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Spring 2015: Concurrency
- Moore's law : 2x transistors every 24 months
- got faster, software grew too
- but in 2005 : chips got bigger but not faster (15% not 50% anymore per year)
- reason : keep power at 100W
- power : proportionnal to operating voltages squared times clock frequency
- mobile cpu : few W
- latop : 10s of W (burn you)
- server : 100 W (cooling)
- datacenter : 20 MW
- voltage are not going down enough (allowing better clock frequency)
- new Moore's law : more cores
- simpler cores (Prius instead of Audi)
- each core : fewer joules/op
- need for parallelism/concurrency : cannot wait 6 month for each software grows
- scaling process : not intuitive
- require great care : synchronization
- historical view
- I/O : message passing, hadoop, sql
- memory : shared memory, java threads
- processor : dataflow, GPU, CUDA
- model
- multiple threads (or so called processes)
- objects live in shared memory
- unpredictable asynchronous delays
- cache misses (short)
- page faults (long)
- scheduling quantum used up (really long)
- multicore architecture
- processors : on the same chip
- SMP : symmetric multiprocessor (no longer these days, but for this course)
- NUMA : non-uniform memory access (organized in a grid)
- CC-NUMA : cache-coherent
- bottleneck : bus
- 1 cycle : fetch and execute one instruction
- threads
- execution of a sequential program
- does I/O
- spining : waiting
- interconnect
- broadcast medium
- connects : processor to processor and processor to memory
- network : tiny LAN
- finite resource : avoid using too much bandwidth (if >50%, waiting is exponential)
- memory
- 100s cycles : access
- far apart
- caches
- keep memory close
- avoid use of interconnect
- replacement policy
- types
- fully associative : any line can be anywhere in the cache (flexible replace, hard to find)
- direct mapped cache : every address has exactly 1 slot (fixed replace, easy to find)
- K-way set associative : each slots holds k lines (flexible replace, easy to find)
- processors : on the same chip
- memory hierarchies
- L1 cache : small & fast (1/2 cycles)
- L2 cache : larger & slower (10s of cycles ~ 128 byte block)
- lower level can be more associative (> 16 ways) : share sets
- latency : average memory access time
- = cache time time x (1 - cache miss rate) + memory latency x cache miss rate
- misses
- compulsory
- conflict
- capacity misses
- coherence : read/write from multiple processors (need protocol)
- true sharing : read/write same variable, communicate unique value in block from one thread to another
- false sharing : read/write distinct variables that reside in the same cache block, reduce performance (cause extra misses), increased if more spatial
- when writing software should try to divide up data structures to avoid false sharing
- write policy
- write-through : memory up-to-date, cache always agree, too much bus traffic (especially for unshared data as a loop)
- write-back : accumulate changes, write when the block is evicted (what happens if another processor wants it : need invalidate)
- need for write buffer : absorbing / batching
- parallel thinking
- maximize parallelism
- reduce overhead
- galatic motion : simulation of n bodies can be approximated
- ocean simulation : grid of element with velocity, compute impact and iterate
- deep learning
- concurrency : two or more threads make forward progress together
- parallelism : two or more threads execute at the same time
- all parallel threads are concurrent but not the converse
- task : piece of work
- thread : performs tasks
- processors : execute threads
- forms of parallelism
- throughput parallelism : perform many identical sequential tasks
- functional or task parallelism : perform tasks that are functionnaly different
- pipeline parallelism : perform tasks that are different in a particular order
- data parallelism : perform the same task on different data
- division of work
- balance workload
- reduce communication : overhead
- reduce extra work : thread creations, scheduling
- thread require resources
- memory for stacks
- a copy of the register file
- program state : program counter, stack pointr
- setup
- short-lived : bad ratio of work
- performance
- Amdahl's law : if you speed up only a small fraction of the execution time of a
