A docker with a master and a replica volume that are kept in sync (1-way).
Use case: resolve OSX slowness by mounting your application to the master, and the replicated volumes to nginx, fpm etc.
- /mnt/master
- /mnt/replica
See docker-compose.example.yml for an example.
Following ENV vars can be specified (i.e. in docker-compose); also see: https://axkibe.github.io/lsyncd/manual/config/layer4/ and https://ss64.com/bash/rsync_options.html.
DELAY 2 sync delay
STATUS_INTERVAL 2 status interval update
RSYNC_ARCHIVE true use rsync archive attr
RSYNC_PERMS false enable to rsync perms
RSYNC_CHMOD 777 chmods files to 777
LOG_LEVEL scarce log level, scarce (=errors only) or all
In docker compose, you can mount an exclude list like this:
- ./sync-exclude.txt:/exclude.txt:delegated
Example exclude list: