Easily keep players from having banned items in their inventory!
By default, operator only blocks/items will be removed from inventories. You can add or remove items with /contraband
enabled: true
# How often players' inventories will be checked for contraband.
minutes-between-checks: 2
no-permissions: "&7[&c✖&7] &cYou do not have permission to run this command."
detect: "&7[&c✖&7] &cContraband was detected and removed."
invalid: "&7[&c✖&7] &cInvalid item. Please provide a valid item ID."
add: "&7[&c✖&7] &a%item% is now contraband."
remove: "&7[&c✖&7] &c%item% is no longer contraband."
usage: "&7[&c✖&7] /contraband <add/remove/toggle>"
enable: "&7[&c✖&7] &aContraband will now be removed from players."
disable: "&7[&c✖&7] &cContraband will no longer be removed from players."