Sorald is a tool to automatically repair violations of static analysis rules checked with SonarQube. It can currently repair violations of 25+ rules based on the design described in Sorald: Automatic Patch Suggestions for SonarQube Static Analysis Violations (doi:10.1109/TDSC.2022.3167316).
If you use Sorald in an academic context, please copy BibTeX or APA citation from the citation widget on the sidebar of main page.
Sorald supports macOS, Linux, and Windows.
For running Sorald, all you need is a Java 11+ runtime.
For building Sorald from source, you need a Java 11+ JDK, Maven >=3.6.3, and Git.
Sorald is available as a maven-plugin
so you can run it from the command line with Maven.
mvn se.kth.castor:sorald:repair -DruleKey=<ruleKey>
Note: Sorald
is still in rudimentary stages. We have added two goals to it -mine
. They both are analogous to the CLI tool. However, not all parameters are supported yet. We are working on adding more.
goal of maven-help-plugin to see the list of parameters supported by the plugin. Example:mvn help:describe -Dplugin=se.kth.castor:sorald -Ddetail
For example, the following commands repair violations of S1132
in SonarSource/sonar-scanner-cli@5c518d6.
# Cloning and moving into the project
git clone [email protected]:SonarSource/sonar-scanner-cli.git
cd sonar-scanner-cli/
git checkout 5c518d6a
# Running Sorald
mvn se.kth.castor:sorald:repair -DruleKey=S1132
# Checking the result
git diff
You may also see the demo video:
To run Sorald, you need to first get your hands on the program. You can do this
either by building from source, or going to the latest
release and
downloading the file called sorald-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar
under Assets
. Unless you keep multiple versions of Sorald, we recommend
renaming the JAR to sorald.jar
for the sake of simplicity.
Clone this repository:
git clone
$ cd sorald
$ mvn package -DskipUnitTests
$ cp sorald/target/sorald-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar sorald.jar
The Sorald application can now be found in sorald.jar
in the current working
Sorald can perform two different tasks: automatically repair violations of Sonar rules in a
project, or mine projects for rule violations. These two modes of operations
are available as the two commands repair
and mine
, respectively.
For the remainder of this section, assume that we have defined the following alias:
alias sorald='java -jar /abs/path/to/sorald.jar'
If you don't like using aliases, simply substitute in java -jar sorald.jar
for any occurrence of sorald
in these instructions.
To repair rule violations, use the repair
$ sorald repair <arguments ...>
Basic usage consists of specifying a project to target and a rule to repair
violations of. The available rules can be found here,
and are specified by their key. For example, to repair violations of the rule
2111: "BigDecimal(double)" should not be used
in a project at
, one can invoke Sorald like so.
$ sorald repair --source some/project/path --rule-key 2111
The full list of options is documented here
(and can also be found by running sorald repair --help
To mine projects for Sonar warnings, use the mine
command. Its most basic
usage consists of simply pointing it to a project directory.
$ sorald mine --source path/to/project
It will then output statistics for that project with the Sonar checks available in Sorald.
Another option is to execute the miner on a list of remote Git repositories, which can be done like so.
$ sorald mine --stats-on-git-repos --git-repos-list repos.txt --stats-output-file output.txt --temp-dir /tmp
The --gitReposList
should be a plain text file with one remote repository url
) per line. Sorald clones each
repository and runs Sonar checks on the head of the default branch.
The full list of options documented here
(and can also be found by running sorald mine --help
To run Sorald on projects towards proposing fixes in the form of PRs, look at this Git repository for an example. In it, Sorald is ran on the three Apache projects defined in the projects_for_model_1.txt file.
Our releases are signed using travis-gumtree-spoon
's GPG key. The key is hosted
You may run the following commands to verify the signature of a release.
gpg --recv-keys 1429025e3eda19a5
gpg --verify sorald-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar.asc
This signature is a type of detaached signature, so you need to have the JAR file as well to verify the signature.
"Sorald: Automatic Patch Suggestions for SonarQube Static Analysis Violations" (Khashayar Etemadi, Nicolas Harrand, Simon Larsen, Haris Adzemovic, Henry Luong Phu, Ashutosh Verma, Fernanda Madeiral, Douglas Wikstrom and Martin Monperrus), Technical report, arXiv 2103.12033, 2021.
"A template-based approach to automatic program repair of Sonarqube static warnings", by Haris Adzemovic, Master's thesis, KTH, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), 2020. (bibtex)
Sorald-Experiments repository includes the data related to our experiments with Sorald that are part of a recently conducted research project.
If you relate to #755, a convenient solution has been integrated to this repository. We have created a workflow called combine-prs.yml that allows you to combine pull requests into one so that all those PRs can be merged at once. It is inspired by
Please read the following steps to trigger the workflow.
Go to combine-prs action.
Click on the drop-down "Run workflow". You will see a window to accept inputs for the workflow.
Finally, clicking "Run workflow" triggers the workflow to create a pull request containing commits from all branches that satisfied the input. Example: #770.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues on this GitHub repository, and also to open pull requests for making this project nicer (see instructions here).