program or a computation, the speedup you achieve on the whole
application is limited
- speedup = 1 / (fraction enhanced / speedup enhanced (cores ?) + 1 - fraction enhanced)
- parallel execution is not ideal : 10 processors rarely get a speedup of 10
- load imbalance
- thread start/join overhead
- communication overhead
- even if fraction is almost everything : speedup enhanced << # processors
- best efficiency : concurrency ~ parallelism (1 thread per processor)
- prime finding :
- split work rejected : unbalanced workload
- need a shared counter : ticketting
- but counter not atomic : need for mutual exclusion (synchronization)
- Amdahl's law : if you speed up only a small fraction of the execution time of a
program or a computation, the speedup you achieve on the whole
application is limited
share items
- cannot just see and check : not atomic
- need explicit communication for coordination
- communication must be : persistent (like writing) and not transient (like speaking)
- cans (interrupt) : fallen = ready, upright = not ready
- finite resources
- what if long reset
- flag : raise, wait until other's flag is down, unleash, lower flag at returns
- danger at start, but once started it is good
- flag 2 : same but let always Alice go first
- proof : derive a contradiction by reasoning backwards
- assume Alice was the last to look
- therefore her flag is down
- if her flag is down Bob can go
- but Bob only go with his flag up
- thus Alice will wait until he lower his flag
- proof : derive a contradiction by reasoning backwards
- cans (interrupt) : fallen = ready, upright = not ready
- correctness
- safety : nothing bad happens ever
- never in simultaneously
- liveness : something good happens eventually
- no deadlock
- if one wants in, it gets in
- if both want in, one gets in
- safety : nothing bad happens ever
- quality
- fairness : both are equally getting in
- performance (waitingd) : stuck if the thread in is stuck
- correctness
commons problems
- producer-consumer
- cannot meet
- cyclic dependence : don't put much or left the place empty
- imply some waiting (idle) : problematic is one is delayed but common
- safe : mutual exclusion
- starvation : if producer is willing, consumer will always buy (liveness)
- reader-writer
- multiple read
- if one write, no one reads : no mixed message
- mutual exclusion : requires waiting but reduce performance
- solvable without mutual exclusion : add validity flag (semaphore)
- Alice only writes to invalid billboards (validate them after)
- Bob only reads from valid billboards (invalidate them after)
- Alice waits only if all billboards are written
- Bob only waits if there is no message
- read/write in parallel (impossible with locks)
- producer-consumer
mutual exclusion
- formal definition
- time
- event
$a_0$ : instantaneous, no simultaneous events - thread
$a_0,a_1,\ldots$ : sequence of events, state machines (events are transistions) - states : thread state (program counter, local variables), system state (shared variables, union of thread states)
- critical section
$CS_i^k$ (thread$i$ , $k$th execution) : piece of code that accesses a shared resource (data structure or device) that must not be concurrently accessed by more than one thread of execution - interleavings : events of two or more threads (not necessarly independent)
- interval
$A=(a_0,a_1)$ : time between events (may overlap or disjoint) - precedence
$A_0\to B_0$ : end event of$A_0$ before start event of$B_0$ - irreflexive : never true
$A\to A$ - antisymmetric : if
$A\to B$ then not true that$B\to A$ - transitive : if
$A\to B \wedge B\to C$ then$A\to C$
- irreflexive : never true
- $k$th occurence
$a_0^k$ - locks : acquire lock and release unlock methods
- properties
- deadlock-free : system as a whole makes progress even if individuals starve
- starvation-free : individual threads make progress
- variable should be volatile : no optimization is done (i.e not reorderable, not in register)
- solutions for 2
- lockOne : raise flag, idle until other flag is down
- source : write A (flag A = true) -> read A (flag B = false) -> CS A
- source : write B (flag B = true) -> read B (flag A = false) -> CS B
- assumption : read A (flag B = false) -> write B (flag B = true)
- assumption : read B (flag A = false) -> write A (flag A = true)
- give a cycle !
