- Simple tool to enchance your performance focused on competitive gameplay.
- First you have to know that you will need an debloated driver. If you already have one you can skip and go to next section.
- Before debloating your driver uninstall the old one with Display Driver Uninstaller
- You can easly debloat your driver with tools like NVCleanInstall, NVSlimmer
- All you need is: DisplayDriver, NvContainer, PhysX and possibly HD Audio (Audio via HDMI cable) or USB Type-C Port device (Display via usb-c cable). For laptops it is recommended to add also NVIDIA Platform Controllers
- Just run the script with the administrator privelieges, select your graphic card, and enable the tweaks. All done!
- If your temperature is too high after tweaks you can simply fix this choosing the second option.
- Probably there will be no update due to that script fetching files from this repository so tweaks will always be up to date.