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Version 2.3 (read commit description)
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Added new command: !unfriend profileid. Added !eval command. Fixed error that occured when accepting a friend request. Fixed date in logger function. Changed date color to improve visibility. Added option to disable message logging in the config. Added notice if config owner values are not setup. Removed myself from config if the bot is not running on my pc. Fixed a few other bugs and changed a few minor things.
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3urobeat committed Feb 20, 2020
1 parent 4370c5c commit 7cd1deb
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Showing 4 changed files with 117 additions and 63 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Open `config.json` with a text editor. You can customize the values below `versi
| status | [Status Codes]( | Sets your status. (Online, Busy etc.) |
| commentdelay | Number in ms | Adds a delay between each comment to prevent a cooldown from steam. Default: 5000
| logindelay | Number in ms | Adds a delay between each login when the bot is started to prevent a cooldown from steam. Default: 2500
| logcommandusage | true or false | Enables or disables the logging of every command usage by a user in the console. Commenting will still be logged. |
| allowcommentcmdusage | true or false | Allows other users to use the !comment command or restrict it to the owner. **ownerid needs to be set in config!**
| commentcooldown | Number in min | Applies this cooldown in minutes to every user who used the !comment command to prevent spam. Set to 0 to disable cooldown. Default: 5
| globalcommentcooldown | Number in ms | Applies this cooldown in milliseconds to every comment command usage to prevent getting a cooldown from steam. The user specific commentcooldown will still be applied. Set to 0 to disable. |
Expand All @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Open `config.json` with a text editor. You can customize the values below `versi
| botsgroupid | "group64id" | [How do I get this ID?]( The main bot will send a group invite to all other bots. Disable this feature by leaving the brackets empty (like this: ""). |
| acceptgroupinvites | true or false | Defines if the bots will accept group invites from other users. A group invite from the main bot will always be accepted. |
| owner | "link to my profile" | Advertise your own profile with the !owner command. Leave it empty (like this: "") to disable the command. |
| ownerid | ["profile id1", "id2"] | Needs to be set to set allowcommentcmdusage to false and to be able to use the `profileid` argument in the !comment command. Add more ids to allow multiple users the usage. |
| ownerid | ["profile id1", "id2"] | Needs to be set to enable different bot owner only features. You can set multiple ids like in the example to have multiple owners. |

Open `quotes.txt` with a text editor. You can add as many quotes as you want, line by line. **Don't leave an empty line anywhere in this file!**
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70 changes: 49 additions & 21 deletions bot.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {
const usedcommentrecently = new Set(); //user specific cooldown
var commentedrecently = false; //global cooldown for the comment command

if (config.mode === 1) var thisbot = `Bot ${loginindex}`
else var thisbot = "Main"
var thisbot = `Bot ${loginindex}`
if (config.mode === 2 && loginindex === 0) var thisbot = "Main"

/* ------------ Login & Events: ------------ */
var loggedininterval = setInterval(() => { //set an interval to check if previous acc is logged on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,16 +77,18 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {

/* ------------ Message interactions: ------------ */
bot.on('friendMessage', function(steamID, message) {
if (config.logcommandusage) logger(`[${thisbot}] Friend message from ${new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64()}: ${message}`); //log message
if (loginindex === 0 || config.mode === 1) { //check if this is the main bot or if mode 1 is set
var cont = message.slice("!").split(" ");
var args = cont.slice(1);
switch(cont[0].toLowerCase()) {
case '!help':
if (config.owner.length > 1) var ownertext = "\nType '!owner' to check out my owner's profile!"; else var ownertext = "";
if (config.yourgroup.length > 1) var yourgrouptext = "\n\nJoin my '!group'"; else var yourgrouptext = "";
if (config.mode === 1) {
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Type '!comment' for a free comment!\nType '!ping' for a pong!\nType '!resetcooldown' to clear your cooldown if you are the botowner.\nType '!about' for credit (botcreator).${ownertext}${yourgrouptext}`)
} else {
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Type '!comment number_of_comments profileid' for X many comments. profileid is botowner only.\nType '!ping' for a pong!\nType '!resetcooldown' to clear your cooldown if you are the botowner.\nType '!about' for credit (botcreator).${ownertext}${yourgrouptext}`)
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Type '!comment number_of_comments profileid' for X many comments. profileid is botowner only.\nType '!ping' for a pong!\nType '!resetcooldown' to clear your cooldown if you are the botowner.\nType '!unfriend profileid' to unfriend this user from the bot if you are the botowner.\nType '!eval javascript code' to run javascript code from the steam chat. Botowner only.\nType '!about' for credit (botcreator).${ownertext}${yourgrouptext}`)
case '!comment':
Expand All @@ -100,7 +102,6 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Someone else requested a comment in the last ${config.globalcommentcooldown}ms. Please wait a moment.`) //send error message
return; }}

