Releases: 2p2r/velobs_web
Fusion d'observations
Fonctionnalité : Permettre de fusionner des observations en ajoutant à la plus ancienne les commentaires et votes de la plus récente
Fonctionnalité : Affichage de toutes les observations dans le tableau de modération pour tous les modérateurs
Fonctionnalité : Ajout d'un critère de recherche (toutes les observations non modifiées depuis une date à spécifier)
Bug : mise à jour de la commune et du pôle dans le cas où le marqueur de l'observation est déplacé sur la carte pendant la modération
Affichage : affichage des retours à la ligne dans les champs multilignes de l'interface de modération
Affichage : ne retourne que les observations non clôturées à l'application mobile
Amélioration de l'interface d'administration
- Ajout d'un bouton sur l'interface publique pour lister les observations les plus plebiscitées par commune
- Amélioration de l'interface d'administration :
- possibilité d'ajouter une photo sur l'observation
- possibilité d'ajouter un commentaire
- ajout de la date de création de l'observation
- possibilité de configurer globalement les priorités à afficher ou non sur l'interface publique et l'interface d'administration
- correction de bug mineurs
Get and display only observations contained in the current map
This release allows to only returns the observations contained in the current map of the end user (depending on the zoom). Moving the map or zooming implied that only observations not only displayed are returned by the server. This will enhance the end user experience where the velobs instance a a huge number of observations recorded.
Correct a bug : creating an observation from the mobile app did not sent an email to the moderators
Added a script to get the top voted observations, as json, allowing to display them in an external application (as a website). It can be called at the URL : VELOBS_URL/lib/php/public/getJsonVotes.php?nb2return=x
where nb2return is the number of observations to be returned, sorted by the most voted ones.
Export observation as pdf / csv
V1_6_3 remove variable in error log that causes an error while executing it …
New functionalities
- Link a moderator to multiple poles
- add a cancel button to each filter on the maps (public and backend)
- pre-fill adress field when submitting a new observation
- html formatting email sent to submitter/moderator
- add a vote system on observations
- people can subscribe to observation modifications while voting or submitting a new comment
- add the possibility to deactivate a user / status
- update docs
V1_6_1 bug fix
bug fix :
- bug in display category with no subcategory in frontend view
- RGPD : personal data of the person who added an observation in the email sent to the person who adds a comme nt
Add the possibility to reinititalize the filters in the public and admin interfaces (regarding the status, priority)
Bug fix, test data and history functionnality
bug fix :
- bug in updating backend user information
- bug in comment count
- bug returning observations for android application
Enhancement :
- add test data to validate an install, or a new release
- update the map in the administration view
- record every change in the observation data and related comments, not yet a next release maybe
- add resource/images copy during upgrade to make it easier to update velobs for everyone
- update comment color in administration view, when the status is modified (thanks to @ldesp )
bug fixes, new filters and functionalitites, more generic and configurable
See the issues of milestone 1.5.2
- add comments directly on the administration interface, to have a global view of the observation
- add filters on the maps for comcom and pole role to make it easier their use of velobs (quick finding of new observations to be analyzed)
- import the logic of prioirty management in the database instead of include it in the source code, each association can configure the priorities to their needs, from the admin account > Priorities ( cf install.odt > 3. installation > n. Gestion des priorites ):
- change the label of the priorities
- decide which priorities can be publicly available (the corresponding observations in fact), accessible to comcom and to poles
- decide whiche priorities need a comment before the observation is switch to it...
- configure velobs telling which fields can be modified for each role, in the administration interface (cf install.odt > 3. installation > Edit key.js file)
Bug fix, code refactoring, work on admin views to make it easier to use
- For an easier maintenance of source
- some bug fix (look issues in milestone 1_5_1
- replace a column name in database specific to Toulouse with a more generic name
- added stats in the admin views
- display moderation window when clicking on an observationicon in an admin map
- display picture directly in the moderation window
- added filters in the admin maps (for every role) to make it easier to look for categorized observations
Upgrade procedure