- fails deadlock-freedom (both concurrent entering)
- lockTwo : set itself as victim, idle until the victim is itself
- satisfy mutual exclusion
- not deadlock free (stuck if one thread finishes)
- Peterson's algorithm : combine both
flag[i] = true; victim = i; while (flag[j] && victim == i) {};
- source : write B (flag B = true) -> write B (victim = B)
- source : write A (victim = A) -> read A (flag B) -> read A (victim)
- assumption : write B (victim = B) -> write A (victim A)
- observation : write B (flag B = true) -> write B (victim = B) -> write A (victim = A) -> read A (flag B) -> read A (victim)
- last two step : a read flag B = true and victim = A so it could not have entered the CS
- deadlock free
- starvation free : let other first but not twice
- lockOne : raise flag, idle until other flag is down
- solutions for n
- filter algorithm : n-1 waiting rooms (levels)
- at each level : at least one enteres level and at least one blocked if many try
for (int L = 1; L < n; L++) { level[i] = L; victim[L] = i;
while ((∃ k != i level[k] >= L) && victim[L] == i ); }
- claim : start at level 0, at most n-L threads enter level L
- no starvation
- fairness : threads can be overtaken by others
- bounded waiting : stronger fairness guaranteees
- divide lock into 2 parts : doorway interval (finite) and waiting interval (unbounded)
- Bakery algorithm : wait until lower numbers are severed
- lexicographic order with tickets and thread id
- First come first served (FIFO)
flag[i] = true; label[i] = max(label[0], …,label[n-1])+1;
while (∃k flag[k] && (label[i],i) > (label[k],k));
- filter algorithm : n-1 waiting rooms (levels)
- formal definition
- synchronization hardware
- disable interrupts : too inefficient on multiprocessors
- atomics : non-interruptable
- test memory words and set value
boolean Test&Set (boolean *target) { boolean rv = *target; *target = TRUE; return rv; }
while ( TestAndSet ( &lock )); // critical section; lock = FALSE;
- swap memory words
void Swap (boolean *a, boolean *b){ boolean temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; }
key = TRUE; while ( key ) Swap ( &lock, &key ); // critical section; lock = FALSE;
- not pefect : thread wait spinning, huge traffic on the bus, not fair
50% bus utilization : exponential response time
- add cache test before
- Test&Test&Set :
do { while ( lock ); // lock is 0; } while ( TestAndSet ( &lock )); // critical section; lock = FALSE
- Test&Swap :
do { key = TRUE; while ( lock ); Swap ( &lock, &key ); } while ( key ); // critical section; lock = FALSE;
- Test&Test&Set :
- test memory words and set value
- transactions
- atomic instruction sequence
- all memory changes visible before/after but not during
- sophisticated primitives
- semaphores S : atomic integer variable
- wait :
while (S <= 0); S--;
- signal :
- mutex : binary semaphore (initialized to 1) provide mutual exclusion
- each wait : there has to be a be a corresponding signal
- buzy waiting : always check something
- without busy waiting : implement a waiting queue
- wait :
S->value--; if (S->value < 0) { add this thread to S->list; block(); }
- signal :
S->value++; if (S->value <= 0) { remove a thread P from S->list; wakeup(P); }
- wait :
- deadlock & starvation : if mutex are set in the inverse order at the same time
- pririty inversion : problem when lower priority thread holds a lock neede by a higher one (solvable by priority inheritance protocol)
- wait :
- monitors (synchronized method in Java)
- abstraction data type, variable visible only inside
- only one thread may be active within the monitor at a time
- conditional variables : conditions on queue in monitors
- on a condition variable
- wait suspends the thread until signal
- signal resumes a thread (if any) that invoked wait
- options
- signal & wait : P waits until Q leaves or waits for another condition
- signal & continue : Q waits until P leaves the monitor or waits for another condition
- on a condition variable
- semaphores S : atomic integer variable
- common problems
- bounded buffer
- 1 buffer holds N items
- 1 mutex at 1
- semaphore full at 0
- semaphre empty at N
- reader/writer
- mutex at 1
- semaphore write at 1
- readcount : incremented by reader
- first reader in when write is out
