed'] = round($buf[0][1]/1024, 2) + $res['memCached'];
+ $res['memFree'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memUsed'];
+ $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0;
+ $res['memRealPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memRealUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0;
+ return $res;
+//取得参数值 FreeBSD
+function get_key($keyName)
+ return do_command('sysctl', "-n $keyName");
+//确定执行文件位置 FreeBSD
+function find_command($commandName)
+ $path = array('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin');
+ foreach($path as $p)
+ {
+ if (@is_executable("$p/$commandName")) return "$p/$commandName";
+ }
+ return false;
+//执行系统命令 FreeBSD
+function do_command($commandName, $args)
+ $buffer = "";
+ if (false === ($command = find_command($commandName))) return false;
+ if ($fp = @popen("$command $args", 'r'))
+ {
+ while (!@feof($fp))
+ {
+ $buffer .= @fgets($fp, 4096);
+ }
+ return trim($buffer);
+ }
+ return false;
+function sys_windows()
+ if (PHP_VERSION >= 5)
+ {
+ $objLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
+ $wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer();
+ $prop = $wmi->get("Win32_PnPEntity");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //CPU
+ $cpuinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_Processor", array("Name","L2CacheSize","NumberOfCores"));
+ $res['cpu']['num'] = $cpuinfo[0]['NumberOfCores'];
+ if (null == $res['cpu']['num'])
+ {
+ $res['cpu']['num'] = 1;
+ }/*
+ for ($i=0;$i<$res['cpu']['num'];$i++)
+ {
+ $res['cpu']['model'] .= $cpuinfo[0]['Name']."
+ $res['cpu']['cache'] .= $cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize']."
+ }*/
+ $cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'] = ' ('.$cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'].')';
+ if($res['cpu']['num']==1)
+ $x1 = '';
+ else
+ $x1 = ' ×'.$res['cpu']['num'];
+ $res['cpu']['model'] = $cpuinfo[0]['Name'].$cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'].$x1;
+ $sysinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_OperatingSystem", array('LastBootUpTime','TotalVisibleMemorySize','FreePhysicalMemory','Caption','CSDVersion','SerialNumber','InstallDate'));
+ $sysinfo[0]['Caption']=iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8',$sysinfo[0]['Caption']);
+ $sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']=iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8',$sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']);
+ $res['win_n'] = $sysinfo[0]['Caption']." ".$sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']." 序列号:{$sysinfo[0]['SerialNumber']} 于".date('Y年m月d日H:i:s',strtotime(substr($sysinfo[0]['InstallDate'],0,14)))."安装";
+ $res['uptime'] = $sysinfo[0]['LastBootUpTime'];
+ $sys_ticks = 3600*8 + time() - strtotime(substr($res['uptime'],0,14));
+ $min = $sys_ticks / 60;
+ $hours = $min / 60;
+ $days = floor($hours / 24);
+ $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
+ $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
+ if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."天";
+ if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";
+ $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟";
+ $res['memTotal'] = round($sysinfo[0]['TotalVisibleMemorySize']/1024,2);
+ $res['memFree'] = round($sysinfo[0]['FreePhysicalMemory']/1024,2);
+ $res['memUsed'] = $res['memTotal']-$res['memFree']; //上面两行已经除以1024,这行不用再除了
+ $res['memPercent'] = round($res['memUsed'] / $res['memTotal']*100,2);
+ $swapinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_PageFileUsage", array('AllocatedBaseSize','CurrentUsage'));
+ // LoadPercentage
+ $loadinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_Processor", array("LoadPercentage"));
+ $res['loadAvg'] = $loadinfo[0]['LoadPercentage'];
+ return $res;
+function GetWMI($wmi,$strClass, $strValue = array())
+ $arrData = array();
+ $objWEBM = $wmi->Get($strClass);
+ $arrProp = $objWEBM->Properties_;
+ $arrWEBMCol = $objWEBM->Instances_();
