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Introduction to Analytics Engineering

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What is Analytics Engineering?

As the data domain has developed over time, new tools have been introduced that have changed the dynamics of working with data:

  1. Massively parallel processing (MPP) databases
    • Lower the cost of storage
    • BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift...
  2. Data-pipelines-as-a-service
    • Simplify the ETL process
    • Fivetran, Stitch...
  3. SQL-first / Version control systems
    • Looker...
  4. Self service analytics
    • Mode...
  5. Data governance

The introduction of all of these tools changed the way the data teams work as well as the way that the stakeholders consume the data, creating a gap in the roles of the data team. Traditionally:

  • The data engineer prepares and maintains the infrastructure the data team needs.
  • The data analyst uses data to answer questions and solve problems (they are in charge of today).
  • The data scientist predicts the future based on past patterns and covers the what-ifs rather than the day-to-day (they are in charge of tomorrow).

However, with the introduction of these tools, both data scientists and analysts find themselves writing more code even though they're not software engineers and writing code isn't their top priority. Data engineers are good software engineers but they don't have the training in how the data is going to be used by the business users.

The analytics engineer is the role that tries to fill the gap: it introduces the good software engineering practices to the efforts of data analysts and data scientists. The analytics engineer may be exposed to the following tools:

  1. Data Loading (Stitch...)
  2. Data Storing (Data Warehouses)
  3. Data Modeling (dbt, Dataform...)
  4. Data Presentation (BI tools like Looker, Mode, Tableau...)

This lesson focuses on the last 2 parts: Data Modeling and Data Presentation.

Data Modeling Concepts


In lesson 2 we covered the difference between ETL and ELT.

etl vs elt

In this lesson we will cover the transform step in the ELT process.

Dimensional Modeling

Ralph Kimball's Dimensional Modeling is an approach to Data Warehouse design which focuses on 2 main points:

  • Deliver data which is understandable to the business users.
  • Deliver fast query performance.

Other goals such as reducing redundant data (prioritized by other approaches such as 3NF by Bill Inmon) are secondary to these goals. Dimensional Modeling also differs from other approaches to Data Warehouse design such as Data Vaults.

Dimensional Modeling is based around 2 important concepts:

  • Fact Table:
    • Facts = Measures
    • Typically numeric values which can be aggregated, such as measurements or metrics.
      • Examples: sales, orders, etc.
    • Corresponds to a business process .
    • Can be thought of as "verbs".
  • Dimension Table:
    • Dimension = Context
    • Groups of hierarchies and descriptors that define the facts.
      • Example: customer, product, etc.
    • Corresponds to a business entity.
    • Can be thought of as "nouns".
  • Dimensional Modeling is built on a star schema with fact tables surrounded by dimension tables.

A good way to understand the architecture of Dimensional Modeling is by drawing an analogy between dimensional modeling and a restaurant:

  • Stage Area:
    • Contains the raw data.
    • Not meant to be exposed to everyone.
    • Similar to the food storage area in a restaurant.
  • Processing area:
    • From raw data to data models.
    • Focuses in efficiency and ensuring standards.
    • Similar to the kitchen in a restaurant.
  • Presentation area:
    • Final presentation of the data.
    • Exposure to business stakeholder.
    • Similar to the dining room in a restaurant.

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Introduction to dbt

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What is dbt?

dbt stands for data build tool. It's a transformation tool: it allows us to transform process raw data in our Data Warehouse to transformed data which can be later used by Business Intelligence tools and any other data consumers.

dbt also allows us to introduce good software engineering practices by defining a deployment workflow:

  1. Develop models
  2. Test and document models
  3. Deploy models with version control and CI/CD.

How does dbt work?

dbt works by defining a modeling layer that sits on top of our Data Warehouse. The modeling layer will turn tables into models which we will then transform into derived models, which can be then stored into the Data Warehouse for persistence.

A model is a .sql file with a SELECT statement; no DDL or DML is used. dbt will compile the file and run it in our Data Warehouse.

How to use dbt?

dbt has 2 main components: dbt Core and dbt Cloud:

  • dbt Core: open-source project that allows the data transformation.
    • Builds and runs a dbt project (.sql and .yaml files).
    • Includes SQL compilation logic, macros and database adapters.
    • Includes a CLI interface to run dbt commands locally.
    • Open-source and free to use.
  • dbt Cloud: SaaS application to develop and manage dbt projects.
    • Web-based IDE to develop, run and test a dbt project.
    • Jobs orchestration.
    • Logging and alerting.
    • Intregrated documentation.
    • Free for individuals (one developer seat).

