is used to Stable Diffusion - Image to Prompts, and now is 237/1231. Public Score 0.58145, Private Score 0.57859.
- data_output save the output.
- temp_test just for test, useless.
- test_models use different pretrain models to generate the prompts.
- is find best weighted to combine the feature.
- main.ipynb is the upload code.
- Generate the images from prompts by using stable diffusion.
- Train our ViT model through the dataset.
- Fine-tuning pretrain BLIP CLIP OFA model through the dataset.
- Using data augementation methods at predict time.
- Using a feature combination method to enhance the score. (Weighted accumulation ✅, MLP[TODO])
And other public notes & codes from kaggle, click this to find more.
@misc{stable-diffusion-image-to-prompts, author = {Ashley Chow, inversion, Will Cukierski}, title = {Stable Diffusion - Image to Prompts}, publisher = {Kaggle}, year = {2023}, url = {} }