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This page contains a structured selection of references, which can or have been used for modelling this FlightGear Mirage 2000. In general it is rather hard to get good data and even pictures for modern French fighters.
Ref: Salvador Mafé Huertas, 1996; Schiffer Military History; ISBN: 0-7643-0168-3; 208 pages
- p. 200: Picture of M2000-5 with all its weapons (picture by Dassault) - including amongst others the MATRA ARAMAT and rocket pods.
- p. 205: Illustration of the (Mirage IIIE) Cyrano Ilbis radar air-to-ground sweep as well as the Cyrano Ilbis radar blind penetration mode.
- p. 206: Illustration of Mirage IIIE level bombing and toss bombing.
Ref: Duke Hawkins, 2017?; HMH Publications; HMH-DH-003; ISBN: 978-2-9602488-2-1; 108 pages
- In general: High resolution and high detail photos of all parts for the Mirage - and all models.
- Very few cockpit pictures - and instruments are not turned on.
- Very few weapons pictures - and only a minor selection.
Ref: John Lekkas, 2023; Eagle Aviation; ISBN 978-618-85165-3-3; 124 pages
- In general: Tells the story (in Greek and English) of the Hellenic Air Force 331 squadron "Theseus" and their use of the Mirage 2000-5 Mk2.
- Quite a few high resolution cockpit and weapons pictures.
- Cockpit pictures: p. 9, 52 (not turned on)
- Instrument pictures: p. 25/81/88/89 (turned on - by night), p. 80 (turned on - by night backseat), p.88 (high resolution VTM)
- HUD pictures (guns against F-16): p. 1/5/43/102
Ref: Alexandre Paringaux, 2017: Zéphyr Editions; "5"; ISBN 978-2-36118-249-6; 179 pages
- HUD pictures: p. 7, 68 (simulator)
- VTB pictures: p. 68 (simulator)
- VTM pictures: p. 71 (plus all other instruments in high resolution - but probably simulator)
- Picture of leg tablet: p. 66/67
Ref: Alexandre Paringaux, 2013: Zéphyr Editions; "1"; ISBN 978-2-36118-122-2; 80 pages
- Picture of leg tablet: p. 57
Ref: Alexandre Paringaux, 2013; Zéphyr Editions; ISBN 978-2-36118-116-1; 144 pages
- A number of pictures of different weapon configurations - and some close-ups
- p. 75: some instruments on the simulator consoles
- p. 82: front cockpit by night with instruments running (in simulator)
- p. 84: back cockpit by night with instruments running (in simulator)
- p. 107: front cockpit of crashed plane
Ref: Alexandre Paringaux, 2016; Zéphyr Editions; "4"; ISBN 978-2-36118-211-3
- Many weapon configurations - also conventional weapons (p. 94 & 96/97 4 GBU-12
- p. 111: night illuminated front cockpit with working VTB (in simulator)
- p. 62: picture of leg tablet
Ref: Alexandre Paringaux, 2015; Zéphyr Editions; "3"; ISBN 978-2-36118-168-0
- p. 4: picture of front cockpit 2000N by night illuminated (simulator)
Ref: Frédéric Lert; Les Matériels de l'Armée de l'Air et de l'Aéronaval; Histoire & Collections; ISBN 978-2-35250-253-1
- p. 7: cockpit view of the front panel. Shows amongst others the 4 stripes indication of not working screens and the possibility to repeat the VTM radar screen on the VTB. And good view on the lower left panel with the 3*6 button table. The buttons are blue when illuminated, but not much.
- Detailed description with lots of pictures of all current at that time variants and all user countries.
- Quite a few pictures of weapons - some of which are not used any more.
- p.60: instruments view of M-2000C and M-2000-5 (not very good resolution).
Retrieved as "The RDY Radar Program" translation for requester NAIC/TAEA (National Air Intelligence Center), document control number: NAIC-98-0124, translation number: NAIC-ID(RD)T-0124-98 from internet.
Armée de l'Air et de l'Éspace:
- Mirage 2000D: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/air/nos-aeronefs/nos-avions/mirage-2000
- Mirage 2000-5F: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/air/nos-aeronefs/nos-avions/mirage-2000-5f
- Air Actualités: https://www.calameo.com/accounts/14334
- YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9tdrNLs9QpsFZI050UARkQ
- Escadron de Chasse 1/2 "Cigognes": https://www.gc1-2cigognes.fr/
- Wikipedia FR: Liste des escadres AdlA
- Forum thread: Mirage 2000 RDM/RDI/RDY Radars and other avionics
- Blog post: quite a few details on systems and weapons with pictures
Ref: www.11aviation.com; 87 minutes; Greek language / no subtitles
- File 05-3
- 21:05 minutes: HUD on ground
- File 05-4
- 2:33 min: HUD on ground/take-off
- 5:13 - 07:50: (ditto)
- 10:00: HUD landing
- 11:00: HUD with seeker
Ref: Hellenic Air Force Yearbook; Airutopia, David Maxwell; 2012 Special Projects; ca. 1 hour; mostly English with Greek subtitles.
- File 01_1:
- 5:58: Roll-rate = 270 degs / second
- 7:09: HUD
- 27:45/28:21/20:03-29:24: target in HUD
- File 01_2:
- 16:20: startup with engine gauge instrument
- 18:00: weapons page display
- 19:14: attitude page display
- 19:21: VTB tactical display
- 19:30: Navigation page display
- File 01_3:
- 10:01 / 11:04: Backseater HUD
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoVsmaIs_pU
- At around 9 minutes for ca. 2 minutes: live images of the 5 screens
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5ZwYXixT28
- At around 6 minutes for ca. 1 minutes (and also before and after) close-up pictures of the CC422 gun-pod
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDCxWEynbu4
- At around 21:30 for ca. 15 seconds live pictures left MFD (in simulator)
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFHF9j_LvPk
- From around 29-41 minutes (with interruptions): walk-through of the cockpit, which gives a good insight into the French terms used.
- Some live footage of HUD here and there.