📝运行说明 • 👽️API使用 • 🔧手动部署 • 🚧Docker部署 • 📦️Docker镜像 • 🧑💻贡献者
Language: [English] [Simplified Chinese] [traditional Chinese]
Note: This API is applicable to Douyin and TikTok. Douyin is TikTok in China. You can distribute or modify the code at will, but please mark the original author.
For stability reasons, temporarily close /video (returns mp4 files) and /music (returns mp3 files) of the demo station These two functions, and the batch download function of the result page are also temporarily unavailable. If you need it, please deploy it yourself. Other functions can still be used normally on the demo site. The API server guarantees 99% of the time to run normally, but does not guarantee 100% parsing. Success, if parsing fails please wait a minute or two and try again.
API-V2 is used for testing purposes. It supports inputting Douyin/TikTok user homepage to crawl all video data of the author, including no watermark links, number of likes, etc. For details, please refer to the V2 document.
🚀Demo address:https://douyin.wtf/
🛰API demo:https://api.douyin.wtf/
💾iOS Shortcuts (Chinese):Click to get( Updated on 2022/07/18, the shortcut command can automatically check for updates, just install it once. )
🌎iOS Shortcut(English):Click to get(Updated on 2022/07/18, this shortcut will automatically check for updates, only need to install it once.)
🗂 Shortcut History Version:Shortcuts release
📦️Tiktok/Tiktok Downloader (Desktop Application):TikDown
This project usesPyWebIO、Flask, using Python to implement online batch parsing of Douyin's watermark-free video/atlas.
It can be used to download videos that the author prohibits to download, or to perform data crawling, etc., and can be matched withShortcut APP that comes with iOSCooperate with this project API to realize in-app download.
The shortcut command needs to be in the Douyin or TikTok app, select the video you want to save, click the share button, and then find "Douyin TikTok No Watermark Download" This option, if you encounter a notification asking whether to allow shortcut commands to access xxxx (domain name or server), you need to click Allow before it can be used normally. The successfully downloaded video or gallery will be saved in a special album for easy browsing.
# 请根据需要自行修改config.ini中的内容
└── Douyin_TikTok_Download_API/
├── /static(静态前端资源)
├── web_zh.py(网页入口)
├── web_api.py(API)
├── scraper.py(解析库)
├── config.ini(所有项目的配置文件,包含端口及代理等,如需请自行修改该文件。)
├── logs.txt(错误日志,自动生成。)
└── API_logs.txt(API调用日志,自动生成。)
- Support Douyin video/atlas parsing
- Support overseas TikTok video analysis
- Support batch parsing (support Douyin/TikTok hybrid parsing)
- Parse the result page to download watermark-free videos in batches
- makepip packageeasy to use
- Support API calls
- Support using proxy resolution
- supportiOS ShortcutsRealize in-app download of video/atlas without watermark
- Support input (Tik Tok/TikTok) author homepage link to achieve batch parsing
🚨If you want to deploy this project, please refer to the deployment method (Docker deployment,Manual deployment)
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Evil0ctal/Douyin_TikTok_Download_API.git
- Move to repository directory:
cd Douyin_TikTok_Download_API
- Install dependent libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Modify config.ini (optional):
vim config.ini
- Web page parsing
# 运行web_zh.py
python3 web_zh.py
# 运行web_api.py
python3 web_api.py
- call parsing library
# pip install DT-Scraper
from DT_scraper.scraper import Scraper
api = Scraper()
# 解析Douyin视频/图集
douyin_data = api.douyin(input('抖音视频链接:'))
# 返回字典
# Parsing TikTok Videos/Galleries
tiktok_data = api.tiktok(input('TikTok video URL:'))
# return dictionary
# 使用代理进行解析(Parse using a proxy)
api.tiktok(input('TikTok video URL:'), proxies = {"all": ""})
- Entry (port can be modified in the config.ini file)
- Douyin share password (copy in APP)
例子:7.43 pda:/ 让你在几秒钟之内记住我 https://v.douyin.com/L5pbfdP/ 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!
- Douyin Short URL (Copy in APP)
- Douyin normal URL (web version copy)
- Douyin discovery page URL (APP copy)
- TikTok URL Shortening (In-App Copy)
- TikTok normal URL (copy from web version)
- Douyin/TikTok bulk URLs (no need to separate them)
2.84 nqe:/ 骑白马的也可以是公主%%百万转场变身 https://v.douyin.com/L4FJNR3/ 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!
