feat: It is now possible to have a custom mapper.
Resource now accepts an configuration object, which can contain a
custom mapper. With the custom mapper it is possible to dynamically
add properties and to convert them.
For example:
class Pokeball extends makeResource<Pokeball>({
baseUrl: '/api/pokeball',
mapper: pokeballMapper,
}) {
public id?: number;
In the actual JSON response pokemon is simply an object.
But our custom mapper makes sure it will also get mapped.
public pokemon!: Pokemon;
Does not really exist on the back-end but is filled by the
custom mapper.
public retrievedAt!: Date;
function pokeballMapper(json: any, Class: { new (): Pokeball }): Pokeball {
const pokeball = makeInstance(Class, json);
/* Add a completely new field */
pokeball.retrievedAt = new Date();
/* Make the fetched pokemon an actual instance of Pokemon */
pokeball.pokemon = makeInstance(Pokemon, pokeball.pokemon);
return pokeball;