Lua Client for AMQP 0.9.1, while this has been tested only with RabbitMQ it should work with any other AMQP 0.9.1 broker.
This library is a fork of :
This library can be used with LuaJIT and does not have to be used only in OpenResty.
This fork contains the code that is missing in the original library and some additions:
- Decode all AMQP packets
- Support SSL
- Examples on how to use this library.
- Removed not working bitopers.lua, also not needed for my use case.
- Automatic installation of most dependencies.
- LuaJIT >= 2.1
- busted 2.0 (Testing framework)
- luabitop (if you are using lua 5.1)
Please look at the example directory instead.
- lua inspect is needed by the example, though you are of course free not to use it and remove it.
luarocks install inspect
luarocks install lua-resty-uuid
luarocks install argparse