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67 lines (52 loc) · 3.84 KB


This file specifies the functionalities of the RISC-V Vector Specification supported by Ara.

Constant Parameters

  • Maximum size of a single vector element in bits: ELEN = 64
  • Striping distance, in bits: SLEN = 64

Vector Loads and Stores

  • Vector unit-strided loads: vle<eew>, vl1r.v
  • Vector unit-strided stores: vse<eew>, vs1r.v
  • Vector strided loads: vlse<eew>
  • Vector strided stores: vsse<eew>
  • Vector indexed loads: vluxei<eew>, vloxei<eew>
  • Vector indexed stores: vsuxei<eew>, vsoxei<eew>

Vector Integer Arithmetic Instructions

  • Vector single-width integer add and subtract instructions: vadd, vsub, vrsub
  • Vector widening integer add and subtract instructions: vwaddu, vwsubu, vwadd, vwsub
  • Vector integer extension instructions: vzext, vsext
  • Vector integer add-with-carry/subtract-with-borrow instructions: vadc, vmadc, vsbc, vmsbc
  • Vector bitwise logical instructions: vand, vor, vxor
  • Vector single-width bit shift instructions: vsll, vsrl, vsra
  • Vector narrowing integer right shift instructions: vnsrl, vnsra
  • Vector integer comparison instructions: vmseq, vmsne, vmsltu, vmslt, vmsleu, vmsle, vmsgtu, vmsgt
  • Vector integer min/max instructions: vminu, vmin, vmaxu, vmax
  • Vector single-width integer multiply instructions: vmul, vmulh, vmulhu, vmulhsu
  • Vector integer divide instructions: vdivu, vdiv, vremu, vrem
  • Vector widening integer multiply instructions: vwmul, vwmulu, vwmulsu
  • Vector single-width integer multiply-add instructions: vmacc, vnmsac, vmadd, vnmsub
  • Vector widening integer multiply-add instructions: vwmaccu, vwmacc, vwmaccsu, vwmaccus
  • Vector integer merge instructions: vmerge
  • Vector integer move instructions: vmv
  • Vector whole-register move instructions: vmv<nr>r

Vector Floating-Point Instructions

  • Vector single-width floating-point add/subtract instructions: vfadd, vfsub, vfrsub
  • Vector widening floating-point add/subtract instructions: vfwadd, vfwsub, vfwadd.w, vfwsub.w
  • Vector single-width floating-point multiply/divide instructions: vfmul
  • Vector widening floating-point multiply/divide instructions: vfwmul
  • Vector single-width floating-point fused multiply-add instructions: vfmacc, vfnmacc, vfmsac, vfnmsac, vfmadd, vfnmadd, vfmsub, vfnmsub
  • Vector widening floating-point fused multiply-add instructions: vfwmacc, vfwnmacc, vfwmsac, vfwnmsac
  • Vector floating-point min/max instructions: vfmin, vfmax
  • Vector floating-point sign-injection instructions: vfsgnj, vfsgnjn, vfsgnjx
  • Vector floating-point merge instruction: vfmerge
  • Vector floating-point move instruction: vfmv
  • Vector floating-point compare instructions: vmfeq, vmfne, vmflt, vmfle, vmfgt, vmfge
  • Vector single-width floating-point/integer type-convert instructions:vfcvt.xu.f, vfcvt.x.f, vfcvt.rtz.xu.f, vfcvt.rtz.x.f, vfcvt.f.xu, vfcvt.f.x
  • Vector widening floating-point/integer type-convert instructions: vfwcvt.xu.f, vfwcvt.x.f, vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f, vfwcvt.rtz.x.f, vfwcvt.f.xu, vfwcvt.f.x, vfwcvt.f.f
  • Vector narrowing floating-point/integer type-convert instructions: vfncvt.xu.f, vfncvt.x.f, vfncvt.rtz.xu.f, vfncvt.rtz.x.f, vfncvt.f.xu, vfncvt.f.x, vfncvt.f.f

Vector Reduction Operations

  • Vector single-width integer reduction instructions: vredsum, vredmaxu, vredmax, vredminu, vredmin, vredand, vredor, vredxor
  • Vector widening integer reductions: vwredsumu, vwredsum

Vector mask instructions

  • Vector mask-register logical instructions: vmand, vmnand, vmandnot, vmxor, vmor, vmnor, vmornot, vmxnor

Vector permutation instructions

  • Vector slide instructions: vslideup, vslidedown, vslide1up, vfslide1up, vslide1down, vfslide1down