Releases: A3Antistasi/antistasi-1.x
Thanks to the whole community for this: IrLED, Sparker, Triada, Alex_lat, Nemesti for spending time on the code, and everyone who play on our server and reporting patiently my mistakes. A lot more can and has to be done, however i can't wait longer for steam release, make community bigger and possibly have more help to keep this thing improving! Sincerely, Stef
- Spanish Translation by @Nemesti 72e288a
- Russian Translation (Thanks @AlexTriada and Russian community!)
- Direct Add recruited AI to Garrison (Ymenu, AI management, AddGarrison) selected units will move and garrison the selected marker, by @Barbolani77 mported from WotP: 692762a
- Added parameters 07da116
- INIDBI2 and normal save possibility to export/import from Parameters (MP Only by now)
- Map: improved locations, predefined position for vehicles spawning with gunner inside,
- Add backpacks, icons, boat
- Added information on AI spawned on action "Map Info" at HQ map.
- Added Sa.vz as seconday weapon
- Multiplayer autoload the previous-save unless specified differently in parameters (admin can click it in role selection before starting the mission) 4b83074
- Add MapInfo to garrison Flag to check if Statics are successfully placed (on capture this might not display, will fix)
- Y menu - Commander menu - Details: let you reinit ACE medical gears in case you switch from basic to advanced or vice-versa.
- game start at 1 June instead of 6 (better to keep tracking of time flowing)
- weather will start clear and rised to 40% of forecast
- disable smokecover eventhandler (eating performances
- Reduced CIV traveldistance
- Enemy Outposts just retaken by them won't show static MGs again
- RHS good Anti-Air, no more base breaking because of spraying against building
- Tweaked Camp Crate contents: smgs and buckshots 055e9f0
- Slightly reduced amount of units in airport and bases
- AAF attack force the garrison spawning.
- Increase spawn on road check distance to 500m, build HQ warning if >500m from Roads, prevent spending for reinforcements if HQ >500m from road. e20b46e
- Robustness of FIA garrison and Static guns: they hardly flip over, garrison use them properly (still garrison can't use them if the gunner is killed in action)
- Mission vehicle spwan robustness
- NATO AirAssault fixed and reworked
- CSAT Punishment, don't piss CSAT off too much, they'll destroy towns for real.
- Improved ACE medical detection 0012c20
- organize spawn/despawn & win/loose conditions added lifestate check
- Code organization improvement
- Updated AdvancedTowing by Seth Duda
- Fix QRF and vehicle insta-despawn on killing driver
- Fix PlayerMapMarker: incognito visible, in hardmode = no downed visible
- Fixed Roadblock exploit 6f9eb37
- Fix spawner 717cdc3
- Fixed unmanning static AT from garrison after a load game
- genroadpatrol fix
- CSAT punishment majorfix
- Fixed duplication FIA units (thanks Sparker)
- Airdrop lower height = Better chance of survive
- Fixed empty tank spawn in FIA airport
- Fix NATO Armor
- Fix NATO crate blank item
- Fix AAF Attack
- Fix player teleported to default pos
- added atropine to aceadvancedmedical list
- Fix Devin, he's really crazy, beware of any abuse.
- Fix Refund HR for recruited FIA units
- Fix RHS Kamaz - now can load boxes
- Removed RadioComms info from Map, no longer useful
- Logoffski fix #160
- Fixed duplicating personal gear
- JNA lag when adding quickly several of the same item
loading a savegame from version older than 1.7.17H.rc5 cause game freezing when entering garage.
To fix and keep saved game, load the game and BEFORE you enter garage, press escape and Global Exec the code below. Vehicles will appear with 5% of fuel (0.05). After that perform persistent save.
if(count _x < 13)then{
_x set[11,0.05];
_x set[12,0.05];
}forEach _x;
}forEach jng_vehicleList;
- UPSMon and thread generator tweaking: ef7c68e 7197cd7 d069ffc 9d1efb5 e2143d6 0dff742 3fe43db 2e7e4dc
- Fuel scarcity #53
- Stationary vehicle with gunner in enemy base&airport #106
- Admin menu: Toggle displayed names on map #101 and #105
- Improved Logistic missions and IDAP integration (DLC not required) #45
- Changed NATO resupply #109
- Fixed lantern duplication at HQ and despawn of boxes (mission and ammo ones) #66
- Garage / Store inventory #127
1.7.17H.rc6 - Garrison duplications
this release introduces some savegame incompatibility with saved games from versions older than 1.7.17.rc5.
To convert the saved game, after it is loaded but BEFORE you enter garage, run this script globally from debug console. Vehicles will appear with 30% of fuel (03). After that perform persistent save to store the game in new format.
if(count _x < 13)then{
_x set[11,0.3];
_x set[12,0.05];
}forEach _x;
}forEach jng_vehicleList;
1.7.17H.rc5 - Fixes
this release introduces some savegame incompatibility with saved games from previous versions.
To convert the saved game, after it is loaded but BEFORE you enter garage, run this script globally from debug console. Vehicles will appear with 5% of fuel (0.05). After that perform persistent save to store the game in new format.
if(count _x < 13)then{
_x set[11,0.05];
_x set[12,0.05];
}forEach _x;
}forEach jng_vehicleList;
- UPSMON leader group reassignement if missing.
- Garage and Store items
- Nato Resupply
- Fuel Scarcity: also garage save fuel and fuelcargo + ACE detection.
1.7.17H.rc4 - optimizations
Some optimizations are done: threads management, array operations. Hopefully that should improve AI performance.
RELEASE 1.7.17H.rc3