Testing solving the Poisson equation using iterative solvers
is written in modern Fortran and depends on MPI
and PETSc
A CMake
build system is used, this should pick up your MPI
compilers automatically, however to
find PETSc
you should set PKG_CONFIG_PATH
to point to the PETSc
package configuration
directory, e.g.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PETSC_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}
The poissbox
build can then be configured and run by executing
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build/
which should build the executable build/bin/poissbox
The executable should run, printing how many ranks it is running on, followed by a "Hello world!" message from each rank, and the distribution of DoF between ranks (currently hardcoded as 64x64x64) e.g.
$ mpirun -np 3 ./build/bin/poissbox
Running poissbox on 3 ranks
Hello from 0
Hello from 1
Hello from 2
Rank 0 has 90112 of 262144 expected: 262144
Rank 1 has 86016 of 262144 expected: 262144
Rank 2 has 86016 of 262144 expected: 262144
this confirms that no errors occur when initialising the PETSc
data structures.
Running the poissbox_demo
executable as above will run with the PETSc
default linear
solver/preconditioner combination.
A better solver and preconditioner for Poisson problems is multigrid-preconditioned conjugate
gradient, this can be selected at runtime
$ mpirun -np 4 ./build/bin/poissbox_demo -ksp_type cg -pc_type gamg -mg_coarse_sub_pc_type svd \
-mg_levels_ksp_rtol 1.0e-4 -mg_levels_ksp_type richardson -mg_levels_pc_type sor
where the first 2 options set the linear solver and preconditioner, the rest are recommended
customisations of the multigrid preconditioner from PETSc
that have also been found effective here.
The tolerance can be controlled by setting -ksp_rtol
, additional information on the linear solver
can be printed by adding -ksp_monitor -ksp_converged_reason