- Step 1 :
Login to https://console.developers.google.com/
- create project
- create service account credentails download the JSON file
- Place the JSON file in the project folder
- do the credentials path changes in mail.service.js and youtube.service.js
- Step 2 :
- run npm i , to download the dependencies
- Step 3 :
- run node index.js
- Step 4 :
- In postman , body select formdata -> file , attach the csv file containing youtube link
- hit the end point http://localhost:5000/yotubedata
- Step 5 :
- For mail service to work open your goggle account -> security -> App Password -> create a new app passowrd
- 16 digit password is generated , store password in the json file downloaded in Step1 as paramter password:"your 16 digit password"