The 4534 Wired Wizards WIP code for the FRC 2016 Competition
In order to import this code using Eclipse, go to the menu bar of Eclipse and click File, then Import.... In the window that opens up, navigate to Git, then to Projects from Git, then Clone URI. In the window that next opens, copy the URI
into the field marked URI:. If asked to log in, log into the GitHub account that is affiliated with the 4534-WiredWizards. Select both branches, then specify which directory you'd like to save it in (the default should be fine).
In order to run the robot code, open file explore and locate the JDK root directory (default is C:\Program Files\Java\jdkversion_number_here). Copy this path and open eclipse. Navigate to the windows tab then click on preferences. In this window there will be a tab on the side called java with an arrow pointing toward it. Click on the arrow and then click installed JREs. Click on the JRE and click edit, Paste the path location you copied earlier into JRE Home and rename it. You should be good to go.