8.94 mDu:/ 让你在几秒钟之内记住我 https://v.douyin.com/L4NpDJ6/ 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!
9.94 LWz:/ ok我坦白交代 %%knowknow https://v.douyin.com/L4NEvNn/ 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!
The API can convert the request parameters into a watermark-free video/picture straight link that needs to be extracted, and can be downloaded in-app with the IOS shortcut.
- Parse request parameters
- return parameter
Douyin video
"analyze_time": "1.9043s",
"api_url": "https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/iteminfo/?item_ids=6918273131559881997",
"nwm_video_url": "http://v3-dy-o.zjcdn.com/23f0dec312ede563bef881af9a88bdc7/624dd965/video/tos/cn/tos-cn-ve-15/eccedcf4386948f5b5a1f0bcfb3dcde9/?a=1128&br=2537&bt=2537&cd=0%7C0%7C0%7C0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=3&er=&ft=sYGC~3E7nz7Th1PZSDXq&l=202204070118030102080650132A21E31F&lr=&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=M3hleDRsODlkMzMzaGkzM0ApODpmNWc4ODs5N2lmNzg5aWcpaGRqbGRoaGRmLi4ybnBrbjYuYC0tYy0wc3MtYmJjNTM2NjAtNDFjMzJgOmNwb2wrbStqdDo%3D&vl=&vr=",
"original_url": "https://v.douyin.com/L4FJNR3/",
"platform": "douyin",
"status": "success",
"url_type": "video",
"video_author": "Real机智张",
"video_author_id": "Rea1yaoyue",
"video_author_signature": "",
"video_author_uid": "59840491348",
"video_aweme_id": "6918273131559881997",
"video_comment_count": "89145",
"video_create_time": "1610786002",
"video_digg_count": "2968195",
"video_hashtags": [
"video_music": "https://sf3-cdn-tos.douyinstatic.com/obj/ies-music/6910889805266504461.mp3",
"video_music_author": "梅尼耶",
"video_music_id": "6910889820861451000",
"video_music_mid": "6910889820861451021",
"video_music_title": "@梅尼耶创作的原声",
"video_play_count": "0",
"video_share_count": "74857",
"video_title": "骑白马的也可以是公主#百万转场变身",
"wm_video_url": "https://aweme.snssdk.com/aweme/v1/playwm/?video_id=v0300ffe0000c01a96q5nis1qu5b1u10&ratio=720p&line=0"
Douyin Atlas
"album_author": "治愈图集",
"album_author_id": "ZYTJ2002",
"album_author_signature": "取无水印图",
"album_author_uid": "449018054867063",
"album_aweme_id": "7015137063141920030",
"album_comment_count": "5436",
"album_create_time": "1633338878",
"album_digg_count": "193734",
"album_hashtags": [
"album_list": [
"album_music": "https://sf6-cdn-tos.douyinstatic.com/obj/ies-music/6978805801733442341.mp3",
"album_music_author": "魏同学",
"album_music_id": "6978805810365271000",
"album_music_mid": "6978805810365270791",
"album_music_title": "@魏同学创作的原声",
"album_play_count": "0",
"album_share_count": "30717",
"album_title": "“山海自有归期 风雨自有相逢 意难平终将和解 万事终将如意”#晚霞 #治愈系 #落日余晖 #日落🌄",
"analyze_time": "1.0726s",
"api_url": "https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/iteminfo/?item_ids=7015137063141920030",
"original_url": "https://v.douyin.com/Nb8jysN/",
"platform": "douyin",
"status": "success",
"url_type": "album"
TikTok videos
"analyze_time": "5.0863s",
"nwm_video_url": "https://v19.tiktokcdn-us.com/cfa357dadd8f913f013a6d0b0dca293f/624e20fa/video/tos/useast5/tos-useast5-ve-0068c003-tx/3296231486014755a1b81aa70c349a53/?a=1233&br=6498&bt=3249&cd=0%7C0%7C0%7C3&ch=0&cr=3&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=6&er=&ft=bY1KJnB4TJBS6BMy-L1iVKP&l=20220406172333010113135214232FAB56&lr=all&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=MzpsaGY6Zjo7PDMzZzczNEApNjY6ZTtkOzxpN2Q3PDo5OmdgZ2BtcjQwai9gLS1kMS9zczJhLTEzYjEuMTJeXzQyLmM6Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr=",
"original_url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@oregonzoo/video/7080938094823738666",
"platform": "tiktok",
"status": "success",
"url_type": "video",
"video_author": "oregonzoo",
"video_author_SecId": "MS4wLjABAAAArWNQ8-AZN6CxWOkqdeWsMBUuLDmJt8TWUAk0S4aWDW5V5EoqRbuczhaLnxJHCGob",
"video_author_diggCount": 94,
"video_author_followerCount": 1800000,
"video_author_followingCount": 39,
"video_author_heartCount": 29700000,