For integration with BigQuery we will use the dbt Cloud IDE, so a local installation of dbt core isn't required. For developing locally rather than using the Cloud IDE, dbt Core is required. Using dbt with a local Postgres database can be done with dbt Core, which can be installed locally and connected to Postgres and run models through the CLI.


Setting up dbt

Before we begin, go to BigQuery and create 2 new empty datasets for your project: a development dataset and a production dataset. Name them any way you'd like.

dbt Cloud

Video source

In order to use dbt Cloud you will need to create a user account. Got to the dbt homepage and sign up.

During the sign up process you will be asked to create a starter project and connect to a database. We will connect dbt to BigQuery using BigQuery OAuth. More detailed instructions on how to generate the credentials and connect both services are available in this link. When asked, connnect the project to your development dataset.

Make sure that you set up a GitHub repo for your project. In Account settings > Projects you can select your project and change its settings, such as Name or dbt Project Subdirectoy, which can be convenient if your repo is previously populated and would like to keep the dbt project in a single subfolder.

In the IDE windows, press the green Initilize button to create the project files. Inside dbt_project.yml, change the project name both in the name field as well as right below the models: block. You may comment or delete the example block at the end.

dbt Core

Video source

Installing dbt Core locally can be done following the steps in the official docs. More instructions are also available in this link.

Starting a dbt project with dbt Core involves creating a profiles.yml file manually before running dbt init. Check the Video source for more info.

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Developing with dbt

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Anatomy of a dbt model

dbt models are mostly written in SQL (remember that a dbt model is essentially a SELECT query) but they also make use of the Jinja templating language for templates. We already covered the basics of Jinja templates in lesson 2.

Here's an example dbt model:


FROM staging.source_table
WHERE record_state = 'ACTIVE'
  • In the Jinja statement defined within the {{ }} block we call the config() function.
  • We commonly use the config() function at the beginning of a model to define a materialization strategy: a strategy for persisting dbt models in a warehouse.
    • The table strategy means that the model will be rebuilt as a table on each run.
    • We could use a view strategy instead, which would rebuild the model on each run as a SQL view.
    • The incremental strategy is essentially a table strategy but it allows us to add or update records incrementally rather than rebuilding the complete table on each run.
    • The ephemeral strategy creates a Common Table Expression (CTE).
    • You can learn more about materialization strategies with dbt in this link. Besides the 4 common table, view, incremental and ephemeral strategies, custom strategies can be defined for advanced cases.

dbt will compile this code into the following SQL query:

CREATE TABLE my_schema.my_model AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM staging.source_table
    WHERE record_state = 'ACTIVE'

After the code is compiled, dbt will run the compiled code in the Data Warehouse.

Additional model properties are stored in YAML files. Traditionally, these files were named schema.yml but later versions of dbt do not enforce this as it could lead to confusion.

The FROM clause

The FROM clause within a SELECT statement defines the sources of the data to be used.

The following sources are available to dbt models:

  • Sources: The data loaded within our Data Warehouse.
    • We can access this data with the source() function.
    • The sources key in our YAML file contains the details of the databases that the source() function can access and translate into proper SQL-valid names.
      • Additionally, we can define "source freshness" to each source so that we can check whether a source is "fresh" or "stale", which can be useful to check whether our data pipelines are working properly.
    • More info about sources in this link.
  • Seeds: CSV files which can be stored in our repo under the seeds folder.
    • The repo gives us version controlling along with all of its benefits.
    • Seeds are best suited to static data which changes infrequently.
    • Seed usage:
      1. Add a CSV file to your seeds folder.
      2. Run the dbt seed command to create a table in our Data Warehouse.
        • If you update the content of a seed, running dbt seed will append the updated values to the table rather than substituing them. Running dbt seed --full-refresh instead will drop the old table and create a new one.
      3. Refer to the seed in your model with the ref() function.
    • More info about seeds in this link.

