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Developing Locally

mmurthydol edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 6 revisions


WEB (front-end)

  • Node JS (>6.11.4 && <= 8.0.0)
  • NPM (>5.3.0 && <= 5.3.0)

API (back-end)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
git clone ""
cd dol-whd-14c


  1. cd into DOL.WHD.Section14c-WEB
  2. checkout desired branch in git
git checkout <branch-name>
  1. edit env.js environment variables; use api_url of integration environment -- changes to this file will not effect deployment. If you add variables to this file, they will not be used in deployment. If you need to add additional environment variables that will be used in deployment, you must also edit the src/deploy/env.js file to include placeholders that can be recognized by the parameters.xml in the same directory (this env.js file should not contain any actual values, secrets, or urls).

  2. run

npm install && npm start
  1. visit https://localhost:3333 in your browser

** NOTE: use instead of console.log for development


  1. Start local db2 server
  2. Open Visual Studio solution file in DOL.WHD.Section14c.API folder
  3. Edit connection string in DOL.WHD.Section14c.API/Web.config with your username and password for db2.
  4. Build project and visit https://localhost:44399 in your browser to browse the API.