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PHP Garmin Connect

A PHP adapter for interrogating the Garmin Connect "API"


Garmin doesn't really have a proper API for their Connect tool. Well, they sort of do, but it's half-baked; they appear to have either abandoned it or let it go stale, the documentation is very thin on the ground and there appears to be no "proper" way of authenticating the user.

So thanks to Collin @tapiriik and his wonderful public python repo (, this project was born for those of us that prefer elephants to snakes ;)

The code is pretty well documented, and it has to be because some things we have to do is pretty gnarly. Once authentication is done though, it's pretty much good old RESTFUL API stuff. Oh, but we're using the CURL cookie handling to maintain session state. Ugh.

Full Example

We simply connect using our Garmin Connect credentials.

$arrCredentials = array(
   'username' => 'xxx',
   'password' => 'xxx',

try {
   $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);

   $objResults = $objGarminConnect->getActivityList(0, 1, 'cycling');
   foreach($objResults->results->activities as $objActivity) {

} catch (Exception $objException) {
   echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

API Functions

The library implements a few basic API functions that you can use to retrieve useful information. The method signatures are as follows:

Method Parameters Returns
getActivityTypes() - Array
getActivityList() integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, string $strActivityType stdClass
getActivitySummary() integer $intActivityID stdClass
getActivityDetails() integer $intActivityID stdClass
getDataFile string $strType, integer $intActivityID string
getUsername - string


Returns a stdClass object, which contains an array called dictionary, that contains stdClass objects that represent an activity type.


try {
   $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
   $obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getActivityTypes();
   foreach ($obj_results->dictionary as $item) {

   } catch (Exception $objException) {
      echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();


    [0] => stdClass Object
            [typeId] => 1
            [typeKey] => running
            [parentTypeId] => 17
            [sortOrder] => 3

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [typeId] => 2
            [typeKey] => cycling
            [parentTypeId] => 17
            [sortOrder] => 8

getActivityList(integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, string $strActivityType)

Returns a stdClass object, which contains an array called results, that contains stdClass objects that represents an activity. It accepts three parameters - start, limit and activity type; start is the record that you wish to start from, limit is the number of records that you would like returned, and activity type is the (optional) string representation of the activity type returned from getActivityTypes()


   try {
      $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
      $obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getActivityList(0, 1);
   } catch (Exception $objException) {
      echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

Response (not exhaustive)

stdClass Object
[results] => stdClass Object
        [activities] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [activity] => stdClass Object
                                [activityId] => 593520370
                                [activityName] => stdClass Object
                                        [value] => Untitled

                                [activityDescription] => stdClass Object
                                        [value] => 

                                [locationName] => stdClass Object
                                        [value] => 

                                [userId] => 1653429
                                [username] => [email protected]
                                [uploadDate] => stdClass Object
                                        [display] => Thu, 18 Sep 2014 1:34 PM
                                        [value] => 2014-09-18
                                        [withDay] => Thu, 18 Sep 2014
                                        [abbr] => 18 Sep 2014
                                        [millis] => 1411047273000

                                [uploadedWith] => stdClass Object
                                        [key] => garminExpressWin
                                        [display] => Garmin Express Windows
                                        [displaySingular] => Garmin Express Windows
                                        [version] =>

                                [device] => stdClass Object
                                        [key] => edge510
                                        [display] => Garmin Edge 510
                                        [displaySingular] => Garmin Edge 510
                                        [version] =>

getActivitySummary(integer $intActvityID)

Returns a stdClass object, that contains a stdClass object called activity, which contains a, and I quote, BUTT LOAD of data representative of the activity ID that you have passed in as the parameter. This activity ID can be taken from the getActivityList() response (e.g. $objResponse->results->activities[0]->activity->activityId).


try {
   $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
   $obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getActivitySummary(593520370);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
   echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();


I'm afraid that response is far too large to put here - you'll just have to execute the above and check it out for yourself!

getActivityDetails(integer $intActivityID)

If you think the previous function returned a lot of data, you had better sit down - this is a big one!

As usual, this returns a stdClass object that contains a stdClass object called "com.garmin.activity.details.json.ActivityDetails" (yep!) that contains a bunch of members and objects that represents the RAW data of your activity. As such, all of the raw exercise data is also returned (metrics). You might consider this a textual representation of GPX data, for example.

It contains an array (measurements) of stdClass objects, which are the indexes for the metric data. For example, this information shows you that metric index 3 represents the data for Temperature, and index 1 is Bike Cadence, etc.

The metric data is found in the metric array, which is a bunch of stdClass objects that contain arrays called metrics, which indexes can be found in the measurements data.

It makes sense when you see it.

Note: This method may take a while to return any data, as it can be vast.


try {
   $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
   $obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getActivityDetails(593520370);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
   echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();


No chance!

getDataFile(string $strType, integer $intActivityID)

Returns a string representation of requested data type, for the given activity ID. The first parameter is one of:

Type Returns
\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_GPX GPX as XML string
\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_TCX TCX as XML string
\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_GOOGLE_EARTH Google Earth as XML string


   try {
      $objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
      $obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getDataFile(\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_GPX, 593520370);
   } catch (Exception $objException) {
      echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

Response (Not exhaustive)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Garmin Connect" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:gpxtpx="" xmlns:gpxx="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <link href="">
         <text>Garmin Connect</text>
         <trkpt lon="-2.246061209589243" lat="53.48290401510894">