gitd is a Git daemon for ACM class purposes.
- git push/pull via http(s) (not ssh, since inbound ssh connections are blocked outside SJTU campus network)
- create and delete repo via API
- per-repo disk quota
- for OJ web interface:
- embeddable lightweight web browsing of repos
- get a list of branches via API
- make tags via API
- limit creation of certain tags
- for userpage: serving selected repos via http
| port |
| +----+ | git files /srv/git/repos
| | +-+--------------------> git-http-backend (via fcgiwrap)
| | 80 | | |
| | +-+--------------------> cgit (via fcgiwrap) | call
| +----+ | non-git files v
| nginx | git hooks
| +----+ | update on push |
| | 81 +-+----> /srv/gitd/serve <-------------------------+
| +----+ | |
| | v
| +----+ | repo database
| | 82 +-+----> API server (via gunicorn) --> /srv/gitd/gitd.db
| +----+ | /opt/gitd
echo 'username:{PLAIN}randomlygeneratedapikey' > htpasswd
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Please reverse-engineer src/gitd/