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Built-w/-Astro-Badge Vercel-Badge

The avatar image used everywhere by 4lch4 across. A chibi-esque drawing of himself drinking Monster.

This repository is home to the codebase for my personal website/homepage,

How It's Made

The following list details the various components/tools that were used to create the website:

  1. First and foremost, the site is built using the Astro framework.
  2. I started with the Portfolio template provided by the Astro team.
    1. I found this template to be the closest to what I wanted my site to be like and so I started with it.
    2. I made a number of changes to the template to make it more personal and to better suit my needs so it's not exactly the same as the original template.
  3. FontAwesome is used for icons.
    1. The template started off with some weird method of storing the icons as an SVG string in an object which was then used to render the icons.
    2. This method was beyond annoying to work with and so I replaced it with FontAwesome icons.
  4. It's deployed and hosted by Vercel.
    1. Originally I was going to deploy it using GitHub Pages but I wanted to get access to the features (speed-insights, analytics, etc.) provided by Vercel.


My homepage on the internet, built with Astro.







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