Releases: 0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-proverjs
Releases · 0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-proverjs
New features
- Specific tests for secp256r1
- add support to
- add connect checker tool
- Adding fflonk setup
- Fix audit issues
- Fixes some bugs
- Doubling formulas for Secp256r1
- Fixes
What's Changed
- Banana lite by @hecmas in #349
- Adding fflonk setup, removing copy_files by rewriting package.json by @RogerTaule in #353
- Moving pil-stark to develop by @RogerTaule in #354
- [feature]:Connect checker by @hecmas in #351
- add support to 2^24 and 2^25 by @zkronos73 in #350
- Feature/fix ft stop by @ignasirv in #360
- Doubling formulas for Secp256r1 by @hecmas in #362
- fix some bugs detected during internal revision by @zkronos73 in #363
- update arith pil comments by @zkronos73 in #365
- add specific tests for secp256r1 by @zkronos73 in #364
- create minimal diagnostic test with durian features by @zkronos73 in #366
- fix the audit issues (comments and unused constants) issues: 1,2,3 by @zkronos73 in #367
- Feature/update rom v9.0.0 rc.3 fork.13 by @zkronos73 in #368
- add audit durian by @krlosMata in #369
Full Changelog: v6.0.0-fork.9...v9.0.0-fork.13
Elderberry v2 (fork.9)
What's Changed
- Fix logs at full tracer + tests generation by @ignasirv in #267
- logs ta tx level by @krlosMata in #289
- fix log with non zero data and length < 32 by @ignasirv in #309
- add error invalid_l1_info_tree_index by @krlosMata in #308
- Set length to 64 by @ignasirv in #310
- fix txIndex used in blok responses by @krlosMata in #307
- Feature/update packages 9 by @krlosMata in #315
- Develop by @krlosMata in #316
Full Changelog: v5.0.0-fork.8...v6.0.0-fork.9
Elderberry (fork.8)
What's Changed
- Incorrect usage of fe2n() fixed in various places of the main exec by @hecmas in #242
- Adding helpers for precompiled optimizations by @hecmas in #238
- Develop by @krlosMata in #246
- feature/alternative mstorex test by @zkronos73 in #250
- feature/reserved and control of bounds by @zkronos73 in #254
- update inputs by @krlosMata in #256
- Fix ft ger and block hash l1 by @ignasirv in #249
- fix bug on le command evaluation (no used by rom) by @zkronos73 in #259
- fix bigint type on reserv counters when negative by @zkronos73 in #260
- fixing sha counters by @zkronos73 in #262
- return state at full tracer response by @ignasirv in #258
- update packages to fork.8 by @krlosMata in #264
- Develop eldelberry by @krlosMata in #265
- Develop by @krlosMata in #266
- Feature/update pack lock by @krlosMata in #269
- Develop by @krlosMata in #270
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-fork.7...v5.0.0-fork.8
etrog (fork.7)
What's Changed
- Unify full tracer by @ignasirv in #222
- Feature/l1 info tree last by @krlosMata in #224
- update stateOverride by @laisolizq in #225
- Feature/block info root 2 by @ignasirv in #234
- set timestamp reading from state when skipping changeL2Block by @krlosMata in #236
- Fix block hash at full tracer by @ignasirv in #243
- Feature/final versions by @krlosMata in #244
- Develop by @krlosMata in #245
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-fork.6...v4.0.0-fork.7
What's Changed
- Feature/incaberry by @krlosMata in #226
- Feature/remove sha256 commits by @krlosMata in #228
- Develop by @krlosMata in #227
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-fork.5...v3.0.0-fork.6
What's Changed
- update package.json from main by @zkronos73 in #178
- update LICENSE by @zkronos73 in #179
- add Spearbit audit reports by @zkronos73 in #180
- add audit report by @zkronos73 in #181
- add audit report by @zkronos73 in #182
- Add flag assertOutputs by @ignasirv in #176
- Feature/fix tracer by @krlosMata in #184
- add push0 by @laisolizq in #188
- update package by @laisolizq in #191
- New recursion by @RogerTaule in #189
- Final circuit optimization by @RogerTaule in #193
- Modifying recursion configuration by @RogerTaule in #194
- fix log index by @krlosMata in #199
- Feature/ft tests by @ignasirv in #186
- add error invalidRLP by @krlosMata in #204
- fix log index by @ignasirv in #203
- fix sm_padding_kk_test.js by @zkronos73 in #207
- Get calldata from calldata context by @ignasirv in #206
- Fix getFromMemory function bug by @ignasirv in #208
- add options save return outputs from execution by @krlosMata in #210
- add flags BALANCE & GASPRICE by @krlosMata in #214
- Feature/buildsetup fork.5 by @krlosMata in #215
- Only append contract data param at context creation step by @ignasirv in #209
- Develop by @krlosMata in #216
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-fork.4...v2.0.0-fork.5
cherry (v1.1.0-fork.4)
update rom tag on package.json
cherry (v1.1.0-rc.1-fork.4)
Merge pull request #178 from 0xPolygonHermez/main update package.json from main
cherry (v1.0.0-fork.3)
update package.json dependencies
update package.json versions