A cli tool, that helps me automate shit on server, at least that's the idea.
$bash /home/ubuntu > smg
smg [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
dbDump dbDump filename.sql
decrypt Decrypts string/file
encrypt Encrypts string/file
gen Generate the hash from string/file
gen Generate the hash from string/file
genkeys Generates RSA key pair
help Help about any command
lump lump nginx mysql php
verify Verify the hash from string/file
-h, --help help for smg
Use "smg [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- lump
- dbDump
- decrypt
- encrypt
- gen
- verify
lump allows you to install a few req. tools without looking into docs.
- Php ( php7.4 , php7.3 , php7.2 )
- Mysql ( mysql )
- Nginx ( nginx )