- last reader out when write is in
- dining philosophers
- 5 philosopher : either thining or eating
- 5 chopsticks : need 2 for eating
- semaphore chopstick[5] at 1
- deadlock : each philosopher grabs left chopstick (solvable if they grab always the small chopstick id first)
- solution : monitor + states
- bounded buffer
- contention : when many threads compete for a lock
- concurrent object : should increase throughput without contention
coarse-grained synchronization : every method locks (with queue)
- sequential bottleneck : stand in line
- does not improve throughput
fine-grained synchronization : split object into independently-synchonized components
- only conflict : same component at same time
- finally : always wrap up try block with unlock in finally
- traffic jam : any concurrent data structure based on mutual exclusion has a big weakness (if one has cache fault, every others have to wait on it)
optimistic stategies
- optimistic traversal : traverse without locking & check after lock (give up any guarantees)
- lazy synchronization : break into two part, logical remove (marks component) and physical removal
lock-free data structures
- CAS : compare, if successfull sets it to new value, all of it atomically
linked list : using a list-based set
- set : add, remove, contains
- node : item, key (hashcode), next
- invariant : tail reachable from head, sorted, no duplicates
- coarse-grained locking : one lock to rule them all
- fine-grained locking : each piece has own lock
- hand-over-hand locking : two consecutive lock (inefficient)
- lock-free : CAS not enough, need logical removal (AtomicMarkableReference)
- remove : set mark bit in next field, redirect predecessor's pointer
(argument) : extract and return mark at array index 0 public boolean compareAndSet(Object expectedRef, Object updateRef, boolean expectedMark, boolean updateMark);
public boolean attemptMark(Object expectedRef, boolean updateMark);
- timing : advanced pointer
$T_p$ , perform CAS$T_C$ , remove$T_r$
concurrent hash tables
- bucket : avoid collision
- methods (from lock-free list) : add (9%), remove (1%), contains (90%)
- resize : grows array, adjust hash function
- when to resize
- bucket threshold : number in one exceed
- global threshold : quarter of buckets exceed this value
- coarse-graind locking : no concurrency
- striped locks : each lock now associated with one buckets
- array of lock
- acquire locks in ascending order : make sure table references didn't change once all lock acquired (concurrent resize)
- allocated new super-sized table
- resize : lock whole array and each lock now associated with two or more buckets
- fine-grained locking
- resize : exclusive mode
- add, remove, contains : shared mode
- read/write locks : allow two different locks
- read : locks out writers, allow concurrent readers
- write : locks out writers and readers
- safe but liveness hard (continual stream of readers)
- FIFO R/W lock : as soon as writer requests a lock, no more readers accepted
public boolean add(Object key) {
int keyHash = key.hashCode() % lock.length;
synchronized (lock[keyHash]) {
int tabHash = key.hashCode() % table.length;
return table[tabHash].add(key);
private void resize(int depth, List[] oldTab) {
synchronized (lock[depth]) {
if (oldTab == this.table) {
int next = depth + 1;
if (next < lock.length) resize (next, oldTab);
else sequentialResize();
- lock-free : don't move items, move buckets instead (all items in a single lock-free list, buckets are shortcut)
- quick access, reasonable load balance
- split-order :
$2^i$ key sorted in reverse LSB order (Least Significant Bit, allow recursive split) - resize : split in two or more the buckets (
$b=k\mod 2^{i+1}$ stay,$b+2^i=k\mod 2^{i+1}$ move, determined by$i+1$ bit counting backwards) - sentinel nodes : remove node pointed by shortcut by adding some
- MSB bit to one before reverse for all non regular keys
- split a bucket : add new sentinel, point from the bucket to the sentinel
- list : add take key argument, constructor take previous list and key
split-ordered set
- set size / number of buckets ratio with threshold
- intialize buckets : originally null, if you find one, initialize it
public class SOSet {
