To build some decompiler images, you need to provide binaries and licenses that are not publicly available. Here is a list of all the various files required:
From a Linux installation, you have to copy the binaries and license information:
Copy the binaries:
cp -r ~/binaryninja runners/decompiler/tools/binja/
Copy the license:
cp ~/.binaryninja/license.dat runners/decompiler/tools/binja/
From a Linux installation, you must first run IDA and accept the terms of service. Then, you can copy the following:
Copy the binaries:
cp -r /opt/idapro-7.7 runners/decompiler/tools/hexrays/ida
Copy the registry:
cp -r ~/.idapro runners/decompiler/tools/hexrays
Copy efd64 for batch processing:
cp efd64 runners/decompiler/tools/hexrays