var args = cont.slice(1);
if (args[0] !== undefined) {
if (isNaN(args[0])) //isn't a number?
return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This is not a valid number!\nCommand usage: '!comment number_of_comments profileid' (profileid only available for botowner)")
Expand All @@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {

if (config.mode === 2) {
if (numberofcomments === undefined) { //no number given? ask again
if (Object.keys(start.botobject).length === 1) { var numberofcomments = 1 } else { //if only one account is active, set 1 automatically
if (Object.keys(start.botobject).length === 1 && config.allowcommentcmdusage === true) { var numberofcomments = 1 } else { //if only one account is active, set 1 automatically
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Please specify how many comments out of ${Object.keys(start.communityobject).length} you want to get.\nCommand usage: '!comment number_of_comments'`)
Expand All @@ -128,27 +129,29 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {

//actual comment process:
community.getSteamUser(bot.steamID, (err, user) => { //check if acc is limited and if yes if requester is on friendlist
if(user.isLimitedAccount && !Object.keys(bot.myFriends).includes(new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "You have to send me a friend request before I can comment on your profile!")})
if (err) { return logger("comment check acc is limited and friend error: " + err) }
if (user.isLimitedAccount && !Object.keys(bot.myFriends).includes(new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "You have to send me a friend request before I can comment on your profile!")})
community.getSteamUser(steamID, (err, user) => { //check if profile is private
if(user.privacyState !== "public") return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "Your profile seems to be private. Please edit your privacy settings on your profile and try again!") });
if (err) { return logger("comment check for private account error: " + err) }
if (user.privacyState !== "public") return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "Your profile seems to be private. Please edit your privacy settings on your profile and try again!") });

var randomstring = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
var comment = randomstring(start.quotes); //get random quote

community.postUserComment(steamID, comment, (error) => { //post comment
if(error !== null) { bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Oops, an error occured! Details: \n[${thisbot}] postUserComment error: ${error}`); logger(`[${thisbot}] postUserComment error: ${error}`); return; }
if(error) { bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Oops, an error occured! Details: \n[${thisbot}] postUserComment error: ${error}`); logger(`[${thisbot}] postUserComment error: ${error}`); return; }

logger(`[${thisbot}] ${numberofcomments} Comment(s) on ${new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64()}: ${comment}`)
if (config.mode === 1 || Object.keys(start.communityobject).length === 1) bot.chatMessage(steamID, 'Okay I commented on your profile! If you are a nice person then leave a +rep on my profile!')
if (numberofcomments == 1) bot.chatMessage(steamID, 'Okay I commented on your profile! If you are a nice person then leave a +rep on my profile!')
else {
var waittime = (Object.keys(logininfo).length * config.commentdelay) / 1000 //calculate estimated wait time if mode is 2
var waittime = (numberofcomments * config.commentdelay) / 1000 //calculate estimated wait time if mode is 2
var waittimeunit = "seconds"
if (waittime > 120) { var waittime = waittime / 60; var waittimeunit = "minutes" }
if (waittime > 120) { var waittime = waittime / 60; var waittimeunit = "hours" }
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Estimated wait time for ${Object.keys(logininfo).length} comments: ${Number(Math.round(waittime+'e'+3)+'e-'+3)} ${waittimeunit}.`)
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Estimated wait time for ${numberofcomments} comments: ${Number(Math.round(waittime+'e'+3)+'e-'+3)} ${waittimeunit}.`)

start.commenteverywhere(steamID) //Let all other accounts comment if mode 2 is activated
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `The other ${Object.keys(logininfo).length} comments should follow with a delay of ${config.commentdelay}ms.`) }
start.commenteverywhere(steamID, numberofcomments) //Let all other accounts comment if mode 2 is activated
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `The other ${numberofcomments} comments should follow with a delay of ${config.commentdelay}ms.`) }