protected LockFreeList[] table;
protected AtomicInteger tableSize;
protected AtomicInteger setSize;
public SOSet(int capacity) {
table = new LockFreeList[capacity];
table[0] = new LockFreeList();
tableSize = new AtomicInteger(2);
setSize = new AtomicInteger(0);
public boolean add(Object object) {
int hash = object.hashCode();
int bucket = hash % tableSize.get();
int key = makeRegularKey(hash);
LockFreeList list = getBucketList(bucket);
if (!list.add(object, key))
return false;
return true;
void initializeBucket(int bucket) {
int parent = getParent(bucket);
if (table[parent] == null)
int key = makeSentinelKey(bucket);
LockFreeList list = new LockFreeList(table[parent], key);
- overhead : memory for stacks, setup, teardown, scheduler
- short-lived thread (~200 $\mu$s) : bad ratio work/overhead
- pool abstraction (long-lived) : run task, rejoin pool, wait for next
- ExecutorService
- task : Runnable (calls run) or Callable (returns call)
- submit task to executor (~$\mu$s) : future in return
- futures : get the result (blocking)
- efficacity : ratio task length/submission overhead
class FibTask implements Callable<Integer> {
static ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
int arg;
public FibTask(int n) {
arg = n;
public Integer call() {
if (arg > 2) {
Future<Integer> left = exec.submit(new FibTask(arg-1));
Future<Integer> right = exec.submit(new FibTask(arg-2));
return left.get() + right.get();
} else {
return 1;
- Blumofe-Leiserson DAG model : multithreaded program is Directed Acyclic Graph that unfolds dynamically
- timing
- time on
$P$ processor :$T_p$ - work :
$T_1$ - critical path :
$T_\infty$ (longest dependency path) - parallelism :
$T_1/T_\infty$ - work law :
$T_P\ge T_1/P$ (cannot do more than$P$ work in one step) - critical path law :
$T_P\ge T_\infty$ (finite resources) - speedup on
$P$ processors : ratio$T_1/T_P$ (linear$\propto P$ , max$T_1/T_\infty$ )
- time on
work dealing : everyone passes extra work to others
- lock-free work stealing : each thread has a pool, remove without synchronization, steal someone at random
- double-ended queue ideal : lock-free, constant time, linearizable
- pushBottom, popBottom, popTop
- need to seal stealing access : stamp/top-bottom
public class BDEQueue {
AtomicStampedReference<Integer> top;
volatile int bottom;
Runnable[] tasks;
void pushBottom(Runnable r){
tasks[bottom] = r;
public Runnable popTop() {
int[] stamp = new int[1];
int oldTop = top.get(stamp), newTop = oldTop + 1;
int oldStamp = stamp[0], newStamp = oldStamp + 1;
if (bottom <= oldTop)
return null;
Runnable r = tasks[oldTop];
if (top.CAS(oldTop, newTop, oldStamp, newStamp))
return r;
return null;
Runnable popBottom() {
if (bottom == 0) return null;
Runnable r = tasks[bottom];
int[] stamp = new int[1];
int oldTop = top.get(stamp), newTop = 0;
int oldStamp = stamp[0], newStamp = oldStamp + 1;
if (bottom > oldTop) return r;
if (bottom == oldTop){
bottom = 0;
if (top.CAS(oldTop, newTop, oldStamp, newStamp))
return r;
top.set(newTop,newStamp); return null;
bottom = 0;
- work balancing : stealing is costly, move more than one task randomly
- perform same task on different data
- map reduce
- divide up the data among servers
- compute the stats
- reduce
- vector porcessors : pipelined execution, single instruction multiple data (SIMD)
- reduce ops by 1.2x
- reduce instructions by 20x
- automatic code vectorization with some compiler (but
for (i =0; i < N; i++) a[i] = a[b[i]] * fade;
not) - ISA SIMD support (x86 also) : streaming SIMD extenstions (SSE)
- vector register with : integer (16 bytes, 8 shorts, 4 int), single precision (4), double precision (2)
- instruction : add, sub, mul, div, sqrt, max, min, and, or, xor, andn, cmpps
- in ARM (NEON) : 32x64bits registers
- micro architecture : functional units & vector registers
- graphic processing units (GPU) : dense grid of alu, single instruction multiple threads (SIMT)
- tousands tiny cores : little cache mostly alu
- integrated GPU (AMD) : shared cache hierarchy, one memory
- discrete GPU (nVidia) : specialized memory, must move data
- CPU/GPU connections
- CPU <-> memory : 30 GB/s
- GPU <-> GPU memory : 300 GB/s
- CPU <-> GPU : 3 GB/s
- GPU thread : little overhead (microsecond), full hardware, thousands
