Migration Master - is a tool for managing database migrations.
Clone source code or download jar file from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cvns1Oh32IDYkP2e7Ao01braNKxW5C6M?usp=sharing
when download jar file:
Add migration.jar to your project dependencies
Don't forget to add environment variables like this key:
Create application.properties in your resources:
migration.database.driver=org.postgresql.Driver migration.database.rollbackAll=true migration.database.retryTime=1000 migration.database.rateLimiter=3
If you want to start migrations from console:
- Add to your MainClass class MigrationClient.read(args)
import org.example.command.*; public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { MigrationClient.read(args); } }
- execute this command in your build project:
java -jar -cp yourProject.jar com.example.MainClass migrate/rollback/status
if your need to start migrations from your own, try this:
import org.example.command.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { MasterMigration.migrate("your path to changelog folder"); } }
This simple migrations tool has some features that directed to your best migrations experience. At first you can use CLI, carried out using this:
import org.example.command.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
After building your jar file, in terminal use this command:
To start migration
To check status and import result in json:
To rollback migrations records:
In other hand, you can realize optimistic or pessimistic lock by adding this property in application.properties:
If you do this, then if at least one migration is unsuccessful, then all are rolled back. In this case, throughout the entire migration process, one user takes over the database To avoid blocking the entire database and rolling back even successful ones, try this:
To prevent other applications from constantly requesting access to the database and to avoid downtime, try playing with these values (default limiter=0, and retryTime=3000 (3 seconds)
Currently the tool supports the following databases: PostgresSQL, MySQL. To indicate the database driver use this property:
You don't need to specify the location of application.properties. This tool will do it for you.
Create a "сhangelogs" folder in your resources. This is where you can put your migration scripts. The library will apply migrations defined as SQL files The user must be able to control the sequence of migrations by using the correct naming:
Through proper naming, the library is able to understand the current version of the database and maintain a history of migrations. This is also used for reporting purposes.
You can get the report like this:
To delete migration records after a unsuccessful migration, use this
Attention! Any changelog changes are analyzed by the library. Otherwise there will be exceptions. Attention! The contents of migration files must not be changed under any circumstances. Even if the migration was unsuccessful, just create a new migration file and add it to the changelog folder. The contents of the files are recorded by a checksum, which is checked when migrations are called.
For suggestions and comments сontact me: