=## CS61C : Great ideas in Computer architecture
This repository contains all my learning resources for CS61C. I use the 2022 spring version because it open-sourced the lecture videos. You can watch the videos on bilibili.
Here is the course website, you can find all the materials on it.
repository structure is as follows :
- Handouts: some additional reading materials, including some openMP learning materials
- Slides: course slides
- Discussions: TA discussion pdf and answers
This course puts all its labs on a seperate repository.
Labs: contains 11 labs , I put it in an independent repository
- Lab01:
- Lab02:
- Lab03:
- Lab04:
- Lab05:
- Lab06:
- Lab07:
- Lab08:
- Lab09:
- Lab10:
- Lab11:
The projects I chose the 2020 fall version, which is a little different than the 2020 summer version. You can use the "Semesters" button on the up-right of the website page to choose the semester.
Projects: I did five projects, each project is a independent repository, the links below will redirect to the repository which contains my implementation.
Fa19-Project1: Mandelbrot
Fa20-Project1: game-of-life
Fa20-project2: classify
Fa20-project3: CPU
Fa20-project4: numc