"video_author_id": "6699816060206171141",
"video_author_nickname": "Oregon Zoo",
"video_author_videoCount": 264,
"video_aweme_id": "7080938094823738666",
"video_comment_count": 61,
"video_create_time": "1648659375",
"video_digg_count": 11800,
"video_hashtags": [
"video_music": "https://sf16.tiktokcdn-us.com/obj/ies-music-tx/7075363935741856558.mp3",
"video_music_author": "Gilderoy Dauterive",
"video_music_id": "7075363884613356330",
"video_music_title": "Be the Sunshine",
"video_music_url": "https://sf16.tiktokcdn-us.com/obj/ies-music-tx/7075363935741856558.mp3",
"video_play_count": 60100,
"video_ratio": "720p",
"video_share_count": 298,
"video_title": "Moshu ✨ #redpanda #boop #sunshine",
"wm_video_url": "https://v16m-webapp.tiktokcdn-us.com/0394b9183a5852d4392a7e804bf78c55/624e20f6/video/tos/useast5/tos-useast5-ve-0068c001-tx/fc63ae232e70466398b55ccf97eb3c67/?a=1988&br=6468&bt=3234&cd=0%7C0%7C1%7C0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=3&er=&ft=XY53A3E7nz7Th-pZSDXq&l=202204061723290101131351171341B9BB&lr=tiktok_m&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=MzpsaGY6Zjo7PDMzZzczNEApOjo4aDMzZmRlN2loOWk6ZWdgZ2BtcjQwai9gLS1kMS9zczBhNGA0LTIwNjNiYDQ2YmE6Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr="
- Download video request parameters
# 返回无水印mp4文件
- Download audio request parameters
# 返回mp3文件
Note: The screenshots may not match the text due to update problems, please refer to the text description first.
It is best to deploy this project to an overseas server (preferably a server in the United States), otherwise strange problems may occur.
example: The project is deployed on a domestic server, and the person is in the United States. Clicking the link on the result page reports an error 403, which is visually related to the Douyin CDN. The project is deployed on a South Korean server, parsing TikTok errors, and visually TikTok restricts certain regions or IPs.
Deploy using the Pagoda Linux panel ( The Chinese pagoda is going to be bound to a mobile phone number, which is very rogue and cannot be bypassed. It is recommended to use the international version of the pagoda. Google search for the keyword aapanel to install it yourself, and the deployment steps are similar. )
- First, go to the security group to open ports 5000 and 2333 (default 5000 for Web, default 2333 for API, which can be modified in the file config.ini.)
- Search for python in the pagoda app store and install the project manager (version 1.9 is recommended)
- Create a project with an arbitrary name
- Path select the path where you upload the file
- Python version needs to be at least 3 or more (install it yourself in the version management on the left)
- The frame is modified to
- The startup method is changed to
- Web startup file selection
- API startup file selection
- Check install module dependencies
- Start at will
- If the pagoda runs
When waiting for other services, please judge whether the port is occupied. The running port can be modified in the file config.ini.
- If there are a lot of requests, use the process daemon start to prevent the process from closing
- install docker
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh&&sh get-docker.sh &&systemctl enable docker&&systemctl start docker
- Just leave the config.int and docker-compose.yml files
- Run the command to let the container run in the background
docker compose up -d
- View container logs
docker logs -f douyin_tiktok_download_api
- delete container
docker rm -f douyin_tiktok_download_api
- renew
docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d
Note: The screenshots may not match the text due to update problems, please refer to the text description first.
- Main interface
- parsing complete
- API submit/return
Video return value
Atlas return value
TikTok return value
MY License
GitHub@Evil0ctal · Email[email protected]