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v3 Changes for Users and Extenders

Billie Simmons edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 17 revisions

Version 3.0.0 Changes Affecting Zowe Explorer Users and Extenders

Changes affecting all

No longer supported

  • Removed support for v1 Profiles
  • Updated supported VS Code engine to 1.79.0
  • Drop support for Theia IDE
  • Zowe Explorer no longer uses a temporary directory for storing Data Sets and USS files. All settings related to the temporary downloads folder have been removed. In order to access resources stored by Zowe Explorer v3, refer to the FileSystemProvider documentation for information on how to build and access resource URIs. Extenders can detect changes to resources using the onResourceChanged function in the ZoweExplorerApiRegister class.
  • Moved Data Set Templates, formerly in zowe.ds.history that has moved to internal storage. With the request to have data set templates shareable via workspace it will now migrate existing to zowe.ds.templates when other history items are moved.
  • Deprecated the getUSSDocumentFilePath function on the IZoweTreeNode interface as Zowe Explorer no longer uses the local file system for storing USS files. No replacement is planned; please access data from tree nodes using their resource URIs instead.

Changes affecting Extenders

Removed or renamed VS Code commands

What Changed In V2 Use in V3
Open spool file with URI
Open data set file zowe.ds.ZoweNode.openPS with URI
Open unix file with URI
Add favorite to treeview zowe.ds.addFavorite, zowe.uss.addFavorite, zowe.addFavorite
Remove favorite from treeview zowe.ds.removeFavorite, zowe.uss.removeFavorite, zowe.removeFavorite
Remove favorited profile from treeview zowe.ds.removeFavProfile, zowe.uss.removeFavProfile, zowe.removeFavProfile
Favorite search filter zowe.ds.saveSearch, zowe.uss.saveSearch, zowe.saveSearch
Remove saved search filter from favorites zowe.ds.removeSavedSearch, zowe.uss.removeSavedSearch, zowe.removeFavorite
Disable profile validation zowe.ds.disableValidation, zowe.uss.disableValidation, zowe.disableValidation
Enable profile validation zowe.ds.enableValidation, zowe.uss.enableValidation, zowe.enableValidation
Delete profile zowe.ds.deleteProfile, zowe.uss.deleteProfile,, zowe.cmd.deleteProfile zowe.deleteProfile
Edit session zowe.ds.editSession, zowe.uss.editSession, zowe.editSession
Remove session from treeview zowe.ds.removeSession, zowe.uss.removeSession, zowe.removeSession
Open file with encoding zowe.ds.openWithEncoding, zowe.uss.openWithEncoding zowe.openWithEncoding
Profile login zowe.ds.ssoLogin, zowe.uss.ssoLogin, zowe.ssoLogin
Profile logout zowe.ds.ssoLogout, zowe.uss.ssoLogout, zowe.ssoLogout

Removal and changes to APIs from Extensibility API for Zowe Explorer

What Changed In V2 Use in V3
Updated Logger type and moved to it's own class MessageSeverityEnum MessageSeverity
Removal of deprecated IUss.putContents IUss.putContent
Removal of deprecated IJes.getJobsByOwnerAndPrefix IJes.getJobsByParameters
Removal of deprecated ICommand.issueTsoCommand ICommand.issueTsoCommandWithParms
Removal of deprecated ZoweVsCodeExtension.showVsCodeMessage Gui.showMessage
Removal of deprecated ZoweVsCodeExtension.inputBox Gui.showInputBox
Removal of deprecated ZoweVsCodeExtension.promptCredentials ZoweVsCodeExtension.updateCredentials
Renamed NodeInteraction ZoweNodeInteraction
Renamed IUrlValidator IValidationUrl
Renamed IProfileValidation IValidationProfile
Renamed ValidProfileEnum ValidationType
Renamed ZosmfApiCommon CommonApi
Renamed ZosmfUssApi UssApi
Renamed ZosmfMvsApi MvsApi
Renamed ZosmfJesApi JesApi
Renamed ZosmfCommandApi CommandApi
Renamed ZoweExplorerTreeApi IZoweExplorerTreeApi
Renamed files class FileManagement
Renamed IPromptCredentials PromptCredentials
Renamed IPromptCredentialsCommonOptions CommonOptions
Renamed IPromptcredentialsOptions ComplexOptions
Renamed IPromptUserPassOptions UserPassOptions
Moved and renamed enum to its own class NodeAction ZoweTreeNodeActions
Moved getZoweDir, getFullPath FileManagement class
Changed interfaces to be in namespace ICommon, IMvs, IUss, IJes, ICommand under MainframeInteraction
Changed interfaces to be in namespace WebviewOptions GuiOptions.GuiWebviewOptions
Changed interfaces to be in namespace GuiMessageOptions GuiOptions.GuiMessageOptions
Changed interfaces to be in namespace IUrlValidator, IProfileValidation, IValidationSetting, ValidProfileEnum, EvenTypes under Validation
Changed interfaces to be in namespace IZoweNodeType, IZoweUSSNodeType, ZoweNodeInteraction, IApiRegisterClient, WebviewUris, FileAttributes, PollRequest, DatasetStats, KeytarModule, DataSetAllocTemplate, Appender, LogJsConfig under Types
Changed interfaces to be in namespace DataSetSortOpts, SortDirection, DatasetFilterOpts, DatasetFilter, NodeSort, JobSortOpts under Sorting
Changed interfaces to be in namespace CommonApi, UssApi, MvsApi, JesApi, CommandApi under ZoweExplorerZosmf
Changed interfaces to be in namespace IPromptCredentialsCommonOptions, IPromptCredentialsOptions, IPromptUserPassOptions under PromptCredentialsOptions
Changed in IZoweTreeNode refreshAndReopen reopen
Changed in IZoweTreeNode copyUssFile pasteUssTree
Changed in ZoweExplorerExtender.initForZowe profileTypeConfigurations: imperative.ICommandProfileTypeConfiguration[] not required now a required argument
Changed in IApiExplorerExtenders.initForZowe profileTypeConfigurations: imperative.ICommandProfileTypeConfiguration[] not required now a required argument
Changed in MainframeInteraction.IJes getJobsByParameters not required now a required API
Removed v1 profile manipulation APIs ProfilesCache.getSchema, ProfilesCache.getCliProfileManager, ProfilesCache.saveProfile, ProfilesCache.deleteProfileOnDisk n/a

New APIs

What's new API
Issue UNIX commands ICommand.issueUnixCommand
Boolean value used if SSH profile required for issuing UNIX commands with Zowe Explorer ICommand.sshProfileRequired optional
Migrate v1 profiles to global team configuration file ProfilesCache.convertV1ProfToConfig
New required API in MainframeInteraction.IMvs and MainframeInteraction.IUss to upload contents of data sets and USS files to the mainframe uploadFromBuffer
Move USS folders/files from one path to another in MainframeInteraction.IUss move
Build spool names for Zowe resource URIs and VS Code editor tabs buildUniqueSpoolName
Determine if tree node's resource URI is open in VS Code editor isNodeInEditor

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