Multi-Core Hybrid Short- And Long-read Sequence Assembler
Based on: Gatter, T., von Löhneysen, S., Fallmann, J. et al. LazyB: fast and cheap genome assembly. Algorithms Mol Biol 16, 8 (2021).
requires the following tools to be available in the PATH
- jellyfish 2
- bbduk
- Abyss 2 (using 'abyss-pe')
- minimap2
- Python 3.6.9 (at least), including:
- numpy
- networkx
- biopython
A zip file containing a statically linked binary for x86-64 alongside with the assembly pipeline and associated scripts can be downloaded from the releases page on GitHub.
The pipeline can be run using the following command:
sh [k-mer-size-filter] [k-mer-size-assembly] [name] [illumina-inputfile-1] [illumina-inputfile-2] [nanopore-inputfile] [output-folder]
Note: The level of parallelization used for parts (default value: 8) of the pipeline is set via a variable
[k-mer-size-filter] specifies the k-mer size for k-mer counting in raw illumina data. Reads with highly abundant k-mers are removed from the data. Starting at k=50 is recommended.
[k-mer-size-assembly] specifies the k-mer size during illumina assembly (here using Abyss). Starting at k=90 is recommended.
Building the project requires git, cmake, clang-15, libc++-15, Doxygen, and Graphviz and can be done by running the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
If you want to link libc++ statically:
mkdir build
cd build
Tests can be executed by running the following command afterwards:
make test
The library documentation can be built using the command:
make doc
All the code within this project is uniformly formatted using clang-format:
find . -regex '.*\.\(cpp\|h\)' -exec clang-format-15 -style=file -i {} \;
This project uses libc++-15
as standard library. For information on installing the LLVM
see here.