- help : parallel computation, memory overlap
- execution timeline : copy data to GPU, execution configuration launch kernel, synchronize, copy data to CPU
- CUDA (nVidia, market leader) vs OpenCL (CUDA superset, new)
- no execution order
- computation partioning
- thread in block in grid
- thread within same block can communicate/synchronize
- grid : machine dependent
- thread : max 1024
- memory model
- thread : local memory, local register, all within block have shared memory (on-chip)
- block : global memory (may be cached), constant memory (read-only), texture memory (read-only)
- CUDA function : excution from caller
: device from device__global__
: device from host (return void)__host__
: host from host- device and host can be used at same time
- CUDA memory copy :
cudaMemcpy( void *dst, void *src, size_t nbytes, enum cudaMemcpyKind direction)
- cudaMemcpyHostToDevice
- cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
- cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice
__global__ void fade (int *a, int fade, int N) {
int x = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int y = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y
int offset = y * (blockDim.x * gridDim.x) + x;
if (offset > N) return;
int v = a[offset];
v = v * fade;
a[offset] = v;
cudaMalloc((void **) &da, sizeof (float) * N);
int threads_block = 64;
int blocks = (N + threads_block – 1) / threads_block;
arradd<<<blocks, threads_block>>(da, 10f, N);
cudaDeviceSynchronize (); // forces CPU to wait
cudaMemCpy((void *) ha, (void *) da, sizeof (float) * N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // dest, source
- FLOPs : floating operations per second
- shared memory : fastest computation
- tiled kernel : matrix multiply
require : no loading and computing at same time
dim3 dimBlock(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_WIDTH);
dim3 dimGrid(Width / TILE_WIDTH, Width / TILE_WIDTH);
__global__ void MatrixMulKernel(float* Md, float* Nd, float* Pd, int Width) {
__shared__float Mds[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];
__shared__float Nds[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];
int bx = blockIdx.x; int by = blockIdx.y; int tx = threadIdx.x; int ty = threadIdx.y;
int Row = by * TILE_WIDTH + ty; int Col = bx * TILE_WIDTH + tx; float Pvalue = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < Width/TILE_WIDTH; ++m) {
// Collaborative loading of Md and Nd tiles into shared memory
Mds[ty][tx] = Md[Row*Width + (m*TILE_WIDTH + tx)];
Nds[ty][tx] = Nd[Col + (m*TILE_WIDTH + ty)*Width];
for (int k = 0; k < TILE_WIDTH; ++k)
Pvalue += Mds[ty][k] * Nds[k][tx];
Pd[Row*Width+Col] = Pvalue;
- wrap : subgroup of a block
banks : memory division to achieve high bandwidth (1 access per 2 cycles)
- serialization : threads accessing different words in same bank (sequential)
- multicasting : threads accessing same word in same bank (parallel)
- less bank conflict, fastest it is (cost = max simultaneous access to single bank)
- conflict free if no common factors shared with bank number
reduce operations
- pairewise :
$\log_2(n)$ - strategy
- interleaved accesses : shared memory, each step reduce by 2
- non-divergent threads : group all active threads together
- thread-sequential accesses : 2-way conflict at every step
- read two elements and do the first step
- unrolling the last 6 iterations
- pairewise :
__global__ void reduce0(int *g_idata, int *g_odata, int n) {
extern __shared__ int sdata[];
// each thread loads one element from global to shared mem
unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int i = blockIdx.x* blockDim.x * 2 + threadIdx.x;
sdata[tid] = g_idata[i] + g_idata[i + blockDim.x];
for (unsigned int s = blockDim.x/2; s > 32; s /= 2) {
if (tid < s) {
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + s];
if (tid < 32) {
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 32];
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16];
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 8];
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 4];
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 2];
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 1];
if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];