Welcome to the Stopwatch Application! This project is a responsive stopwatch built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to start, pause, and reset a timer with a sleek and interactive user interface.
- Start, Pause, Reset functionality.
- Live background video for a modern design.
- Fully responsive layout that adapts to all screen sizes.
- Smooth hover effects for buttons.
- Optimized for performance with minimal code redundancy.
The project consists of three main files:
- index.html: Contains the structure and layout of the stopwatch.
- style.css: Includes all the styles for the design and responsiveness.
- watch.js: Implements the stopwatch functionality.
- CSS3 (with responsive design)
- JavaScript (ES6)
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for any enhancements or bug fixes.
If you like this project, don’t forget to ⭐ the repository and share your feedback!