Deadline: 24 Dec, 23:00
Steps to follow:
- Creating a new .NET Core WEB API project.
- Every content about the project should be named like "NameSurname_Homework1_ProjectName".
- Creating a controller named 'BookController'.
- Creating a Book class by adding 5 properties such as Id, BookSerialNumber, BookName, Author etc.
- Creating a list and adding 6 records randomly.
- List all records with HttpPost request.
- Using FromRoute and FromQuery with HttpGet to show details of id entered with 2 different url.
- Adding a new record into list using HttpPost with FromBody.
- Update existing record with HttpPut.
- Delete a record from list with HttpDelete.
- You can code the areas that are not specified in the methods however you want.
https://localhost:44306/api/Books Request Body: { "id": {id}, "name": {bookName}, "author": {author}, "serialNumber": {serialNumber}, "price": {price} }
https://localhost:44306/api/Books Request Body: { "id": {id}, "name": {bookName}, "author": {author}, "serialNumber": {serialNumber}, "price": {price} }