Here's an example of how you would declare a source in a .yml file:

    - name: staging
      database: production
      schema: trips_data_all

      loaded_at_field: record_loaded_at
        - name: green_tripdata
        - name: yellow_tripdata
            error_after: {count: 6, period: hour}

And here's how you would reference a source in a FROM clause:

FROM {{ source('staging','yellow_tripdata') }}
  • The first argument of the source() function is the source name, and the second is the table name.

In the case of seeds, assuming you've got a taxi_zone_lookup.csv file in your seeds folder which contains locationid, borough, zone and service_zone:

    replace(service_zone, 'Boro', 'Green') as service_zone
FROM {{ ref('taxi_zone_lookup) }}

The ref() function references underlying tables and views in the Data Warehouse. When compiled, it will automatically build the dependencies and resolve the correct schema fo us. So, if BigQuery contains a schema/dataset called dbt_dev inside the my_project database which we're using for development and it contains a table called stg_green_tripdata, then the following code...

WITH green_data AS (
    SELECT *,
        'Green' AS service_type
    FROM {{ ref('stg_green_tripdata') }}

...will compile to this:

WITH green_data AS (
    SELECT *,
        'Green' AS service_type
    FROM "my_project"."dbt_dev"."stg_green_tripdata"
  • The ref() function translates our references table into the full reference, using the database.schema.table structure.
  • If we were to run this code in our production environment, dbt would automatically resolve the reference to make ir point to our production schema.

Defining a source and creating a model

We will now create our first model.

We will begin by creating 2 new folders under our models folder:

  • staging will have the raw models.
  • core will have the models that we will expose at the end to the BI tool, stakeholders, etc.

Under staging we will add 2 new files: sgt_green_tripdata.sql and schema.yml:

# schema.yml

version: 2

    - name: staging
      database: your_project
      schema: trips_data_all

          - name: green_tripdata
          - name: yellow_tripdata
  • We define our sources in the schema.yml model properties file.
  • We are defining the 2 tables for yellow and green taxi data as our sources.
-- sgt_green_tripdata.sql

{{ config(materialized='view') }}

select * from {{ source('staging', 'green_tripdata') }}
limit 100
  • This query will create a view in the staging dataset/schema in our database.
  • We make use of the source() function to access the green taxi data table, which is defined inside the schema.yml file.

The advantage of having the properties in a separate file is that we can easily modify the schema.yml file to change the database details and write to different databases without having to modify our sgt_green_tripdata.sql file.

You may know run the model with the dbt run command, either locally or from dbt Cloud.


Macros are pieces of code in Jinja that can be reused, similar to functions in other languages.

dbt already includes a series of macros like config(), source() and ref(), but custom macros can also be defined.

Macros allow us to add features to SQL that aren't otherwise available, such as:

  • Use control structures such as if statements or for loops.
  • Use environment variables in our dbt project for production.
  • Operate on the results of one query to generate another query.
  • Abstract snippets of SQL into reusable macros.

Macros are defined in separate .sql files which are typically stored in a macros directory.

There are 3 kinds of Jinja delimiters:

  • {% ... %} for statements (control blocks, macro definitions)
  • {{ ... }} for expressions (literals, math, comparisons, logic, macro calls...)
  • {# ... #} for comments.

Here's a macro definition example:

{# This macro returns the description of the payment_type #}

{% macro get_payment_type_description(payment_type) %}

    case {{ payment_type }}
        when 1 then 'Credit card'
        when 2 then 'Cash'
        when 3 then 'No charge'
        when 4 then 'Dispute'
        when 5 then 'Unknown'
        when 6 then 'Voided trip'

{% endmacro %}
  • The macro keyword states that the line is a macro definition. It includes the name of the macro as well as the parameters.
  • The code of the macro itself goes between 2 statement delimiters. The second statement delimiter contains an endmacro keyword.
  • In the code, we can access the macro parameters using expression delimiters.
  • The macro returns the code we've defined rather than a specific value.

Here's how we use the macro:

    {{ get_payment_type_description('payment-type') }} as payment_type_description,
    congestion_surcharge::double precision
from {{ source('staging','green_tripdata') }}
where vendorid is not null
  • We pass a payment-type variable which may be an integer from 1 to 6.

And this is what it would compile to:

    case payment_type
        when 1 then 'Credit card'
        when 2 then 'Cash'
        when 3 then 'No charge'
        when 4 then 'Dispute'
        when 5 then 'Unknown'
        when 6 then 'Voided trip'
    end as payment_type_description,
    congestion_surcharge::double precision
from {{ source('staging','green_tripdata') }}
where vendorid is not null
  • The macro is replaced by the code contained within the macro definition as well as any variables that we may have passed to the macro parameters.


