If you want to use a Floor Plan in the background of the Web UI, you need a pixel image of the floor plan as a PNG image and need to know the extent of the floor plan in meters. A resolution of 50 pixel per meter - each pixel covers 2cm - is reasonable.
All floor plans must have the same pixel size.
You have to measure the distance between two walls as accurate as possible in real space - e.g. with a laser range finder - and count the number of corresponding pixels in the floor plan. This defines the blueprintExtent parameter, which has the form PixelCount=Distance. If for example 2744 pixels correspond to a distance of 58.23 meter, set the blueprintExtent to 2744=58,23 (the comma in 58.23 is respecting the floating point notation in the Linux German locale setting).
The blueprintImageFile is a floor plan image with the background set to black. A good choice for the image resolution is 30cm per pixel.
A different floor plan PNG image (blueprintSimulationFile) is used to simulate sensors during the planning phase. In the simulation, the simulated sensors cast rays from their center. If a ray hits a pixel with the red channel set to non zero, it is treated as an obstacle. Thus the obstacles - like walls - are painted in red, yellow or white colors. The background color must be black.
An additional image defined by the blueprintOcclusionFile encodes functionality in color channels. This is a black image with the following colors:
yellow: Ignore objects at these locations. If certain areas create noisy LiDAR data, objects can pop up randomly. These can be ignored by setting these areas yellow.
blue: If an object stays here for a longer time, it will be marked as private. Private objects can be filtered out in post-processing, for example museum personal who always sit at defined locations.
red: Entrance or Exit Area. Refines the assignment of tracking IDs when people enter or exit the exhibition.
The floor plan images are defined with editConfig.sh
. You can interactively browse the file system for images:
Extent of blueprint in Pixel=Meter (blueprintExtent=): 2744=58,23
do you want to update the blueprint image file (blueprintImageFile=) ? y
The names of the image files are stored in blueprints.json in the configuration subdirectory.
After choosing a blueprintImageFile and defining the blueprintExtent, the floor plan should be visible after restarting the Lidar Server. If you want to run in simulation mode, you also have to define a blueprintSimulationFile.
After choosing an image with editConfig.sh
, this image is copied to the configuration subdirectory. If you want to change - modify/paint - the image, always modify/paint the newly copied image file in the configuration subdirectory.
For example: If you have created a configuration named myconf in lidarconfig-myconf
, when you choose the image file myBlueprintMap.png
from somewhere on system with editConfig.sh
, it will be copied to lidarconfig-myconf/myconf/myBlueprintMap.png
. Modify/paint this image file, since the Lidar Server will read this file.