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Nth Fibonacci

Understanding the problem

I am given an integer n and I am asked to write a function that is going to return the nth Fibonacci number in the Fibonacci sequence. Normally, the Fibonacci sequence uses zero based indexing, meaning the first two numbers are F0 = 0 and F1 = 1. However, in this problem, one based indexing is used, for instance, getNthFib(1) should return 0.

Iterative Approach

I would initialize an array that is going to keep track of the last two Fibonacci numbers. Initially, the array is going to contain the first two numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, which are 0 and 1. Then I am going to initialize a variable counter that is going to keep track of how many Fibonacci numbers I have calculated. Initially, set it to 3, because I already have the first two Fibonacci numbers. While the counter is less than or equal to n, keep calculating the next Fibonacci number by adding up the last two Fibonacci numbers and keep updating the array of the last two Fibonacci numbers as well as the counter. Once I get out of the while loop, return the last Fibonacci number or the first number of the Fibonacci sequence if n is less than or equal to 1.

Time & Space Complexity

O(n) time | O(1) space, where n is the input number.

Iterative Solution

function getNthFib(n) {
  const lastTwoFibs = [0, 1];
  let counter = 3;
  while (counter <= n) {
    const nextFib = lastTwoFibs[0] + lastTwoFibs[1];
    lastTwoFibs[0] = lastTwoFibs[1];
    lastTwoFibs[1] = nextFib;
  return n <= 1 ? lastTwoFibs[0] : lastTwoFibs[1];

Naive Recursive Approach

The math definition of a Fibonacci number is F(n) = F(n - 1) + F(n - 2), for n > 1. The naive recursive solution is going to be similar to this math definition.

Since the question here uses one based indexing, the base case of the recursive function is going to be the following:

  • If n is equal to 1, return 0;
  • If n is equal to 2, return 1.

The recursive part is going to be identical to the math equation. I am going to return F(n - 1) + F(n - 2), where F is the recursive function.

Time & Space Complexity

O(2^n) time | O(n) space, where n is the input number.

The time complexity of this approach is O(2^n) or exponential, because in each step we are going to call the recursive function twice, which leads us to approximately 2 * 2 * 2 .... 2 = 2^n operations(additions) for nth Fibonacci number.

The time complexity can also be estimated by drawing the recursion tree:

                          /      \
 ^                   F(n-1)      F(n-2)       -------- maximum 2^1 = 2 additions
 |                   /    \      /    \
 |               F(n-2) F(n-3) F(n-3) F(n-4)  -------- maximum 2^2 = 4 additions
n-1 levels       /    \
 |            F(n-3) F(n-4)                   -------- maximum 2^3 = 8 additions
 |                                                      ........
 v                                            -------- maximum 2^(n-1) additions

So the total number of additions is going to be 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + ... + 2^(n-1), which is approximately equal to 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-1) = 2 * 2^(n-1), thus the time complexity is O(2^n).

The space complexity is O(n), because we are going to have at most n function calls on the call stack.

Naive Recursive Solution

function getNthFib(n) {
  if (n === 1) return 0;
  if (n === 2) return 1;

  return getNthFib(n - 1) + getNthFib(n - 2);

Recursive Approach with Dynamic Programming

Since the naive recursive solution has repeated calls for same inputs, I can optimize it by memoizing the results of function calls. At every recursive call I am going to pass down an object which is going to store the Fibonacci numbers I have calculated. In this object, each key is going to be a input number and the values are going to be the corresponding Fibonacci number. Initially, the object is going to hold the first two numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. At each recursion, I am going to lookup the input number in the object; if it is already a key in the object, return the corresponding Fibonacci number; otherwise, compute the Fibonacci number for that input number, and store them in the object.

Time & Space Complexity

O(n) time | O(n) space, where n is the input number.

The time complexity of this approach is going to be O(n), because we only calculate each Fibonacci number once:

            /     \
          F(4)     F(3)    -------- F(3)'s result is memoized.
         /    \
       F(3)   F(2)         -------- F(2)'s result is memoized.
      /    \
    F(2)   F(1)
   /    \
F(0)    F(1)

Recursive Solution with Dynamic Programming

function getNthFib(n, memoized = { 1: 0, 2: 1 }) {
  if (n in memoized) return memoized[n];

  memoized[n] = getNthFib(n - 1, memoized) + getNthFib(n - 2, memoized);
  return memoized[n];