Macros can be exported to packages, similarly to how classes and functions can be exported to libraries in other languages. Packages contain standalone dbt projects with models and macros that tackle a specific problem area.

When you add a package to your project, the package's models and macros become part of your own project. A list of useful packages can be found in the dbt package hub.

To use a package, you must first create a packages.yml file in the root of your work directory. Here's an example:

  - package: dbt-labs/dbt_utils
    version: 0.8.0

After declaring your packages, you need to install them by running the dbt deps command either locally or on dbt Cloud.

You may access macros inside a package in a similar way to how Python access class methods:

    {{ dbt_utils.surrogate_key(['vendorid', 'lpep_pickup_datetime']) }} as tripid,
    cast(vendorid as integer) as vendorid,
    -- ...
  • The surrogate_key() macro generates a hashed surrogate key with the specified fields in the arguments.


Like most other programming languages, variables can be defined and used across our project.

Variables can be defined in 2 different ways:

  • Under the vars keyword inside dbt_project.yml.
        payment_type_values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  • As arguments when building or running your project.
    dbt build --m <your-model.sql> --var 'is_test_run: false'

Variables can be used with the var() macro. For example:

{% if var('is_test_run', default=true) %}

    limit 100

{% endif %}
  • In this example, the default value for is_test_run is true; in the absence of a variable definition either on the dbt_project.yml file or when running the project, then is_test_run would be true.
  • Since we passed the value false when runnning dbt build, then the if statement would evaluate to false and the code within would not run.

Referencing older models in new models

Note: you will need the Taxi Zone Lookup Table seed, the staging models and schema and the macro files for this section.

The models we've created in the staging area are for normalizing the fields of both green and yellow taxis. With normalized field names we can now join the 2 together in more complex ways.

The ref() macro is used for referencing any undedrlying tables and views that we've created, so we can reference seeds as well as models using this macro:

{{ config(materialized='table') }}

    replace(service_zone, 'Boro', 'Green') as service_zone
from {{ ref('taxi_zone_lookup') }}
  • This model references the taxi_zone_lookup table created from the taxi zone lookup CSV seed.
with green_data as (
    select *, 
        'Green' as service_type 
    from {{ ref('stg_green_tripdata') }}
  • This snippet references the sgt_green_tripdata model that we've created before. Since a model outputs a table/view, we can use it in the FROM clause of any query.

You may check out these more complex "core" models in this link.

Note: running dbt run will run all models but NOT the seeds. The dbt build can be used instead to run all seeds and models as well as tests, which we will cover later. Additionally, running dbt run --select my_model will only run the model itself, but running dbt run --select +my_model will run the model as well as all of its dependencies.

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Testing and documenting dbt models

Testing and documenting are not required steps to successfully run models, but they are expected in any professional setting.


Tests in dbt are assumptions that we make about our data.

In dbt, tests are essentially a SELECT query that will return the amount of records that fail because they do not follow the assumption defined by the test.

Tests are defined on a column in the model YAML files (like the schema.yml file we defined before). dbt provides a few predefined tests to check column values but custom tests can also be created as queries. Here's an example test:

  - name: stg_yellow_tripdata
    description: >
        Trips made by New York City's iconic yellow taxis. 
        - name: tripid
        description: Primary key for this table, generated with a concatenation of vendorid+pickup_datetime
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severrity: warn
  • The tests are defined for a column in a specific table for a specific model.
  • There are 2 tests in this YAML file: unique and not_null. Both are predefined by dbt.
  • unique checks whether all the values in the tripid column are unique.
  • not_null checks whether all the values in the tripid column are not null.
  • Both tests will return a warning in the command line interface if they detect an error.

Here's wwhat the not_null will compile to in SQL query form:

select *
from "my_project"."dbt_dev"."stg_yellow_tripdata"

You may run tests with the dbt test command.


dbt also provides a way to generate documentation for your dbt project and render it as a website.

You may have noticed in the previous code block that a description: field can be added to the YAML field. dbt will make use of these fields to gather info.

