For support contact @EulerLagrange217 on telegram
The Opacity node must be run with a Intel SGX with SGX2 enabled. If you want to use a cloud provider, please use one of these:
- Azure (
- OVH (
We recommend you use Ubuntu 22.04
We DO NOT support AWS Enclaves!
First we should check you are on a valid SGX machine.
Head over to and download the binary for your operating system.
Ubuntu 22.04:
wget*1j4w6dh*_gcl_au*MTM1MDY4MDQ2NS4xNzE4ODUwMTk1 -O sgx-detect
chmod +x sgx-detect
sudo ./sgx-detect
You should see:
If you see any red on the output, please contact @EulerLagrange217 on telegram
The following is not Opacity specific but for EigenLayer. We will be summarizing the following verboase guide:
- Install EigenLayer-CLI
For Ubuntu 22.04:
- Create ECDSA and BLS keys
make generate-keys
eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa opacity
eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type bls opacity
To check if you did it right you can run:
make list-keys
- Fund ECDSA Wallet with testnet ETH
We need to load your operator wallet with some holesky eth to submit transactions. See:
- Use some Holesky eth to get holesky stETH:
- Operator config
We need to generate some metadata so eigenlayer can show you nicely in their UI.
I would recommend forking this repo: and changing the values to what you want.
eigenlayer operator config create
Say yes to populating the config
Enter your operator address: 0xfe8463ca0a9b436fdc5f75709ad5a43961802d68 Enter your earnings address (default to your operator address): 0xfe8463ca0a9b436fdc5f75709ad5a43961802d68 Enter your ETH rpc url: Select your network: holesky Select your signer type: local_keystore Enter your ecdsa key path: /home/ubuntu/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/opacity.ecdsa.key.json
This will generate a operator.yaml file that should look like:
operator: address: 0xFE8463CA0A9b436FdC5f75709AD5a43961802d68 earnings_receiver_address: 0xFE8463CA0A9b436FdC5f75709AD5a43961802d68 delegation_approver_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" staker_opt_out_window_blocks: 0 metadata_url: "" el_delegation_manager_address: 0xA44151489861Fe9e3055d95adC98FbD462B948e7 eth_rpc_url: private_key_store_path: /home/ubuntu/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/opacity.ecdsa.key.json signer_type: local_keystore chain_id: 17000 fireblocks: api_key: "" secret_key: "" base_url: "" vault_account_name: "" secret_storage_type: "" aws_region: "" timeout: 0 web3: url: ""
Remember to fill out the metadata_url to your forked repo.
Make a backup of your operator.yaml for convenience
- Register Node Operator
make register-eigen-operator
eigenlayer operator register operator.yaml