Quickly assess the impact climate change has had on a recent date of your choosing, based on historic data collected from 1956 to 2022 at Hobart Airport. You can use sample data in the repository or generate new data by accessing the monthly reports of temperature data and downloading the .xlsx file from the Bureau of Meteorology here: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/data/index.shtml?bookmark=136&zoom=3&lat=-41.692&lon=146.4035&layers=B00000TFFFFFFFTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTT&dp=IDC10002-d
This small program is my first python project and has been put together in a 3 hour time period as a short proof of concept. The program uses the attached excel spreadsheets as the database and executes analysis from that data. Run open.py from the command line to interface with the program.
Requirements: pip install openpyxl