The dbt generated docs will include the following:

  • Information about the project:
    • Model code (both from the .sql files and compiled code)
    • Model dependencies
    • Sources
    • Auto generated DAGs from the ref() and source() macros
    • Descriptions from the .yml files and tests
  • Information about the Data Warehouse (information_schema):
    • Column names and data types
    • Table stats like size and rows

dbt docs can be generated on the cloud or locally with dbt docs generate, and can be hosted in dbt Cloud as well or on any other webserver with dbt docs serve.

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Deployment of a dbt project

Video sources: 1, 2

Deployment basics

If you remember from the beginning of this lesson, the goal of dbt is to introduce good software engineering practices by defining a deployment workflow.

deployment workflow

So far we've seen the Developt and Test And Document stages of the workflow. We will now cover deployment.

Deployment is the process of running the models we created in our development environment in a production environment. Separating the development and production environments allows us to continue building and testing models without affecting the models in production.

Normally, a production environment will have a different schema in our Data Warehouse and ideally a different user.

The deployment workflow defines the steps used to create a model from scratch and bring it to production. Here's a deployment workflow example:

  1. Develop in a user branch.
  2. Open a PR to merge into the main branch.
  3. Merge the user branch to the main branch.
  4. Run the new models in the production environment using the main branch.
  5. Schedule the models.

dbt projects are usually deployed in the form of jobs:

  • A job is a collection of commands such as build or test. A job may contain one or more commands.
  • Jobs can be triggered manually or on schedule.
    • dbt Cloud has a scheduler which can run jobs for us, but other tools such as Airflow or cron can be used as well.
  • Each job will keep a log of the runs over time, and each run will keep the logs for each command.
  • A job may also be used to generate documentation, which may be viewed under the run information.
  • If the dbt source freshness command was run, the results can also be viewed at the end of a job.

Continuous Integration

Another good software engineering practice that dbt enables is Continuous Integration (CI): the practice of regularly merging development branches into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run. The goal of CI is to reduce adding bugs to the production code and maintain a more stable project.

CI is built on jobs: a CI job will do things such as build, test, etc. We can define CI jobs which can then be triggered under certain circunstances to enable CI.

dbt makes use of GitHub/GitLab's Pull Requests to enable CI via webhooks. When a PR is ready to be merged, a webhook is received in dbt Cloud that will enqueue a new run of a CI job. This run will usually be against a temporary schema that has been created explicitly for the PR. If the job finishes successfully, the PR can be merged into the main branch, but if it fails the merge will not happen.

CI jobs can also be scheduled with the dbt Cloud scheduler, Airflow, cron and a number of additional tools.

Deployment using dbt Cloud

In dbt Cloud, you might have noticed that after the first commit, the main branch becomes read-only and forces us to create a new branch if we want to keep developing. dbt Cloud does this to enforce us to open PRs for CI purposes rather than allowing merging to main straight away.

In order to properly establish a deployment workflow, we must define environments within dbt Cloud. In the sidebar, under Environments, you will see that a default Development environment is already generated, which is the one we've been using so far.

We will create a new Production environment of type Deployment using the latest stable dbt version (v1.0 at the time of writing these notes). By default, the environment will use the main branch of the repo but you may change it for more complex workflows. If you used the JSON credentials when setting up dbt Cloud then most of the deployment credentials should already be set up except for the dataset. For this example, we will use the production dataset (make sure that the production dataset/schema exists in your BigQuery project).

The dbt Cloud scheduler is available in the Jobs menu in the sidebar. We will create a new job with name dbt build using the Production environment, we will check the Generate docs? checkbox. Add the following commands:

  1. dbt seed
  2. dbt run
  3. dbt test

In the Schedule tab at the bottom we will check the Run on schedule? checkbox with a timing of Every day and every 6 hours. Save the job. You will be shown the job's run history screen which contains a Run now buttom that allows us to trigger the job manually; do so to check that the job runs successfully.

You can access the run and check the current state of it as well as the logs. After the run is finished, you will see a View Documentation button at the top; clicking on it will open a new browser window/tab with the generated docs.

Under Account settings > Projects, you may edit the project in order to modify the Documentation field under Artifacts; you should see a drop down menu which should contain the job we created which generates the docs. After saving the changes and reloading the dbt Cloud website, you should now have a Documentation section in the sidebar.

