This project is a ready-to-go NFT DApp boilerplate. It is designed to deploy on top of Ethereum Blockchain. Nevertheless, it is compatiable to all EVM. Feel free to modify in order to publish to other EVM Networks.
It already consists both Contract and Client sides for production usage. It makes use of couple popular packages to kick start. For example, @truffle/hdwallet-provider
, @metamask/detect-provider
, @walletconnect/web3-provider
, web3
, react
, next
, etc.
- Nodejs installed
- Truffle installed
- Cryto Wallet - browser extension installed, Metamask is recommended
git clone
// Create .env file in root directory and add the following variables
// Compile the smart contracts
truffle compile
// Run truffle develop & migrate
truffle develop
// client side development
cd ./client
yarn dev
// deploy the contract to chain
// see ./truffle-config.js file for configuration options
truffle migrate --network [networkName]
cd /client
yarn build
This is the frontend client for our dapp. It is built with Next.js and uses a render-prop pattern (via lib/Web3Container.js
) so we can easily inject blockchain functionality (i.e. web3, accounts, and the contract instance) into each page.
— This is a barebones Next.js page. It links to other pages which are web3-enabled. In your dapp, this can be a landing page.
A symlink to the build/contracts
located in the Truffle project is placed here so that the Next.js app can refer to the build artifacts from the parent Truffle project.
This is a component that utilizes the render-prop pattern to inject web3
, accounts
, and contract
instance objects into a given function. When these objects are loading, it will render a loading function that is expected to return a React component.
For an example of how to use it, please see the accounts
and dapp
You may want to modify this for your own purposes. For example, you can require multiple contracts if your dapp requires it.
This is a function for actually getting the Web3 object. Unfortunately, this file is not as straight-forward as I would have liked it. Your best bet at understanding this is to read the comments I have written in the file. You probably don't need to change anything in this file.
This function requires web3
to be passed in. It uses truffle-contract
to initialize and return a contract instance. This function is used by Web3Container.js
. You probably don't need to change anything in this file.
This makes use of @walletconnect/web3-provider
and @metamask/detect-provider
packages to fetch the wallet provider. It almost covers all existing popular cryptowallets in the market.