//Adds the user to the set so that they can't use the command for a minute
if (config.commentcooldown !== 0) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +203,32 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {
if (config.owner.length > 1) var ownertext = config.owner; else var ownertext = "anonymous (no owner link provided)";
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `This bot was created by 3urobeat.\nGitHub: \nSteam: \nDisclaimer: I (the developer) am not responsible and cannot be held liable for any action the operator/user of this bot uses it for.\n\nThis instance of the bot is used and operated by: ${ownertext}`)
case '!unfriend':
if (!config.ownerid.includes(new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This command is only available for the botowner.\nIf you are the botowner, make sure you added your ownerid to the config.json.")
if (isNaN(args[0])) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This is not a valid profileid! A profile id must look like this: 76561198260031749")
if (new SteamID(args[0]).isValid() === false) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This is not a valid profileid! A profile id must look like this: 76561198260031749")
Object.keys(start.botobject).forEach((i) => {
if (start.botobject[i].myFriends[new SteamID(args[0])] === 3) { //check if provided user is really a friend
start.botobject[i].removeFriend(new SteamID(args[0])) }})
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Removed friend ${args[0]} from all bots.`)
case '!eval':
if (!config.ownerid.includes(new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())) return bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This command is only available for the botowner.\nIf you are the botowner, make sure you added your ownerid to the config.json.")
const clean = text => {
if (typeof(text) === "string") return text.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203)).replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203));
else return text; }

try {
const code = args.join(" ");
let evaled = eval(code);
if (typeof evaled !== "string")
evaled = require("util").inspect(evaled);

bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Code executed. Result:\n\n${clean(evaled)}`)
} catch (err) {
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `Error:\n${clean(err)}`);
return; }
default: //cmd not recognized
bot.chatMessage(steamID, "I don't know that command. Type !help for more info.") }
} else {
Expand All @@ -210,28 +239,27 @@ = async (logOnOptions, loginindex) => {
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `This bot was created by 3urobeat.\nGitHub: \nSteam: \nDisclaimer: I (the developer) am not responsible and cannot be held liable for any action the operator/user of this bot uses it for.\n\nThis instance of the bot is used and operated by: ${ownertext}`)
bot.chatMessage(steamID, "This is one account running in a bot cluster.\nPlease add the main bot and send him a !help message.\nIf you want to check out what this is about, type: !about")
bot.chatMessage(steamID, `This is one account running in a bot cluster.\nPlease add the main bot (Profile ID: ${new SteamID(start.botobject[0].steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64()}) and send him a !help message.\nIf you want to check out what this is about, type: !about`)
logger(`[${thisbot}] Friend message from ${new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64()}: ${message}`); //log message

//Accept Friend & Group requests/invites
bot.on('friendRelationship', (steamid, relationship) => {
bot.on('friendRelationship', (steamID, relationship) => {
if (relationship === 2) {
logger(`[${thisbot}] Added User: ` + new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())
bot.chatMessage(steamid, 'Hello there! Thanks for adding me!\nRequest a free comment with !comment\nType !help for more info!');
bot.chatMessage(steamID, 'Hello there! Thanks for adding me!\nRequest a free comment with !comment\nType !help for more info!');

bot.on('groupRelationship', (steamid, relationship) => {
bot.on('groupRelationship', (steamID, relationship) => {
if (relationship === 2) {
if (config.acceptgroupinvites !== true) { //check if group accept is false
if (config.botsgroupid.length < 1) return;
if (new SteamID(steamid.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64() !== config.botsgroupid) { return; }} //check if group id is bot group
if (new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64() !== config.botsgroupid) { return; }} //check if group id is bot group

bot.respondToGroupInvite(steamid, true)
bot.respondToGroupInvite(steamID, true)
logger(`[${thisbot}] Accepted group invite: ` + new SteamID(steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()).getSteamID64())
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions config.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
"version": "2.2",
"version": "2.3",

"mode": 2,
"status": 1,
"commentdelay": 5000,
"logindelay": 2500,
"logcommandusage": true,
"allowcommentcmdusage": true,
"commentcooldown": 5,
"globalcommentcooldown": 5000,
"unfriendtime": 0.0001,
"unfriendtime": 31,
"playinggames": ["!help | 3urobeat", 440, 730],
"yourgroup": "",
"yourgroup64id": "103582791464712227",
"botsgroupid": "103582791464712227",
"botsgroupid": "",
"acceptgroupinvites": true,
"owner": "",
"ownerid": ["76561198982470768", "76561198260031749"]
"owner": "",
"ownerid": ["76561198260031749"]

0 comments on commit 7cd1deb

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