Deployment using dbt Core (local)

In dbt Core, environments are defined in the profiles.yml file. Assuming you've defined a target (an environment) called prod, you may build your project agains it using the dbt build -t prod command.

You may learn more about how to set up the profiles.yml file in this link.

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Data visualization

Video sources: 1, 2

After creating our models, transforming the data and deploying the models, we will now visualize the data.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio (GDS) is an online tool for converting data into reports and dashboards.

In first place we will create a Data Source. GDS supports multiple sources including BigQuery. After authorizing GDS to access BigQuery, we will be able to select our project and datasets. We will connect to our production.fact_trips schema.

After creating the data source, a new window will open with the dimensions (table columns), the type of each dimension and the default aggregation for each dimension. You may change the default aggregation as you see fit for each dimension.

A Report is essentially an empty canvas which can be filled with can be filled with different widgets. The widgets that display data are called Charts; widgets that modify the behavior of other charts are called Controls. There are additional widgets for text, images and other elements to help improve the looks and readability of the report.

We will now create a new report by clicking on the Create report button at the top of the Data Source window. A new window will open which will allow us to design our own custom report. An example table is already provided but you may delete it because we will be creating our own from scratch.

Add the first widget to the report. We want to show the amount of trips per day, so we'll choose a Time Series Chart. GDS will pick up the most likely dimensions for the chart, which for fact_trips happens to be pickup_datetime, but we need to add an additional dimension for breaking down the data, so we will drag an drop service_type into the widget sidebar, which should update with 2 lines, one for yellow taxi and another one for green taxi data. You may also move and resize the chart.

time series chart

You may notice that the vast majority of trips are concentrated in a small interval; this is due to dirty data which has bogus values for pickup_datetime. We can filter out these bogus values by adding a Date Range Control, which we can drag and drop anywhere in the report, and then set the start date to January 1st 2019 and the end date to December 31st 2020.

date range control

Note: Controls affect all the Charts in the report.

Clicking on a chart will open the chart's sidebar with 2 tabs: the Data tab contains all the specifics of the data to be displayed and the Style tab allows us to change the appearance of the chart.

You may also add a text widget as a title for the chart.

We will now add a Scorecard With Compact Numbers with the total record count in fact_trips, a Pie chart displaying the service_type dimension using the record count metric and a Table With Heatmap using pickup_zone as its dimension.

We will also add a Stacked Column Bar showing trips per month. Since we do not have that particular dimension, what we can do instead is to create a new field that will allow us to filter by month:

  1. In the Available Fields sidebar, click on Add a field at the bottom.
  2. Name the new field pickup_month.
  3. In the Formula field, type MONTH(pickup_datetime).
  4. Click on Save and then on Done.
  5. Back in the main page, drag the new pickup_month field from the Available fields sidebar to the Dimension field in the Data sidebar. Get rid of all breakdown dimensions.

Our bar chart will now display trips per month but we still want to discriminate by year:

  1. Add a new field and name it pickup_year.
  2. Type in the formula YEAR(pickup_datetime).
  3. Click on Save and Done.
  4. Add the pickup_year field as a breakdown dimension for the bar chart.
  5. Change the Sort dimension to pickup_month and make it ascending.

Finally, we will add a Drop-Down List Control and drag the service_type dimension to Control field. The drop-down control will now allow us to choose yellow, green or both taxi types. We will also rename the report to Trips analysis years 2019-2020.

final report

You may click on the View button at the top to check how the shared report will look to the stakeholders. Sharing the report works similarly to Google Drive document sharing.


GDS cannot be used for local databases. If you're developing locally, you may use the Open Source Edition of Metabase.

You may run Metabase on Docker or running a local JAR file. The main UI is a website for which a username and a database connection must be provided.

In Metabase, charts are called questions. Questions have 3 components:

  • Data: the data we will use for the question. Multiple data sources can be configured as well as custom columns that allow us to apply formulas to regular columns.
  • Filters: reduces the amount of records to use in the question by defining criteria for qualification, such as specific time periods.
  • Summarize: contains predefined aggregations and formulas to manipulate the results, such as counting records by specific dates. Custom summarization formulas can also be defined.

Once the 3 components have been defined, a preview will be shown. Once you're ready, you may click the Visualize button to generate the chart.

Questions can be saved in collections and displayed in dashboards.

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Previous: Data Warehouse

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Next: Batch Processing

Extra: Preparing Data for Spark