cd /path/to/ScriptKidAgent/agentlib
pip install -e .
cd /path/to/ScriptKidAgent
pip install -e .
You should ensure that there is metasploit and nmap are in the host machine. The more pre-installed tools are in the host, the better performance scriptkid can achieve (just like a real scriptkid)! For example, curl and searchsploit are recommended.
scriptkid --ip_segment [ip_segment]
for example,
scriptkid --ip_segment
docker build -t scriptkid:latest .
docker run --name scrikptkid \
-it --rm \
--pull never --privileged \
--network pentest \
--env-file=.env \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \
- metasploitable2
# create docker network for metasploitable2
docker network create --subnet= --gateway= scriptkid
docker pull tleemcjr/metasploitable2
docker run --network=pentest --ip -h victim -d --rm --name metasploitable2 tleemcjr/metasploitable2
#docker run --network=pentest --ip -h victim3 -d --rm --name metasploitable3 heywoodlh/vulnerable
# check ip
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' metasploitable2
- metasploitable3
# metasploitable3 with vagrant
cd metasploitable3-workspace
vagrant up
# test
nmap # should be able to see the open ports now
You can use the ip to replace the ip_segment
scriptkid --ip_segment # for metasploitable2
scriptkid --ip_segment # for metasploitable3
# in metasploitable
# run ifconfig to get the ip address
# use the ip address to replace the ip
Then run
python -m unittest discover tests