Releases: 3DCP-TUe/SaladSlicer
Releases · 3DCP-TUe/SaladSlicer
Salad Slicer v0.5.0
- Added the option to enable/disable tangential control in printer the settings.
- Added the interpolate curves component.
If you use Rhino 7 or higher, please use the Package Manager to install Salad Slicer.
Salad Slicer v0.4.2
- Corrected a contour and frame alternation issue in the open planar mesh slicer.
If you use Rhino 7 or higher, please use the Package Manager to install Salad Slicer.
Salad Slicer v0.4.1
- Fixed a bug in the data tree structure of the output of the Get Frames, Get Curvatures, Get Distances Along Contours and Get Distances to Previous Contours components.
If you use Rhino 7 or higher, please use the Package Manager to install Salad Slicer.
Salad Slicer v0.4.0
- Added the Get Distances Along Path component.
- Added the Tween Curves components.
- Added the File Path component.
- Added the Surface Contour Mapping component
- Added components to create round and rectangular nozzles.
- Added a visualization of the whole path (as a curve) to the Program Generator.
- Changed the input parameter of the Add Variable component from numbers to text.
- Reworked the Get Path components: made one component of the three separate components.
- Updated the RhinoCommon API to RH6.
If you use Rhino 7 or higher, please use the Package Manager to install Salad Slicer.
Salad Slicer v0.3.0
- Separated the plugin into two projects: The SaladSlicer library (SaladSlicer.dll) and the Grasshopper interface (SaladSlicer.Gh.gha)
- Added program types (Sinumerik, Marlin)
- Added the Set Temperature component
- Added the Add Variable component
- Added the Seam at Closest Plane Intersection component
- Added the Printer Settings component
- Added the Curve Transitions slicer component
- Added the Open Planar Mesh slicer component
- Added the Get Curvatures component
- Added the Get Distances Along Curvers component
- Added the Get Distances To Previous Contours component
- Added the cast from the Grasshopper Geometry Group to the Program Group parameter
- Added new bugs (sorry)
- Fixed a bug in the duplicate method of the Program Group
If you use Rhino 7 or higher, please use the Package Manager to install Salad Slicer.
Salad Slicer v0.2.0
- Added the Align Seams Along Curve component
- Renamed the Align Seams component to Align Seams by Closest Point
- Improved the GetFramesByCurvature method by adding the SortFramesAlongCurve method
- Improved the behavior of the align curves method and component
- Improved and renamed the CutTransitionEnd method. Renamed it to TrimCurveFromEnds
- Improved the performance of the MergeCurves method
- Improved/reworked the interpolate transitions method
- Fixed the issue that the start of the curve domain was not equal to zero when the seam location was changed
- Small fixes and improvements: typos, removed unnecessary duplicate curve methods, etc.
Salad Slicer v0.1.0
First release