For individuals who are hard of hearing
data/: This directory contains subdirectories for storing raw audio files, processed data, and a CSV file containing labeled data. Raw audio files can be organized into subdirectories based on categories (for example speech, background noise, alarms), and processed data can include feature representations of audio files.
- src/: This directory contains Python scripts for different components of the project, such as data preprocessing, model architecture, model training, and model evaluation. Each script focuses on a specific aspect of the project and can be executed independently.
models/: This directory is used for saving trained models in a serialized format . It stores the trained model file that can be loaded for inference or further analysis
requirements.txt: This text file contains a list of project dependencies, including Python packages and their versions. It helps ensure that the project can be reproduced on different environments by installing the required dependencies.
README. md: This Markdown file serves as the project's README, providing an overview of the project, its objectives, folder structure, and instructions for setting up and running the project.