+ foreach($arrWEBMCol as $objItem)
+ {
+ @reset($arrProp);
+ $arrInstance = array();
+ foreach($arrProp as $propItem)
+ {
+ eval("\$value = \$objItem->" . $propItem->Name . ";");
+ if (empty($strValue))
+ {
+ $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (in_array($propItem->Name, $strValue))
+ {
+ $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $arrData[] = $arrInstance;
+ }
+ return $arrData;
+function bar($percent)
+ $jarr=json_encode($arr);
+ $_GET['callback'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET['callback']);
+ echo $_GET['callback'],'(',$jarr,')';
+ exit;
+ 服务器参数 |
+ 服务器域名/IP地址 |
+ - () 你的IP地址是: |
+ 服务器标识 |
+ |
+ 服务器操作系统 |
+ 内核版本: |
+ 服务器解译引擎 |
+ |
+ 服务器语言 |
+ |
+ 服务器端口 |
+ |
+ 服务器主机名 |
+ |
+ 绝对路径 |
+ |
+ 管理员邮箱 |
+ |
+ 探针路径 |
+ |
+ 服务器实时数据 |
+ 服务器当前时间 |
+ |
+ 服务器已运行时间 |
+ |
+ CPU型号 [核] |
+ |
+ CPU使用状况 |
+ 查看图表";}else{echo "暂时只支持Linux系统";}?>
+ |
+ 硬盘使用状况 |
+ 总空间 G,
+ 已用 G,
+ 空闲 G,
+ 使用率 %
+ |
+ 内存使用状况 |
+ 物理内存:共
+ , 已用
+ , 空闲
+ , 使用率
+ Cache化内存为
+ , 使用率
+ % | Buffers缓冲为
+ 真实内存使用
+ , 真实内存空闲
+ , 使用率
+ %
+ SWAP区:共
+ , 已使用
+ , 空闲
+ , 使用率
+ %
+ |
+ 系统平均负载 |
+ |
+ 网络使用状况 |
+ : |
+ 入网: |
+ 实时: 0B/s |
+ 出网: |
+ 实时: 0B/s |
+ PHP已编译模块检测 |
+$value) {
+ if ($key!=0 && $key%13==0) {
+ echo ' ';
+ }
+ echo "$value ";
+ |
+ PHP相关参数 |
+ PHP信息(phpinfo): |
+ ×' :"PHPINFO";?>
+ |
+ PHP版本(php_version): |
+ |
+ PHP运行方式: |
+ |
+ 脚本占用最大内存(memory_limit): |
+ |
+ PHP安全模式(safe_mode): |
+ |
+ POST方法提交最大限制(post_max_size): |
+ |
+ 上传文件最大限制(upload_max_filesize): |
+ |
+ 浮点型数据显示的有效位数(precision): |
+ |
+ 脚本超时时间(max_execution_time): |
+ 秒 |
+ socket超时时间(default_socket_timeout): |
+ 秒 |
+ PHP页面根目录(doc_root): |
+ |
+ 用户根目录(user_dir): |
+ |
+ dl()函数(enable_dl): |
+ |
+ 指定包含文件目录(include_path): |
+ |
+ 显示错误信息(display_errors): |
+ |
+ 自定义全局变量(register_globals): |
+ |
+ 数据反斜杠转义(magic_quotes_gpc): |
+ |
+ "<?...?>"短标签(short_open_tag): |
+ |
+ "<% %>"ASP风格标记(asp_tags): |
+ |
+ 忽略重复错误信息(ignore_repeated_errors): |
+ |
+ 忽略重复的错误源(ignore_repeated_source): |
+ |
+ 报告内存泄漏(report_memleaks): |
+ |
+ 自动字符串转义(magic_quotes_gpc): |
+ |
+ 外部字符串自动转义(magic_quotes_runtime): |
+ |
+ 打开远程文件(allow_url_fopen): |
+ |
+ 声明argv和argc变量(register_argc_argv): |
+ |
+ Cookie 支持: |
+ √' : '×';?> |
+ 拼写检查(ASpell Library): |
+ |
+ 高精度数学运算(BCMath): |
+ |
+ PREL相容语法(PCRE): |
+ |
+ PDF文档支持: |
+ |
+ SNMP网络管理协议: |
+ |
+ VMailMgr邮件处理: |
+ |
+ Curl支持: |
+ |
+ SMTP支持: |
+ √' : '×';?> |
+ SMTP地址: |
+ ×';?> |
+ 默认支持函数(enable_functions): |
+ 请点这里查看详细! |
+ 被禁用的函数(disable_functions): |
+ //echo $disFuns;
+ $disFuns_array = explode(',',$disFuns);
+ foreach ($disFuns_array as $key=>$value)
+ {
+ if ($key!=0 && $key%5==0) {
+ echo ' ';
+ }
+ echo "$value ";
+ |
+ 组件支持 |
+ FTP支持: |
+ |
+ XML解析支持: |
+ |
+ Session支持: |
+ |
+ Socket支持: |
+ |
+ Calendar支持 |
+ |
+ 允许URL打开文件: |
+ |
+ GD库支持: |
+ ×';}
+ ?> |
+ 压缩文件支持(Zlib): |
+ |
+ IMAP电子邮件系统函数库: |
+ |
+ 历法运算函数库: |
+ |
+ 正则表达式函数库: |
+ |
+ WDDX支持: |
+ |
+ Iconv编码转换: |
+ |
+ mbstring: |
+ |
+ 高精度数学运算: |
+ |
+ LDAP目录协议: |
+ |
+ MCrypt加密处理: |
+ |
+ 哈稀计算: |
+ |
+ 第三方组件 |
+ Zend版本 |
+ ×';}else{echo $zend_version;}?> |
+ 2)
+ echo "ZendGuardLoader[启用]";
+ echo "Zend Optimizer";
+ |
+ 2){echo (get_cfg_var("zend_loader.enable"))?'√':'×';} else{if(function_exists('zend_optimizer_version')){ echo zend_optimizer_version();}else{ echo (get_cfg_var("zend_optimizer.optimization_level")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts")||get_cfg_var("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_ts"))?'√':'×';}}?> |
+ eAccelerator |
+ ×";} ?> |
+ ioncube |
+ ×";}?> |
+ XCache |
+ ×";} ?> |
+ APC |
+ ×";} ?> |
+ 数据库支持 |
+ MySQL 数据库: |
+ |
+ ODBC 数据库: |
+ |
+ Oracle 数据库: |
+ |
+ SQL Server 数据库: |
+ |
+ dBASE 数据库: |
+ |
+ mSQL 数据库: |
+ |
+ SQLite 数据库: |
+ √ ';echo "SQLite3 Ver ";echo $sqliteVer[versionString];}else {echo isfun("sqlite_close");if(isfun("sqlite_close") == '√') {echo " 版本: ".@sqlite_libversion();}}?> |
+ Hyperwave 数据库: |
+ |
+ Postgre SQL 数据库: |
+ |
+ Informix 数据库: |
+ |
+ DBA 数据库: |
+ |
+ DBM 数据库: |
+ |
+ FilePro 数据库: |
+ |
+ SyBase 数据库: |
+ |